The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2525: Rewarding and killing (a pinker)

Wen Yao looked at the opposite respect, but the Shangzun at this time dangled slightly, and ignored him. Wen Yao calmed down and closed her eyes. She began to urge the power of the gods to force the mark to go out, but after a full hour, he could not move the mark, and eventually mixed with the anger. The eyes of fear look to Shangzun.

Shang Zun raised his eyes and met Wen Yao’s gaze. The corner of his mouth showed a trace of irony:

"What? There is no way to get rid of the mark?"

Wen Yao took a deep breath. At this time, he already knew that his life was pinched in the hands of Shang Zun, but he still couldn’t pull his face down and shouted:

"Shang Zun, what do you want to do?"


A slap fan is on the face of Wen Yao. Wen Yao’s face is a glimpse, and she is angry:

"Do you dare to hit me?"


Another slap fan was on the face of Wen Yao. This time Wen Yao was ready to fight back, but found that when he was slap in the face, he was actually suppressed from moving. Only angry and angry:

"Shang Zun, do you dare to beat me? I am the sect of the Stars, do you dare to beat me?"


A series of slaps of light, playing the respectful and hearty, but Wen Yao is angry and heart attacking, mouth stunned. Shang Zun suddenly stood up, lifted his leg and put Wen Yao to the ground, stepped his foot on Wen Yao’s face, and rubbed his face with his soles:

"You are a coward, afraid of Xu Ziyan and taking thousands of miles, I will not dare to avenge my father. And also drive me out of the sect, so as to open up the purple smoke and take thousands of miles. There are people like you who are the lords of the celestial domain, use Within a few years, the Stars will become a small sect.

You villain, in order to greedy and cultivate resources, even occupied the peak of the star field, occupying the resources that my father left for me, let alone hit you, is it killing you? ”

"You... can you kill me?" Wen Yao said with a trembling voice, his eyes showing fear.

Shangzun recovered his foot. Looking down at Wen Yaodao who is lying on the ground, "killing you is like pinching an ant."

"No... no... don't kill me, I will give you the position of the sovereign!"

"The position of the Sovereign?" Shang Zun laughed loudly: "Ha ha ha... Do I need you to give it? As long as you kill you, this Lord is my place."

"No! The elders of the Sovereign may not agree. But with my support, you can easily sit on the position of the Sovereign."

"Ha ha ha..." Shangzun once again laughed loudly: "You want to be a sovereign in this realm, you need the consent and support of others, I don't need it!"

"You... don't need to..." Wen Yao looked at the condescending Shangzun.

"I don't need it naturally!" Shangzun said faintly: "I am a holy monk who wants to be the sovereign of the celestial sect. Do you need the consent of these ants?"

"Holy level?" Wen Yao body shocked. The fear in the eye is infinitely magnified: "Are you... holy?"

"Not bad!" Shangzun said faintly.

Wen Yao remembered that he had no power in the face of Shang Zun in the late stage of Zun Zun. This is not a sanctification. How else would you suppress yourself like this? Time is so gray, knowing that you are in front of Shangzun is really like an ant.

"Why? Why do he have such a good chance? Going out of the circle and breaking through the holy level? Why is it not me who broke the holy level?"

Although the heart is cursing, but at the same time is very afraid of death. It’s hard to cultivate to the late Tianzun, how could you be so willing to die?

Not afraid of life and death, it is a matter of young people who are full of blood. The more people who live like them for a long time, the more they are afraid of death, not to mention being a late monk. There are still a long time to go, and it is never wanted to die.

The word "holy" became the last straw to crush him. Wen Yao climbed up and screamed in front of Shang Zun:

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"Give me a reason!" Shangzun said faintly.

"I... I am a dog from the master from now on. Whoever you let me bite, I will bite!"

"is it?"

"Yes! Yes! Do not believe that the master can test, you let me bite now, I immediately bite!" Wen Yao shouted loudly.

"Look up!"

Wen Yao raised his head and his face was flattering. Shangzun looked at him coldly: "Pick up and hold the Zongmen Conference."

Purple smoke inside the world.

In Xianhe, the huge Xianyuan force is repairing the body of Xu Ziyan, but the injury of Xu Ziyan is too heavy. The speed of repairing Xu Ziyan's injury in Xianhe cannot keep up with the speed of body destruction, and the crack on the body of Xu Ziyan is increasing.

Suddenly, a message was introduced to Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea, which was the 14th layer of the practice of the world’s quenching body that Thunder passed to her. Xu Ziyan’s heart was happy, and immediately began to comprehend the fourteenth layer of the world’s quenching body, and then began to operate the exercises.

The quenching of the heavens and the earth and the power of the Xianhe, the crack of the body of Xu Ziyan finally stopped the momentum. Flying in the sky, a few figures, it is Dan Yi, Dan Yi took out the fairy to feed the mouth of Xu Ziyan, and then sat next to Xu Ziyan, from time to time to feed Xu Ziyan an elixir.

Xu Ziyan’s injury is slowly recovering, and the purple smoke space has no direction in the depths of the ground. Time passed in the silence. Two months later, the injury of Xu Ziyan completely recovered, and the strength of the body reached the fourth level of the holy level.

However, Xu Ziyan did not open his eyes, but began to lie in the Xianhe to remember the two tricks of fighting with the Lord, and comprehend the power of the world that the Lord’s two shots showed...

Star domain.

Shang Zunzhi sat sat in the position of the Sovereign, looking at the star-shaped Zonggefengfeng, who was sitting on both sides, and the momentum of his body spread out, and instantly the peaks and peaks felt the pressure of Tianwei, even The breathing is not smooth, only the body is pressed against the mountains, and the bones are squeaky.

Shangzun’s eyes glanced at the monks in a majestic manner. The monks did not have a dare to respect the monks, and they all bowed their heads. Shang Zun’s eyes show his gaze and look back. This made all the monks in the hall feel the pressure on the body loose, and they couldn't help but feel a long sigh of relief. This is the time of the break, and every monk's forehead has sweat.

Sitting on the top of the Shangzun slightly raised his eyes and said: "Now Xu Ziyan is dead, too imaginary is destroyed. Now the rest of the Taixu sect is nothing more than taking thousands of miles and Xu Tianwo, Xu Xingfan, Ling Xiao these three original The person who went to the Palace of the Immortals.

From this moment on, open the mountain gate and give me a search for the three people who traveled thousands of miles, Xu Tianwo, Xu Xingfan and Ling Xiao. Xu Tianwo, Xu Xingfan and Ling Xiao are the three people who will kill them. You will only be responsible for finding him in Wanli. I will kill them by myself. ”


The peaks and peaks immediately stood up and respectfully responded. At this time, they all knew that Shangzun had broken through to the holy level, which made these monks very excited.

To be honest, for some of the previous initiatives of Wen Yao, these great monks were very unhappy, feeling very depressed, and the morale of the entire Stars was dropped to the extreme. Nearly a million disciples of Zongmen have a resistance to Wen Yao in their hearts.

Now the return of the king is still the son of the old lord, the future of the lord. Now it has become a holy monk, surpassing the old lord, and the future of the celestial sect is brilliant.

Moreover, Xu Ziyan, the biggest enemy of the Stars, died, and the mountains that were pressed against them disappeared instantly. They all feel that the opportunity of the Stars is coming.

If Shangzun can kill thousands of miles with his own hands, he will immediately restore the reputation of the loss of the Stars. As for saying that Shang Zun can kill thousands of miles?

Isn't this a joke?

A holy monk killed a peak of the late Tianzun, isn't that like an ant? Didn't you see that Shangzun just made an impetus, and put them in such a sigh of relief?

As for Xu Tianwo, Xu Xingfan and Ling Xiao, how many of them can kill more than three people?

Nowadays, the other eight sects are in the mountains, even if they want to help the tyrannical ancestors. What if they didn't seal the mountain? Today's Shangzun is a holy monk.


Even if the eight masters did not ask, they could not let them go. They watched the old lord being killed by Xu Ziyan. No one even blocked it. It is imperative that the sects hold a nine-time conference to allow the eight sects to serve the sect.

The Star Fields suddenly opened the door, and countless monks swarmed out, shocking the entire Yuanyuan. The eastern Zongmen Fengshan did not completely block the news, or some monks stayed outside and collected various news. The news was collected very easily, because the Stars of the sects did not hide at all, and they offered a reward. Any monk who reported Xu Tianwo, Xu Xingfan and Ling Xiao’s traces could get 10 billion yuan of fine crystals, and reported thousands of miles. The traces of the monks can get one hundred billion best crystals.

This shocked the hearts of the various sects in the east. Although Xu Ziyan died, but there is still a thousand miles in it, it is now the peak of Tianzun in the Wanli, and it is not the general peak of Tianzun in the Wanli, but it is the root of the five attributes, and the cultivation is out of bounds. The peak of Tian Zun later. With the strength of the Stars, can you kill thousands of miles?

Is Wen Yao crazy?

After the second news came over, Wen Yao was no longer the lord of the celestial domain. Shang Zun returned to the sect, and sat on the seat of the lord.

When the third news came back, each sect was shocked, and Shangzun broke through the holy level!

Holy level!

The legendary realm, the direction they have been working hard, was actually led by Shangzun!

Then it is completely unbelievable!

Is the holy level so good?

Subsequently, the orders of the various sects were sent out, so that the disciples of their respective sects closely monitored the celestial sects, especially to find out whether Shangzun had reached the holy level.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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