The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2461: Into the gate

Xu Ziyan finally shook his head and said softly: "You friends, Taixu is not interested in the Palace of the Immortals."

The look of the monks are a glimpse. They did not expect anyone to be interested in the Palace of the Immortals.

"She... is it a man of cultivation?"

“Don't she want to find a path to enter the holy level?”

"Xu Zongzhu!" Ouyang pulls his face with a puzzled color: "That is the Palace of the Immortals!"

"I know!" Xu Ziyan showed a smile: "But I think the Palace of the Immortal is not attractive to me."

“How come?” Yang Yunqi said in a hurry: “There may be a legacy to the holy level!”

"Maybe there!" Xu Ziyan said faintly: "But it may not suit me, I have my own way to go!"

"Xu Zongzhu!" Liao Bufan also said: "It is always good to learn from it?"

Xu Ziyan moved in the heart and once again fell into meditation. The hall is very quiet, everyone's eyes are looking at Xu Ziyan, waiting for her reply.

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan finally nodded: "This thing is too imaginary will not participate, I will go with you alone."

Everyone heard that Taixu did not participate, but Xu Ziyan followed and went to see, and his face could not help but show a trace of disappointment. However, they were excited again. As long as Xu Ziyan can go along, their strength will have a guarantee.

"Xu Zongzhu, we are farthest from the north in the south, we have to act quickly."

"Good!" Since Xu Ziyan had a decision in his heart, he was decisive: "You all go back and prepare for it. After half a month, we will gather in the town of the demon city, and then go to the northern fairy palace."

"it is good!"

The monks have left their hearts and went back to pick the family to prepare for the South.

Xu Ziyan sent the monks away and returned to the main hall. After thinking about it, he finally called out the ancient vine hope and left him in the Taixu village. The last time it was because of the Taixu sect, there was no Tianzun in the late stage. Let Huang Ling be so arrogant. So too imaginary has hope that this Tianzun later peaks, the mountain gate has another sky-turning peak of the Tianzun, Wangxian City is chaotic, too imaginary should not be a problem.

After half a month.

Town demon city.

The forces of the South have gathered together. All the high-rises in the south are gathered in the main hall of the city government.

Xu Zizhong, the sect of the imaginary sect.

The town of the demon city four halls, the main hall of the Dantang Hall Liao Bufan, the owner of the church, Mao Wenlong, Fu Tangtang, the main child, Wuji, the main hall of the hall is gradually separated.

Ouyang Pull and the eight family leaders of the South.

"Xu Zongzhu, according to the news we got!" Liao Bufan said faintly: "This Xianzhu main palace was opened by the nine masters of the patriarchs and the upper elders of the Upper Yuanmeng, and they opened the first time in the Palace of the Immortals. Already in the Palace of the Immortals, no one knows where they are now in the Palace of the Immortals. Just know that they have not yet come out."

“Not bad!” Ye Jia’s lord also said with a sigh: “Now the nearest Shangyuan League from the Xianzhu Palace has been selected by Shi Zhongyu of Shangyuan League to enter the Xianzhu Palace. The nine main gates in the east also arrive. The Palace of the Immortals. Entered yesterday. But the Mozu who is not far from the north has not yet arrived."

Having said that, Ye Jiazhu smiled a bit: "The Mozu does not know when a monster appears. I don't know what he is like, what monster is it, and he is sneaking a lot of people to devour the demon. Now the Mozu is chaotic. One piece, the three demon statues are searching around the monster. I heard that it is just beginning to assemble and go to the Palace of the Immortals."

"Oh..." Li Jiazhu suddenly laughed again: "I heard that the Yaozu is now a mess, not as good as the Mozu. At this time, the only one of the Yaozu, the Tianzun Huangfeng is being a little girl. I’m going around and I don’t know if it’s true.”

Xu Ziyan's expression did not change at all. She naturally knew that Majiao and Xiaobai were overturned in the Mozu and the Yaozu.

The light at the entrance to the main hall was suddenly dim, and a figure appeared at the gate. Xu Ziyan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the monk at the gate. The monks in the hall are all changed. This person is very familiar with this person, it is the half demon.

Xu Ziyan had no words, but looked coldly at the half demon. The half demon layman originally thought that Xu Ziyan would immediately react when he saw him. He did not expect Xu Ziyan to be like an ordinary person. He couldn’t help but laugh twice and walked in from the gate:

"Xu Ziyan. You don't have to look at me like that. As soon as you act, I will leave immediately, you can't stop me!"

Xu Ziyan nodded. "You didn't want to say this sentence when you came here? If so, I have already heard it, you can go."

"Don't!" The semi- demon layman walked into the hall. Sit down on a chair: "I am also a Southern monk anyway! So I want to participate in your action."

“Oh?” Xu Ziyan asked curiously: “Isn’t the semi-demon is not always alone? Why are you going to be with us this time?”

The semi-demonian slowly straightened up and looked very serious. "In the past, it was the past. This time it was different. This time I went to the Palace of the Immortals. Although there were many ancient vestiges on the Upper Yuan Dynasty, the five The Holy Palace is still the first to appear, which will attract the monks of the Upper Yuan Dynasty."

Speaking of this, I saw Xu Ziyan glanced: "Before you play against me, I don't think anyone in this world is the opponent of my semi-devil. But since I played against you, I know that I have looked down on the monks. For the nine majors I don't have anything to fear, even if it is the three peaks of the late Tianshou, the dream machine and the earth are not in my eyes, but I still have taboos for the eleventh day of the ancient times, especially in dealing with you. after that.

Xu Ziyan, everyone opened the skylight and said something bright. No one can stand the temptation for the treasure of this level of the Lord. Compared with the nine major sects, compared with the ancient empire of the 11th, the strength of the South is still weak. Of course, the strength of my own person can not be the team of the nine major sects, the opponent of the ancient empire of the eleventh, so we are the best way to join hands. ”

Xu Ziyan was silent, she didn’t have a good feeling for the semi-demon, and the semi-demons also saw the heart of the purple smoke, a smile:

"Xu Ziyan, if I can find a new way to break the holy level in the fairy palace, I can give up the previous method of **** Dan, and will take the initiative to break the already laid out array. Is this not what you always hoped for? ?"

"Good!" Hearing the words of the semi-demon, Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated: "Then we will cooperate once."

The monks also made a decision and formed a temporary alliance. All actions were discussed by Xu Ziyan, half demon, and the four family leaders and the nine family leaders. However, no one has ever said how to find out how the treasures are divided, because everyone knows that such negotiations are not binding at all, and it is necessary to level their respective opportunities or forces to fight for them.


Shangyuan League.

Xu Ziyan and his party are the last batch of monks who arrived here. At this time, the monks were standing in the air and looking at the fairy palace above the clouds.

Silent and silent all around, only the white clouds flow silently. Looking at it, I can't see a figure, and the endless field of the lord is full of mystery and majesty.

Xu Ziyan stepped on the foot of Xiangyun, and there was a small donkey at her side. The little donkey was riding a red-haired girl in the spring. This time, Xu Ziyan put the spring 30-year-old out, others are carrying a group of men, Xu Ziyan is not alone, they will release the spring 30-year-old to follow their own side, then say the spring 30-year-old It is also the middle of the sky, the strength is not low.

Standing side by side with Xu Ziyan is a semi-demon, a priest and a nine-family patriarch of the South.

Half demon layman did not know where to get a demon pet, maybe it was originally there, the last time did not come out. It was a black panther, and it had the strength of the mid-term. Perhaps it is because the strength of this black panther is weak, and the last half demon layman was not released. At this point, the semi-demon is riding on the back of the black panther.

The backs of the four church owners are followed by a group of monks. Each team has five hundred monks. Each team has ten monks in the monks, fifty monks in the land, one hundred monks in the monk, and the rest are also The peak of the late Emperor.

This time, the four halls showed their true strength, and the strength of the southern parties was dazzling. Xu Ziyan was also shocked. These four innocents are the innocent kings of the South.

The nine family clan also have a team of monks behind them. The number is more than four, and each team has a thousand monks, but the strength is far worse. There are not a few Tianzun, there are not many land respects, that is, there are only a dozen of Terrans, and the remaining monks are Xiandi, and they are not all the peaks of the late Emperor.

There are a few people who have the least number of purple smoke and half demon, and they are almost lonely, but no one dares to despise these two people. These two people are not only the top players in the South, but I am afraid that there are not many opponents in the entire Upper Yuan.

Maybe eleven ancient gods can fight the two men!


Xu Ziyan gave a command, and everyone fell to the top of the white clouds. As soon as they entered the white clouds, the monks immediately felt a great gravity pulling them down the air.

"Plopping through..."

Countless monks fall like a meteor from the sky and fall on the ground in the field of the lord. Even Tianzun is no exception. The spring thirty maidens around Xu Ziyan screamed and fell, that is, the semi-demon is also falling like a meteor.


Xu Ziyan was born in the wind, and the body fell sharply toward the ground. No matter how the Xu Ziyan worked, it did not stop the falling trend.


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