The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2537: alliance

I am very grateful to Jie Ji students (200), Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200), cathy Xiaoyan classmates (100), mableip classmates (100) reward!

Situ Ming and Wu Tie’s face showed a sigh of anger, and Tian Yu’s hand waved: “Don’t be angry, I’m telling the truth. However, I also considered failure before I acted, so I also thought about the second. Plan. That is, our three companies cooperated in good faith and set up a big door."

"Oh..." Situ Ming sneered two channels: "Who is the lord?"

"We don't mention this first, the fog is step by step. Now the two Taoists can think about it. Is it the best way for us to set up a big door to deal with the future catastrophe? Do you not agree to build a big door together? If not By agreeing, we will not have to add up again. If we agree, we will proceed to the next step.

This time, I really want to openly discuss this matter with two Taoist friends. Everyone puts everything on the bright side and chooses the biggest way. I naturally want to be a sect, and you two probably want to be the lords. Then we will put our own advantages out, there will always be a way to negotiate. ”

Situ Ming and Wu Tie looked at each other and their eyes were helpless. In fact, both of them are very clear in their hearts. If they do not unite, they may be used as cannon fodder in the future catastrophe. The entire business bank will die without slag. Although the falling feathers are insidious, his plan is undoubtedly the best. So, the two nodded toward the falling feathers.

There is a hint of joy in the heart of Luo Tianyu. Haha smiled and said: "So we are now a family. It should be a big white, Situ brother will not be jealous?"

Situ Ming also showed a smile on his face and took a jar of wine from the storage ring. Three more wine glasses were taken out, and the wine glasses were filled up and ended up:



After the three people drank and put down the wine glasses, they did not wait for Situ Ming and Wu Tie to ask each other. Luo Tianyu took the initiative to say:

"My proposal is that the position of the Sovereign is taken by our three families, each decade. The first year is when we are home."

“Why did you settle down in the first year?” Situ Ming said faintly.

Falling in the righteous color said: "Situ brother. Wu brother, say a word that you two are not willing to listen to. In the strategy of the door you two are still slightly worse, facing the future of the catastrophe. I think I am more suitable than you two some."

Luo Tianyu stopped his hand and stopped the shyness of Situ Ming and Wu Tie: "And even if I became a sovereign, it does not mean that everything is up to me. In the big events involving the entire sect, we are three You can negotiate a best plan. To put it bluntly, even if you don't let any one become cannon fodder. Even if someone has to do cannon fodder, it is also the three of us who are co-existing. Since it is cooperation to establish Zongmen to cope with the catastrophe. Treat each other, I am swearing by Tian Yu, I will never have private thoughts in front of the big and the big."

Although Situ Ming and Wutie are extremely unsightly, they also admit that the conspiracy is not the opponent of Tian Yu, but in the face of the future catastrophe, various plans are really occupying a large proportion.

"Where are you going to build the Zongmen?"


Situ Ming and Wu Tie seriously thought about it and had to admire the thinking of Tian Yu. The South is indeed the best place to establish Zongmen today.

"What do you want to do?"

"First of all, we cannot slowly build up power in the South like the original Xu Ziyan. They must crush the forces of the southern parties. Unify the South under our sects as soon as possible.

We first choose to establish the address of Zongmen, establish the Zongmen, and then divide the Southern Continent into three parts. As for how to divide, the three of us can discuss. Then our three families were responsible for conquering them and becoming the subsidiary forces of our sect. The families that were conquered in the future will pay 60% of the contribution to Zongmen to the Zongmen, and the 40% to the responsible one. If a family encounters an unconquerable resistance that requires the other two to help, it must pay for the benefits. In the future, the 40% benefit of the family that the joint conquest will be given to the half of the hand, or the three. ”

Situ Ming and Wu Tie nodded again and felt very fair.

The Sovereign takes turns, and in the future, who will conquer the family in the future will be managed. For example, the Tiandan firm independently conquered the Yang family. After that, you will be transferred to the Tiandan business management, and the daily contribution to the Tiandan firm can be intercepted. Four percent. If you encounter difficulties in the process of conquering Yangjia and seek the help of Wutie, then the 40% interception will be divided equally between the two and the other. If it is the three forces to conquer, the three are equally divided. And how the southern continent is divided into three parts, which one is conquered, and three are also discussed.

From this point of view, after the first plan failed, Luo Tianyu proposed this plan to be open and honest. However, Situ Ming said with anxiety:

"Looking down, your idea is good. But have you ever thought that if the southern monks united and fight with us, do you think that the three of us can establish a sect in the south? Our three major firms did not have After the war with the South, there was no four in the south at that time."

"Oh..." At that time, we did not go all out to fight the South! Luo Tianyu smiled and said: "However, this time we do not want to fight with the South. At the very least, the first step in establishing Zongmen does not want to fight with the South."

"Well? What are the high opinions of the falling friends?"

"Now the South has become a mess, the losses of various parties have been severe, and many families have disappeared permanently in the southern continent. The two brothers know the reason?"

Wutie Road: "Nature is the golden armor and the half demon."

"Not bad!" On the face of Luo Tianyu, there was a hint of wisdom in his hand: "A golden armor and a half demon will make the whole south **** and messy. At this time, even if we established the sect in the south. Door, do they have the strength to stop it?"

Situ Ming and Wu Tie indulged in a moment: "No! But in this way, we are also facing the threat of the Golden God and the half demon, and let the whole South deeply hate the danger of us, becoming the public enemy of the whole South. ""

"If that, if we will kill the golden armor and the half demon layman?" Luo Tianyu proudly said.

Situ Ming and Wu Tie look a glimpse, and Tian Yuyu said: "As long as we build the sect, we will release the news, and all the families attached to our sect will receive the protection of our sect. Whether it is a half demon Or the Golden Armor will attack, we will rush to the rescue in time, but this one, there will be countless families attached to us. After we really will kill the half demon and the Golden God, the Southern monk will be against us. Grateful to Dade. There are not many opposing forces that we need to face. That is, the city’s main government and the seven southern families that are still in the south, with the tradition of the four southern churches, may not be involved in such things.

After all, the Southern Four Church has always had a detached position in the South. If it were not for the killing of the Golden God and the Half-Demon, they would not be in the first place. When Xu Ziyan established Zongmen in the South, did they not participate? Besides, if they are involved, we will kill them together. The four halls of the South have been inherited for tens of millions of years and must have rich treasures. ”

Situ Ming and Wu Tie look a bit, and there is a trace of greed in their eyes. However, the two people are still able to stay awake, and the black iron condenses and says:

"Don't talk about the four halls in the south, is it how the semi-demons and the golden armor will kill us? It is not against our own morale. None of the three major firms in our three majors is the opponent of the semi-demon, and it is not a joint effort. Needless to say, it is a golden armor."

"Oh, huh..." Luo Tianyu smiled and said: "You said that if the half demon layman and the golden armor **** will be fixed in the fixed bead?"

Situ Ming and Wu Tie looked at the initial look, and then slowly smiled on his face. Then he gave a thumbs up to the falling feathers.

"Ha ha ha..." Luo Tianyu laughed.

"Ha ha ha..." Situ Ming and Wu Tie also laughed.

A burst of sound came, and Tian Yuyu took off the waist and smiled from the waist. After the opening of the jade, the smile on his face froze. At this time, the communication jade that was hanged around the waist of the Wutie also shook, and a monk’s voice came from outside the study:

"The patriarch, urgent report!"

Situ Ming looked at Luo Tianyu and Wu Tie, respectively, and knew that the news of family rush should be the same as the news they got at the moment. It is not good news to see the look on their faces. Is the holocaust ahead of schedule?

Immediately immediately said: "Come in!"

A monk came in from the door and looked at the falling feathers and the black iron.

"Say!" Situ Ming condensed.

"The half demon layman is fallen!"

"What?" Situ Ming looked at the opposite man in disbelief.

"The half demon layman has fallen!" The monk had to say it again.


Situ Ming looked at the Wutie and Luotianyu, and nodded when they saw two people. It seems that everyone received the same message. Then turned around and looked at the family monk again:

"How to fall?"

"I was killed by Xu Ziyan."

“Xu Ziyan?” Situ Ming almost picked up from the chair: “Xu Ziyan... Was it not killed by the Lord?”

"No!" The monk shook his head and said: "It is indeed that Xu Ziyan will kill the semi-demon, and many of the southern monks can see clearly. The spies who left our family in the south were also present."

"Call..." Situ Ming spit out a breath: "I got the news you got."


After the monk finished speaking, Situ Ming waved to let the family monk leave. Three people, look at me, I look at you, and all fall into silence.

First of all, they have been confirmed, Shang Zun really broke through the holy level. At first, I only heard the propaganda of the Stars, but no one saw the Shangzun shot, so everyone is still very suspicious. After all, the holy monk is a legend.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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