"Uncle Qin Yang, the power of blood sea does not seem strong!" Xu Xing screamed.

"First stable!" Xu Qinyang ten fingers move like the wind.


The monk of the **** machine built a gossip array, and the body shape of the air **** machine monk has disappeared, turning into a huge gossip disk. In the center of the gossip plate is a huge heart, circling toward the **** sea. . The blood sea was stirred by the gossip plate, forming a huge **** vortex, smashing the blood.


The Stars of the monks built a large array of stars, like a star river rushing into the sea of ​​blood, a **** wave collapsed, turned into a smoke, dissipated in space.


The monk of Danzong set up a large furnace of heaven and earth, turned into a huge medicine trip, and sucked blood waves into the melting pot of the heavens and the earth.


On the top of Fu Zong's head, a huge golden symbol was transformed. The rain of the sky was shot from the scorpion, and the blood waves were wiped out.


On the head of the monk of the sect, there is also a huge refinery tripod, which will inhale a blood wave into the interior of the dynasty.


The sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sorrows of


Master Zhai Zong built a big five-line battle, five lines of rotation, and blood and sea broken.


Luo Tianzong monk built a big Luotian sword array, like a Jianshan rampage.


Tian Xiangzong monk built a Tianxiang array and turned it into a sea of ​​flowers, spreading toward the **** sea.


Under the leadership of the three demon statues, all the demon people have revealed their ontology and are enchanting.

Mellon Tianzun and Zinfang Tianzun looked at each other and the space in the scorpion disappeared. They found that this blood sea was not terrible, so the power of the demon statue was full, leading the Mozu to kill the blood.

"Stars. Change, two dragons out of the water! Stars illusion, out!"

Xu Qinyang screamed and the three talents turned. Turned into two dragons out of the water, the two leading are Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan. The star illusion exploded from the hands of the two, and the two nebulae were generated in the blood, expanding, spreading, crushing...

The monks behind him showed their power, and the blood sea was broken in the tumbling of the two dragons...

The **** sea is shrinking and shrinking in the continuous strangulation of the three tribes. This is not a contraction, but is eliminated by the tribes.

Suddenly. The **** sea is shrinking sharply, this time it is a real contraction, not a annihilation. Only in an instant, the **** sea will shrink to a few squares. Then I slammed it out like a huge **** face on a long neck. A big mouth slowly opened.


A vomiting sound, from which a large mouth is ejected with dense blood spots, which are lasing toward the tribes of the tribes, exploding in space, turning into a blood man, and slamming down to the tribes.


The tribes of the tribes have no fear at this time, although there are constantly monks falling. But they have already seen the hope of victory.


The two great demon statues and the three demon statues rise to the sky, breaking through the layers of blood people, killing the giant face in the air.


The **** face roared, and five blood faces from his neck were swallowed toward the peaks of the five days. At this time, the whole space was divided into two battlefields. Below are the three tribes and the boundless **** battles. The top is the five peaks of the late Tianfeng and five huge **** battles.

"Star burst!"

Xu Qinyang grabbed the strings together and pulled them loose.


The strings are turbulent. A galaxy blasted, and a huge cloud of Ganoderma lucidum rose in the air. The blood people in a circle were bursting, and a hollow appeared in the sky covered by blood. Xu Qinyang looked up and saw the five peaks of the five great Tianzun and the five **** faces on the blood column.


The deputy lords of the nine major sects went to the sky. However, the endless powers emanating from the air battles have been forced down, and the nine major sects have appeared in the eyes of anxiety. This blood man is almost endless, and their hearts are very clear. If they can't defeat the blood column with a huge face, this will be an endless battle, and eventually the tribes will be dragged and destroyed.

At this time, Xu Qinyang has a feeling that this blood sea seems to be relatively weak against the defense of the soul attack.

"Change the six-in-one!"

The two dragons meet and instantly become a six-in-one array. Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan stand in the center. Xu Qinyang took out a surge of Dan and swallowed it, and his breath rose rapidly.

"Xingfan, here is yours!"

When the words fall, Xu Qinyang's figure is like a sharp arrow and rushes into the air. The power of the air fighters forced him to come to Xu Qinyang. Xu Qinyang’s body shape flew away from the distance, and he flew back to resist the kind of power before he stopped in the air. Sitting on the air in the big legs, a guqin is placed on the lap, and both hands pull out the shadows to shake the strings.

A little starlight appeared in the middle of the five blood faces, then blasted and turned into a little starlight, and then a cluster of galaxies hovered and crushed the blood column in the middle.


Two blood faces were born from the blood column, and a **** face swallowed away from the galaxies in the air. The blood column under the **** face suddenly extended, like the dragon's water flowing out to the distant Xu Qinyang. The **** face opened his mouth and swallowed away to Xu Qinyang.


Take the tens of thousands of miles and the sword's imaginary body, and the two swords in the air will smash into the giant face.


The huge face was divided into three, and the two blood faces were rushed toward the Wanli and the sword. A **** face was still swallowed up by Xu Qinyang.

Below, in the six-team. In the hands of the light moon dance, I don’t know when there is a bow, and an arrow that can kill a peak of Tianzun’s early stage is placed on the bow.

Pulling a bow like a full moon, the arrow looks like a meteor!


An arrow burst out with a ray of light, and the eyebrows of the **** face were in the middle.


The arrow blew up.


A screaming scream, there was a crack above the **** face.

"Uncle Sirius, here is yours!"

Xu Xingfan’s body blasted out, and after taking the violent increase, the body’s breath suddenly increased to the peak of Tianzun’s early stage. The seven-hole sword in his hand made a sword in the air and went to the cracked face. .


The sword has not yet arrived, and a little starlight has hit the middle of the **** face. The starlight burst into flames and turned into a group of galaxies.

"Oh..." The **** face gave a mourning.


Swordsman hit the **** face. The **** face that has been full of cracks has collapsed.

Xu Xingfan hovered in the air, and the two swords were thrown out. The stars smashed and pressed the two blood faces in front of the Wanli and the sword. The two blood faces began to distort. It seems to be unable to withstand the magical soul attack.


Take the Wanli and the sword without a virtual sword, and the two blood faces are broken.


The five blood faces that are fighting with the peaks of the five great Tianzuns can't stand the crushing of Xu Qinyang's stars, and they are bombarded by two great demon statues and three big demon statues.


The whole blood column began to collapse, and collapsed from the sky to the bottom. The whole space was stirring.

The **** sea disappeared, and the **** people lost their support and were quickly wiped out by the tribes. At this time the monks were standing in the air and looking down.

Below is a dark and deep hole, as if a big mouth is waiting...

"Qin Yang!" The light moon dance flew to the side of Xu Qinyang.

"Moon dance, thank you for that arrow!"

"Qin Yang!" Xu Tianwo flew to the side of Xu Qinyang. The look looked at the hole below.

"Sirius, it seems that the real danger is still inside the cave."

"Yes! What do we do?"

"Since it is here, I have to find out!"

At this time, the two great demon statues and the three demon statues flew over to Xu Qinyang. The strength of the Wanli and the sword has been recognized by the five peaks of the late Tianzun. You don't have to say it in a thousand miles. They did not think that the sword is not empty and has the fighting power of the peak of the late Tianzun.

"Take a friend, no vain friend!" Mellon demon stunned his body and walked toward Wanli and Jianwu. "How do we join forces to find out?"

Take the Wanli and the sword and look back at Xu Qinyang and Langyue. Xu Qinyang said with a smile: "The two predecessors do not have to worry about us."

"By predecessors, Master, we can take care of ourselves!"

Take a thousand miles and the sword nodded, how to turn the first road: "When?"

"Now!" Mellon said.

"it is good!"

The seven figures swooped down to the bottom and disappeared instantly into the hole. The monks were quietly waiting in the air. This is an hour, and there is no sound coming out of the hole. The seven great gods did not return, and no **** people appeared.

Xu Qinyang's eyes flickered and eventually became firm: "Let's go!"

Xu Tianwo has a tight hand in the autumn glass watershed: "I have long wanted to go!"


Xu Qinyang and Xu Tianlang took the lead and swooped down, followed by a figure behind them. The deputy lords of the Nine Zongmen did not wait any longer, and swooped down toward the cave. Then the tribes of the tribes flew toward the hole.

Enter into the cave. Xu Qinyang slowed down. There was a dark and deep sigh in front of him, and there was a dark red glow. The surrounding is very quiet, and only the monk's clothes can be heard in the empty cave.

Broken mountain range.

The peak of the lonely peak.

The robbery clouds in the sky dissipated, and a colorful light descended from the sky, wrapping the body of Xu Ziyan inside. Xu Ziyan’s early breath of Tian Zun gradually stabilized. She felt that her body had been tempered by the power of Thunder. It is approaching the third level of the Holy Level.

After three hours, the colorful radiance dissipated, and the body shape of Xu Ziyan appeared inside. Suddenly, his gaze suddenly exploded, and his body suddenly exploded, watching a purple robe old man on the opposite side.


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