The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2399: Tens of thousands of singers

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It is Li lazy and light moon dance and other people who have been with Xu Ziyan for nearly a year, I feel the extraordinary of Xu Ziyan. Although it is not certain that Xu Ziyan is a fairy strategist, they are faintly convinced that even a large array of imaginary and hopeless cities is not laid by Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan should also be a fairy singer with a low grade. So they also returned to the side of Xu Ziyan. And their sects did not bind them in this respect. Now everyone needs to be wary of the Mozu and the Yaozu, not the Taixu.

As for Jin Ge and Hua Gu Ren, I have learned from my father that Xu Ziyan is well-versed in the Danfu Array, although it is not as good as the lord of the Danfu Array, but it is not far behind. Therefore, the two men also came back with a blue sea and a building like a cloud.

Only Xuan Daozi stayed in the array for a while, got a deeper understanding of the disc, and then took Xu Tianqi toward Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan, go see?" Xuan Daozi used his eyes to indicate the disc in the middle.

Xu Ziyan looked at the middle of the disc and nodded. Xu Ziyan, Xuan Daozi and Xu Tianqi walked toward the middle disc.

The eyes of the four demon statues looked at Xu Ziyan, and they said to each other: "That is Xu Ziyan? Do we want to kill her?"

"After waiting to open the entrance to the ruins, don't let the fierce conflict with the Terran."

"There is any conflict! The relationship between Taixu and other Terran sects seems to be bad. The Terran may not help her."

"It is said that Xu Ziyan also understands some methods, it is better to wait first. Anyway, these people can not escape!"

At this time, the three demon statues also heard the voice there: "This Xu Ziyan is very similar to the purple master!"

"Not bad! But she doesn't have a trace of magic on her body, and the magic of the purple master is very rich."

"Would she be a purple master?"

"No! A person's appearance will be like another person, but the practice of cultivation will not be so bad."

"But I think she is still very similar!"

"It doesn't look like she is. She killed our Mozu in Wangxian City and refused us to enter the city of Wangxian. This feud must be reported. Wait until the entrance to the relics is open, it is her death."

Xu Ziyan stood behind the crowd around the disc. At this time, the disc was already full of monks and surrounded by a good layer. There, they studied the ban on the disk. There were tens of thousands of people, surrounded by discs in layers, one by one.

Xu Ziyan glanced at the monks, and his face could not help but show a smile. What are these people! No one is a congenital squad, but he is standing here to study the ban on the entrance to the ancient ruins. Is the ban on the entrance of the ancient gates of the ancestors of the ancient ancestor below the congenital line?

Moreover, the knowledge of these people is scanned around the disc. From time to time, the gods collide with each other, and the tens of thousands of gods cause confusion. So how do you study and crack these bans?

Xuan Daozi is not welcome. The identity of his ancestor was placed there, and regardless of his hand, he gently patted the shoulders of the former monk:

"This friend, please let it!"

The former monk was angry at the time, and he had a little thought. Perhaps it was him who cracked the mountain gate. Since then, it will be famous on the mainland. So he did not return to the head and said:


The look of Xuan Daozi was a stiff, but the monk’s explosion of this monk shocked the sect of the sect who was meditating around and disturbed the monks. Unable to be furious, looking back at this side. However, some people immediately recognized Xuan Daozi. The identity of Xuan Daozi is still very famous in the fairy sect. How can the minority of the ancestors have no name?

These people immediately greeted the Xuan Daozi: "Small lords!"

The sects of the sects greeted him and alerted the singer in front of Xuan Daozi. The fairy singer looked back. The person who had just slandered "rolling" turned out to be the young master of the sect. This sweat came down and hurriedly handed over to Xuan Daozi:

"Xiao Shao..."

Xuan Daozi has been with Xu Ziyan for nearly a year, and his heart is much wider. He smiled and said:

"Working hard!"

"Not bothering! Don't bother!" The singer hurriedly slammed his body away.

Xuan Daozi turned to Xu Ziyan with a smile: "Ziyan, please!"

Xu Ziyan lost interest at this time. She had no interest in the formation. Moreover, she is not interested in the sect. She is not interested in the Tianmen of the lord. How can she care about the inheritance of a sect?

As the Yanshan Soul said, each monk has his own way, drawing on the experience of his predecessors. But completely walking the path of the predecessors, it is impossible to surpass the predecessors. What's more, Xu Ziyan has now found his own way. As long as he constantly integrates his own attributes, he can reach the peak of Tianzun's later stage, and integrate the bridge of heaven and earth to lead to the holy level.

Tens of thousands of people are crowded together, although it is open air, but the air quality is also very bad. So Xu Ziyan shook his head decisively.

"Xuan brother, I still can't go!"

Xuan Daozi stunned, but did not force the purple smoke, nodded, and walked in with Xu Tianqi. Xu Ziyan immediately turned to the station where Taixu was stationed. Those fairy singers looked at the back of Xu Ziyan with contempt, one by one:

"You just go in, can you understand?"

Xu Ziyan returned to the place where Taixu was stationed. Langyue asked strangely: "Little sister, why don't you crack the mountain gate of the ruins?"

"The air quality is not good!" Xu Ziyan glanced at the crowded crowd.

The monks suddenly stunned, and then looked at Xu Ziyan with a smile. However, Ma Jingying, the light moon dance and other women repaired one by one, expressing their approval of Xu Ziyan's point of view.

Xu Ziyan has a dispensable mentality for the ancestral heritage, and naturally will not grab this limelight. The idea in her mind is that, with this time, it is better to fuse the light attributes into the six attributes.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has integrated the six attributes of Jinmu Shuihuo to the realm of Xiaocheng, forming an auspicious ring. The light attribute has been merged with the six attributes of the Aegis. The time and space properties are still separate, but the wind and dark properties have been merged into the Great Perfection.

What Xu Ziyan wants to do now is to fuse the light attribute into the six-element mystery ring, and merge the six-element auspicious ring into the seven-element auspicious ring.

However, she could not leave here. After all, Jin Ge and other monks gathered around themselves, and it was not good to leave. So Xu Ziyan simply took a chair from the storage ring and sat down. The other monks saw this. They also took a chair from the storage ring and took a chair to sit down. They even took it out and drank it. The monks around have attracted attention.

Xu Ziyan does not have a sacred brew, but sinks his mind and wants to integrate the light attributes into the six attributes. However, at this time, in the knowledge of God, I heard the call of the first one. Xu Ziyan will sink into the sacred knowledge and enter the purple smoke space, and come to the front of the array to turn into a human form and ask:

"Just one, what is it that calls me?"

"Master, I want to see the ban on the mountain gates!"

Xu Ziyan said: "How do you know that there is a ban on mountain gates?"

"I told him." The water of a palm suddenly appeared and jumped to the shoulder of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan is amazed, and they can't freely shuttle through the purple smoke space. The water in the palm of the hand can be freely shuttled.

"Well, I will take you to see!"

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan took back the knowledge of the gods. First, let the chaos be adjusted to the peak of the late stage of the land. Xu Ziyan did not intend to hide his own cultivation, but he could not let the chaos appear as the peak of the late Tianzun.

And chaos switched the body, and then Xu Ziyan controlled the purple smoke space to fly into the air. Nowadays, with the cultivation of Xu Ziyan, she has already determined that even the peak of Tian Zun's late stage can not find the purple smoke space that has grown up.

The monks' energies were concentrated on the squadrons in the middle of the battle, but they did not pay attention to Xu Ziyan. Just sitting around Xu Ziyan and other people feel the change of breath on Xu Ziyan. The same is the realm of the land, or can be vaguely seen in the chaos revealed by the chaos, one by one is not surprised:

"Hui Ziyan is in the late stage of the peak? It seems that there is a breakthrough in the Thunder Xianfu!"

One can not help but show the envy of the face, but saw Xu Ziyan closed their eyes, these people also did not disturb Xu Ziyan, but did not understand why Xu Ziyan suddenly exposed his own cultivation.

Xu Ziyan controlled the purple smoke space to rise above the disk, and then the first **** of the array was pulled into his own sea of ​​knowledge, looking through the eyes of the disc below.

When I saw it for about a quarter of an hour, I said to Xu Ziyan in the sea of ​​knowledge: "Master, can you open a space crack and let my gods transmit it?"

Xu Ziyan glanced at those Tianzun, especially the three demon statues and the four demon statues. I thought about it for a moment. At this time, the gods are very confused. The tens of thousands of gods are intertwined here. They may not be able to find a space crack.

So Xu Ziyan opened the space of the purple smoke, while watching the three great devils and the four demon statues with vigilance. The three demon statues and the four demon statues really did not pay attention to the sky. They did not even pay attention to the broken monks, but closed their eyes. They have been paying attention for a few months and have lost their initial excitement. Anyway, once the relics of the relics are opened, they will surely alarm them.

Seeing that no monk noticed, Xu Ziyan would be careful when he took it, and then he would pass the knowledge out, but he would take it back after a sweep, and he said with a sad face:

"Master, the following gods are too messy! Master, can you let me see with Peng Peng?"


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