The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2469: collapse

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The face of the lord showed a pleasing color:

"So I will find a way for myself. Don't say, after hundreds of millions of years of thinking and deduction, it really made me think of a way. That is to find a planet embryo, a five-line complete planet embryo, planet embryo, do you understand? ?"

"I don't understand!" Xu Ziyan shook his head.

"The Planetary Embryo is a state in which a planet has just been born into a germ. It has not yet had time to build a planet. After thousands of years of searching, I finally found a five-line complete planetary embryo, and then I began to refine this with Daxianli. The planet embryo, which constantly compresses the embryo of the planet, finally refines the impurities in the embryo of the planet, becoming more compact and more pure.

Then I put the planet embryo here, and set up a quenching sword with a million angels. Do you understand the quenching sword? ”

"I don't understand!" Xu Ziyan shook his head again.

"The quenching swordsmanship is a big array that I have derived!" The face of the lord showed a triumphant color: "I don't know how to refine the sorcerer, but the evil lord can't refine the supernatural congenital sword. So I have derived such a method.

I used the innate sword to temper the planet embryo. Before I used the great fairy force to quench the planet embryo, although it had been refined to be more pure, it has not yet reached perfection. This large array of quenching swords is based on this large array, with the top five swords of the top of the best on the stone platform, so that the swords of the best innate swords are tempered. ”

"The sword of the congenital sword?" Xu Ziyan said: "Does the sword have a sword?"

Not yet waiting for the lord to answer, the thunder giant sword in Xu Ziyan said: "Yes! Every sword will absorb the essence of heaven and earth when it is generated. This essence is congenital sword. The higher the grade, the sword, the innate sword The thicker and more pure."

At this time, the lord also said the same meaning. When I saw Xu Ziyan nodding, I went on to say:

"This quenching sword has two functions. The first one is to further temper the impurities of this planet embryo and quench it to perfection. The second role requires me to cooperate.

I am the glimpse of the gods. When the lord first entered me into the planet embryo that was tempered to perfection, my task is to cooperate with this innate sword and to temper the planet embryo first. Become a sword embryo, and then slowly quench it, and then temper it into a supernatural congenital sword. ”

Xu Ziyan looked up and down with this beautiful sword. "Are you tempered now?"

"Well! It’s been a success for about ten years."


"Super! Good, you should talk about yourself and the Lord!"

"You are a **** of the gods, do not even know the things of the lord?"

"How can I know? I can only know what happened to the lord before I entered the planet embryo. Of course, if the lord came back to refine me, I would know everything about the lord."

“Refining and chemical?” Xu Ziyan asked curiously: “Is this refining of the sword not to be warmed up with God?”

"Not bad! But the refining method I derived is different from other methods. It is not only the need for the warmth of the gods, but also the sacrifice of the blood, so that not only the mind is imaginative, but the blood is connected and becomes Part of the body of the lord, so it is more able to increase the power of the lord."


"Okay, you said it!"

"I am a sect of the sect of Taizong!" Xu Ziyan took a message of his own introduction: "As for the lord, I don't know anything about it. Most of them are legends heard.

Legend has it that a great war broke out in the fairy world. The original lord, demon Lord, demon Lord, evil Lord and Kuidian were all involved in this big battle. The birthplace of the fairy world was broken, and now the continent left by the fairy world is called the Upper Yuan.

After that, the fairy, the demon, the demon, the evil master and the Kuidian disappeared, and the mysteries such as the Emperor Palace and the demon palace disappeared.

I don't know how many years have passed since that time, but it has been a long time. The lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord, the evil Lord and the Quebec have become legendary figures, and most of the monks have forgotten them, and even many monks have never known that they have had these five monks.

Until one day, the Dragon Palace was born. The lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord, the evil Lord and the Quebec suddenly appeared, which made the deeds of the five great monks re-circulated. ”

"The Dragon Palace was born?" The god's fascination changed.

"and after?"

"Later, the Five Saints gave up the Dragon Palace, and the Five Saints also went to catch up with the dragons who fled. They never went back, and now no one knows where they went.

However, some people found it here, it took a long time to crack the Tianmen, and finally cracked it, I followed the monks to enter here, stumbled upon this place. ”

The two sides once again quieted down, half-sounding, and the lord said: "The Tianmen is open, and the lord is born. So the lord will soon come?"

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Maybe the lord is still chasing the dragon!"

"That... why didn't the lord come to take me away?" The god's knowledge muttered to himself.

"Maybe..." Xu Ziyan thought and said: "Maybe the lord did not expect that you have succeeded in tempering the sword. Maybe... the lord does not want to expose the fairy palace too early, maybe he did not even think of it today. There will be someone in the Yuan Dynasty who can crack the Tianmen..."

“Why don’t the Emperor want to expose the Palace of the Immortals?”

"Maybe afraid of being revenged?"

"Afraid to seek revenge?" The **** of the lord was angry: "Who else in this world dares to provoke the lord?"

Xu Ziyan turned a white-eyed road: "I heard that the lord once united the demon Lord and the demon Lord to chase the evil master and Kui Tian, ​​and both the monks were seriously injured. If he did not kill the evil master and Kui Tian Or if you have an understanding with these two holy monks, then once the evil master and Kuidian join forces to kill the fairy palace, even if the lord can escape, I am afraid that this fairy palace will be given by the evil master and Kui Tian. Hey, right?"

The **** of the gods sank for a while: "That is also true!"

Looking at Xu Ziyan: "Thank you for telling me about these things today, I don't think I can report it. The five swords on the stone platform will be given to you!"

The eyes of Xu Ziyan are bright, and there is a voice coming from the sea: "Master, these five swords can't move!"

“Hmm?” Xu Ziyan said in the knowledge of God: “Why?”

"If I have not speculated wrongly, these five swords have two functions. One function is to use the sword as a sword. It is the first sword to temper the sword. The other is to fix the sword in the center. If there is no such five Sword, the supernatural innate sword that the lord refines will be turned into a streamer, and then go to find the lord."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed and his face smiled: “Thank you for your help!”

The gods of the lord are arrogant: "It doesn't matter, with the supernatural innate sword, these elite congenital swords are of no use..."

His voice did not fall, Xu Ziyan's body released a ray of light, communicated the bridge of heaven and earth, and a large hand in the air slid into the handle of the giant sword.


Xu Ziyan’s big hand has just been sacrificed halfway. From the body of the gods, there is a sudden pressure on the body, and Xu Ziyan is overwhelming.

Xu Ziyan's body shape is a stagnation, he feels that his actions have become very sluggish, and the pressure is absolutely with the power of the Holy Level and three layers. The power of Xu Ziyan's Yuanshen is only close to the second level of the Holy Level. In the face of the pressure of the three levels of the Holy Level, it immediately becomes like a grass in the wind.

Originally in this field of gravity, she was very difficult to display the fairy tales. Even if she communicated with the bridge of heaven and earth, the power she exerted was not as much as one tenth of the usual, and now she is under the pressure of the other gods.


The big hand that had condensed in half collapsed in space...

At this time, I saw the sacred figure of the lord standing on the hilt of the supernatural fairy sword, and the hands were unfolded toward the sides, and suddenly lifted up.


Wan Jian vibrates, a humming sound, like countless strings sing together...

The millions of congenital swords on the entire Xianshan Mountain moved to the air, and then hovered in the air, like an infinite giant dragon swooping down towards Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan's face changed dramatically, and his mind was moved. The purple smoke sword was held in his hand and turned into the air.


The tip of the sword collided with the faucet, and the body of Xu Ziyan flew out. The lord of the super-premium sword flashed, one hand and one stroke, then extended his index finger toward the air.

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea sounded an anxious voice: "Master, hurry to run, in this big array he is like a master, we are not his opponent."

At this time, the faucet composed of numerous innate swords suddenly opened a big mouth, biting the purple sword, and then the body behind its faucet began to decompose.


The dragon body is broken down into a handle, and the congenital sword is spurred toward the body of Xu Ziyan.


Countless congenital swords spurred on Xu Ziyan's body.


Xu Ziyan ** a blood, the hand holding the sword can not help but loose, the body in the tens of thousands of congenital swords under the constant and intensive bombardment tumbling in the air......

The faucet in the air bit the purple smoke sword and flew toward the gods of the lord.


I will spur the innate swords on the body of Xu Ziyan. The body of Xu Ziyan constantly tumbling in the air, and the blood is constantly being released from the nose and mouth. The body of the holy three-tiered body is in the dense congenital sword. The crack began, the blood flowed out, and the whole body was about to collapse.


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