The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2539: Going forward (two more pink)

If Xu Ziyan can crack the Fuxi in his body, is it counted as a blessing in disguise? Really found a backing?

I originally had a good relationship with Xu Ziyan. I must remember that Ziyan should remember myself. If Xu Ziyan can crack the Fuxi in his body, he will follow Xu Ziyan with his heart. Maybe this is his chance. ()

"Oh..." Zhou Dongxu sighed: "It’s a pity that the tyrannical sect is destroyed by the demon. If it is too imaginary, it can become a member of the Taixu sect. I heard that the welfare of the imaginary is very Not bad."

"Magic Lord?"

Zhou Dongxu’s look froze again. The devil is to kill Xu Ziyan, is Xu Ziyan the enemy of the devil?

surely not!

If this is to go to Xu Ziyan, and the devil is killed, then he is not going to die with Xu Ziyan?

Zhou Dongxu is entangled again!

Sitting there and sighing. Ink to the next morning, Zhong Dongxu still left, he knows that if he does not leave, Tianyu will kill himself.

Looking back at the Tianfu business, I sighed softly and still turned and flew south.

The devil's secret.

After the Lord of the Lord heard the words of Shangzun, he suddenly widened his eyes: "Do you say that Xu Ziyan is still alive?"


"Have you seen her?"

"Yes, her subordinates have a big fight with her, and it is not her opponent."

"Details to listen to me!"

Seeing the Lord of the Lord did not blame him, and he still sighed with relief. Then I said the thing locally.

After the Lord heard the story, he fell into meditation. According to his mood at this time, he could not wait to go to the town of the demon city to grab the purple smoke, or kill it.

But still respect the narrative. In addition, he knew that Xu Ziyan escaped from his own hands. At this time, he had already determined that the body strength of Xu Ziyan must have reached the holy level, and it was higher than the holy level, and at least the holy level.

This can't help but make the Lord of the Lord feel guilty. And Xu Ziyan also gave birth to a hint of jealousy.

The body of Xu Ziyan has been cultivated to the holy level, and I heard that Xu Ziyan is still the root of the five attributes, and cultivated out of the world, and learned from Shangzun that Xu Ziyan has been able to release the power of the holy level. Although the level is still very low, according to the description of Shangzun, it is the holy level.

so. Xu Ziyan’s power of the gods should also reach the holy level, but I don’t know how far it has reached.

The power of the gods reaches the holy level, the strength of the body reaches the holy level, and it has five spiritual roots. Practice the world of the body. Xu Ziyan has all the conditions to enter the holy level. And she is now able to release the Holy Power, which proves that she has found the way to the Holy Level.

That is the bridge to communicate with the world!

Now the reason why Xu Ziyan did not really enter the holy level is because her resources are not enough. Can not meet the needs of the power to release the world.

Only when she breaks through to the holy level, Dantian will expand and expand. At that time, the strength of the possession is definitely not comparable to that of the monk, and only the concentration of the force at that time can satisfy the consumption of the holy fairy.

Just for a moment, the Lord will speculate on a situation of Xu Ziyan.

However, let Xu Ziyan escape from his own hands once. Also made him more vigilant. Now is not the time for his victory, to promote the sacred to the first level. Although it is only a pseudo-level, but it is also a huge consumption for the Lord, and now is the most important moment for his recovery. Finally, the Lord decides to wait for himself to fully recover, then to find the purple smoke, this time definitely not Can let Xu Ziyan escape from his own hands.

After Shang Zun first returned to the Xingyu Zong, the demon Lord immediately retired and invested in recovery.

Yanshan soul has been flying towards a light spot in front of the mysterious space. Although it has not been able to fly to the end, he is not in a hurry. As long as he finds the exit, he can always fly out.

Suddenly, the Yanshan spirit lived in shape, and he felt that the fluctuations were fluctuating from side to side, and the gods scanned the past, and the eyes showed a surprise color. As soon as the figure was moving, it swayed toward it. When the mouth opened, it sucked the ripples into the mouth.

Only in an instant, the face of Yanshan soul showed ecstasy. Immediately sitting cross-legged on the void, began to reverberate and devour the turbulent fluctuations.

Zhou Dongxu is still flying toward the south, but his heart is still tangled. I don't know what to expect after seeing Xu Ziyan.

Inside the town of the demon.

In the small building in the middle of the four churches in the south, sitting on the top of the forces of the southern parties. At this point everyone was a little frowning. Originally thought that Xu Ziyan was back, and it was very easy to kill the half-demon layman at the beginning, and it would be difficult to kill the golden armor. As long as the Golden God will be killed, the South can return to calm.

However, what they did not expect was that the golden armor would be too embarrassing. He has now completely disappeared, saying that it is gone and not completely accurate. He appeared from time to time, swallowed a group of monks, and immediately disappeared, often waiting for Xu Ziyan and other people to receive the news, the Golden Armor will have disappeared.

After three months, the Southern monks are still being swallowed up by the Golden God, but they have not touched the Golden Armor.

After discussing the day, I did not discuss a solution, and I did not receive the news that Jinjia Shen will appear. Everyone will disperse and prepare to continue waiting for the news here tomorrow, and continue to negotiate.

When Xu Ziyan and others just returned to their manor, they saw a monk from the four churches in the south waiting at the door. They saw Xu Ziyan and hurriedly went to the ceremony:

"Xu Zongzhu, someone wants to meet you, he said he is your acquaintance."

"Well? Please ask him to come in."

Xu Ziyan stood at his door and looked toward the front of the stone road. After a while, the monk walked along the stone road with Zhou Dongxu.

Xu Ziyan’s mouth appeared with a smile, and she saw Zhou Dongxu’s thought of a time in the Jiange. The time was still joyful, and Zhou Dongxu was also very interesting.

"Zhougezhu!" Xu Ziyan smiled and greeted him.

When I saw Xu Ziyan, I immediately recognized myself, and I also greeted him. Zhou Dongxu’s heart was warm, and he hurried forward a few steps, and he said:

"I have seen Xu Zongzhu."

Xu Ziyan reached out and said: "We are going to talk about Zhouge."

With Xu Ziyan walking to the front door, Xu Ziyan will show Zhou Dongxu to the sword standing still at the door, Xu Tianwo, Xu Xingfan, Ling Xiao, Sha Xiaofan, Xiao Bai. As for the Ma Jiao, it is always at the door of the manor’s kitchen, so that the chef is giving him something to eat.

Zhou Dongxu put his own attitude very low. No way is not low! Look at these people at the door, except Sha Xiaofan is not as good as him, which is not stronger than him?

"This is the Zhouge master who has been unbounded?" The sword looked at Zhou Dongxu with no smile.

"Seen the predecessors!" Zhou Dongxu hurriedly salute.

Zhou Xudong lifted up the sword and patted him on the shoulder: "Yes! Unbounded said that you are a responsible person."

Zhou Dongxu’s face immediately showed a proud color. It’s not easy to get the praise of the Emperor Zong’s sword peak. There are not many on the whole Yuanyuan. However, then there was another embarrassment in my heart.

Does he have a role?

This time he came here but was forced to hurt Xu Ziyan by the pressure of falling feathers!

Going into a hall with a low posture, after everyone was seated, Xu Ziyan looked at Zhou Dongxu:

"How about Zhou Gong, how can you come to the South today? What about your men?"

Zhou Dongxu sighed and his face was sad. This time, it is a sincere and sad sorrow. Those who think of themselves are now dying of life and death, and their eyes are inextricably wet.

"Oh..." Zhou Dongxu couldn't help but sigh: "A few days ago, I received a mission. I ended up with a powerful monster. Except that I lived, the other monks died."

Speaking of this, Zhou Dongxu stood up from the chair and prayed to Xu Ziyan: "Now there is no place to go, come to the Xu Zongzhu, and hope that the Lord will accept it."

Xu Ziyan reached out and helped, and a gentle spirit helped Zhou Dongxu to warm up.

"Zhougezhu, we are friends, can't talk about going. Just..." Xu Ziyan's face showed a bitter smile:

"But you should already know that too imaginary has been destroyed by the devil, and if the demon knows that I am born again, I am afraid I will come and chase after me. You may not be blessed to follow me."

Zhou Dongxu’s heart is secret, I know! But I can't help but come! The mouth is respectful and said:

"Xu Zongzhu, who came to the lord in the distance, has already thought about these things, and he is not dead. I only hope that Xu Zongzhu will be taken over."

"Good!" The sword has no vacant shot of the chair armrest: "Ziyan, since Zhougezhu really sincerely rushed, you should not quit!"

Xu Ziyan had no choice but to smile. She was very reassured by Zhou Ge. After all, the two men had fought together, and it was indeed worthy of the trust of Zhou Zixu at that time.

After Zhou Dongxu re-settled, the sword has no way: "Ziyan, your masters, who do you want to arrange?"

Xu Ziyan thought a little bit: "Master, let them practice in Dongfu. Now I am not safe here. The Lord will come back at any time, and the Master will certainly not give up."

Having said that, Xu Ziyan turned to Xu Tianlang, Ling Xiao, Xu Xingfan, Xiao Bai and Sha Xiaofan:

"How are you going?"

Xu Tianwo indulged in a moment: "Ziyan, how are you prepared? The southern monk has proposed several times in the past few days to ask you to be the leader of the Southern Monk League. Have you decided?"

In the last seat, Zhou Dongxu jumped in the heart. If Xu Ziyan became the ally of the Southern Monk League, the power suddenly increased. No matter what aspect of the falling feathers, it is not like purple smoke, no wonder it is necessary to hide the purple smoke.

However, why should he smother Xu Ziyan? What good is this for him?

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued, please search, the novel is better updated faster!

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