The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2615: Qifeng protrusion

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The eight masters and the nine great ancient gods are hot!

"But..." The face of the thorns of the thorns does not hide his sarcasm: "Is the sacred sacred sacred to be able to get it at random? The cult of the lord of the lord is only a pseudo-level."

"Pseudo-level?" The monks could not help but feel at ease.

"Not bad!" The thorns said faintly: "His body strength is really promoted to the Holy Class by the Lord, but his strength of the gods is nothing but a glimpse of the Lord who remains in his god. The deity of the demon Lord will leave, and the strength of his **** will fall to the original realm. The space in his body is only a projection left by the demon Lord. As long as the devil recovers, his power will fall. To the original realm.

That is to say, his so-called holy level of cultivation, when the magic master wants to take back can be recovered. Now I will take back the gods' knowledge and projections. This is the evidence I gave you. ”

When I fell, I saw a black tower flying inside the body of the thorns, and then a magical spirit emerged from the black tower. The magical air turned into a black giant face in the air, looking to Shang Respect.

"Magic Lord..." is still respectful.

I saw that one big face and one big mouth, sucking in, the body of Shangzun was a shock, and there was a glimpse of his **** from his eyebrows. A black magical spirit floated from his dantian to the air. The huge face flew away and was swallowed up by the mouth. Then the giant face turned into a magical spirit and flew into the black tower, and was captured by the thorns. The thorns are adoring the surrounding arches:

"All the people and the Taoist friends, because the catastrophe is coming. Our devil Lord decided to treat the people with frankness in order to resist the catastrophe. Together to resist the catastrophe. This time announced the true identity of Shangzun, which is also the expression of our Lord of the Lord. A sincerity. The deity has resigned!"

When the words fall, the figure of the thorny Tianzun disappears.

At this time, the monks did not care about the thorns, but looked at Shangzun. Sure enough, seeing the smell of Shangzun is falling, suddenly the purple smoke eyes condense, the heart jumps.

I did not think that this still respects the space of the body through the projection of the demon Lord. At this time, although the demon took away the projection. But he is still a holy level, but it is only the beginning of the holy level.

"Oh..." The earth began to rise from the water: "Shang Zun, the slave of your demon Lord, today I am going to kill the Terran!"

"Oh..." The remaining seven masters have also risen: "Destroy the Terran!"

"Oh..." The nine ancient antiquity of the ancient times also rose: "destroy the human race!"

"Oh..." All the monks have risen: "Destroy the Terran!"

"Ha ha ha..." Shang Zun suddenly laughed, and the sound of laughter went straight into the sky, and gradually two lines of tears flowed out, but he did not wipe it, just smirked.

The still-famous laughter gradually changed, and then the eyes swept over the surrounding monks, hoarse voice said:

"Do you believe in the words of the Mozu? When do we have to believe in the Mozu?"

Silent and silent around. The voice of Shangzun echoed in the air, but every monk looked at Shangzun’s eyes like a fool.

We believe in the words of the Mozu? Will the magical master and the magical projection that appear on you be fake? Are we blind, or are we crazy?

Shangzun saw the eyes of the monks around. However, there was no slight panic on his face. Instead, he laughed and smirked. He smiled and leaned forward and trembled. But there are no people around, and they all want to see what Zun Zun will play.

"Not bad!" Shang Zun suddenly stopped laughing: "My sanctification is given to me by the Lord, but it is not what I ask for, but he gave it to me."

Speaking of this, the face of Shang Zun has a painful color. Take a deep breath and say slowly:

"My father was killed by Xu Ziyan. For whatever reason, he was killed by Xu Ziyan. I am a son who wants to avenge the father. Am I wrong?"

The still-looking eyes suddenly swayed and swept around. Speak loudly:

"Is it wrong?

but. When I wanted to ask Wen Yao for the resources that my father had left for me to practice, when I was repaired to increase, I went to find Xu Ziyan to avenge, but was ruthlessly rejected by Wen Yao and expelled me from the Zongmen.

I left the Zongmen, I heard Xu Ziyan because the devil ruined the Taixu, and went to the Mozu to avenge, I followed all the way, looking for opportunities to revenge, and finally Xu Ziyan was also defeated by the demon master. At that time, I thought that Xu Ziyan was dead, so I was so excited that I laughed.

So, I was also discovered by the Lord. So the Lord of the Lord caught me. Then let me surrender to the Mozu, I will not yield. He tortured me all the time, but it didn't make me succumb.

But... suddenly one day, the Lord of the Lord did not torture me, but raised the cultivation to the Holy Level. Then let me go.

I ask him why?

He and I said that he has planted a magic species in my body. Whether I admit it or not, he has become a demon. He gave me two choices, one is to become a slave to the Lord, to do things for him. So he will not reveal the identity of my demon, but also promised to improve my cultivation again in the future. The second way is that he will reveal that I am the identity of the Mozu, let me be defeated in the Terran, and be cast aside by the people of the world.

Then he drove me out of the Mozu! Hehehe..."

Shang Zun once again smiled bitterly: "Of course, I can also choose the third way, that is suicide. But, I am not willing, I have not reported the killing of the father, and my body is The demon master planted the magic species, but my heart is still the human race.

Therefore, I lived with humiliation and burden. In the moment I left the territory of the Mozu and stepped into the territory of the Terran, I still respected two vows in my heart.

First, swear to kill Xu Ziyan. Revenge for the father. ”

Shangzun swept his eyes on the faces of the Eight Great Masters and the Nine Ancient Heavenly Emperors: "You don't all say that my father was assassinated by my father when Xu Ziyan saved everyone's life, but he was eventually killed by Xu Ziyan. ?

I do not believe! ”

Shangzun suddenly violently drunk: "My father will never make such a despicable thing. Therefore, my second vow is to lead the people of the world to survive the catastrophe, save the world. Wash my humiliation for my father."

Shangzun took a deep breath and sighed with a loud voice: "I still respect the demon, but I want to ask you, I have been a little sad, but I have done a little sorry for the human race. thing?


I do not have!

And the Golden God will die or I will join forces with the Sect.

Everything I do is for the human race, I have no worries! ”


Silent and silent!

All the monks silently recalled the words that Shang Zun had said, while recalling what Shang Zun did. It seems that in addition to seeking purple smoke revenge, and the eight major sects to compete for the position of the lord. I have never done anything to hurt the Terran.

And... the golden armor will indeed be his and the sect of the sect of the sect.


A burst of applause came, Shang Zun was his eyes narrowed, and his eyes looked coldly at Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Ziyan, what conspiracy do you have?"

Xu Ziyan sneaked a few more palms and then said faintly: "Wonderful! I will be touched by your words!"

"This is a fact!" Shang Zunqiang calmly sighed, but the anxiety in his heart was getting bigger and bigger.

"You haven't done anything to hurt the human race, are you?"

"Not bad!"

"While you have been demonized by the devil, your heart is still a human race, isn't it?"

"of course!"

"Secretly ordered!" Xu Ziyan suddenly sighed: "Shang Zun, you have entered the magic. Even the Mozu can not do what you have done!"

"Xu Ziyan, you must take a breath of blood!"

"Shang Zun, you are ruined. You arrested the women in the world, took the refining of their gods, and made such things as people and gods, and dared to say that they did not do anything to hurt the human race?" Xu Ziyan suddenly shouted .


The monks around him shouted, and the face of Shangzun was a white, and then he screamed angrily:

"Xu Ziyan, you must take a breath of blood!"

"Blood in the mouth? Hehe... Shangzun, can you only say this sentence?"

"Xu Zongzhu!" The flower fairy voice trembled and said: "What you said is true?"

It is necessary to know that Tianxiang is a female practitioner and has also lost many disciples. At this time, I heard that Xu Ziyan broke out of such news. How does she not lose her way?

At this time, the eyes of the monks in the world are concentrated on the body of Xu Ziyan, and the eyes of Shang Zun are also concentrated on the body of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s look became cold and cold:

"Shang Zun. I have always been very skeptical about your sudden sanctification. Do you have a spiritual root? How can you suddenly enter the holy? So, I used God to enter the Star Fields a few days ago.

As for the rescue of the dead camp, it was only a windfall, and I also thought of the small patriarchs who suddenly turned to you, and later went to explore it, and it was branded by you. These are not the main ones. When I probed into the sea of ​​knowledge, I found out that there was something in your **** that shocked me. ”

"Oh... you explore my knowledge? I will not find it, is your knowledge very strong?" Shangzun sneered.

"Yes, my gods are really strong!" Xu Ziyan faintly said: "Shang Zun, do you think that you have refining the goddesses of the women?"

The look of Shangzun is a glimpse, but the voice of Xu Ziyan continues to sound: "I can imagine that the women were very miserable and respectful. Do you not know that if a person is very miserable, will it form a grievance?" ”

The face of Shangzun is pale again. Xu Ziyan said that there is nothing wrong with it. Those women were killed and humiliated. Although not every one formed a grievance, many of them formed a grievance, and they lived in his god. Among them, day and night call sign.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued) r655

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