The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2493: Temple (one more pink)

Well... Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang’s names are really checked every time, but they are not checked out. It’s really a mistake you can’t see!



Even if you can break these shadows of heaven, but when faced with the lord? Can you resist the trick of the lord? You know that they can't release Xianyu here, but these shadows can be!

The half demon layman snorted: "We only have two choices, one is to leave, the other is to venture in. If you want to get the inheritance, where is there no risk? What's more, we can use the fairy! We all these people There is more than one Xianbao? We can use Xianbao hard top, as long as we pass the energy consumption of the lord, we will win."

In the past, there have been many relics in the Yuan Dynasty. For example, the remains of Dan Fuzong, such as the Thunder Xianfu, these Tianzun have searched a lot of innate treasures, and there are still the best, no longer so shabby before. . If you put these Xianbao together, you might be able to get through the attack of the lord.

As the semi-demon layman said, if you want to get the inheritance of the lord, where might not risk?

Nine ancient gods nodded and said: "Let's go, what about you?"

At this time, who might step back, so they nodded.

Zhong Tian Zun is a courageous person. Once he has made up his mind, he will not hesitate. It’s just that these people are still grouped at this time. The nine ancient antiquity Tianshen took the lead in the door, followed by the dream machine and the monk. Although the previous dream machine released a goodwill to Xu Ziyan, but at this juncture. He still chose a group of monks.

Next is the four groups of Danfu Array, who formed a group and stepped into the door. The soil consists of a group of water, Luo Bufan and Huaxian, and then enters. The half demon lays a look at Xu Ziyan. In the end, I also walked into the door. Xu Ziyan was standing at the gate to think about it, and then released the spring 30-year-old girl, and put the pen on his back, and he was always ready to help. Then I took the spring 30-year-old to the door.

As soon as I entered the gate, the sound of snoring came.

"The lord, we should be the power of the human race, the extermination of the demon!"

"Where is the Mozu so easy to extinction? It is impossible to rely solely on the power of our human race. We should unite with the Yaozu..."

"Hey! How can we unite the demon?"

"The lord. His subordinates are willing to rate the demon to conquer the demon..."

"The lord, his subordinates are willing to rate the Xianjun to conquer the Yaozu, how to drive the Yaozu as a pioneer to conquer the Mozu..."


Xu Ziyan and other Tianzun are standing close to the gate. They are in a position that is still some distance away from those shadows and does not enter the perception of those shadows, so they are not attacked. But the sound of these shadows is opening a slogan to them.

The eyes of Zhongtianzun could not help but look at the nine ancient gods. Only these nine great monks came from the ancient times. They should have a clearer understanding of the history of the original.

Who knows that the nine ancient gods have shook their heads, and their faces have a sly look. Life Tianzun whispered:

"Dear friends, we were only scattered in the ancient times. We didn't know the reason for the outbreak of the war, but we were passively involved in the war."

All the gods are holding their breath and listening, hoping to hear more of the secret, and even want to hear what the lord said. However, the lord sitting high above did not say a word, but just squinted and listened to the quarrel. And those days of quarreling are also very chaotic. Xu Ziyan and other gods listened for a long time, but they heard it even more confused.

Life Tianzun shook his head. Looking into the sky, the gaze said: "Let's go!"

Zhong Tian Zun nodded, only Xu Ziyan stood there without any reaction. At this point she has released her knowledge and is comprehending the glimpses of it.

Seeing that Xu Ziyan did not respond, although these Tianzun’s hearts were not happy, they could not be guilty at this time. Therefore, no one has forced Xu Ziyan to move toward the front with caution.

"Bold, who are you? Even dare to privately visit the Palace of the Immortals?"

Suddenly more than a hundred Tianzun initially despised them, and several Tianzuns began to swear. The semi-demons and other people are in a relaxed mood. Sure enough, these shadows did not find them together. Only a hundred Tianzuns initially felt their existence.

Even so, they dare not move on. If you let more shadows perceive them, it is a dead end. Therefore, these monks and monks have lived in their footsteps, holding the congenital treasures one by one, and looking forward to the early days of the more than one hundred Tianzun.

"Bold, who are you? Don't leave!" Another Tianzun came to the side of the early morning and shouted.

The heavenly lord still did not move, and the Tianzun began to walk straight to the top nine ancient heavens, and waved his hand to the face of Mo’s face.


Mo Tiantian Zun waved a punch to break the shadow.


More than a hundred shadows screamed and smacked toward the heavens. All the heavens couldn’t help but look at the other shadows. When they saw other shadows, they didn’t look over them. They still argued there, and the fairy was still sitting there with a slight gaze.

In this way, Zhongtian Zun will let go of his heart. But they did not dare to move forward, just standing in the same place waiting for those shadow attacks. Each one released a fairy who defended the shadows with the innate celestial treasures. They have made up their minds, and if those shadows rush to their front, they will break those shadows. If those shadows only release the fairy scorpion from a distance, they rely on the congenital celestial defense to consume the shadow's energy, and then the shadows will naturally dissipate.

This time dragged on for a long time, but this day, the monk is not a patient person? It’s normal to shut down a thousand years, and they don’t care about time as long as they can drag these shadows to death.

Xu Ziyan also stepped forward a few steps, because this is closer to the inside, the more vivid the glimpse of the glimpses, especially the area that ignites the glimpses of light, and in those areas where the shadows and the heavens are fighting, the mystery of the glimpses is more lively. Let Xu Ziyan's understanding enter the country faster.

The fascination of the peak of the sixth level of the Holy Level was released, and the lively ambiguity was captured. The power of the gods was spinning rapidly. Knowing the gods in the sea is rapidly deriving...

Chun Sanniang stayed in front of Xu Ziyan. When there was no shadow attack, she stood there honestly. If there is a shadow attack, she will defeat a fairy, and if there is a shadow, she will break it. With her current strength, it is still easy to deal with some of the early days. In particular, Xu Ziyan stood very far behind, basically there was no shadow to attack her.

It took a whole day to spend so much time, and the shadows of the early 100s of Tianzun were finally exhausted by the energy of the gods. Zhong Tianzun did not continue to go forward, but sat on the ground, swallowed the elixir, and began to recover.

The time of the day also consumes a lot of their strength, and there is no further advance here, it will be used for a stronger attack. In the end, I have to face the attack of the lord. So they have to keep their peaks at all times.

Chun Sanniang also sat cross-legged in front of Xu Ziyan, swallowing Xiandan to adjust interest. She consumed very little and quickly adjusted her interest. However, one of these Tianzun people has not adjusted the interest rate, that is, Xu Ziyan who has never participated in the battle. At this time, she still stood in the hall, immersed in the understanding of the glimpse of the light, from the appearance, like a daze.

But these people who enter the hall are all heavenly, and wisdom is not comparable to ordinary monks. At this time they already knew that Xu Ziyan was comprehending this glimpse of light, and they also very much expected Xu Ziyan to comprehend, because they really did not have the slightest grasp of the shadow of the lord.

Therefore, these monks and monks no longer have a view on Xu Ziyan. They only hope that Xu Ziyan can understand this glimpse as soon as possible. At this time, they have vaguely speculated that the power of the **** of Xu Ziyan should enter the holy level, otherwise it is impossible for the lord to leave. Fairy has some insights, but they have almost no understanding.

At about the same time, twenty-two days of monks and monks stood up from the ground and took a few steps forward. Immediately, more than a hundred Tianzuns screamed at the beginning.

When Chun 30 looked at Xu Ziyan and didn't move, she didn't move. She stood honestly. After about half an hour, Xu Ziyan took the initiative to go forward, but she still looked like a dull, spring 30. Niang had to follow her to move on. After Xu Ziyan stopped, she immediately stood in front to protect her.

The twenty-two Tianzun used this method to advance forward little by little. The final part was broken up, and some of them were consumed in the peak area of ​​Tianzun’s early stage, and they reached the middle-class area of ​​Tianzun. The pressure. Although they have been very cautious, they can at least illuminate more than one hundred people at a time. This time, the next hundred men will come up in the middle of the period, and the pressure is enormous.

At this time, from the scene of the battle, we can see the true level of each Tianzun.

Although there is only one person in the semi-demon, it is absolutely fierce, and the figure is no longer moving forward, but it is no longer passively beaten to consume the energy of the shadow. It was not a good idea to be surrounded by more than one hundred Tianzun mid-terms. Even if he did not die, he was seriously injured. Therefore, the semi-demons began to move laterally, voluntarily rushing to those shadows, and wherever he passed, no shadow could hold on to one stroke.

From this point of view, this semi-demon is stronger than any of the ancient gods. This can not help but shake the nine ancient heavenly hearts that have always been proud.



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