The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2587: The battle of the lord (two more pink)

The eight major sects cannot be settled in the hands of Shangzun because of the Tianxiang sect. The eight sects can only be mastered in the hands of his soil. !ybdu!

A tyrannical sentiment rushed to his knowledge of the sea. At this time, a monk came to the hall:

"See the Lord!"

"What?" Tu Yishui took a deep breath and suppressed the tyranny in his heart.

"The **** machine lord sent an invitation!"

When the soil reached out with a stroke, the invitation in the hands of the monk was taken in his hand, and when he opened it, there was a sarcasm in his eyes. The figure disappeared instantly into the hall.

The sword is worthless and taking thousands of miles into consideration. Li lazy is Tiantian’s disciple, and he told her what Hua Yu had said. Li lazy and eager to hear the heart, Tian Xiangzong is her sect. After all, how can she not worry?

"I am going to find purple smoke!" Li lazy to take out the jade.

Shaking his head in a thousand miles: "The purple smoke closed the communication jade!"

Li was lazy and did not believe it, but in the end he was disappointed to let go of the jade briefing, looking at the miles and the sword:

"Predecessors, do you know where the purple smoke is?"

Take a thousand miles and shake your head with the sword. At this time, Jin Ge, Xuan Daozi, and other people also showed an anxious color on their faces. They can imagine that the eight great masters are now in danger because of Tianxiangzong. At this time, the first thing they thought of was not their lord, but Xu Ziyan. They have an inexplicable trust in Xu Ziyan, and believe that only Xu Ziyan can solve the predicament.

They all know that Xu Ziyan is now sanctified, and Xu Ziyan who is sanctified cannot solve this problem. Who else can solve?

Therefore, their eyes are also looking forward to looking at the miles and the sword. But by the thousands of miles and the sword, there was no vain, but I shook my head regretfully.

"Let's go find the purple smoke!" Jin Ge said.

"Where to find?" Li asked lazily.

"Oriental!" Xuan Daozi thought and said: "With such a big thing, purple smoke should go to the east."

"Let's go!" Lang Yuesheng said.

"Hey!" A slap in the head of Langyue. The sword is vain: "I didn't see you so much in a sword peak!"

"Master!" Langyue shook his head and bowed his head.

The sword was indifferent and took a look at Wanli, and said helplessly: "Well, we both want to move our muscles and take you to the East to see."

God machine sect.

Sitting on the hall above the dream machine, Liu Jinsong, Jin Wuwei, Hua Yu. Xuan Tianao, Luo Bufan and Flower Fairy. Everyone's face is very dignified, and everyone's eyes sway to the flower fairy from time to time.

The flower fairy is very clear in the heart. Secret transfer of elite disciples must not be recognized. Once admitted, not only will it be rejected by the monks in the world, but even these large gates will ruthlessly abandon themselves. A look of glory, there is a trace of anger between the eyebrows:

"You are the lords. Tian Xiangzong has never done such awkward things. This must be the conspiracy of the Stars of the Kingdom to disintegrate our alliance, and hope that the Taoist friends can distinguish between right and wrong, not to be fooled."

The monks exchanged their eyes with each other, and finally they were asked by the dream machine:

"The flower lord, we are also willing to believe you. But the seriousness of this matter must be clear to you. If it is true, it will cause irreparable damage to our alliance. We are eight in the same breath, if the secret is really secret After transferring the elite disciples, I also hope that the flower lord will clarify. We also have to negotiate a countermeasure."

"There is no such thing!" said the flower fairy's tone.

"How do you explain the cloud pavilion?"

"Yunting has been missing for a long time, and Tianxiangzong is investigating the reason for her disappearance." Flower Fairy’s heart suddenly moved:

"We even thought that she was the same as the missing female practitioner. It was a thing. I didn't think she had voted for the Stars."

At this time, the flower fairy's face was properly angered: "Perhaps that Yunting was originally a disciple of the Star Field, and I doubt that the disappearance of the female repair in the Upper Yuan Dynasty is related to the Stars. ""

The dream machine is in the middle of the hand: "There is no evidence of the missing woman's disappearance. We have no evidence at all. Since the flower lord has declared that Tianxiangzong has not done this, then we must inform the fairyland and pursue the celestial sect. Responsibility. But..."

The dream machine sounded a turn, and looked sharply at the flower fairy. "The flower lord, once you have concealed this matter, when it comes to our eight major sects, it is not good to let us deal with this matter."

“How to be impartial?”

As soon as the sound came from the sound, the earth came in from the outside of the main hall and sat in a chair, and his eyes swept over the crowd. The dream machine saw the behavior of the earth, and the heart flashed a bit unpleasant, but still said:

"If Tianxiangzong really does this, we will have to give the world an account and give an account to Shangzun."

The earth sat up straight and looked at the dreaming machine with a gaze: "To the world, what is the account? What is it? Just like Yunting, an ant-like disciple, let you blame the friends for many years. metropolitan?

Give Shang Zun an account?


The only thing we have to do is to deal with it, what is it? Even if Tian Xiangzong has done this, it is also a matter of our destiny. When is it that you still respect a junior and make you so confused? ”

The flower fairy was excited in the heart, and the look of the earth was full of gratitude, and the heart could not help but secretly:

"It's still a reliable alliance between Yuzong and Tianxiangzong!"

"Tuzhu lord, at this time can not be great!" Liu Jinsong snorted.

"What is the meaning of the big? I think you are being ruthless by Shangzun!"

"You..." The dream machine and others are shy and wink.

The earth shook hands to stop the monks: "In our current state, we can't resist the Shangzun. You look at what it is like today. You have an idea, everything is an idea, you are arguing, waiting for your unification. Opinions, things have already reached an irreparable point. We can't go on like this anymore. Heavenly Alliance only needs one voice and needs a real ally, not like a sand. Now all sects must unconditionally obey the lord. The order, this will be able to play the greatest energy of our eight major sects, and the monk will compete for the male and female."

There is a trace of irony in the eyes of the dream machine: "The lord of the earth, then you think that among the eight of us, who can assume the responsibility of the lord? Is it you?"

In the eyes of Tu Yishui, there is also a trace of irony: "The fairyland! After all, it is based on strength. Just like you are now fearful and respectful. Therefore, there is only one way to choose the lord, that is, the test is the strongest. Become the ally of our eight major sects."

The seven great masters exchanged their eyes with each other. In fact, they also agreed in some parts of the earth to rely on the water. Now there is no one lord. Every time we encounter things, everyone is too able to wriggle. This is like the words of the earth, and there is no dispute. As a result, things have already developed to the point where it is difficult to clean up.

The eight great masters have not discussed each other for a long time. Originally, Liu Jinsong, Jin Wuwei, Hua Yu, Xuan Daozi, Luo Bufan and Hua Xianzi are not the repairs of Tian Zun's late peaks. Only the dream machine and the earth water are the late Tianzun. At the peak, if the election of the lord is also between the two individuals.


Nowadays, the six of them have also broken through to the peak of Tianzun’s later stage. In the realm, they have already tied the dream machine and the soil. They also want to look at their own dreams and dreams, and the soil is weak and weak. And the position of the lord is also hot, and they all serve you clearly. Once you have sat in this position, you will take the initiative in the future catastrophe, and have huge for yourself and your own sect. benefit.

The eyes of the eight great masters meet in space, and everyone has sufficient self-confidence in their hearts. They all think that they are the strongest here.

"Good! I agree with the advice of the Tuzhu Lord. What do you think of the Taoist friends?" The first opportunity of the Dream Machine, in his heart, has determined that this lord is none other than him. Among the nine masters, he was the first monk to step into the peak of Tianzun's late stage. He did not believe that these Tianzun late summits were the enemy of his late Tianzun.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"


The monks in the hall also opened their mouths. Everyone has their own cards and they don’t think they will lose. What is the peak of the old **** Tianzun?

"Well, are we fixing the time, or are we going to test it immediately?" The dream machine swept the monks.

"You don't have to choose another day. It's better to hit the sun than to choose the day. We are here today to compare the elections, how to announce to the world." Liu Jinsong said with great enthusiasm.

"Yes, I don't want to wait, we need a leader, we need a leader." Jin Wudu and others have also opened their mouths, only the earth is sitting on the side of the water without saying a word.

"Well, let's go to the emptiness of this sect." The dream machine stood up.

"Slow!" The soil that has not been open has said: "We must make an oath here first, and we will end the trial. After the birth of the ally, we must unconditionally obey the command of the lord."

"Good!" The seven masters said the same channel: "We swear together..."

Nothing Wonderland is an ancient trial field, which is heavily banned. The layout of this space is sturdy and abnormal, that is, the monks in the late Tianzun period cannot be damaged. This is not the layout of the **** machine, but it was passed down from ancient times and discovered by the **** machine.

At this time, the eight masters are standing in the illusory world. After some deliberation, everyone decided to catch up and learn. Anyway, they just want to choose the strongest, not the ranking game. In the end, everyone decided that there would be a celestial machine in the first round, Mou Zong, Luo Tianzong, and Tian Xiangzong on the four ancestors.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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