The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2420: Yaozu’s decision

"Please enlighten me ancestors!" Xu Chengzhi said respectfully.

"That is what you didn't realize at all, or the whole Xu family is used to it. Do you think that Xu family is too embarrassed on the mainland? I just listened to Cheng Zhi's mentality of reporting some things and can infer the current Xu family. The monk’s embarrassment, I am afraid that there have been many embarrassing things, and even the bullying of the female dominance has occurred?"

The voice of Xu Ziyan became colder and colder, and Xu Chengzhi and others slowly lowered their heads.

"You don't have to be dissatisfied. I thought that when we made our family down, there were even a few branches that became slaves to others. Some branches were bullied by the South, and many family disciples were buried and displaced. Has it been forgotten for only a hundred years?

Do unto others, do not impose on others! What is the difference between you and the nouveau riche?

Xu Jia is only a family, can it really resist the whole continent? You are the road to death, and Xu will eventually fall in your hands.

Also, this temper is hard to change once it is raised. Xu family is now at the top of the mainland, but after you have ascended? Still this temper? The monk who just ascended up is like an ant, is this temper not a death? ”

Xu Chengzhi and others are all flushed, and one heart is secretly saying: "Yes, Xu family is the top presence in the vast mainland. Everyone is afraid of Xu. It is a refinery disciple of Xu family who can also be arrogant outside. But after flying, ?"

Xu Ziyan still calmly said: "The lower galaxies that you first came to after flying, the Xu family in the lower galaxies is not as strong as it is on the mainland. The Xu family is only one of the billionaires in the lower galaxies. Xu needs You are going to make the family stronger, instead of letting you develop a sly temper and die in the future."

"We are wrong!" Xu Chengzhi whispered.

"We are wrong!" All the Xu family high-level monks are also shy.

"You go down. This time the family will be well reorganized."


Looking at the figure of the people who quit, Xu Ziyan shook his head gently. Now Xu family is on thin ice in the Upper Yuan Dynasty. They did not expect these Xu disciples on the mainland to make a fortune. I don't know how the Xu family of the lower galaxies, it seems that we need to take a look.

In the next few days, Xu Haoguang and his wife have been retreating. The forces of all parties on the entire mainland have also received news that Xu Ziyan returned to the Lotus Peak.

One by one, I was terrified, and Xu was already awkward. Now Xu Ziyan is back. Are there other people living alive? But these people immediately prepared gifts at the fastest speed toward the Lotus Peak.

Do you dare not come?

Xu Ziyan can not see you, but you can't not come, this is the rule.

Once entered the Xu family. These monks immediately felt that the Xu disciples were different from the past and became much polite. And Xu Ziyan also personally met them. No matter what gift they sent, Xu Ziyan smiled and collected them, and then gave them a medicinal medicine.

It’s just that this remedy is far better than the gift they sent. Later, I went through multiple inquiries. I was sighed by the content of Xu Ziyan’s words.

This is the expert!

Xu Ziyan did not take her parents at all. She was originally prepared to bring her parents to the lower galaxies and let her parents adjust to the concentration of the fairy tales. But seeing the physical condition of the parents, Xu Ziyan finally gave up. The physical condition of the Xu Haoguang couple is really not suitable for the fairyland. Even if it is a lower galaxies, suddenly the strong Yuan will destroy their bodies. In the end, Xu Ziyan decided to wait until the parents practiced to the refining period, and they had certain resistance and then took them to the fairyland.


The five-color Emperor Dragon King, who was crying and crying, rushed toward Longzu, who was in front of the ball of light.


The circle was revealed in midair. Turning into a giant dragon, opened a big mouth and swallowed away to the body of Longzu...

"Not good. He wants to devour the body of the dragon ancestors!" The lord exclaimed.

At this time, the four holy levels of mind instantly understood the decision of the Five-Colored Dragon King. Staying here is finally killed by the lord, the demon, the Yanshan soul and the Kuitian. If the adventure can swallow the body of the dragon ancestors, maybe there is a chance to fight back. Therefore, the five-color Huanglong Wang fights.

The lord, the demon Lord, the Yanshan Soul and the Quebec did not move, just nervously looking at the body of the five-color Huanglongwang farther and farther...

On the Yuanyuan continent, at a remote cliff hole in the Wuthering Mountains, Xu Xiang stood in the hole and looked in the direction of Taixu. At this time, his body did not feel a trace of magic, just like the human race. Xu Ziyan gave him a complete cover. Slowly regained his gaze and muttered to himself:

"Ziyan sister, the demon Lord appeared. Although he has not returned to the Mozu Holy Land at this time, but I can not stay there again. However, I can not go to Taixu, it will give Taixu And my sister brought the scourge."

Reflexively walked into the cave and opened a fairy charm, and the entire cave was turned into a cliff. Xu ringed his knees and sat down in the hole, then took out the medicinal herbs and began to practice.

The demon territory.

The land of the demon lord finally flew three big demon statues. Moreover, the things that have been degraded to the enchanting gates of the demon are also passed to the demon territory.

"The Huangling demon statue, we can't let the sky go to the door of the Taixu sect. He is there for a day, which is the shame of our demon day."

"What do you say?" Huang Ling slammed the snake.

"We are going to attack Taixu!" Ba snake stood up.

"Teaching too imaginary? Are we now Xu Ziyan's opponent?" Huang Ling smiled coldly.

"Any of us are opponents of Xu Ziyan, but what about the three of us?"

"The last time we were seven of our team, isn't it a fold?"

Another demon statue on the side said: "I can't say that, the last time was Xu Ziyan sneak attack."

"Even if Xu Ziyan does not attack, the trick she released, can you pick up the two?" Huang Ling said faintly.

"Can't take it!" Bai Xiang shook his head. "But it doesn't fall down immediately. In fact, we just have to look at the sky and now we are still at the door of the Taixu sect. I know that Xu Ziyan's trick is powerful, but it has not killed. Since the sky can not die, we naturally will not fall under her trick.

This is still in the case of one-on-one, if two-on-one, three-on-one? The most important thing is that when the purple smoke was angry, she would not let us go if she had enough strength, but she did not catch up with us. What does this mean? This shows that Xu Ziyan can make up the kind of fairy twice. Then I am afraid that I have taken the time in his body. At that time, don't say that we are shooting, that is, an ordinary demon can kill Xu Ziyan.

Therefore, as long as we can join forces to block the two styles of Xu Ziyan, Taixu will be destroyed. ”

"There is another ride!"

"Huangling, you have to be clear. If we don't take risks now, wait a thousand years, and wait until Xu Ziyan's repairs are to break through again, we will only have one dead end. Now we have a certain advantage, even if they still have a ride. Miles. By the time you are entangled in thousands of miles, the two of us deal with Xu Ziyan. To make up our Yaozu, it is to use the body of the Yaozu to bury the Taixu."

Xu Ziyan left a lot of remedies for his parents and then left the mainland. At this time, she was walking in the Xujiaxian country. The knowledge spread and she quickly caught Xu Qingxue. At this time, the next galactic system, Xu Ziyan does not want to move the public. There is nothing in the small world like the Cangwu mainland. It is fearful that it will cause a sensation when the traces of the lower galaxies are revealed.

Xu Qingxue is now in his own medicine garden, holding a medicinal sputum in his hand is weeding. Suddenly, I felt a darkness in front of me, and Huo Ran looked up, and the medicine in her hand fell to the ground.

"Ziyan... sister... is that you?"

"Clear snow, it's me!" Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's already a fairy!"

Xu Qingxue's face was shy and said: "Sisters don't make fun of me!"

Xu Ziyan pointed to a stone bench in the medicine garden: "Clear snow, let's go there and talk!"


Xu Qingxue was light, and two people came to the stone bench to sit down. Xu Qingxue did not wait for Xu Ziyan to ask questions, and then began to fly himself to the next meta-galaxies.

In the sky, there was a sound of smashing the air. A young man’s figure fell from the sky, and even the purple smoke did not look at it. He just looked at Xu Qingxue and said:

"Snow sister!"

Xu Qingxue's look is a cold. Originally, Xu Qingxue was a cold temper. Now it looks cold again, just like an iceberg.

"Snow sister, I know that at this time, you must be in the medicine garden. I will help you weed!"

Xu Qingxue saw Xu Ziyan sitting on the side and laughing and watching. His face was anxious: "The Tianhong brothers, I will take care of my own medicine garden, and I will not care for my brothers!"

"This way!" Xu Tianhong said without hesitation: "Sister Qing Xue, can we two teams go out to hunt the monsters?"

"Don't go!"

"You can rest assured that there is a Luo Tian Shang Xian, and we both will have a bumper harvest. By then you will have more cultivation resources."

"I don't lack training resources!" Xu Qingxue's voice is colder: "You hurry!"

"There is no shortage of cultivation resources, but also need to go out and practice!" At this time, Xu Tianhong saw Xu Ziyan next to Xu Qingxue, slightly frowning, and then launched a smile:

"This sister, I have some things with Qingxue, are you avoiding it!"

Xu Qingxue’s “Teng” stood up and shouted toward Xu Tianhong: “Are you still not going?”

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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