The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2488: Glimmering

Xu Ziyan thought about the surroundings before standing in the hall. He felt that this hall should be the most central position of the entire Emperor Palace.

"This should be the center of the Palace of the Immortals!"

Looking up, I saw three large characters above the towering palace:

The Palace of the Immortals!

"Sure enough, it is the Palace of the Immortals."

Looking into the gate of the Palace of the Immortals, I saw twenty-two Tianzun standing in front of the tall gate, Xu Ziyan stepped toward the opposite gate. While walking, while looking around, I found that there were traces of fighting, but I did not find the body of a fairy. At this time, she also saw that the twenty-two Tianzun Masters stood in front of the gate, and the atmosphere seemed to be very harmonious. It was not like a situation of infighting.

"What is going on here?"

Xu Ziyan was very puzzled. He walked toward the gate and climbed the steps. Before he reached the gate, everyone heard the footsteps behind him. When they saw him, they were Xu Ziyan, and they could not help but smile. The earth is in a hurry:

"Ziyan, come and see this door!"

Xu Ziyan looked at the gate and saw the mysterious pattern on the door. At this time, Hua Yu was standing in front of the gate, and he looked like a concentrated person. Taking back his eyes, Xu Ziyan did not immediately go to see the pattern of the door, but looked at everyone and asked:

"Dear friends, I walked all the way and saw a lot of traces of fighting. I don't know what happened?"

The soil is smiling with water and water: "This fairy palace has been set up by the emperor in a field of floating light!"

"Floating light?"

“Yeah!” Tu Yishui nodded. “It’s the time when the lord left time and space in the moment he left the Emperor’s Palace, so those pictures saw us. They attacked us, only to break these pictures, this glimpse The field will be dispersed."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan's heart showed a shock and curiosity. This holy level of fairy tales is really different.

The earth is pointing to the palaces on both sides: "We have been following the central axis, and we have not traveled to those temples. I must have preserved the light in the temple. If the purple smoke is interested, it is better to go and see. ""

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan nodded immediately, and was very interested in the immortal Xu Ziyan left by the emperor, even surpassing those treasures left by the emperor. Those treasures, Xu Ziyan, can refine themselves. But the immortal left by the lord has an enlightening effect on her.

Throwing twenty-two days of monks and monks, Xu Ziyan strode toward the side of the temple. Although these twenty-two Tianzun are eager to open the gates of the Palace of the Immortals, they are not good enough to ask for the purple smoke. Instead, I looked at the grievances and looked at the soil. The earth smiles with water and smiles:

"Since the purple smoke asks, can I not say it? Otherwise, is it not to blame? Anyway, this glimpse of the purple smoke is not a threat. After she sees it, she will come back."

Everyone thought about it. They nodded. They are on the road. Breaking through countless glimpses, there is really no danger. I must have promised that the purple smoke will come back soon.

Xu Ziyan stood in front of a moon at this time. As long as he crossed the moon gate, he would enter the building of the partial temple. Through the moon gate, Xu Ziyan saw that the road was not very spacious and extended to the front, on both sides of the road. They are all high palace walls, and there are also portals on the walls of the palaces on both sides. Presumably, there are courtyards within the portal.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze suddenly shrank. She saw a palace door open and a woman came out. I glanced in the direction of the Moon Gate, but as if I didn’t see Xu Ziyan at all, and then followed the passage to the direction of Xu Ziyan. I walked about 50 meters, stood before a door, raised my hand and gently knocked. hit.

The palace door opened, and a woman emerged from the inside. The two women smiled at the door, then walked into the door hand in hand, and the door was gently closed.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed amazement and stepped into the door of the moon. At the moment of passing, he felt a soft barrier like a water surface.

Standing inside the passage, looking toward the front, no one is missing, and it is quiet all around. Xu Ziyan dissipated the gods and felt different in an instant.

Sure enough, it is the power of a fairy, which can not help but shock the heart of Xu Ziyan, a fairy can actually save countless millions of years, the supernatural power of the holy level is so powerful.


The door just opened again, and the two women appeared at the door again. Then there was a stunned look in the eyes, looking at Xu Ziyan, and shouted:

"Who are you? You dare to marry the main palace!"

Xu Ziyan’s look is a deep glimpse of this glimpse of light. I didn't see this glimpse before, and they couldn't see themselves. Now that they have entered here, it seems to have broken into the time and space hundreds of millions of years ago, so that both of them can see themselves.

The gods swept away and found that the two women were just the realm of the fairy king. Xu Ziyan did not know what their status was in the original Xianzhu Palace, and they smiled:

"I am the guest invited by the lord, and the lord allowed me to look around!"

However, the hostility that appeared in the eyes of the two women became more and more intense, and suddenly they stood in a vertical direction, rushing toward Xu Ziyan, and even pulling the fairy to bombard Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan had a glimpse of his hand, and the two women’s bodies were scattered in the air. Xu Ziyan’s eyes are condensed, and the heart is dark:

"Sure enough, it’s just a shadow! This glimpse of the light is amazing!"

The two shadows were blasted, and the fluctuations of Yuanli alerted all the shadows inside the door. From that door, a figure rushed out, and there were some shadows of fairy beasts. It was shocked toward Xu Ziyan, and a fairy was born between the hands.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept away and found that the repairs of these shadows were not high, and they did not fight back. Instead, they stood still. She wanted to see if the shadows sent by these shadows were really powerful, or whether they were mirrored and empty. Without power.


A fairy sings in Xu Ziyan's body, Xu Ziyan's eyes reveal amazement, these fairy tales really have power, this glimpse is simply wonderful.

The figure was flashing, and the fists were waving. It was only a moment that the shadows were all blasted, and then they stood in the yard, and the face showed an incomprehensible color. Because she broke up more than a dozen shadows in this yard, the noise was not small, but the other yards were quiet and there were no other shadows.

"Is there only one person in this yard in this glimpse? The rest are empty? Is it wrong, did the woman just walk out of the other door?"

When Xu Ziyan moved in the heart, the figure walked out of the door and came to the door next to him. The door was blasted open behind him, and then he saw a figure rushing out of the room inside the yard. After Xu Ziyan broke the shadows inside, there was some guilt in his heart. These shadows should have a scope to find themselves. Only within a certain range, they will find themselves and then launch an attack.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan went to a courtyard. When all the shadows were scattered, Xu Ziyan felt a mysterious passage, and the floating light glimpses the fairy because the shadow disappears and collapses.

Since I came here, Xu Ziyan searched through the room one by one, although there were no treasures that Xu Ziyan could see, but those who were too imaginary could use it. So Xu Ziyan walked through the building complex of the partial temple.

The purpose of her walking is to understand this glimpse, and she found that there is only one way to crack this glimpse, that is, to destroy all the shadows inside, otherwise it will be trapped in this glimpse of light, how can you bombard, can not break this Glimmering.

However, Xu Ziyan always felt that it was not only this method that cracked this glimpse, but she could not comprehend it, only a vague direction.

Xu Ziyan walked on the side of the temple building for more than two months, but it searched for countless treasures, but for this glimpse, he only realized a fur, and there was a feeling of faintness, but it was just a feeling. .

Xu Ziyan felt that these glimpses had no help for her. She needed the precipitation of time, slowly comprehending and slowly deducing. After all, this is the immortal of the Holy Master, and she is not in the middle of a Tianzun. On the level.

However, she did not have to look at those glimpses one by one, and then turned back to the Palace of the Lord.

When I came to the gate of the Palace of the Immortals, I saw that Hua Yu was still studying the pattern there. The other big monks were sitting on the steps with their knees. When I saw Xu Ziyan coming back, I couldn’t help but open my eyes and looked at Xu Ziyan.

"Come back!" Tu Yishui said with a smile to Xu Ziyan.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded, sitting cross-legged next to the soil, and sweeping the monks to the monks: "The lords of the earth, why don't you go to the buildings on both sides, but there are many treasures, and I have gained a lot. ”

Those monks and monks looked at Xu Ziyan enviously, but no one was willing to move half a step. Looking at Xu Ziyan’s incomprehensible eyes, the earth smiled with water and smiled:

"Ziyan, what do you want for the Palace of the Immortals?"

"For what?" Xu Ziyan looked awkward and immediately responded. The reason why these people refused to leave here was that they feared that when they left here to find treasures, Hua Yu opened the door. And if there is the inheritance of the lord within the gate, wouldn’t it miss the chance of Tianda?

These people are coming for the inheritance of the lord, and other treasures are not important.

However, Xu Ziyan is not interested in the inheritance of the lord. She has found a way to become a holy level, and no longer needs the inheritance of the lord, so she did not think of it at the beginning. Then he nodded:

"Ziyan understands!"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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