The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2608: Four clouds

I am very grateful to eagle Zhou (588), Jinniu Feifei _ classmate (200), Jie Jie classmate (200), one carat of dangerous classmates (200), Mu Yuer classmates (100), mableip classmates (100) rewards !

The Southern monks heard a bitter bitterness in their hearts. If Xu Ziyan was really Fengzu, they could have sent the family elite disciples into the Taixu sect. Although the Taixu dynasty has been destroyed by the lord, this thing will Becoming their stains will be laughed at by other mainland monks for a lifetime. Therefore, everyone's eyes are gathered on the body of the four churches, waiting for Liao Bufan to reveal the answer.

"No!" Liao Bufan’s face also showed a bitter bitterness: "I don’t want to be a friend of the Tao until now. At first we thought that Xu Ziyan was the reincarnation of Fengzu, because Xu Ziyan had an unyielding will. However, Not long ago, the evil master personally called us four, telling us that he and the lord, the demon Lord, and the priests of the four gods saw the corpse of Fengzu, and the ancestors had fallen. The reason why Xu Ziyan has unyielding will, That is because Xu Ziyan refining the soul of Feng Zu in the coincidence of chance."

Surrounded by silence, this kind of sacredness is now spoken from Liao’s mouth, and every monk’s heart is shocked. In this shock, they also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At the very least, Xu Ziyan is not Feng Zu, and they do not need to face the ridicule of other mainland monks.

At this time, these monks also realized that the chaos of the Yaozu was not caused by the four churches, but their hearts were also guarded. The four masters have now revealed their identity and how they will ultimately choose, which is related to the fate of the entire southern monk.

"You friends!" Liao Bufan said with a sigh: "Now we are not suitable for staying in the town of the demon city. I think you are still going away. Let’s sort out the four churches and leave the Terran territory within three days. Go to the Yaozu territory."

The masks of the Terran monks are hesitant, leaving the four masters to leave. The demon will surely become strong and strong under the leadership of the four masters, and the pressure on the southern Chinese tribes will be greater and greater. but. If you leave without leaving, who is the opponent of the four masters?

"There is still one thing!" Liao Bufan said faintly: "At the beginning, the four churches also took in some ethnic monks. If these monks would like to follow us to the Yaozu, we will take them away. If they are willing to stay, I hope that you will not be embarrassed. they."

At this time, the faces of the monks who stood in the four halls showed a sullen color. They are all orphans who have been taken in by the four people since childhood, and they have always been because of the four people. Today, it is found that this is the base camp of the Yaozu. So where are they going?

Follow the four to the Yaozu?

How can one be a human being and be with the demon?

Stay in the Terran?

Will you get the understanding of the Terran? Will it be pursued by the Terran?

The four church owners no longer pay attention to the Terran monks, and the figure flies toward the four halls. The southern monks did not leave, they still surrounded the four churches, and some Tianzun gathered together to discuss how to deal with this matter.

However, after three days, they still did not negotiate a solution. The reason is very simple. No one is the opponent of the four masters, and the south has suffered. Nowadays, their strength is not as good as before, they are hard to imagine. If you really fight with the four, the southern monk will still have much energy left.

The most important thing is that in the past, there was a national war between the Terran and the Yaozu in the south. The Eastern and Northern Continents sent monks to come to support, but now there are no ones from the Eastern and Northern monks, so that the Southerners are not enough.


The gates of the four churches in the south opened, and the four halls led the more than two thousand demons to come out from inside. At this time, these demons have already taken away the hidden fairy, and they have a strong demon.

"let's go!"

Liao Bufan clearly sighed, and his body shape rose to the sky, leading more than two thousand demon people to fly outside the town of the demon. The monks in the town of the demon city looked at the four demon people and evacuated them. Although they were unwilling to appear on their faces, they were self-restrained.

"Treading step..."

A footstep came from the four halls, and the eyes of the people were attracted to the past, and more than a thousand monks came out from the four doors. Headed by a middle-aged monk, the body exudes the atmosphere of the late peaks of the earth.

The monk in the town of the demon city blinked, staring at the more than a thousand monks who came out of the gate. They know that this is the orphan who was originally taken in by the four churches. They are also very hesitant at this time. These people will kill or not kill.

The middle-aged monk’s eyes swept over the monks in the town’s demon city, and his face showed bitterness, and he marched toward the surrounding monks:

"You friends, don't leave in the next. We know everything about our situation. We don't want to go to the Yao territory. We also know that these four halls are not suitable for us to live in. Just ask the friends to open the side and let us leave the town." Demon City, to find a place to live."

Li Jiazhu snorted and said: "Who knows if you will be the gap left by Liao Bufan? It is a great disaster for you to stay in the Terran."

Everyone smells a word.


If these Terran monks are the gap left by Liao Bufan, this is a scourge for the Terran, and this kind of thing is not impossible. These people are all orphans in four houses. I am afraid that they have deep feelings for the four churches. Will they really be hostile to the Yaozu from now on and stand on the side of the Terran?

A pair of eyes looked at Xiao’s eyes and began to kill.

Xiao is not even more bitter on his face: "You friends, if you can't wait, let us leave the South and go to the east or the northern continent."

The surrounding monks looked a hesitant again, but when they thought about the chaos of the Yaozu, their relatives and friends died and wounded, and these people are likely to be the demon in the future, and they should once again cause a chaotic chaos. Rising up.

The look of Xiao is not a condensate, slowly took out the fairy, and said bitterly on his face:

"It seems that all of your friends are not ready to let me go! I can't wait for it, because we haven't been sorry for the human race so far, we are worthy of the word human."


A long sigh came from behind the monks, and then saw a figure flew into the air and fell to the middle of the monks.

"You are... Sha Xiaofan!" Hu Yanyun looked at his eyes.

"Sha Xiaofan!"

The monks in the town of the demon city talked a lot, and gradually quieted down, and all eyes gathered on Sha Xiaofan's body. Yang Yunqi walked out of the crowd and marched toward Sha Xiaofan:

"Shadaoyou, is Xu Zongzhu also coming back?"

The eyes of the monks are bright again. At this time, the strength of the southern continent has fallen to the lowest point. There must be no high-ranking monks in the high-ranking monks. There is no comprehensive strength in comprehensive strength. If Xu Ziyan can return to the south at this time, there is no doubt that there is a species in the south. The role of the needle of the sea.

And now they all know from the mouth of Liao Bufan that Xu Ziyan is not Fengzu, still a Terran. They did not doubt that Liao Bufan said in his mouth that Liao Bufan did not dare to make jokes with the evil Lord, and since the evil master said that Feng Zu had fallen, it must be true.

Sha Xiaofan gently shook his head and said: "Master did not come back, she was retiring with Yan's predecessors."

"Retreat?" Yang Yunqi was shocked: "Is it wrong..."

“Not bad!” Sha Xiaofan nodded. “Master is going to hit the second level of the Holy Class.”

There is silence around.

Holy level second floor!

At this time, Sha Xiaofan standing in front of them was only a royal emperor, but no one dared to despise her. Nothing else, because people have a master who is about to become the second level of the Holy Class.

"Sadao friends, what arrangements do you have for these four monks?"

At this time, these monks in the town of the demon have already understood that since Sha Xiaofan appeared at this time, they must have arrangements for these four monks. They can't ignore the opinions of Sha Xiaofan, and now they really don't know how to deal with these four monks.

Xiao did not look at Sha Xiaofan with hope, but he was also embarrassed in his heart. He did not know how Sha Xiaofan would place them. I am afraid that if Sha Xiaofan says a "kill" at this time, the lives of these people will be thrown here.

When I think of it, my heart will not suffer for a while. I thought that before Xu Ziyan did not come to the South, before the establishment of Taixu Zong, the four halls were the holy places of the whole south. They also glorified. As long as they went out and said their identity, the entire southern monks did not respect them.


Nowadays, these are the past clouds. There is also a shame in the heart, as a human race, has always been obeying the command of the Yaozu, with the Yaozu as the teacher. Even if Sha Xiaofan would let them go, what face would they face in front of the Terran monks?

Sha Xiaofan glanced at Xiao and waited for others, and looked at the monks around him. He said:

"You are the predecessors, all of you. These people are our same ancestors, but they have been deceived by the Yaozu. Now they can risk being killed by everyone, and they prove their hearts. I can’t let them First go to the Wuxiaoshan Mountain Taixu ruins for temporary residence, waiting for Xiaofan to report to Master, then how to make a decision?"

The monks exchanged ideas with each other. Hu Yanyun went up and said: "Sha Xiaoyou, we hope that these people will not be able to leave the Wuthering Mountains until Xu Zongzhu has made a decision."

Sha Xiaofan looked at Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Xiao’s heart was relieved, although he still does not know how the final fate will be. But I finally avoided a fight, and there is still a place to stay. As for Xu Ziyan, as a holy monk, you should understand things better, will not be embarrassing us? Xiao did not sigh in the middle of the centrifugation, step forward:

"Sand...dao friends, we are willing to go to the Wuthering Mountains to wait for the decision of Xu Zongzhu."

"Good!" Sha Xiaofan nodded: "You will follow me!"

"Yes!" The spirit of more than a thousand monks was alive.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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