The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2408: Devouring

I am very grateful to the large flying pig classmates (588), Jie Jie classmates (200), evil master classmates (100), Lin Ziyu classmates (100), confused pigeon classmates (100), mableip classmates (100), Mu Yuexue Shadow classmates (100) reward!


Xu Ziyan observed silently for a while, knowing that chaos is also difficult to kill Mafa. After all, everyone is the peak of Tianzun.

And if the Mafa Demon wants to escape, the chaos is hard to stop. But it does not delay the chaos of Marva, and it can be seen that the atmosphere of Marfa is weakening. If Marfa does not choose to escape, it may indeed fall to this place.


Mafa Mozun finally felt the danger, he knew that he could not go on like this anymore.


How many years have not tasted the taste of failure, even if it was not defeated with other demon statues, demon statues, and the dreams of the Terran, but today it was lost in the hands of a young girl. .

Marfa was so depressed that he vomited blood, but knew that he should make a choice, and the choice to escape shame!


Once again, Marfa’s body was bombarded with chaos. He tore a space crack and his body disappeared into space. The chaotic body was just about to be pursued, and it was stopped by Xu Ziyan. The monks of the Taixu are all here, and Xu Ziyan is hard to worry about killing Mafa.

Over there, the demon lord saw that Marfa fled, and he was at a disadvantage. He no longer loved the war, tearing open a space crack and fleeing, leaving only a sentence floating in the air:

"Too virtual, I will not let you go!"

There is silence all around, only the wind whistling...


A voice suddenly sounded, and the eyes of everyone were drawn to the past. However, the mysterious spirit is staring at the entrance to the mountain gate.

At this point two large characters appeared on the disc:


Isn't this the entrance to the mountain gate? How did it become a forbidden place?

The eyes of the monks could not help but look at the mysterious spirit. The remaining two demon statues and the three demon statues also regained their gaze from Xu Ziyan's body, and they looked at each other and read the meaning of each other from the other's eyes:

"Xu Ziyan must die!"

Then these five days of esteem fell on the disc. The eyes are also a shock.

"Xuandaoyou, what is going on here?" asked the deputy lord of Shenji Zong.

The look of Xuan Kong Ling recovered and gently shook his head: "According to the records, there are three heavens in the ancient ancestor. One is the entrance to the mountain gate of the sect, and the other is the sacred body of the sect. At the entrance, a piece of the sky is the entrance to the forbidden area.

Originally thought that this disc would be the entrance to the mountain gate, I did not expect it would be the entrance to the forbidden area. It seems that at the time of the great destruction of the ancient times, the array had been broken into pieces, and this forbidden place should be one of the fragments. ”

Once again, the silence around, everyone knows what the forbidden land means?

It means danger!

No matter what is inside, it means danger. Especially this is the forbidden place of the ancient sect, which means extreme danger!

At this time, Xu Ziyan had switched to the body again and took thousands of miles to fall from the air, thinking about whether or not to go in.

The monks are thinking about this issue. Since it is forbidden, it means that there will be no inheritance here, but it does not mean that there is no treasure inside.

The look of the mysterious spirit gradually strengthened, whether it was a place of inheritance or a forbidden place, since it was left by the ancient ancestors. As a disciple of today's sect, you must go in and have a look.

"You friends!" Xuan Kong Ling said: "This is the forbidden place of the sect, so as a disciple, you must go in and see. You are free!"

When the words fall, Xuan Kong spirit jumps, and then falls toward the disc. As soon as the figure falls onto the disc, it jumps into a spring water, smashing into a circle and disappearing into the disc.


The disciples of the sects fell on the disc one by one. Disappeared within the disc. With the leadership of the sect of the sect, a group of monks jumped onto the disc and disappeared onto the disc.

"Ziyan!" Looking at Xu Ziyan by Wanli.


Xu Ziyan jumped and jumped over the disc, and a group of monks leaped behind him.

Once inside the disc, it enters a space. This space gives people a feeling of only two words:


The endless black land is cracked into pieces, like tortoise shells. A lonely atmosphere enveloped the monks, even if there were more than a million monks in this space at this time, the demon had. But still give people a sense of loneliness.

The whole space is too big! There is no margin, desolateness and loneliness that hit the hearts of every monk.

At first glance, there is nothing in the field of vision, no mountains, no water, no trees, no grass...

Only the dry black land, stepping on the foot, a hard feeling. The sound of footsteps echoed in the space, and it seemed more lonely in the lonely space. Even if it was among a million people, it felt like being alone.

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kun Peng and looked to the front. The mysterious spirit who walked in the forefront also took out a bead and held it in his hand. No one is flying, and every monk is walking on foot.

After three hours.

Walking in the forefront of the mysterious air, the footsteps, he stopped, all the monks stopped, and millions of eyes gathered on him.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed a huge array of eyes. Xu Ziyan slightly narrowed his eyes, and the blue strobe flashed in his eyes. He saw the darkness inside through the array, and his vision could not be far.

"You friends!" Xuan Kong Ling glanced at the bead that was shining at the moment: "Going forward is a fairy. If you go in, it is up to you."

When the words fall, Xuan Kong Ling strides toward the fairy tales.

Xu Zi’s mother smoked the background of Xuan Kong Ling, and she doubted whether Xuan Kong Ling could enter the fairy tales.


Xuan Kong Ling seems to have passed through a water curtain, and his figure disappeared into the fairy tales. The look of Xu Ziyan was a glimpse. As the monks entered the fairy tales one by one, they also walked toward the fairy tales.


Just like crossing a water curtain, the shape of Xu Ziyan entered the fairy tales. Xu Ziyan turned back and extended a hand and pressed it down.


Xu Ziyan was bounced back, his look changed slightly, and his heart was clear that this fairy squad is a fairy squad that Xu Jin does not allow. Immediately know the array in the sea:

"Array one, can this array be cracked?"

As soon as the array released the gods, he probed the road: "Master. This fairy squad I can't break it for a while, it exceeds my ability."

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a glimpse, so these monks who come in can’t go out again! What is the place here? Why do you have to spend such a large array here, what is the forbidden land?

At this time, all the monks came in and out. Taixu Zun and Lang Yue, Jin Ge and others are standing around Xu Ziyan, looking at Xu Ziyan asked:

"what happened?"

Xu Ziyan snorted and said: "We can't get out!"

"Can't get out?" The monks changed their minds, and some people immediately tried to go out, but they all bounced back without any accident. One by one looks at the eyes of Xu Ziyan.

Their actions were seen by the people of the Xian dynasty. They did not have a flustered one by one and tried them all. It was a failure to be bounced back without any accident.

Looking at the eyes that everyone is looking forward to, Xu Ziyan looked up at the unknown front and whispered:

"Let's go, maybe the way out!"

The monks listened and listened to them. This is a helpless result, but also a hope in my heart, maybe the way out is really ahead.

Xu Ziyan walked slowly and forward, and the gods spread to the surrounding area. There is no isolation from the gods. But in the exploration of the gods is also a dark.

Xu Ziyan just just explored the gods, and the heart was a shock. She felt that the attributes here were very vague and hate clear.

It is clear that you can feel the existence of various attributes.

Fuzzy but the existence of various attributes is not independent, it seems to be in a semi-fusion state, unlike outside, various attributes are almost always existed as independent individuals, and gold is gold. Wood is wood...

This is a feeling of confusion and integration...

Xu Ziyan was immediately immersed in this feeling. Gradually she seemed to feel that the attributes of this space seemed to be in control of the space, and it seemed to be in harmony...


The properties of Xu Ziyan's body have ran up. In the endless depth of the purple smoke space, several light sources began to shake up. The wind-dark light source is now the most powerful fusion, and it is already a great perfection. Start slowly rotating, releasing endless gravitation and want to fuse other sources.

Although the time and space light sources are struggling to break free, they are still extremely slow. The six-element Aegean ring was even more violent, holding a large, half-fused light property and swaying toward the dark light source.

"砰". Hit the wind and dark attributes.

The wind and dark attributes are also not weak, pulling out a gray light to fly the Aegean ring...

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan spurted out a blood.

"Ziyan!" Lang Yue and others around him looked at her with anxiety.

Xu Ziyan woke up from the epiphany, and she immediately noticed a problem in the purple smoke space. Quickly and chaotically switched the body and entered the purple smoke space, and immediately found that the entire purple smoke space was shaking, and each planet was in a very unstable running track.

I don't know what happened! Xu Ziyan immediately became the heaven of the purple smoke space, and the heart was shocked. The gods penetrated into the endless depth.

Just in an instant, she saw a ring and a light group in the fight. There are also two light groups hiding in the distance.

" the source of strength. The aura is the original strength of the fusion of the six attributes of Jinmu Shuihulei. The fusion of the majority is the light attribute. The gray light group is the wind and the dark, hiding in the periphery is the time and space……

But... why are they playing? ”

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan remembered the epiphany that he had just entered.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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