The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2430: Killing the road (two more pink)

There are Xu Ziyan holding the Wan Yao world, and the array is safe in the Wan Yao big array. At the very least, it is safe around Xu Ziyan. However, the face of this time showed a bitter smile:

"Master, I can't see the law when I come out, I can't crack it."


"I can explore everything through your eyes in the sea of ​​your knowledge. This will naturally not see the formation."

Xu Ziyan frowned deeply: "What should I do? I have no spare capacity at all."

The array also frowned deeply, and suddenly the eyes shone: "Little white! Master, you can call Xiaobai."

The eyes of Xu Ziyan are also bright, and the white mind is called out when the mind is moving. When Xiaobai came out, the first one was printed and a fairy was printed into Xiaobai’s knowledge of the sea. Xiaobai stood there for about two quarters of an hour, then opened his eyes, his eyes were blue, and his body disappeared into the squad.

After about an hour, there was a bang in the Wan Yao Dazheng. Xu Ziyan only felt that his hand was light, and the Wan Yaojie slowly dissipated.


Xiaobai's figure fell on the side of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan took a look at the sour arm and looked around at the big demon, saying:

"Array one, this big array is broken, can we go out?"

"No!" The array shook his head and said: "I just broke this Wan Yao world, and I haven't broken this Wan Yao big array. But without this Wan Yao world, we can easily study this big battle."

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “Can we find the white elephant?”

"It should be! But still need the owner's eyes!"

"no problem!"

Xu Ziyan’s look relaxed, and at this time, Xiaobai suddenly said:

"Sister, this big array makes me very uncomfortable!"

"Well?" Xu Ziyan's eyes turned to Xiaobai, and his eyes showed concern.

"This big array is absorbing the essence of my body!" Little white's eyes showed a trace of pain.

"What?" Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, and when he thought about it, he collected Xiaobai into the purple smoke space, and then said to him:

"How do you feel?"

I felt a little seriously, then shook my head: "No!".

Xu Ziyan also felt a little seriously. The body did not find any discomfort, and could not help but wonder: "Is this big array just to absorb the essence of the Yaozu? Yes! It must be like this, otherwise it will not be called the Wan Yao Dazhen."

After a thought, I will enter the purple smoke space, and then I will pull the Yuanshen into the sea. After that, I opened the eyes of Kun Peng, and under the guidance of the first one, I walked through the big array.

Inside the big array, the dead bones of the Yaozu can be seen everywhere. At this time, Xu Ziyan has already understood that these Yaozu should be involved in the squad for a variety of reasons, and then they are sucked out by the big array and died here.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed. He saw that the white elephant had already shown its original shape. A huge white elephant was unable to kneel on the ground at this time. His eyes were dull and the breath of life was running out. .

Xu Ziyan’s look came to the front of the white elephant. The purple smoke sword was sacrificed. The purple smoke sword turned in the air, and the head of the white elephant was cut off and the storage ring was received.

After that, Xu Ziyan listened to the arrangement of the array and walked around the big array. With the formation of a burst. Time passes by in silence...


Too imaginary.

Sha Xiaofan was covered in blood and smothered through the mountain gate and flew toward Taixufeng. On the Taixu Peak, Xu Xiangxin read a move, and his body shape disappeared on the peak, appearing before Sha Xiaofan’s Dongfu.

A figure flew in the air quickly, and the **** murderous body that was emitted from the body was Xu Yanwen and frowned slightly.

"Xiaofan!" Xu Xiang called.

The figure in the air fell on the opposite side of Xu Xiang. The breath of the body has already fluctuated at the peak of the late Luo Jinxian, which made Xu Xiang’s eyes also show a shock. The improvement of Sha Xiaofan’s cultivation is too fast.

"Xu Xiang's brother!" Sha Xiaofan looked at Xu Xiang coldly and walked through Xu Xiang's side and entered Dongfu.


Sha Xiaofan has a shape but has not looked back.

Xu Xiang looked at the murderousness of Sha Xiaofan’s body. It seems to be thinking of something, and both are shocked:

"You got on the killing?"

"Yes!" Sha Xiaofan's voice was not shocked.

Xu Xiang took a deep breath: "Xiaofan, killing the road is not easy to go! Although the early entry is very fast, but if the body can not produce killing before the immortal period, it will become unconscious. I only know the killing madman..."

"I know!"

"then you……"

"Because I already have the killing!"

Looking at Sha Xiaofan's figure disappeared into the Dongfu, Xu Xiang slammed aloud, spit out a long breath, whispered to himself:

"It seems that the death of the hole and the disappearance of my sister is really a big blow to Xiaofan. It has caused the killing of his body. But... even if there is a killing, killing is a no return!"


Huang Ling finally unified the Yaozu, and then he dumped the power of the Yaozu toward the Taixu.

This time, the Taixu Zong got the news early. This is because Huang Ling did not want to conceal it. He could not wait for the whole **** to know his actions.

Sha Qianli immediately made a decision to move all the families in the Wuthering Mountains into Wangxian City, and then both Taixu and Wangxian City opened a large array.

The demon cloud is four.

There is no trace of interest in the Wuthering Mountains. It is enveloped by the eternal demon cloud. The sound of the attack all day long is endless, but there is no way to take the sect of the Taizong.

However, the Yaozu still has a very high interest, attacking and swearing at the illusory. Although the Taixu monks benefited from the protection of the guardian ancestors, the muscles of the faces became distorted.


Too humiliating!

It was actually blocked by the Yaozu, and this kind of humiliation made the too imaginary in the booming development endure, especially those young Taixu monks, who were swollen with a red face and clasped the fairy in their hands. The urge to rush out is filled in the chest.

However, Sha Qianli has issued an order, and no one is allowed to leave the gate. Otherwise, the Zongmen will be expelled. Moreover, Xu Tianwo and others kept silent on Sha Qianli’s decision. They are very clear that the decision of Shaqianli is correct. The strength of the etheric emptiness at this time opens the mountain gate to meet the enemy, and there is only one ending of the annihilation.

At this time, the monks who were too imaginary thought of Xu Ziyan, and remembered taking thousands of miles...

Xu Xiang stood on the Taixu Peak, and his eyes were full of worries, because Sha Xiaofan left the mountain gate before the Yaozu attacked Taixu. Xu Xiang knows that he is going to hunt and kill the Yaozu. Since he has gone to kill the Tao, he must continue to kill and can quickly break through. Therefore, after Sha Xiaofan broke through the nine-day Xuanxian, he immediately left the mountain gate.


Now that he has not returned, is it already in the hands of the Yaozu?

This is not impossible!

Sha Xiaofan is going to hunt and kill the Yaozu. If he meets with the Yaozu army, there is absolutely no reason to survive.

"Xiaofan, you have to live, your master can not be hit again!" Xu Xiang sighed, the voice echoed in the space.

In the depths of a large river, Sha Xiaofan gently leaned back in the water, the color of the water blue fairy and the color of the river melted into one body, and her body did not have a breath of breath, and she gathered her. The breath of the cover.

When she first hunted the Yaozu, she found the Yaozu army. When she escaped to the Taixu dynasty, it was too late to open the collection of the fairy charm to the depths of the river.

The depths of the river are quiet, and the river is full of excitement. Numerous demon people are bathing in the river. These demon people are the demon people who take turns to rest from the front. They attacked and stunned for a day, and they were playing around here, and they kept on swearing too much.


The water splashed, and a demon sneaked into the water with excitement. Sha Xiaofan closed his eyes, and the seedlings slowly swirled in his heart, slightly frowning. The cultivation of this Yaozu was too high for her, and Sha Xiaofan did not move.


Another demon sneaked into the water...

One of the demon people sneaked into the water one after another, and the river was turbid.

Suddenly, Sha Xiaofan's body shape moved, like a fish, the water attribute combined with the river, quickly approached a demon, the sword light flashed, stabbed in from the mouth of the demon, Yuanli was in that The body of the Yaozu blasted, but it was extremely well controlled. It only blasted in the body, but the body of the Yaozu did not have any damage.

Only in an instant, the Yaozu died silently, and the body was taken into the storage ring by Sha Xiaofan. The body of Sha Xiaofan quietly sank toward the bottom of the river, but the killing of her heart expanded. a trace...

Qin Wuyang was very happy today because the city government gave him a new set of equipment, a new defensive dress, and a new sword. The defensive celestial clothing is nine products, and the fairy sword is also nine products. Not only him, the monk of the thousand men led by him was replaced by the city government, although it was a higher grade than his, but it was definitely a big deal.

At the same time, he also received a task, and tomorrow he will attack the Ye Family in the eight major families.

In fact, Qin Wuyang has had a feeling of a big war in these days, and this war is related to the future direction of the city government. Because he saw with his own eyes that many monks joined the city's government in these days, the monks had a strong atmosphere on their bodies. Even if Qin Wuyang was already in the early days of the land, he still felt the power of those monks.

These monks are almost all born with faces, and they are all hired by the city government. It is impossible for no such thing as the capital of the city. And the direction of action is very obvious, it must be the six major families that are contrary to the city government.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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