The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2466: Strong end

This... is too self-sufficient!

Only half of the demon lays a twinkle, his eyes are fixed on Xu Ziyan, and the strength of his body is adjusted to the peak, ready for the most powerful shot.

Perhaps it was only seeing Xu Ziyan alone, the fairy soul willow tree king did not take care of her, I thought it was the same as the half demon layman, I wanted to introduce Xu Ziyan into the depths. So that thousands of willows are motionless.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had already walked to the front of Liuzhi. Behind her was a thousand-day-old monk looking at the back of Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan’s footstep suddenly stopped, and suddenly reached out and grabbed a willow branch.


The willow branches suddenly retracted, and they wanted to pull Xu Ziyan into the range of the willow branches. But what is the strength of Xu Ziyan today?

Not bad!

At this time, Xu Ziyan was only in the middle of Tianzun, and it was almost impossible to release Xianyu here. Therefore, after the monks entered here, they have less than 30% of their skills. This is completely in the face of the fairy soul willow tree king. Downwind.

However, Xu Ziyan is different. Don't forget that her body strength has reached the third level of the Holy Level. In this gravity field, she is not only not like the monks are completely weak, but has the advantage that others do not have. What's more, she still has a card, that is, she can release the fairy by communicating with the bridge of heaven and earth. Although it can't be released several times, it has a huge advantage over other monks.

In the vision of more than a thousand monks, Xu Ziyan suddenly saw his knees slightly bent, and then pulled back hard.


That willow branch was actually pulled off by Xu Ziyan. When I thought about it, I would take the willow branch away. More than a thousand monks behind him looked silly directly. This method was not tried before, but no one could break the willow branches.

Is this... true and false?

This... What is the revision of Xu Ziyan?

She... how come? How can I break the willow branches?


The fairy soul willow tree is angry. Thousands of willow branches madly twitched and rushed toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s body receded, but it swept around the periphery of the willow branches.


Suddenly stretched out his hands, each grabbed a willow branch, pulled it toward the back, and cut off the two branches and collected it.


Xu Ziyan kept cutting off a branch and making the fairy saplings more crazy.


The fairy soul willow tree king is furious. Thousands of willow branches suddenly contracted, and then they entangled each other in the eyes of Xu Ziyan, and instantly turned into thousands of willow branches that were as thick as giant columns. Then smacked toward Xu Ziyan.

The look of Xu Ziyan is a change. She found that the willow branches were so violent, far beyond the distance of the original willow branches, but the Xu Ziyan was surrounded in the middle.

Cross pumping! Mulled!蜿蜒 winding...

Seeing more than a thousand days, the great monk raised a great fear in his heart. This time they discovered it. The previous fairy soul willow tree king did not come up with all the strength, now is the true strength of the fairy soul willow tree king.

At this time, they not only gave up the fairy fruit in their hearts, but also gave up killing the fairy soul willow king. Because they already know in their hearts, it is impossible to kill the spirit of the willow tree king with their strength.


The Xu Ziyan, surrounded by the middle, swung his fists and flew a large willow branch, and smashed a separate space belonging to her in the encirclement of thousands of large willow branches.

More than a thousand Tianzun masters showed fear in their eyes. They heard many rumors about Xu Ziyan. Some of them also saw Xu Ziyan defeating the half demon layman. They know that Xu Ziyan is very strong, but he did not expect Xu Ziyan to be so strong.

"Do she kill this fairy sapling willow king?"

"Is it still going to be killed by this fairy soul willow king?"

The eyes of the monks looked at the willow branches that danced in the air. One by one, one can't help but sigh, and the eyes of Xu Ziyan show regret.

Xu Ziyan is no longer strong and can not defeat this fairy soul willow king, when she is exhausted, when she is exhausted, it is the fall of the moment.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she was going to irritate this fairy soul willow tree completely, making it completely crazy, just thinking about killing herself and forgetting to protect the fairy fruit.


Each of Xu Ziyan's fists exerted the power of the three levels of the Holy Level to the extreme. Although there was no smashing of the large willow branches that were entangled together, a lot of willows were bombarded and the surface was broken.

The fairy soul willow tree king becomes even more crazy, and the whole space is the sound of the air being detonated. Xu Ziyan replied to the willow branch while sighing the power of the lord. In the field of gravity, it is impossible for the spirit of the Willow Tree King to crush a space crack, so that Xu Ziyan’s heart is more yearning for the holy level.


A large willow branch is like a spear, and it is straight to the Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s eyes are suddenly stunned.

"It is this time!"


Xu Ziyan’s body circling up on the ground, and the boxing dance slammed the thick willow branches around him, then extended his hands, and the “squeaky” slammed the thick willow that stabbed himself. Branch, facing the back.

The fairy soul willow tree king thought that Xu Ziyan had to break its willow branches, and the thick willow branches could not help but slam up.


The shape of Xu Ziyan flew up into the air with the thick willow branches, and immediately rose higher than the top of the tree.


Xu Ziyan squatted on the thick willow branch, and the body shape swooped down toward the center of the tree top.

At this time, the monks were in a state of sorrow. This is the field of gravity. The sacred fruit is more than three hundred meters away from the ground. These monks can't fly, and they can't jump so high. Just when the semi-demons escaped, it was just a leap from the height of a hundred meters. Before they just thought about approaching the trunk. Then climbed through the trunk and the result was simply not close to the trunk.

Now seeing the move of Xu Ziyan, then the power of Liu Zhi flies high. It is a good idea.


Even if she flies so high, can she break through the interception of heavy willow branches?

Even if she broke through the interception of the heavy willow, and finally got the fruit of the fruit, can she return safely?


Numerous large willow branches were raised, and Xu Ziyan, who swiftly swooped into the air, smoked.


Xu Ziyan's body shape hovered in the air, and his fists and feet were intensively blasted, and the thick willow branches were opened. But the more willow branches were drawn toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan's body shape not only did not dive down, but was drawn into the air by dense willow branches.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed a hint of anxiety, because she had already seen the fairy fruit being fluttering.


Xu Ziyan's body transmits brilliance. Yuanli fluctuated sharply. Standing in the heart of the semi-demonian on the ground is a glimpse, when he was defeated by the power of Xu Ziyan.

Not bad!

At this time, Xu Ziyan had already shown her last card, and instantly communicated three bridges of heaven and earth, and the two fists radiated a ray of light.

"A fist breaks the law!"


More than a thousand monks in the heart of the earthquake. She... can actually release the fairy 在 here...


Countless thick wickers began to collapse. The heavy wicker was broken by a large hole by Xu Ziyan. The shape of Xu Ziyan passed through the big hole like a swallow, and swooped toward the fairy fruit of the tree top.

Stretched out the slim hand and grabbed the fairy fruit.


Then the fruit of the fairy fruit was collected into the purple smoke space, and then the feet were connected at the top of the tree, and the figure then went to fly away.


The spirit of the willow tree king is completely crazy, like the green frenzy of the road, and like a green dragon to the air, Xu Zi smoked.

I got the fruit of the fairy fruit, and there was no scruples in Xu Ziyan’s heart. The purple smoke sword was taken out in the hand. The sword body releases the radiant light, and the three heaven and earth bridges communicate with the power of the world.

"A sword breaks the law!"

The entire sky is filled with a world of swords. The sword was vertical and horizontal, and countless wickers began to collapse. The shape of Xu Ziyan rushed out of the vertical and horizontal willow branches, and the body fell on the ground, with a squat at the foot.


A wolf claw clawed on the body of Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan spurted a blood out of his head, and his body shape was bombarded like a meteor. The body of the semi-demon is closely followed, and a pair of wolf claws slap through the space and smack toward Xu Zi.


Xu Ziyan's body once again released the radiant light, and the purple smoke sword in his hand was drawn out. The entire gravity field was a humming sound, and the great power was squeezed from all directions.

"A sword breaks the law!"


The body of the semi-demon is being blasted out, and a few screams are heard:

"you dare!"

However, it is just a few words of the singularity of the singularity of the singer and the singer of the singer.


The sacred and easy-going Xuan Kongling several days of the great monk Huo Ronton lived in shape, the eyes released endless fear. Hundreds of Tianzuns among the more than a thousand Tianzuns suddenly joined forces to bombard the past with Xu Ziyan, who was falling from the sky.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were sharp, and the purple smoke sword in his hand crossed a circle in the air. The circle formed a world, and the sword in the circle was vertical and horizontal.

"A sword breaks the law!"


The sky seems to be filled with endless swords, hundreds of days of statues swaying toward the rear, the air is constantly spurting the sound of blood, and even a dozen days of the body on the spot was smashed by the endless sword, the **** All are destroyed.


The shape of Xu Ziyan fell on the ground.


Three feet of blood were ejected, and one face was pale as paper. Now there is not much left in the body of Xu Ziyan, and there are only seven of the three hundred and sixty-five points.

After she broke through to the middle of Tianzun, she was able to release four world powers. At this time, Xu Ziyan was about to reach the end of the strong.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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