The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2447: The vision of the birthplace Dan (three more pink)

At this time, every monk’s heart has a thought that can’t be seen. In the future, we must take Taixu seriously and take Xu Ziyan seriously!

Xu Ziyan’s face has returned to a smile: “Now, please ask your friends to appreciate the raw world of purple smoke refining.”

Xu Ziyan reached out and opened the alchemy cover. The blossoming extremely auspicious clouds floated out of the alchemy furnace. The roof of the auction venue was no longer visible. The entire roof was covered by auspicious clouds. The monks looked up and looked up as if they were in the wild, looking up at the sky and white clouds.

An elixir flew out of the alchemy furnace and rolled between the clouds. As it rolled, a strange spectacle appeared. It was a phantom, a mountain, a river...

The monks seemed to be in the mirage and were shocked by the sight. Xu Ziyan took out a jade bottle, and the left hand touched a tanzanum. The volley volleyed into the air, and the singer Dan became a streamer and entered the jade bottle. The environment in the auction venue was instantaneous. Disappeared, the clouds in the air flowed like jade bottles like rivers, but they were sucked into the jade bottles in less than three minutes.

Xu Ziyan put the jade bottle on, and then gently placed the jade bottle on the alchemy table, said faintly:

"Although the Taoist friends have not seen the birth of Dan, but from the Dan Cheng scene generated by the birth of Dan, you should be able to judge its true and false."

The deputy lord of the celestial domain was sitting there with a black face, but no one was paying attention to him at this time. All the monks’ eyes were watching the jade bottle on the alchemy table enthusiastically.

"Now everyone can bid!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

"55 billion!"

The deputy sect of Shenji Zong directly reported his family. But no one felt the accident, that is, the deputy patriarch of Danzong also looked at the deputy lord of Shenji.

"6 trillion!" The words in the box on the second floor suddenly opened, and then turned to the star domain deputy master: "Fang Daoyou, should you pay the bet to me."

"Give you!" Fang Heng threw his face and gave it a speech with a crystal card. The rhetoric grabbed the crystal card with the detective and smiled smugly:

"Thank you! Hehe..."

"7 trillion!" Fu Zong, the deputy sergeant, quotation, the deputy lord who just wanted to quote, smiled and shook his head.

At this time, everyone wants to take this birth of Dan, but at the moment there is not so many fairy crystals. In the eyes of the deputy sect of Shenji Zong, the eyes are flashing, and the sound is out:

"Xu Zongshi. You can be said to be a priceless treasure. This is worse than delaying the auction, let me wait for some Xianjing."

When I heard him, the other monks’ spirits were all in full swing and they agreed. Only Fu Zong’s deputy lord is eager to say:

"Xu Zongshi, since the auction has already started, what is the reason for halfway?"

Xu Ziyan nodded: "Yes, since the auction has started, the purple smoke will naturally be auctioned."

I heard Xu Ziyan say so, all the people have a look of regret. The sect of the sacred machine shook his head with regret, and suddenly his eyes turned bright:

"Xu Zongshi, since you can refine a raw material Dan, you can refine the second one. Will you auction the birthplace Dan at the auction in Wangxian City in the future?"

Everyone instantly blinked. Focus on the body of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan shook his head and smiled:

"The Taoist friends just saw the materials needed for the refining of the raw materials. The purple smoke did not dare to say that it would no longer refine the raw material Dan, but it would not be possible in a short time. The purple smoke did not refine a raw material Dan. material."

The monks silently knew that Xu Ziyan was telling the truth. Xu Ziyan and Fu Zong deputy lord after the on-the-spot transaction. The auction is over. Liao Bufan said with a strong smile, this auction has been going very well. If he did not invite Xu Ziyan, he can imagine that after the auction, the town demon city will rise strongly and will hope that the city will be pressed down again. But this is the last invitation to make all efforts into water.

Not only did not be able to suppress the city of Xian, but also for the famous city of Wangxian. A Taixu who has the best innate fairy. A hopeful city with the support of the innate congeners, you can imagine how sad the future of the town will be.

Xu Ziyan returned to his residence and received the monks from all walks of life. It was not until midnight that he was free. Sitting on the chair, Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile, and there was a killing of the snake and white elephant in front. Defeat Huangling, and there is refining Dan. So your own reputation will soon spread to the entire Upper Yuan Dynasty! This will bring even more prosperity to Wangxiancheng, and the Taixu will be more prosperous. Perhaps there will be countless monks in the Upper Yuan Dynasty who will go to Taixu, so that the number of disciples in Taixu will exceed 500,000 in a short time, becoming a first-class block.

Suddenly. Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows are picked. Looked at the door.

Outside the door, the moonlight sprinkled a silver from the sky, a reflection printed on the ground outside the door, and did not know when to stand a figure before the door. Gently raised his hand and knocked it three times on the door. Xu Ziyan said faintly:

"The door is not tied, please come in!"


The door was gently pushed open, and a tall monk stood at the door and blocked most of the moonlight. Xu Ziyan did not move, and he was alert enough to such uninvited guests.

The person stepped into the room and looked around. He saw a chair opposite Xu Ziyan, and walked over and sat with Xu Ziyan at the table. Xu Ziyan's eyes were slightly moving, and she recognized this person.

This person is the monk that Xu Ziyan once saw in the open town of the town, the monk who once participated in the Wangxian City auction, but did not buy anything. Slightly thinking about it, it seems that I did not see this person at the auction of the town at night.


What is this person visiting at night?

Xu Ziyan has no words, just quietly looking at the opposite monk. The opposite monk did not speak, the room was quiet, and the silvery moonlight from the door slid the room more quietly.

"Xu Zongzhu, the old husband is drifting zero."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, the name is very strange, Xu Ziyan is sure that he has never heard of it. Seeing Xu Ziyan’s confused appearance, Luo’s face showed a hint of self-deprecation:

"I am afraid that no one in this world knows my name, just a few people know by chance. I am afraid I have forgotten my name. They only remember one of my other nicknames."

Having said that, Luo’s gaze has become sharp, like two stars in the distant night sky.

"My nickname is called a semi-demon!"

Xu Ziyan is a hop in the heart. The name of the semi-demon is now heard after she killed Luoyang. The legendary semi-demon is very unfathomable. Even the nine sects are not willing to provoke. When Xu Ziyan learned that the Luoyang was probably a disciple of the semi-demon, he had been nervous for a long time, but he had never seen the semi-demon layman looking for her revenge for Luoyang. I didn't think that things had been going on for so long. When Xu Ziyan had forgotten the matter, the semi-demons came to the door.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was immediately guarded up. Under the so-called prestige, there was no vain, and the semi-demons could stand in the South. The people and the Yaozu would not dare to provoke him. They must have extraordinary strength. Taking a deep breath, Xu Ziyan said calmly:

"Are you coming to me for revenge?"

"Revenge?" The half demon lays a flash of disdain in the eyes: "The boy who is not in the sun?"

"Isn't it?" Xu Ziyan's eyes flashed a bit of surprise: "Don't he be your disciple?"

"Yes!" The half demon layman nodded gently: "He is my disciple!"

Seeing the appearance of Xu Ziyan’s alert, the half-devil’s face showed a smile: “But, what does that have to do with me?”

"Hmmm?" The eyes of Xu Ziyan are even more bizarre: "He is your disciple, but he was killed. Shouldn’t you be a master to avenge him?"

Half demon layman said: "With my previous temper, I will naturally find you to avenge, I believe that you have already been killed by me. Fortunately, I did not do that, otherwise I have done my life. The biggest mistake."

"Oh?" Xu Ziyan's eyebrows were picked and his eyes were interested.

The semi-demon is a hand-in-hand: "The reason why I didn't take revenge is simple, because I am busy with a big event and have no time."

"So, now you have time?" Xu Ziyan said faintly, then shook his head slightly: "No, when you were at the Wangcheng auction, you used to go to Wangxiancheng. Since you went, you will not be busy. Kill me?"

"Oh, huh..." The semi-demonous man smiled and said: "You seem to want me to kill you?"

"This is not!" Xu Ziyan also laughed: "It's just a little strange to your behavior."

"Well, I will explain it to you!" The look on the face of the semi-demon is gradually becoming serious: "I am going to participate in the Wangxian City auction not for auction, but to see if the elixir you auctioned is true. Congenital fairy. I also want to see you."

The half demon lays a look at Xu Ziyan, and the look of Xu Ziyan is still calm, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes, and then says:

"If you are not auctioning the innate fairy, or you are not as young as the legend, I will kill you and revenge for Luoyang. But the reality makes me very satisfied, the auction of Xiandan is really congenital, although only The next product. And you are as young as the legend, so I left silently!"

Looking at the incomprehensibleness in the eyes of Xu Ziyan, the half-devil layman smiled and said: "Want to know the reason?"

"Think!" Xu Ziyan answered very simply!

The half demon layman smiled and said: "Happy!"

The room was once again in silence, and Xu Ziyan could feel the scent of the half-demons on the opposite side fluctuating. But it only subsided in an instant. His voice has become low:

"Xu Zongzhu, since I am called a semi-demon, you should know that I am a half demon?"


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