The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2504: Zongmen Difficult

Time is looking at the jade: "What is it inside?"

"It's a quenching method!" Ye Haotianzun whispered: "When you get different immortals, we can exchange each other."

The other eight ancient antiquities of the ancient times nodded, and at this time they could not guilty between the nine people, and as Ye Haotian said, after they went out from here, they could discuss with Ye Haotian, there is always a solution, also It is better than falling in the hands of others.

However, this is not what they want to stay if they want to stay, but they can only threaten the nine people who join hands. Nine people looked at Xu Ziyan, but found that Xu Ziyan did not look at them at all, and slightly frowned and looked at the half demon layman. At this time, the half demon layman was actually suppressed by the demon, and the fairy can not be released here. It is really very lossy, but the demon can release the fairy, so that the semi-demon is very embarrassing.

Xu Ziyan is wondering if he wants to save half of the demon. Now the shadow of the lord has been wiped out, and it should not be any more dangerous. And this semi-demon is another extremely ferocious person. It is best to die here. Otherwise, when will he open the **** squad, isn't he going to die for a million?



The half-sacred **** who has come to the southern continent will spread the knowledge of God with great enthusiasm.

"There is a **** atmosphere!"

The half-sacred **** will secretly say in the heart, who is so big, it is very difficult to lay out a **** array, and it needs a lot of layout materials. Not the average family can afford it.

"Who is who he is laid out, and it is used!"

The shape of the half-sacred **** quickly disappeared. The next moment he stood in the sky above the family of one of the eight great families in the south. A **** squad is shrouded in a thousand miles of the king's family. The half holy **** will turn the handcuffs and ignite the **** squad...

The Mozu was unified in a short period of time. At this time, the demon Lord was sitting in the hall of the Devil's Secret, and his eyes closed to stimulate the blood to find Xu.


He felt the position of Xu Xiang, but it was very vague. It seems that there is a ban on the atmosphere that covers the Xu Xiang. The demon Lord snorted and his body shape disappeared in the hall.

next moment.

He stood in the sky above Taixu. Looking down.

Too imaginary.

The entire sect was shrouded in a large array, and only the gate was opened, and the breath of the scent was flowing from the gate. At the gate of the mountain, there was a demon statue, and the sky shook and felt the pressure of Tianwei, and looked up reluctantly. I saw the Lord of the Lord.

Greener felt a breath that made her feel trembling. Without hesitation, he unfolded the array and surrounded the entire Taizong. It’s just that the breath of the breath suddenly disappeared.

The lord's gaze was sharp, and the palm of the hand was shot toward Taixu. Anyway, he just wants to take back his own heavenly path and smash the Taixu sect. The natural sound will die, and the road will naturally drift away.


He only used the power of the Holy Level and saw the destruction of the Taixu.


The lord's gaze was picked up, and there was still a large array in the first layer of the big array. The big tier was safe and sound.

The huge vibration caused a shock in the distant city of Wangxian. The figure swayed and the chaos ran over the roof. Looking towards the direction of Taixu Zong, the heart was a shock. She saw the Lord of the Devil, and her heart instantly recalled the giant sect of the sky in the past few days.

"This is the Lord!"

The chaotic figure quickly disappeared. The next moment she appeared in the golden invincible. At this time, Wang Xiancheng turned to Jin invincible to sit in the town. At this time, Jin Invincible also stood on the ridge, and his face looked solemnly toward the direction of Taixu.

"Gold invincible, immediately summoned the Taixu disciples together, we left Wangxiancheng!"

"You are?" Jin Invincible felt that there was a familiar atmosphere in the chaos, but he did not know.

There was a ripple in the chaos, and the appearance of Xu Ziyan appeared. Jin Invincible, of course, knows that this person is not Xu Ziyan, because he and Xu Ziyan have a connection with the control of the soul, but he also knows that Xu Ziyan has a chaotic such a avatar. Immediately nodded, his body flew toward the main hall of the city, and released the gods to summon all the virgin disciples.

The demon Lord stood in the air, his face was green, and a small Taixu Zong could resist his power. This made his heart very unhappy, and he slammed it again. This time he used it. Holy level three layers of power.


The entire Taixu dynasty disappeared, leaving only a ruin. The entire site of the Taixu sect became a huge handprint...

In the city of Wangxian.

Five hundred and sixty-six disciples have already stood in the hall, and the chaos opened and sucked, and these people, including Jin Invincible, were instantly sucked into her mouth. Afterwards, the chaotic body went deep into the ground. On the edge of the underground array, a few handcuffs were shot. The Xiancheng banned the law and cracked a gap, and the chaos left silently.

While Jin Invincible summoned the Taixu disciples, it also closed the four-door ban in Xiancheng. At this time, a large number of monks emerged from the city of Wangxian and fled to the desert.

No one is a fool. Everyone can recognize that the monk who is attacking the tyrannical sect is the demon. In the past few days, the giant sect of the sky has a deep memory. Since the demon Lord attacked the Taixu sect, he will attack the city of Xianxian when he will destroy the tyrannical tyrants. At this time, he will not flee, waiting to be killed?

In the air.

The devil's look was getting colder and colder, looking down. The entire Taixu dynasty had disappeared, leaving only a huge handprint, but he did not find the heaven he was looking for.

The deity of the demon Lord spread out, but with the sanctuary of his six levels, he could not find the slightest breath of heaven.


The Lord of the Devil was angry, and madly slammed into the ruins of the Taixu ruins. He bombarded the surrounding area and then flew toward the city.


A huge devil's palm descended from the sky, and the formation of the fairy city was broken. The entire Wangxian City disappeared, but a huge handprint was left. The monks who had not had time to run out became a powder, and the slow-running monks were also endless. The wind has become a fly ash.

The demon Lord stood in the air, his face looked cloudy and uncertain, and eventually the robes of his robes disappeared into the sky.

There was a woman quietly appearing in the sky, facing the ruins of Taixu Zong below. The face was sorrowful and angry, and the body was turned over in the air, turning into a smashing and swaying away.

A horse came by the clouds, fell on the edge of the big handprint, looked toward the ruins below, stood for a long time, hit a ringing nose, and flew away toward the mountain.

After another month, a girl stood on the edge of the big handprint, and her body was full of murderousness, and the space around her body was slightly distorted by the murderous.


The girl squeezed out two words from her teeth, and her body shape rose to the sky and flew in the direction of the Mozu.

The Palace of the Immortals.

Seeing the nine ancient antiquity, Zun Zun actually played a jade slip from the body of the demon, and other Tianzuns were also red-eyed, attacking the demon more violently. The second end of the battle is not the nine masters, but the four churches in the south.


The demonization made a breeze, and a "snap" slammed out a jade from the inside. Liao Bufan reached out and took a trick. The jade was easily caught in his hands. His knowledge was swept away and his face showed a happy color. Then I couldn’t help but look at Xu Ziyan, because this jade slip is actually the experience of the lord. Although he is not a master of the Xiandan, but the four children in the South Hall of the Church can not be used!

He handed the jade to Xu Ziyan and looked at Xu Ziyan, because only Xu Ziyan and Hua Yu were able to see this jade, and Hua Yu was still fighting with a demon. Maybe there is also a demon in the body. What Huayu wants, so they don’t need to compete, just see if Xu Ziyan wants to compete.


The eight masters also smashed a demon, and "suck" a thing fell, but it was not a jade, but a pen, a great congenital treasure.

Hua Yu reached out and took the pen in his hand. A kind of joy came to his mind. He immediately felt that if he used this pen to make a note, the success rate would be as high as ninety-nine.

"This pen is for me!" Hua Yu excitedly looked at the child's ignorance, and the eyes of the excited eyes showed firmness. But did not think that Tong Wuji immediately nodded:

"Hua Zongzhu likes to keep it!"

Hua Yu’s heart was a glimpse, and then his face was dignified. Tong Wuji and Xu Ziyan are different. Xu Ziyan has always stood there and did not do it. This shows that Xu Ziyan did not get anything. The four masters of the South are the hands-on, since their eight masters can get a treasure from the demon body, then the child should also get a treasure. And it can make Tong Wuji give up this pen so quickly, only to prove that the treasures that Tong Wuji got are more than this pen. I was a little embarrassed in my heart:

"What treasures did Tongdaoyou get?"

"Oh..." The child’s face showed a smile, and he was able to flatten Huayu so quickly that he was very happy. In fact, he had a feeling that Xu Ziyan would not compete with him for this jade, like the one before. Dan Dao jade, Xu Ziyan is not without competition? Therefore, he thinks that his biggest enemy at this time is Hua Yu. He did not think that Hua Yu was under ecstasy. He first opened the pen. In a good mood, the smile on his face also increased a few points:

"I got a jade slip, it is the master's experience!"

Hua Yu’s look is a stiff, a kind of emotion called regrets has come to mind, only to feel the heart plugged. How can I be so unsettled, I want to slap myself a few slaps.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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