The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2451: Controversy

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It’s not just half-devils who have this kind of idea. The big monks who watched it all have this idea at this time. At this time, they all thought that they could see through Xu Ziyan, and they couldn’t help but feel relieved. As long as they did not let Xu Ziyan be close in the battle with Xu Ziyan, they would be able to take advantage.


Then they widened their eyes and stayed there again.

Because of the self-contained space in the body, Xu Ziyan originally had a great ability to overcome the challenge. However, this ability has discounted the big monks who have cultivated space in the same body. However, the space of Xu Ziyan's body and the space of other monks, the space of other monks is only a continent, and her body space is a universe. Therefore, Xu Ziyan, the master of the space with the space, still has more and more ability, but it can't be more than a big step, but there is no problem with the power of Tianzhong's mid-peak peak. At this time, she made another punch. Breaking the law, it is almost the peak of the late Tianzun,

The semi-demons over there were punched and punched in a row, and a wide space crack thought of Xu Ziyan's rapid spread. Here, Xu Ziyan is also a double-armed vibrator.

A series of infinite roars came from the space. The fairy scorpions released by the semi-demons were all shattered by Xu Ziyan. Although the shape of Xu Ziyan was constantly retreating, the attack of the semi-demons could not hurt Xu Ziyan.

The look of the big monks watching around has changed again. This purple smoke does not rely entirely on the strength of the body! How did she cultivate this? How can one's strength in the early peaks be a peak of the late Tianzun?


Even so, Xu Ziyan is slightly inferior, how did she kill the snake and white elephant? Is it true that I accidentally killed the snake and the white elephant.

At this time, the half-devil's face became slightly dignified. He already saw that it was difficult to defeat Xu Ziyan with bare hands. The mind was moved, and each of them had an innate fairy treasure, which was a pair of wolf claws. Release the chilly light.


Purple smoke swords come out.


Xu Ziyan grabbed the purple smoke sword in his hand and looked at the opposite demon layman.

In the eyes of the semi-demon, the fierce color was released, and the snoring said: "Xu Ziyan, you are irritating me!"

The two wolf claws in the hand thought that Xu Ziyan had gone down.


Two giant wolves smashed out of the wolf's claws. Thinking of Xu Ziyan slamming away.

"A sword breaks the law!"

Xu Ziyan took a sword and went out.


A loud sword, the sky is a stagnation, suddenly formed a world of swords.


Two huge waves made a mourning, and the body was smashed in the air by thousands of swords.


The semi-demonian's arms were continuously thrown out, and countless giant wolves were drawn from the two congenital celestial treasures, covering the sky and covering the moon, thinking of the impact of the purple smoke.


Xu Ziyan has a single arm continuous squatting, and the thousands of swords and protectors in the air become a giant sword, a huge sword with no end.


A grand sword, the boundless giant sword is trying to cover the sky and the wolves are crushing away. Destroy and ruin a general giant wolf into a powder.


The semi-demonous layman threw out two wolf claws in his hand. The two wolf-claw-shaped congenital sacred treasures were turned into two huge blood wolves in the air. The body exudes a strong breath, and the two pairs of **** shackles are opposite. Xu Ziyan.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan raised his hand to the purple smoke sword, and the purple smoke sword released nine colors of light in the air. It has not been able to open the outline of the purple smoke sword, only to see a nine-color brilliance, like a mirage, but the mirage in the mirage faintly flips the infinite sword, which is daunting.

Half demon lays his fingers and volleys into the air: "Go!"


Two blood-colored giant wolves smacked toward Xu Ziyan, and the four giant claws slammed down the radiance of the purple smoke sword.


There was a sword in the air. A purple smoke sword and two wolf claws struggled in one place, tumbling up and down, and even fighting a fan.

However, the monks still look at the scores. In fact, Xu Ziyan is slightly inferior, but because the handle of the purple smoke sword is a genius congenital sword, it has a tendency to gradually regain the disadvantage.

The look of the semi-demon is very dignified. He has not treated such an opponent so solemnly for a long time. At this time, he has discovered that Xu Ziyan is not only as simple as the body, but has the ability to fight with him in all directions. Although he thinks that Xu Ziyan can't beat him, he wants to beat Xu Ziyan. It was not as easy as he had imagined at first.

Reaching out, the two huge blood wolves turned back to two congenital celestial treasures, thinking of his hands falling. One foot stepped forward in the air, and the space under the feet swayed. A **** boundary swiftly spread toward Xu Ziyan. In the **** world, the boundless blood wolf rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan eyes condensed, his right foot stepped forward, and a fiery red world collided toward the opposite side. It was the realm of fire, the sky was full of fire, and the ground was flowing with magma. Going to the boundless blood wolf.

A piece of blood wolf was burned into a powder, but the boundless blood wolf rushed endlessly, ignoring the raging fire and the magma, and approaching Xu Ziyan quickly. The fire of Xu Ziyan was quickly repulsed, and the blood wolf was not far from Xu Ziyan.

The rhetoric and other people frowned. They saw that the fire of Xu Ziyan was not far from the collapse. The world was the highest level of duel between the monks. If it was defeated at this level, Xu Ziyan would probably fall.

"Stars, purple smoke is dangerous!"

"Nothing!" Xu Xingfan's voice was very calm.

The look of the words is a glimpse, he does not know why Xu Xingfan is so calm. Suddenly his eyes were one, and his face was extremely intense. He saw that the fire of Xu Ziyan suddenly began to shrink.

"Is it... The power of Xu Ziyan and the power of the gods are not enough to support the world?"

The realm of fire has completely shrunk into the body of Xu Ziyan, and the face of the semi-demon is showing a smirk, and his hands are turned in front of him:

"Xu Ziyan, give me a defeat!"


From the body of Xu Ziyan, there was a little frost, and the frost suddenly spread out. It was a snow and ice, and the sky was covered with snow. a glacier on the ground...


A giant wolf was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture

"This is..." The rhetoric is stunned: "The sin of the water world is bounded by ice..."

The semi-fascinating look changed, and the figure was moving, and the feet continued to move forward seven steps.


Those ice sculptures were broken, and a blood wolf burst out of the ice sculpture. Hearing and thinking that Xu Ziyan had swept the past, he had already slammed into the front of Xu Ziyan, and the face of the semi-demon was once again showing a sneer.

Xu Ziyan was flying, his hands were behind him, and his left foot stepped forward.


A circle of ray of light burst out from the foot of Xu Ziyan, it is a magnificent world, the magnificent light spread, all the blood wolves bursting...

this is……

All the monks face a change!

How can this be?

This is the bound of nine attributes! Xu Ziyan actually has nine attributes!

Is this... true and false?

How have you never heard of Xu Ziyan having nine attributes? No wonder she can challenge the more difficult, no wonder she can kill the snake and white elephant!

With the strength of Xu Ziyan today, I can't say that I can beat the semi-devil. At least no one of the nine masters is her opponent. Is it that the eleven ancient gods of Shangmeng League may not be able to defeat Xu Ziyan?

Fang Heng’s face showed bitterness. This time he was offended by Xu Ziyan! However, he also knew in his heart that even if he did not offend Xu Ziyan this time, the Xingyu Zong and Taixu Zong would not be able to get one. There are thousands of miles in the air, and the two must be hostile.


Before he did not put Taixu Zong in his eyes, after all, in his eyes, too imaginary has only one thousand miles, and the overall strength is much worse than the star domain. But now I saw the power of Xu Ziyan, and there was only fear in his heart.

Don't say that you have traveled thousands of miles, that is, Xu Ziyan is not now able to deal with the sovereign. After this war, it is bound to have a huge impact on Taixu. Too imaginary has become a first-class big door has been nailed. Can the Stars really deal with today's Taixu?

The opposite half of the demon lays an incredible stunned color in the eyes, and gives a chandelier to the head. The chandelier flies into the air, releasing a brilliance, illuminating the realm of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan immediately feels There is a sense of stagnation in his own world. The half-devil's realm was activated. Hundreds of millions of blood wolves screamed in unison, and the magnificent world began to shatter...

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan screamed, and the water of the palm of the hand came out, and instantly came to the sky above the lamp.


The water of one palm fell on the lamp, but the ice lamp was frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant. Turned into a streamer and flew directly to the side of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan sleeves waved and took it in.

"Return my treasure!"

The half-demon anger was furious, and the big sleeves were raised. With a wolf howling, a giant wolf smashed out from his big sleeves. The body exudes the power of the late Tianzun, and the figure is shaken in the air. A mountain is as big as a mountain. Opened a big mouth and spit at Xu Ziyan.


A huge light bomb ejected toward Xu Ziyan.

"What?" One by one, the big monk in the mind of the big earthquake: "Half demon layman still has a demon pet in the late Tianzun!"

"This time, the purple smoke is dangerous!"


The half demon lays a bite on the tip of the tongue, and a blood spurts out. The hands quickly flip the fairy into the dripping blood floating in front of him, then backhand, and the blood drops into his world. in.



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