The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2479: Too virtual sword (three more pink)

I am very grateful to the really fierce female classmates (588), Jie Jie classmates (200), big dreams of floating students (100), mableip classmates (100) rewards!


Time is passing fast, and the time of day has passed. The monk still has not recovered. Every time he resumes his actions, he will attack and swear.

These Xu Ziyan did not know, at this time she was completely immersed in the understanding of the heavens, she put the spring 30-year-old out, to protect her. That spring thirty-naughter got another little donkey, and the injury on her body was already completely good, and she appeared on the little donkey in a thousand poses, and when the half-demons came over, she was still provocative. Half demon lay a few eyes.

This day.

Xu Ziyan opened her eyes, and her eyes showed a happy color, because she felt the sword spirit of the sword in the time array formed. Sinking into the sacred mind into the time array method, into the purple smoke sword, you can see that the sword spirit that is exactly the same as Xu Ziyan is sitting in the sword world at this time.

Her hair has four colors, Xu Ziyan knows that it is a palm of water, Thunder giant sword, Huo Linger and Xiaojin have been completely integrated with Jian Ling. At this time, Jian Ling has the power of four attributes, and is four The power of complete integration of attributes. There are also two large light groups and five small light groups hovering around the sword spirit. The two large light groups are wood attributes and earth attributes, while the five small light groups are wind, light, dark, time and space attributes.

Xu Ziyan took back his knowledge and stood up from the grass. When the mind was moved, Chun 30 was taken back from the purple smoke space, and then leaped away toward the distance.

Xu Ziyan suddenly left. Let all the monks be surprised, but Xu Ziyan went away in an instant, and these people did not go after her. At this time they are all anxious for those who are controlled, and too lazy to manage the purple smoke.

Xu Ziyan passed a Xianqiao and returned to another fairy mountain. When the gods spread out and saw no monks. Xu Ziyan will enter the time array of the purple smoke space.

I held the sword in my arms and watched it carefully. The smile on my face was getting bigger and bigger.

Originally, this sword was made from a planet embryo that was bred with five attributes, and there was no wind and light. Time and space attributes, but the purple smoke sword that was originally refined by Yanshan Soul has eleven attributes, and each of these eleven attributes is made from a star nucleus.

The so-called star nucleus is the core of the planet, and it is not worse than the planet embryo in terms of material. Only that planet embryo is naturally possessing five attributes. Each star nucleus has only one property, which is merged together by the method of Yanshan Spirit.

Nowadays, this sword is decomposed and absorbed by the original Ziyan sword. After the swordsmanship, the swordsmanship has been refined. Now, from the fusion quality of this sword, this is already a fusion of ten. An attribute of the superb peak of the congenital sword. Only this time the sword can not play its power of 10%.

There are two reasons for not being able to play all the power of this sword. One aspect is that the sword spirit of this sword is only a fusion of attributes. Only gold, water. The four attributes of fire and thunder have the spirit of attributes. The spirit of these four attributes merges with the consciousness of Xu Ziyan to become the sword spirit, so now Xu Ziyan can exert the strongest power is these four attributes.

The other seven attributes do not form the spirit of the attribute, although Xu Ziyan can also make a sword like the power of the law, and not inferior to the power of the original use of purple sword, but if these attributes can form attributes Spirit, and integrated into the sword spirit, then the power of this sword will make the whole world discolored.

The second aspect is that Xu Ziyan has not completed the fusion of attributes. Now she only integrates the nine attributes of Jinmu Shuiguang, Tuguang, Fengshi and Lei into the realm of Zhongcheng, so she can only play the power of this fusion realm. She is able to achieve the integration of the realm, or to complete the perfection, if you can combine the time and space attributes, then Xu Ziyan used this sword to display a sword, which is not just a simple change of heaven and earth.

However, Xu Ziyan did not care about this at this time, what she has to do now is to carry out the final step of refining this sword.

Xu Ziyan held the hilt in one hand, and held the blade in one hand. Then he gripped it with force, and the hand holding the blade was cut by the blade, and the blood poured out.

The sword seems to have endless suction, and the blood in the body of Xu Ziyan is continuously absorbed into the blade. Gradually, Xu Ziyan’s face showed a bitter smile. The sword was about to absorb half of her blood. She was already weak and was in a coma.

Finally, on the edge of Xu Ziyan’s coma, the sword stopped absorbing her blood, and then the sword released a layer of Mengbao’s light, which was kept for about an hour, and then Baoguang fluctuated. In front of Xu Ziyan flashing, the sword turned into a human figure standing in front of Xu Ziyan, an identical Xu Ziyan, but the hair has four colors.

"Ziyan!" Sword Spirit salutes Xu Ziyan.

"Good! Good!" Xu Ziyan laughed happily. She and the sword had a feeling of connection between the mind and the blood. This feeling is stronger than the confusion and the green child.

"I have to give you a name. The previous purple smoke sword is no longer suitable for you, because there is no sword spirit before. Besides, you and I are exactly the same, it is always strange to call you purple smoke."

"Please give the name of purple smoke!"

"What's the name?" Xu Ziyan frowned. "Well, you have eleven attributes. If you want to form a finished space in the future, then take a name with Taixu, called too. Virtual sword."

"Xie Ziyan gave his name!" Sword Ling's face showed a happy look.

"Okay, I want to restore it!"

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan began to swallow some elixir and began to recover the blood in the body. Too virtual swords turned into a streamer hidden in the body of Xu Ziyan.

Within the mountains.

The nine masters and the four churches in the south are really anxious. How long has it been, and it is still impossible to solve the controlled Tianzun. They have tried everything, Xiandan, Xianfu, Xianzheng. But it has no effect.

In the end, the nine masters and the four churches in the south were in a hurry to go to the hospital, and they had to ask for help from the semi-demon, but the half-devil immediately shook his head and said that he could do nothing.

In fact, the semi-demons are really powerless, and these monks can't help but think of Xu Ziyan. But at this time, Xu Ziyan did not know where to fall.


A roar, a figure rushed into Xianshan, to be grounded, saw the nine sects and the four monks in the south still stay in Xianshan, which slowed down the foot to walk.

Come here is Xu Ziyan!

At this time, Xu Ziyan was full of joy, and after she had a virtual sword, she could leave here and enter the second floor. Just seeing the Nine Zongmen and the Southern Four Churches are still here, Xu Ziyan’s heart flashed a bit of hesitation. I am leaving here immediately, crossing the opposite side of Xianshan, or staying here in Tibetan Mastiff, waiting to leave with everyone?

While walking, I looked at the opposite side of Xianshan. I saw that there were more than 400 Tianzuns swimming there. The face of Xu Ziyan could not help but show a bitter bitterness. She really couldn’t guarantee that she could cope with the kind of ringtone. Coping with the siege of more than 400 Tianzun.

"Hey, it seems that I have to solve the problem of these four hundred gods first!"

Xu Ziyan frowned and looked toward the center of Xianshan. He saw a controlled Tianzun standing in the center, and the nine masters and the four churches were surrounded by a frown.

Xu Ziyan walked to the side and sat down on the side of the knee. The nine masters and the four church owners looked over Xu Ziyan, but they saw Xu Ziyan close his eyes and couldn't help but look at each other and sigh.

Xu Ziyan closed his eyes, and the knowledge was transmitted. He quickly scanned the body of the controlled monk. As expected, the body of Tianzun was not abnormal. The source of all control should be there. Tianzun knows the sea.

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the gods entered the sea of ​​the monk’s monk, and immediately heard the sound of “叮叮”. The consciousness of Xu Ziyan slowly swept through the heavens, and he saw the **** of the gods. Standing in the sea. However, Xu Ziyan could not find the source of the sound of "叮叮".

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the gods built a guqin in the sea of ​​Tianzun’s knowledge, and then the strings were gently moved to play Longfengming.

The rhythm of Long Fengming sounded in the sea of ​​knowledge, and the **** of the gods clearly had a clear lucidity.


A louder ringtone made the **** of the gods once again lost in the past, and Xu Ziyan was not willing to show weakness. The dragon and the phoenix screamed quickly, and the ringing tone was louder. Gradually, a wind chime emerged above the **** of the gods, and the fairy bells flashed above the wind chimes, releasing bursts of bells and dragons and phoenixes.

Xu Ziyan dispersed the constructed piano and took back the gods. He closed his eyes and wondered how he could get rid of the wind chimes.

This wind chime Xu Ziyan has some understanding, it is not from the outside, but from the inside. It is the wind chime above the Xianshan that controls this Tianzun, and then uses the **** of the heavens to construct a wind chime, which in turn controls the gods themselves.

The best way today is naturally to let the wind chimes disintegrate, how to wake up that god, and not to hurt that god.

But this is hard!

Another way is to ruin the wind chime, which will have some damage to the sea of ​​the gods, and it will take some time to recover. Moreover, Xu Ziyan has not tried it. If the damage to the other side is too great, it will be very difficult to recover, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to repair it. This kind of damage is too great for a Tianzun. Even if the other party is awakened, the other party may not be thankful to Xu Ziyan, and may even feel resentful.


Make up more! Still owed 12 chapters!



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