The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2574: Four-beast beast array (two more pink)

"Ziyan, let's go together!" Xu Qinyang said in a hurry.

"Yes! Let's go together!" everyone said in unison.

"No, your degree is too slow!" Xu Ziyan gently shook his head and looked in the direction of the Palace of the Immortals. There was an anxiety in the eyes:

"Qin Yang brother, you pass the fairy of Tianlong Yin to the brothers of Jin Ge, I will come when I go."

When the words fell, the shape of Xu Ziyan flew in the direction of the Palace of the Immortals. At this time, Xu Ziyan, who has been fully accommodating, can already fly in the Palace of the Immortals, but still can't tear the space of the Palace of the Lord. Even so, it is very fast.

If you are able to fly, you will no longer need to go through the bridge of Xianshan to the Central Palace of the Immortal Palace. Xu Ziyan will fly straight to the last Xianshan, but it will be close to the Xianshan in about three hours.

Teng Ranjia, Xu Ziyan’s gaze shrinks. He saw that Thirty-three Tianzun has already rushed out of the natural array, passing a Xianqiao, running on Xianshan, and rushing toward the direction outside the Emperor’s Palace.

Xu Ziyan lifted his right hand, and the virtual sword stalked out of the body. As soon as he grasped the hilt, one of the eleven attributes of the great perfection poured into the sword of too weak, and the sin of the virtual sword exploded.

In the Taixu sword, the eleven attributes of the sword spirit revolve around the sword of the virtual sword, and then slam into the sword of the virtual sword, and merge into a sturdy sword spirit.

The space inside the sword spirit changes, time passes, everything reincarnation...

This sword spirit is a space...


Too virtual sword burst out of the glory of Wanzhang, above the Xianshan, thirteen days, Zun 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 住 住 住 住 住 住 住 住 住 住 住 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 住 住 住 住 住 住 住 许 许 许 许

Xu Ziyan volleyed too weak sword. The whole world seems to be shaking for it, and the swords are swaying and swaying out of the world. With the gesture of Xu Ziyan, tilt down.

A sword breaks the law!


It seems as if a world is collapsing. It is also like a world is born, and the thirteen heavenly monarchs above the fairy hills have crushed the past.


Thirteen days, the violent violent drink, smashed the fairy into the air.


The fairy scorpion they smashed met the scorching sun like white snow, but melted in an instant...


The power of a world is crushed on the body of the thirteen days, but in an instant, the thirteen days of the glory will vanish. Xu Ziyan was standing in the air, looking at the ruins below, and his heart was shocked. This is the first time she has exercised the power of the Holy Order. The power of his own was released perfectly at that moment, and he did not expect to destroy the peak of the thirteenth day.

Although these thirteen days are only awkward, they do not have the power of a true monk in the late Tianzun, but this was not what Xu Ziyan could have thought of before.

Rejoicing in retracting the sword, the look became dignified and fell toward Xianqiao. At the end of Xianqiao, the small wood was pulled straight out:

"Small wood, do you see if this natural array has been broken?"

Xiaomumu carefully looked at it and shook his head. "Not yet, but it was bombarded by the gods inside. There will be a crack occasionally, and the Tianzun in it will rush out of the crack." ”

"Is there a solution?" Xu Ziyan asked in a hurry.

"No!" Xiaomumu shook his head.

“How long can you persist?”

“It’s not been long, the shortest year. Up to three years.”

Xu Ziyan indulged in the bridge for a while, and finally reluctantly collected the small wood and flew into the air. When I came to the periphery, I saw Jin Ge and others are comprehending Tianlong Yin, and Xu Qinyang and others are protecting them. There are still more than a dozen monks standing outside.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned and fell from the air. The eyes swept over the dozen monks and asked coldly:

"who are you?"

"Returning friends!" One of the monks politely stepped forward and said: "We are the monks who stay here to monitor the Palace of the Immortals."

Xu Ziyan nodded: "It has already begun to appear from the accidental cracks, but it has been wiped out by me. You are going to disperse!"


For Xu Ziyan, they did not dare to have any objection. They just saw it. Xu Ziyan was able to fly over the Palace of the Immortals. This is something that the Nine Masters and the Nine Great Heavens can't do. I can imagine how high the cultivation of this person will be.

Where did you dare to stay for a while and then quickly dissipated.

Xu Ziyan glanced at the monks around. I also looked around the Palace of the Immortal, surrounded by monks who were left behind. Xu Ziyan always felt uncomfortable in his heart. He said to the monks:

"Let's change places!"

Xu Qinyang and others nodded, and Jin Ge and others also opened their eyes and nodded. Xu Ziyan reached out and tore the crack in the space, and everyone flew away.

Outside the Palace of the Immortals.

The monks who stayed to monitor the Palace of the Immortals watched the whispers of the direction in which Xu Ziyan and others disappeared.

"Who are these people!"

"do not know!"

"That man is so powerful that he can fly in the Palace of the Immortals. Do you say she will be a holy monk?"

"I don't know, it should be!"


An anonymous island.

A crack broke open in the silent sky, and thirty-two figures landed from the air. The people took off the mask and looked at each other, then laughed loudly.

When the big laughter fell, Jin Ge and others gestured toward Xu Ziyan’s arch: "The secret sects have seen the lord!"

Xu Ziyan pretends to wave his sleeves with a mighty look: "Immediate!"

"Ha ha ha..."

Everyone was a happy laugh. When the laughter fell again, Xu Ziyan took out some jade cards that were covered and repaired and handed them to Jin Ge and other 12 people:

"Dear friends, if you wear this on your body, you don't have to hold on to the fairy."

Jin Ge and others took the jade card, then dispersed the body's convergent charm, put the jade card on the neck, and put it close. Then Xu Ziyan took out a large number of arrows and gave them to them. Then each person put a congenital sword, and then the fingers flicked. Send Tianlong Yinxian into their eyebrows.

On the island, there was silence. Jin Ge and other 12 people were there to comprehend the Tianlong Seal, and Xu Qinyang and others were also practicing. And Xu Ziyan is sitting there with a handle and a gas arrow.

The periphery of Ailao Mountain.


The nine masters, the nine ancient gods and the four masters look different. They are pondering the true identity of Xu Ziyan. When did the Xianjie appear again as a holy monk?

Seeing that the strength she showed can not be the level of the five saints, the cultivation is higher than the Shangzun, will it be Xu Ziyan?

Not to mention, the eight masters, the nine great ancient Tianzun and the four church owners are really doubtful, but Shangzun absolutely does not believe that he and Xu Ziyan have played many times, the master of the sect of the patriarch is obviously higher than Xu Ziyan. It is absolutely impossible to be a purple smoke.

"Shang Zongzhu!" Time Tianzun suddenly asked: "You have handed over with the sect of the sect of the sect, and also handed over the sect of Xu Zong, do you see if the sect of the patriarch will be Xu Zongzhu?"

"Impossible!" Shangzun decisively shook his head and saw that the monks were still a skeptical look. Shang Zun condensed and said: "Xu Ziyan has no real sanctification at all."

The monks were shocked, and looked at the doubts. Shangzun said faintly:

"Xu Ziyan is just *sanctified!"

The monks looked at each other and then asked, "Is this true?"

"Nature is true!" Shang Zun's face showed a trace of pride: "She can hold you back, but can't stop me."

The monks heard a lot of words, although there were doubts in their hearts, they still chose to believe in Shangzun. Life Tianzun said:

"Shang Zongzhu. You used to go to Ailao Mountain alone, but have a detailed understanding of the situation inside?"

Shang Zun remembered the scene of being smashed by thousands of zombies, and his face showed a dignified color. At this time his heart also understood. For the time being, it is impossible to make any intrigues and tricks against the Eight Great Masters, the Nine Ancient Heavenly Respects and the Four Church Masters. Regardless of their own ideas, they must first remove this golden armor.

"I once had a hand with the Golden Armor. He is not my opponent, but he is able to gather the power of thousands of zombies. As a result, I am not his opponent."

"You...wrong?" The crowd was shocked.

There is no word in Shangzun, but he nodded solemnly. The monks were silent. For a long time, the soil asked for the sound of water:

"Shang Zongzhu. You and the Golden God will hand over, but know why he wants to call the world zombies to come here?"

Shang Zun thought and said: "I saw a huge altar in the ancient battlefield of Ailao Mountain. The Golden God will be in the altar. I suspect that he wants to break through the zombies of the world. Break through to the holy level."

The monks and sisters have changed their color. Now that the golden armor will not be sanctified, it has caused such a catastrophe. If you let it be sanctified, it will make the whole fairyland creatures smear.

The soil sighed softly with water: "I don't know where Xu Zongzhu is now?"

The monks had a color of missing in their faces, but they heard that Zun Zun snorted: "If she wants to appear, I am afraid it has already appeared, I am not afraid!"

When I thought of the fairy city in time and space, Xu Ziyan pressed him with great justice, and his heart could not help but raise a anger, and said coldly:


The monks listened, although they did not agree with them, but at this time they could not say anything. After all, Xu Ziyan did not appear. The dream machine pulled the words back:

"We still discuss how to eliminate this catastrophe! Xuanzong, you are proficient in the arrangement, how can we see how we can break the big array of gold armor?"

Xuan Tianao seriously thought about it: "If you want to break this big battle, you must carry out both sides from the inside and the outside. In addition, we must organize all the monks and arrange them in the four directions of southeast and northwest of Ailao Mountain. A large array divides the world's monks into four parts. In the north, there is no basalt array, a dragon array is set up in the east, a Suzaku array is set up in the south, and a white tiger array is set up in the west.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued)

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