The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2564: Qin Yang

Xu Qinyang erected the blood, and slammed, and the sword was on the blood. . Ybdu. Xu Qinyang was able to fly back, the body's blood rushed, and the moon dance was always behind Xu Qinyang. Both hands pressed on the vest of Xu Qinyang, and the power of his own was continuously conveyed. At the same time, the two people cooperated very tacitly, and the retreat was unified, and the figure floated behind another huge vortex.

The golden armor will always be chasing after him, and the blood of Xu Qinyang’s body is very attractive to him. In Xu Qinyang's body, not only the blood beads that were robbed from the Golden Gods, but also the **** piano to Xu Qinyang's blood transformation, which makes the golden scent that smells the smell will flow out.

In the strength of Jinjia Shenjin, if you are outside the time and space, Xu Qinyang may have fallen. But at this time, within the long time and space, there are huge whirlpools of time and space everywhere. Xu Qinyang is constantly ridding the golden armor by these huge vortex of time and space. Instinctively fled to the densely populated areas of time and space, gradually approaching the depths of time and space.

At this time in the long time and space, the news that the golden armor **** will appear in the time and space has spread, and there are constantly monks leaving the time and space. Of course, there are also many monks who do not believe this news. They think that this is a man-made rumor that they want to let them leave the time and space and take the opportunity.

However, there are successive monks who have seen the Golden Gods chasing Xu Qinyang. They believe that the Golden God will appear in the time and space, and regard the time and space as a hunting ground. They regard them as prey, and believe that Xu Qinyang is Save them and fight with the Golden God.

So they lost a fear and a gratitude to Xu Qinyang, who is known as the Gorefiend.


Shangzun also destroyed a vortex of time and space. Gradually approached the center. Suddenly his figure was a big one, his eyes wide open and his face was unbelievable. He saw Xu Ziyan. I saw a purple smoke in the vortex of time and space sitting on the knees, the body released Mengmeng Baoguang.

There is time and space flowing in the treasure!

"How could this be?"

“Is it true that the vortex in the long river is controlled by Xu Ziyan? Has she mastered the time and space attributes?”

"Do not!

impossible! ’

Still respectful staring at Xu Ziyan, the heart is not willing to calm down, and the two screams sway. He finally believed that these time and space vortexes were controlled by Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan was comprehending the nature of time and space. At this time, the vortex around this time was only densely packed around Xu Ziyan, and was not controlled by Xu Ziyan. That is because Xu Ziyan was completely immersed in comprehension at this time.

"This is the best moment! It is the best time to kill Xu Ziyan!"

Still respected the eyes. Strive to expand their own circles, began to smash the whirlpool of time and space, and shocked the past with Xu Ziyan.


The world of Shangzun is spinning. Like a huge windmill that is twisted, it will be smashed by a space-time vortex, and the figure will quickly rush toward Xu Ziyan.

Suddenly, Shang Zun hurried back. I saw three figures flying in the distance.

Two of them are at large. A person is chasing!


The two people in front of the scene fled with the help of a huge time and space vortex, and a person behind him held a giant sword and broke through a huge time and space vortex chase.

"Bloody? Golden armor will!"

Shang Zun looked at the three people with astonishment, and naturally recognized the female repair is a light moon dance. However, the repair of the light moon dance was automatically ignored by him.

After looking at Xu Qinyang and the Golden God, he turned his head and looked at Xu Ziyan, who was immersed in the comprehension. In the end, he decisively refused to take control of Xu Qinyang and Jin Jiashen, and shocked the past with Xu Ziyan.

"Qin Yang, that is purple smoke!"

At this time, Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance have already flown to the edge of the vortex of time and space. The original whirlpool of time and space has been destroyed by the majority, and the light moon dance shocked to find Xu Ziyan sitting in the middle of a vortex of time and space. It seems to have sunk into the comprehension and has no sense of the outside. And Shangzun is madly killing Xu Ziyan.

Xu Qinyang looked back and couldn't help but squint. The body shape swept toward Shang Zun and rushed to the past. The right hand grabbed all the strings, one pull, one loose, and one galaxy was formed, and went to Shang Zun.

"Star burst!"


Countless stars burst into bursts, crushing the whirlpool of time and space, and rolling toward Shangzun.

Shang Zun hurried back, killing in the eyes, punching out and smashing the waves of time and space. The broken star power can be rewinded and smacked toward Xu Qinyang.


A sharp sword mantle was pulled out from the hands of the golden armor, and moved toward Xu Qin.

Xu Qinyang's right hand was wiped, and a fine sword appeared in his hand. The left hand put the bloodqin to the front and the right hand, and the right-handed sword was smashing toward the sword that had crossed the sky. At the same time, the light moon dance also sacrificed a long scorpion to the sword of the air.


In the middle of the Shangzun and Jinjia gods, the two monks attacked Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance as a blade boat in a storm, shaking his body violently.

The blood piano blocked the attack of Shang Zun, but Xu Qinyang's fine sword and the long moon dance of the moon dance could not stop the attack of the Golden Armor. In a soothing crash, the long scorpion of the light moon dance was smashed by the sword of the golden armor, and the sword of Xu Qinyang was shot.

"Oh..." Xu Qinyang spurted a blood out of his head.


The light moon dance was destroyed by the fairy, hurting the gods, not only the blood, but also the coma.

"Moon dance!"

Xu Qinyang’s eyes were cracked, and the black and white eyes quickly became red and bloody.


The breath of Xu Qinyang's look suddenly rose, and the whole face turned into a blood color. A red robe bulged and swept, and the power of the peak of Tianzun's late stage spread toward the surrounding.

Xu Qinyang thought of a move, the light moon dance into the space ball, sitting cross-legged in the void, placing the blood piano on the knees, hands floating fast above the strings, the body shape rapidly spinning in the air, one **The temperament spreads around, hitting Shangzun and Jinjia Shen.

Still respected, the palm of his hand was turned over in front of him, and a large hand condensed a large hand to slap the past. The golden armor will be the leader of the great sword, and a sword will be spread to the past with Xu Qinyang.



A piano sound resisted the big palms in the air and the swordsmanship, but the big palms and swordsmans blocked a rhythm and approached Xu Qinyang. Only in an instant has already come to the front of Xu Qinyang, the air giant palm is on the top, and the waist is swaying.


The giant palm of Xu Qinyang’s head less than an inch and the swordsman who was less than an inch away from Xu Qin’s waist suddenly stopped. It seems as if time and space are still.

Xu Qinyang’s body made a scream, a horrible and **** scream. His body suddenly swayed, like a group of liquids swaying.

It was a **** liquid, and Xu Qinyang’s figure was distorted and deformed.


Xu Qinyang suddenly stopped the wavy strings, his arms stretched toward the sky, and his entire body flowed like a liquid, turning into a huge **** face.


The palm and the sword hit the huge **** face, smashing the face and bombarding it on the **** guqin.

The blood-colored guqin was blasted out, like a **** ray that broke through the layers of space and fell. In the process of falling, the **** guqin was decomposed by the layering of the space, and the layer of decomposition turned into a **** gas to dissipate in the space.


The broken **** piano broke through a layer of space. Before the mountain collapsed, countless peaks collapsed, and the sky turned into blood, spreading all around, and the nearby villages died instantly.


The whole blood piano collapsed, and only one thin and weak, and the illusory **** shadow broke into the earth. That is the soul of the bloodqin, but the **** piano has become very weak after this time. The semantics of Xu Qinyang’s branding on it have dissipated, that is, the soul of the bloodqin itself has also dissipated, leaving the source of blood evil, weak. The ultimate source of blood.

The sound of the rumble sounded like a spring thunder. The broken earth bulges and forms a giant peak, which resembles a guqin...

On the mainland.

Time and space are long.

The face of the huge blood that was smashed began to gather in the middle and reconverged into a **** giant face. A big mouth, sucking toward the inside, Shang Zun and Jin Jia Shen will feel a huge suction to **** them into the big mouth.



At the same time, the two men shouted at the same time. They still showed their arms to the sides. Under his back, they rushed out of the nine ink dragons, screaming at the boundless giant face in the air.

The golden armor will volley in the air, and suddenly the golden awning will spurt toward the huge face of the blood.

"Oh la la..."

The **** giant face swayed like the same lake, and instantly turned into a huge blood-colored guqin. The strings were automatic, and the **** stars were born, forming a **** star field toward the nine ink dragons and Wandao. Jinguang hit and went.


The power of the three parties collided in the middle, and the huge power could shake the three sides. The body of Shang Zun and Jin Jiashen rolled in the air for a distance of kilometers, and they stopped their bodies, and there was a horror in their eyes.

The huge **** piano in the air smashed away, and then gathered again into a huge **** face, just the huge **** face, the color lost its crystal and became dark red.


In the time and space, a sudden burst of buzzing sounds in the river, the whole time and space are shaking. Xu Ziyan opened his eyes, and the two smashes shot two brilliant awns, which were as bright as the essence.

Her body sounded a string, and the bridge of heaven and earth automatically opened the eighth. Time and space attributes merge into the Great Perfection.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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