The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2474: Anger (a pinker)

"At the beginning of the establishment of Taixu Zong, the Southern monks had a resource blockade against Taixu Zong under the joint of the city government and the eight major families in the south. They wanted to force the Taixu to survive. At the same time, the Yaozu also sent a large army to attack. Virtual sect."

"Oh?" All the monks erected their ears. Whether it is Shangdao and Mengshen, or the eleven ancient gods.

"But the strength of the monks they sent was too low, and the highest was the human respect, and we were beaten by our imaginary!"

"Oh!" The monks nodded in their eyes. In their eyes, the humane respect is really nothing. Liu Jinsong laughed:

"Little sister, the Yaozu will not give up like this?"

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “Then they sent the monk to the monk to attack the Taizong. We are too imaginary and the Yaozu agreed to have ten monks on each side. Ten games in the game, and finally we are too The emptiness won, and the Yaozu had to retire.

However, the Yaozu still does not give up, the last four demon statues personally want to destroy the Taixu Zong, I will catch the sky demon statue, put him outside the Taixu Zongshan Gate, as the guardian of the Taixu God beast. ”


The four lords, the earth is water, Luo Fanfan, and the flower fairy are all taking a breath. Shang Dao and Meng Shenji’s eyes widened, that is, the eleven ancient gods also looked at Xu Ziyan.

They have all seen the strength of the sky, but it is the real peak of the late Tianzun, Xu Ziyan arrested him? And also put it on the mountain gate, like a watchdog?

real or fake?

How do you feel like you are telling a story!

"And the white elephant and the snake have been killed by me, that is, Huangling escaped."

Xu Ziyan is a language that is not surprisingly endless. Twenty Tianzun Masters were staring at Xu Ziyan.

The four demon statues are so caught by her, killing and killing, fleeing?

This... What is Xu Ziyan now?

Twenty Tianzun thought about it at this time and looked at Xu Ziyan. This look was a surprise, and found Xu Ziyan as an ordinary person, they could not see through her cultivation.

"This... is it true?" Liu Jinsong asked stunnedly.

"Nature is true!" Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded: "Now the Yaozu has no threat to Taixu, but the Yaozus have seen us too imaginary disciples and flee."

"That... Southern monk..." Liu Jinsong asked dryly.

“Hey...” Xu Ziyan smiled proudly: “I built a city of Wangxian, and held an auction in the city. The finale of the auction is the innate fairy of the peak from the early stage to the late stage. Congenital fairy, congenital Bao and Xiantian Xianzhen. Now Wangxiancheng has become the trading center of Shangyuan, and the southern monks have no effect on the resource blockade of Taixu.

Five years later I held another second auction. The finale of the auction is the innate fairy of the peak of the middle and late stage of the Chinese product, the congenital fairy, the innate fairy and the innate fairy.

Nowadays, the city government has become a descendant family of Taixu, and the eight major families in the South are also the only ones. Taixu is in a state of detachment throughout the South. ”

Silent and silent on the grassland. Every Tianzun’s heart was shocked to the extreme. They did not expect a short period of nearly two decades. Too imaginary has developed to such an extent.

"Oh..." There was a sneer in the silence, and the sneer looked at Xu Ziyan: "Xu Ziyan, are you bragging?"

Xu Ziyan was silent for a moment, and when the public respected Xu Ziyan’s scam, Xu Ziyan’s face showed a bright smile:

"Shang Zongzhu! I know that my Master took thousands of miles and your hatred, and also know the so-called unspoken rules of your nine sects. I am solemnly here today!"

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan squinted through the nine masters, including the soil. Luo Bufan and the flower fairy, said with a condensate:

"Now you haven't put into action yet. But if you put it into action, it will be a hundred times more rewarding, and if you don't achieve your goal, you won't give up!"

The nine masters heard a glimpse of it, and Xu Ziyan declared war on the nine major sects without showing weakness.

How long have they heard this kind of tough tone! The last time this situation was a long time ago, the result was that the monk who issued the rhetoric and his sect was killed by the nine major sects. Nowadays, there is another person who stands up and makes the feeling of a purple smoke in the minds of the nine masters really not self-sufficient.

Shang Dao’s robes are windless and automatic, and they look at Xu Zi’s fluelessly: “I’m not afraid of you, I’m not afraid of killing you here?”

Xu Ziyan looked at Shang Dao faintly and spit out three words: "Do you match?"


Shang Dao’s face suddenly rose red, just wanted to stand up from the grass, but suddenly heard the footsteps coming from afar. Everyone looked at the past and saw more than a thousand monks marching toward this side. Everyone looked happy because they saw the majority of the monks who were their nine masters.

At this time, Shang Dao was too lazy to pay attention to the Stars, and his face showed a smile. With the addition of these monks, the strength of one's side would be greatly improved. In the face of the eleven ancient gods, it would not be so incompetent.


A fascinating momentum broke out from the look of Xu Ziyan, and Liu Jinsong and other people sitting around her blew their robes. The 20-day-old monk layman was shocked. Do you know what madness?

At this time, people still have no reason to take care of you. Do you still want to take the initiative to provoke the failure?

At this time, Xu Ziyan’s heart was very angry. She saw that many of the monks were the monks who had shot him at the same time. This is not the case. With her current strength, there is still no strength at the same time, and she is not a master of the seven or eight hundred days. There are also nine major sects in the lord, the most serious is that at this time she did not have the Thunder giant sword and the beast, only one god.

But this is not enough to quell the anger of Xu Ziyan, because she saw the spring 30-year-old mother, at this time the spring 30-year-old mother's head was scattered, the clothes were broken, and many places exposed her skin. She was sealed at the time, her hands were trapped by a rope, and she was dragged forward by the semi-demon, and fell to the ground from time to time.

Chun Sanniang began to follow Xu Ziyan from the mainland of Cangwu, and was loyal to Xu Ziyan. For more than two hundred years, although Chun 30 was always called Xu Ziyan as the main person, the feelings of both sides are already sisters.

Xu Ziyan stood up from the grass and walked step by step toward the semi-demon.

The eyes of the semi-demon are bright, and he saw Xu Ziyan. Chun Sanniang had already escaped when they chased the purple smoke, but later they were accidentally caught by the semi-demon, so they caught the spring thirty. What he wants is that he will encounter Xu Ziyan in the future, and he can use the spring 30-year-old to threaten Xu Ziyan.

At this time, seeing Xu Ziyan, he stopped his footsteps and pulled up the spring 30-year-old who was kneeling on the ground. A big hand was caught on the head of Chun Sanniang, and his eyes looked at Xu Ziyan.

The more than a thousand monks also stopped.

The owner of the Southern Four Church only paused for a moment and walked to the side. At the beginning they did not help Xu Ziyan, but did not kill Xu Ziyan. In their hearts, there are some doubts about whether Xu Ziyan is the reincarnation of Fengzu. It is reasonable to say that Xu Ziyan already has such strength, and the soul of Fengzu should already be awakened. Now that I have not awakened, isn’t Xu Ziyan not the reincarnation of Fengzu?

However, if it is not the reincarnation of Fengzu, where does the unyielding will come from?

So they did not take the shot, decided to continue to pay attention to Xu Ziyan on the side, to figure out the true identity of Xu Ziyan.

The monk of the ancestors only paused, and walked away to the side, and then walked toward the soil. At first they helped Xu Ziyan, although he did not help, but it was not the enemy of Xu Ziyan. Although Xu Ziyan was angry at this time, but the soil is standing there, it is not a way to make a decision. Therefore, they all came to the back of the earth, and the words of the voice whispered to the ins and outs of the matter.

The eyes of the earth's water are instantly widened. He did not expect Xu Ziyan's current strength to defeat the half demon.

Xuan Kongling also took the disciples' disciples to go to Xuan Tianao, and whispered the matter to Xuan Tianao, while Liu Jinsong, who stood next to Xuan Tian's body, Jin Jinwei and Hua Yu's face were gloomy. Because from the Xuankongling's remarks, they learned that when Xu Ziyan got the spirit of the soul, in addition to the Southern Four Churches, the Mou Zong and the ancestors, the remaining Stars, Zongsong, Danzong, and Emperor , Fu Zong, Luo Tianzong, Tian Xiang Zong are all shot to Xu Ziyan.

They don't know what Xu Ziyan will do at this time, but the heart is not as easy as before. Because Xu Ziyan’s status in their hearts is different at this time, a Xu Ziyan who can defeat the semi-demon layman is really shocking.

If Xu Ziyan is really worried, how do they do it?

Killing Xu Ziyan?

However, when hundreds of days of worshiping Xu Ziyan let Xu Ziyan escape, can they really kill Xu Ziyan? If you can't kill it, the strength of Xu Ziyan will be their disaster after that.

You don't have to look at other people, just watch the Stars!

A thousand miles will make the star field squabble jump, and the smoke will be smoldering, if you add a purple smoke...

She is able to kill the sky, kill the white elephant and the Pakistani snake, drive away the Huangling, and defeat the half-demon layman. This disaster is even more tragic than the disaster brought by the miles.

At this time, Xingyu Zong, Shenji Zong, Dan Zong, Fu Zong, Emperor Zong, Luo Tianzong and Tian Xiangzong disciples saw their respective lords standing there, naturally they did not dare to make their own decisions, one by one, cautiously guarding Xu Ziyan, toward their respective The main line goes.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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