The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2562: Old man

Still respected by the whirlpool, looking at the endless whirlpool.

Xu Tianwo and others finally flew into the center surrounded by the whirlpool of time and space, and saw Xu Ziyan.


Xu Xingfan exclaimed excitedly, and the faces of Lang Yue and others also showed joy. The people who were desperate and so on were even more shocked. Seeing Xu Ziyan here, everything is understood. These time and space vortexes are really controlled by Xu Ziyan. At this time, don't mention how happy they are in their hearts.

Because their identity at this time is different, they are no longer disciples of the Emperor, but disciples of the Taizong. The stronger Xu Ziyan is, the more happy they are. One by one, surrounded by Xu Ziyan, began to ask this question.

After talking for about a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan looked at the monks in front of him: "How are you ready now? I will begin to understand the time and space attributes."

Xu Tianwo said: "Ziyan, is that still respected outside?"

"Well! Still!"

"Then we can't leave. Or we will still enter your space fairy, and then we will refine the Danish spirit."

"Alright, is your Dan Deer enough?"


Xu Tianwo, Xu Xingfan and Ling Xiao nodded together. But Langyue, Satan and Li lazy and others are a look of embarrassment. At the beginning of the Palace of the Immortals, only the purple demon obtained by Xu Ziyan had the most gas. It can be said that Xu Ziyan almost got 80% of the people, but the others got only 20%. Therefore, Xu Ziyan sent a lot of scent to the scorpion wolf, and Lang Yue. There is very little that they naturally get, and Li is lazy to get less.

Nowadays, these people are all too sinister disciples, and Xu Ziyan will naturally not treat them badly. Seeing the look on their faces, they know that their look does not have much Dan Deer, and maybe there is no more. So Xu Ziyan distributed to each of them some Danden spirits, which made them desperate and Li lazy, they were grateful, one by one:

"This is too illusory to be thicker than the nine sects!"

Xu Ziyan offered a space fairy, and the monks were taken into the space fairy, and then the space fairy was put away. Once again, God’s knowledge spread, and I couldn’t help but frown.

"What is this going on? Isn't it coming in, not leaving? Forget it. Ignore him. Anyway, he wants to break in."

Xu Ziyan sat in the void at the knee end, then began to mobilize those vortices, gradually shifting the time vortex and space vortex to the outside, and moving the space-time vortex into it. Surrounded by yourself. Finally, the gods are explored into a space-time vortex, and begin to comprehend the fusion of time and space attributes.


Situ Ming and Wu Tie led a vast fleet to fly deep into the ocean. They wanted to find a foothold and then develop overseas.

Suddenly, the sky in front of them swayed, and a figure appeared in the air. Wearing a golden armor, there is a giant sword behind it.

It is the golden armor.

At this time, the Golden Armor will grow two more arms, but the repair is down by one point. Originally a seven-point holy level, it has now become a six-point holy level.

"Where is this?"

The golden armor will be taken care of. He saw a fleet coming across him from his opposite side.

Within the fairy boat.

Wu Tie and Situ Ming sat together, suddenly smashing their eyes and looking out through the window of the fairy boat:

"That is……"

Situ Ming suddenly jumped out of the chair and waited for the golden armor to say: "That is the golden armor."

The golden armor will stand in the air and reach out to the giant sword behind it. In the air, the sea rises and the waves are empty. The giant sword swayed and smashed the sword and the mans edged a squat, and a sword stalk was like a pair of slashing, spreading toward the front.

Spread to hundreds of fairy boats.

The one that spreads hundreds of miles and spreads from hundreds of canals.


Hundreds of celestial boats were scattered from the glass, and countless figures rushed out of the scattered sacred boat, and the faces were full of panic.


The giant sword of the Golden Armor once again smashed out.


The body of the golden armor rushed over, and the giant sword dance became a ray of light.


The two rays of light rushed away from the innumerable fragments. The golden armor will look up and look at the two rays that disappeared. Instead, they will no longer pay attention to it. Instead, they will look at the front, and the sea will be full of clouds. Deadly, nearly 50,000 monks of Tiandan Commercial Bank and Tianqi Commercial Bank have no one to live.

The golden armor will open his mouth and suddenly suck, and the rich death will flow toward his mouth. He will be swallowed into the belly, and his breath will rise a little.

Miles away.

The two figures fell from the air and landed on an island. It was Situ Ming and Wu Tie who escaped from the hands of the Golden God. At this time, the two people were seriously injured, and the repairs were reduced to the peak of the late Zun. These two people used **** ** to escape from the hands of the golden armor. At this time, the blood gas was consumed very badly, and there was no strength to stand up.

A group of monks flew over here. Just two people came from the blood, let the monks on the island find out that there were any vicious beasts invading the island, and one by one sent a fairy to the Wutie and Situ Ming.

Wutie and Situ Ming looked at each other and they were bitter. At this time, the two of them did not have the slightest resistance at all, and they could only be slaughtered.


More than a dozen monks fell from the sky, encircling them in the middle, and there were monks flying in the distance. These monks looked pale and completely devoid of blood-colored cyber and Situ Ming, and one of the middle-aged monks shouted:

"What are you guys?"

Situ Ming’s heart screamed and said weakly: “Holocaust! Holocaust!”

The middle-aged monk changed his look, "Holocaust? What catastrophe?"

"I want to see your island owner!" Situ Ming said weakly.

The middle-aged monk sighed and said: "Take them away!"

Immediately two monks came up and carried the two men of Wutie and Situ Ming. The group flew to the depths of the island.

This island is called Pearl Island and is attached to the glazed island. When the Pearl Island owner learned the news from Situ Mingkou, he immediately sent them to the glazed island. Seeking Ximen Yue.

Xu Qinyang and sitting on the beach watching the sunset, I saw San Gongzi flying from a distance, while flying and shouting:

"Predecessors! Seniors!"

Since Sangongzi was taught by Xu Qinyang, he often went to Xu Qinyang to go to the door. Every time he went to send a variety of marine specialties, it was not worth a few cents, but the taste was very beautiful. He has a face again. Xu Qinyang is not as good as it has been. One to two, it is quite good with Xu Qinyang.

Xu Qinyang heard the voice of the three sons. I smiled bitterly at the moon dance: "This kid is coming again!"

The face of the fading moon dance also showed a smile: "His nature is not bad, it is arrogant, and these days have changed a lot."

"Predecessors!" Sangongzi fell on the side of Xu Ziyan, his face paled: "A big deal!"

Xu Qinyang looks a condensate. He was the first to see the three sons look like this.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. I just heard about the catastrophe. The ancestors invited you to go."


Xu Qinyang's look became dignified, and looked at the light moon dance: "Go!"

Two people disappeared instantly.

"Wait for me!" San Gongzi shouted with his arms outstretched, then he lowered his arm helplessly.

Simon family.

The main hall of the proceedings.

The atmosphere was very dignified, and Ximenting personally came out of the retreat. The main hall was the high-rise in the Ximen family. There were two soft couches in the main hall, with Wutie and Situ Ming lying on them.

The door is dark.

Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance came in. With a gaze, Xu Qinyang looked condensed.

"Situ Daoyou. Wudaoyou!"

Situ Ming and Wu Tie looked surprised. They did not expect that there would be people who knew them both here. Then they stared at the past, and the eyes were even more shocked. Not to be shocked:

"Xu Daoyou!"

When Xu Qinyang was in the shape of a float, he came to Situ Ming and Wu Tie in front of him, and his knowledge was swept away. His face was shocked:

"How can the two Taoist friends do this?"


Wu Tie and Situ Ming glanced at each other. The eyes of the two people showed bitterness and mixed with a touch of ease. After all, I met Xu Qinyang here, and their safety should be guaranteed.

Next, the two people said it to me in a word. Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance looked at each other, and the light moon dance whispered:

"Do you want to go back?"

"Yeah!" Xu Qinyang's eyes flashed in the killing: "Tai Xu is destroyed, I naturally want to go back."

"Xu Daoyou!" Ximen Ting's look is somewhat anticipated: "I heard that the Golden God will be in this sea..."

Xu Qinyang indulged in a moment: "I stay here for seven days. If he is still in this sea area, it should appear. If it does not appear, it will prove that he left."

"Good!" Ximenting looked slightly loose: "Let's talk about how to deal with the Golden God."

Xu Qinyang's small courtyard.

Xu Ziyan, light moon dance, Situ Ming and Wutie sit under an old tree, with a case in the middle, and four people chat while drinking tea.

"Situ Daoyou, Wu Daoyou, will the two be prepared to stay here? If I stay here, I will say something to Simon's friends."

Situ Ming shook his head and sighed a sigh: "If Dan Business Bank can say that it is no longer there, all the elites will be destroyed. I have any good scruples? I will return to the mainland immediately after I am wounded. ”

Speaking of this, I looked at Xu Qin and said: "If the Taixu is not too disgusted, I am willing to join Taixu."

Wutie also sighed a bit: "The meaning of Situ's brother is what I mean."

Xu Qinyang also sighed: "Two dudes, I don't know whether the tyrants still exist or not. If the tyrants are still there, I certainly welcome the two to join the tyrants."

"Xu Zongzhu is still there!"

Xu Qinyang smiled and shook his head and said: "I just don't know if Ziyan has the interest to rebuild Taixu."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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