The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2459: Refining potential Dan (two more pink)


How can we refine the real potential Dan?

Xu Ziyan suddenly moved in the heart, she remembered the semi-liquid semi-solid chaotic things in the endless edge of the purple smoke space. When the figure was moving, he stood on the edge of the purple smoke space, reached out and grabbed a hand, then returned to the time, and dropped a drop, using this chaotic gas instead of the gas of life, began to re-cook Potential Dan.


After the frying, Xu Ziyan scratched his head and frowned. He frowned and wondered for a while, stood up and squatted at the mouth of the alchemy, and then put his fingers to scrape some of the frying furnace and put the liquid in his mouth. After a taste, the eyes lit up, she understood why the frying furnace, or because of chaos, because of the concentration of chaotic gas.

Xu Ziyan immediately took out a drop of chaotic gas into a jade bottle, then added ten drops of water, diluted the chaotic gas ten times, and then took the diluted chaotic gas out of a drop and began to refine the potential Dan.


Once again, the frying furnace, Xu Ziyan's face could not help but show a bitter smile, she has not encountered the frying furnace for a long time. Today, it has been fried twice.

However, Xu Ziyan was not discouraged. She reappeared to begin to dilute the chaotic gas. This time, the chaotic gas was diluted by a hundred times, and then a drop was taken from the chaotic gas after dilution, and the potential Dan was re-constructed.


Xu Ziyan smiled and reached out and fanned the fan in front of her face, drove away the black smoke, and then began to dilute again. This time she diluted the chaotic gas to a thousand times, but in the end it was a fryer, and eventually Xu Ziyan would have a chaotic gas. When diluted to 100,000 times, finally refining a potential Dan.

Looking at the crystal potential of Dan, Xu Ziyan was filled with joy, and reached out to take this potential Dan out and swallowed it.

Xu Ziyan carefully felt the effect of the potential Dan, and his face slowly showed a happy smile. Stretched a small fist and waved in the air.

This potential Dan, which is made from the diluted chaotic gas, is better than the potential Dan, which is made from the gas of life. It can increase the absorption speed by about 120 times, plus too The concentration of the force within the virtual sect, the speed of cultivation will be further enhanced.

Xu Ziyan knows from then on. The disciples of Taixu will be on the path of rapid improvement.

Xu Ziyan began to make alchemy...

Has been refining a million potential Dan, Xu Ziyan found that not only her further improvement of the realm of the innate fairy, but the power of the gods is still improving, approaching the second level of the holy level.

I went to see Dan Yi and found that the potential of Dan Yi refining was more than that of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan changed his potential for refining Dan as the No. 1 potential Dan, and changed the potential of Dan Yi refining to the second potential Dan. Then I took all of these potentials and left the time array.

After three days of rest in the purple smoke space, Xu Ziyan left the purple smoke space and returned to the secret room. Out of the secret room, Xu Ziyan flew past Jiuzhong Cliff and saw that some of the monks had already woke up. Some are still in the midst of comprehension.

Sha Qianli has already woke up and completed the breakthrough. At this time, his cultivation is already in the middle of the land. Xu Ziyan took out a potential No. 1 and smiled and handed it to Sha Qianli. Sha Qianli took over the potential Dan and asked. Directly swallowed in, then the expression slowly changed, and finally excitedly looked at Xu Ziyan, stuttered and said:

"The lord...this is this...this is..."

Xu Ziyan smiled and gave the two potential Dans a detailed explanation to Sha Qianli, and then handed over the two potential Dan, which were refining, to Shaqianli, and asked him to give one to each monk of Taixu.

Sha Qianli left with excitement, and Xu Ziyan looked at the monks who were still comprehending. Smiling happily and returning to Taixu. When I thought about it, I called the green child to the front, and took out 10,000 crystal veins and gave it to the green child. I told the green child that as long as the five crystal veins of the underground were consumed, they would immediately enter five crystal veins.

Green children took away 10,000 veins and left. The reason why she gave the green child 10,000 veins, because she knew that after waiting for a few days, twenty thousand tens of thousands of Taixu disciples took advantage of the potential Dan. The amount of energy needed will reach a terrible level, so Xu Ziyan needs to be prepared in advance.

Xu Ziyan put down all the things and began to retreat, trying to further integrate the attributes, time is quickly lost, and years of time in the retreat.

Mysterious void.

Demon Lord. The lord and the priest were still sitting shut, and the breath of the body slowly climbed toward the eighth level. Yanshan soul lost in the mysterious void. He tried to tear the space away, only to find that the space here was so strong that it could not be torn. He had to stare in one direction, fly, fly, and fly tirelessly...

But it seems that there is no end, can not find the entrance when coming!


One side is small in the world.

The breath of the Lord is thinking about the six-level climb of the Holy Level, but it is extremely slow to climb...


Xu Ziyan's nine attributes are gradually approaching the realm of Dacheng, and her cultivation is gradually approaching the peak of Tianzhong.

Xu Ziyan went out, because the message that Sha Qianli sent to her, the second Wangcheng City grand auction will begin. It has been five years since the first auction.

When Xu Ziyan went out, she felt that there was a huge change in Taixu.

First of all, the number of disciples has exceeded 500,000, reaching the number of nearly 700,000 disciples, and has become a first-class block.

Secondly, there is a leap in the cultivation of these disciples. The original Taixu disciples were the most prosperous. The monks from the immortal to the Xianjun period were few. The monks from the Xianwang to the Xiandi period were very Very few, there are only a few, and those who were the patriarchs of the Eastern Zongmen who were at the beginning of the establishment of the Zongmen.

However, after these monks who were not high-ranked joined the Taixu dynasty, with the help of the tyrannical power of Taixu, the high-quality Xiandan and various trial space, the monks from the immortal to the Xianjun gradually began to grow. In the past few years, all the monks who are too imaginary have distributed a potential Dan, which makes the entry of the monks faster. There are more and more monks from the immortal to the Xianjun period.

Another leap is that those disciples who were originally above the king of Xian have now made breakthroughs and are leapfrog breakthroughs. The potential Dan has greatly improved their speed of cultivation, and various trial spaces have enabled them to constantly understand the meaning of the attributes and the meaning of the sword. In particular, Jiuzhong Cliff has greatly helped them and made them break through.

Nowadays, the biggest base of the Taixu disciples is the disciples of the Mahayana period, and then the number of disciples from the immortal to the Xianjun period has also increased. However, at the level of Xianwang to Xiandi, it became almost blank, and there were few disciples at this level.

Because the disciples at this level are the worst disciples who joined the Taixu sect, the original strength is not weak. Later, there was a strong and powerful Yuanli, a large number of Xiandan and various auxiliary cultivation spaces. Originally, many disciples broke through to the human respect period. Three years ago, Xu Ziyan left Jiuzhong Cliff, which made it quite a lot. The old disciples broke through to the human respect, so so far there has been a fault in the level of the Taixu Emperor Xianxian to the Emperor.

However, at the level of the Xianzun period, there was an increase in the cultivation, and the first batch of the land tenure period also broke through, and there were dozens of medium-term respects.

Moreover, Jin Invincible and the Magical Demon also took turns to come to Jiuzhong Cliff to comprehend, and the two Tianzun Masters successively broke through to the middle of Tianzun. Xu Xiang’s cultivation was stable in the late Tianzun period, and the whole Taixu dynasty was flourishing.

The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan shrouded the entire Taixu, and her brows wrinkled slightly. She did not see Sha Xiaofan. The high-level sects of the tyrannical sects came to the Dawufeng's parliamentary hall. The first one of Shaqianli entered the hall. After seeing Xu Ziyan's seat, Xu Ziyan immediately asked:

"Sha brother, where did Xiaofan go?"

Sha Qianli’s face immediately showed a bitter bitterness: “Xiao Fan is now completely murdered. In addition to coming back for a period of time, as soon as he goes out, he goes out to hunt the Yaozu. Under his leadership, nowadays Many disciples of the imaginary sects have gone out to hunt and kill the Yaozu, but it has made the combat power of the Taixu disciples significantly improved."

Xu Ziyan also frowned slightly, and finally shook his head and sighed: "She has already entered the murderous road. Will she be able to kill the sorrow, jump out of the murder, enter the avenue realm, or rely on her, hope she will not let me down ""

The mood of both of them was heavy in an instant, and the figure came in from the gate and was seated. Xu Ziyan listened to the report, and studied together about the upcoming auction, and then answered some questions raised by the monks, which waved the crowd.

Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows suddenly picked up. She felt a strong murderousness rolling towards this side. When she was in shape, she stood at the door of the main hall, and saw a picking figure dragging the boundless murderousness far away.

"Xiaofan!" Xu Ziyan whispered.

The boundless murderous meal, "嗖", Sha Xiaofan flew to the front of Xu Ziyan, and cheerfully called:


The joyful mood dilute the murderousness, looking at the face of Sha Xiaofan's joy, Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart, a gentle smile on his face, reaching out and gently stroking Sha Xiaofan's hair:

"Xiaofan, killing the road is only a branch road in the avenue, but it is you who walk on the road. And killing the end, and the road is boundless. The world is the same way, I hope that one day, by killing the fire, out of the killing, Belong to the avenue."

"Yes! Master!"


The monks of the Shangyuan continent gathered again in Wangxian City. In the past five years, the South has become the most lively place in the Upper Yuan Dynasty. Two auctions that shocked the mainland were held in Wangxian City and Zhenhua City. Now, Wangxian City once again holds a large-scale auction.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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