The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2498: Shang Dao

The breath of the body suddenly violently grows, and the repair is a breakthrough to the peak of the middle of Tianzun.


The power of the second world collapsed under the impact of two aurora.

Two aurora blinkers came to the front of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan would be too weak.


Two aurora bombardments were on the top of the virtual sword. Although they broke through the power of the two worlds, the force was still strong. They swept back to Xu Ziyan’s body and flew back to the gate. On the glimpse of the floating light at the gate, the body strength of the third grade of Xu Ziyan was not rushed by the blood, and a blood was spurted out.

However, it was once again collided with this aurora, letting Xu Ziyan understand the transparency of the last layer of fog, and Xu Ziyan climbed up from the ground and extended his hand to push forward.

It seems that the fairy glimpse of the glimpse is like a door without a bolt. It is gently pushed by Xu Ziyan, and the door opens.

At this time, the shadow of the fairy saw that the aurora still did not kill Xu Ziyan, and the figure stood up from the chair. This stood up and banged, the entire Emperor Palace was shaking, the earth was shaking, and the power of Tianwei was overwhelming.


At this time, Xu Ziyan’s hand was pushed out. It was a simple push, and the entire fairy palace was suddenly distorted. The mighty power of the day was suddenly distorted and lost its direction, and then it broke. The shadow of the lord became lighter and thinner and eventually dissipated in space.

Xu Ziyan’s body swayed and eventually sat down on the ground. Paled face. A blood spurted out of the mouth and nose.

She added the last glimpse of the glimmer of light, and has already exerted three world powers. This is not only the consumption of Yuanli. The key is that she was injured in the last two aurora attacks.

The power of the lord is really not able to withstand the current purple smoke, even if it is only a shadow of the lord, even if the shadow of the lord has not yet had a chance to make a powerful move, just gave her a look.

It is this eye that makes her holy level 3 body hurt!

The twenty-three days of the monks and monks looked at Xu Ziyan with horror, especially the nine ancient gods. Their previous jealousy for Xu Ziyan was nothing more than the ability to fuse the fairy charm, but there is no solution. It is time for Xu Ziyan to integrate those fairy charms. This gave them the opportunity, as long as they did not give Xu Ziyan the opportunity to integrate Xianfu, Xu Ziyan did not have any terrible.


They just saw Xu Ziyan’s sword breaking through the law, and the power made them feel the shudder. They can feel that the sword that Xu Ziyan has just released is definitely not the power of the Tianzun period. That is the power of the Holy Class.

Although they know that Xu Ziyan is not a holy class today, and they have just seen Xu Ziyan break through, the breakthrough atmosphere is only the peak of Tian Zun. However, Xu Ziyan is the strength of Tianzhong’s mid-term peak, but it releases the power of the holy level. This is going to be opposite to Xu Ziyan. I am afraid that it is not two. Three people can deal with it.

To be honest, they are nine together, at this time their hearts are not sure!

The hearts of the four churches in the south are even more dazed. They once saw the power of Xu Ziyan to release a sword in the southern city of the demon city. But at this time, they felt that the power of the sword that Xu Ziyan released was powerful, and it was not a little bit stronger. Let them completely fail to resist.

To say that the most shocking thing here is the semi-demon. Because he is the monk who knows the most about Xu Ziyan. At this time, his face was white, and Xu Ziyan’s release of a sword broke through the law. He only felt that he had strengthened a lot. After all, the four of them did not personally interact with Xu Ziyan. However, the half demon who has played with Xu Ziyan knows deeply that this is not a lot of enhancement, but has been enhanced many times.

He was able to escape in the town of Demon City before, but if he played against Xu Ziyan at this time, he felt that there was no chance of even running away.

The nine masters were equally shocked, and the strength of Xu Ziyan made their hearts completely unacceptable. How many years have they cultivated and how many years have they been cultivated by Xu Ziyan?

So was Xu Ziyan surpassed?

The most unbearable is the Shangdao, he can even foresee the demise of the Stars. The hatred between him and the tens of thousands of miles cannot be resolved, and the ability to use the combination of Xu Ziyan and Wanli does have the ability to destroy the celestial sect. Even if the star field is Zongfengshan, Xu Ziyan can't break the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect, but can the sect of the sacred domain be able to seal the mountain for a lifetime?

And it is obvious that the alliance is also good, and other big gates are good. It is no longer an alliance with the Stars. It is not good to attack the Stars with the Taixu. If Xu Ziyan really promised the benefits of other sects, maybe these big gates would join forces with Taixu to destroy the sect.

Isn't the Upper Territory not allowed to have the tenth largest sect?

If the horoscope is destroyed, will there be nine sects?

The only way to crack this dead game is to kill Xu Ziyan!

Kill Xu Ziyan!

Shang Dao’s eyes looked at Xu Ziyan, who saw the weakness of Xu Ziyan. Not only is it weak, Xu Ziyan suffered a very serious internal injury. At this time, Xu Ziyan was pale, and there was blood hanging between the nose and mouth. He was bombarded by the two aurora. Although it was too resistant to the sword, Xu Ziyan was injured. Not light, and the use of the power of the world three times, so that the body of Xu Ziyan is consumed a lot, and now there is only the power of the world to exert the power of the world. In the appearance, Xu Ziyan was weak and weak at this time, and it was already faltering.

On the contrary, they still suffered a lot less damage. They just started to be attacked by the lords, and after being weakened by the five hundred people, they bombarded them on their best innate treasures. They retained 80% of them. strength. But at this time, Xu Ziyan is in their eyes, I am afraid that the strength is not enough.

“This is the best opportunity and the only chance!”

In the eyes of Shang Dao, there is a killing in the eyes. Only by grasping this opportunity to kill Xu Ziyan, all problems will be solved. As for the self-killing of Xu Ziyan, what other Tianzun will react.

Nothing will happen!

No one will be in conflict with a dead person and his lord of the celestial domain, even if it is soil.

The future of the Stars is at this moment!


Shang Dao’s figure suddenly jumped from the ground, and his body stretched in midair. He rushed to Xu Ziyan like a sharp arrow. The innate sword in his hand stabbed the throat of Xu Ziyan.


All Tianzun was shocked to see Shang Dao, and no one thought that Shang Dao would sneak at this time, and he would have just killed the Xu Ziyan who had just exhausted his power to get rid of the glory.


The body shape of the earth flew up in an instant, and the innate sword in the hand pursued the past with Shangdao. The other people were shocked to see the two people flying in the air and sitting on the ground with their knees, and their faces were pale, and they looked at the purple flowers of Shangdao with surprise.


Not all people are shocked!

The half demon layman was not shocked, and the four monarchs in the south were not shocked! Not only were these five people not shocked, but their faces were sardonic.

The semi-demon is a monk who has really moved with Xu Ziyan. He was bombarded by Xu Ziyan for four times. At the same time, the Southern Four Church was watching the semi-demons being bombarded by Xu Ziyan for four times.

Here, they only saw that Xu Ziyan released the power of the world twice. Even if Xu Ziyan cracked the glimpse and used it again, then Xu Ziyan had at least the opportunity to release the horrible power of Xian. You still have to kill at this time. Xu Ziyan, isn't that looking for death?

Really think that Xu Ziyan is weak and looks bullied?

Shang Dao has already erupted all of his potential, but the innate sword in the hands of the moment has already reached the front of Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan raised his left hand and grabbed the sword sword that stabbed himself.


Everyone, including Shang Dao, is shocked by the heart, and the semi-demon and the Southern Four Church are no exception.

The sword in the hands of Shang Dao is the best innate sword! Although it is not the peak of the best, but also the best? Xu Ziyan used this hand to grasp the sword of the best congenital sword.

However, Xu Ziyan's left hand firmly grasped the blade, and did not imagine that the hand was cut by the sword. At the same time, he saw that Xu Ziyan's right hand also waved, and a burst of light burst out on his fist.

Do not!

It is not a ray of light, but a world!

It’s just a punch!

The speed of both sides is too fast. At this time, there is no way to dodge. What is more, the sword of Shang Dao is held in the hands of Xu Ziyan?

Shang Dao looked sharply, and his left hand clenched his fist to the right hand of Xu Ziyan!


The body of Shang Dao flew out, and in the air, the body began to rub and crack. His strength was originally not as good as that of the semi-demon, and the first half of the demon was still attacked by Xu Ziyan from a long distance, but this time Xu Ziyan’s fist was actually bombarded in the fist of Shang Dao.

Just as the fist of Shang Dao and the fist of Xu Ziyan hit a place, the face of the semi-demon lays a pity. No one knows more about the power of Xu Ziyan's power.


Xu Ziyan opened up a force of acupuncture, and his body shape leaped up. He had already held the sword in his hand and pursued the past toward the still road that was still flying in the air.


The earth fell on the ground, and some looked at Xu Ziyan in the air. He didn’t understand that Xu Ziyan could be powerful enough to hit the old man’s peak in the late stage.


Shang Dao’s left arm has completely broken, and the power of the powerful world is invading his body. The body on the left has cracked. In this place where the immortality cannot be released, there is no doubt that there are too many restrictions. If this is outside, there is still hope of dodge, and the worst has the opportunity to escape from the space.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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