The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2621: Coming


"What happened to Xuan Zongzhu?" asked the **** of dreams.

Xuan Tianao looked at the natural big front in front of him: "Prepare, within seven days, this big battle will break."

When Xuantian’s words came out, the atmosphere in the entire Xianshan was tight, and the dream machine also spit out a long breath and shouted:

"Retire, prepare to fight!"

Without a trace of sorrow, all the monks swept the figure quickly. The four-beast beast was placed on the first floor, and the entrance of the Xianqiao was wrapped up. As long as Tianzunyi rushed out from the Xianqiao, it would enter the four-beasts.

Then these 80 million monks sat on the ground and took the interest adjustments one by one. They won't be in the next seven days, and all they need to do is adjust their status to the peak.

The monks who were behind them in the Xianxie and the Xianxiang arrays also sat on the ground and took the elixir into the state of adjustment.

The fifth day.

There was a loud explosion, and there was a crack in the entire natural array. The crack immediately cracked like a spider web, and then collapsed.

The advent of the catastrophe was two days ahead of schedule...

Eight thousand people immediately leaped up, and the four-beasted beast was immediately opened. The monks in the fairy tales and the celestial array behind them are still standing still, and even their eyes are not open, and they still have to recharge their batteries.

The nine masters and the nine great ancient heavens opened their eyes, and their eyes looked nervously at the first battlefield.


Nearly 10,000 Tianzuns rushed from the Xianqiao as a torrent, like a river flowing into the sea and rushing into the array of four gods.


The four gods and beasts attacked. Although the human race monks had heard of these heavenly monks from the dream machine and others, although they were very cautious, they still did not do too much in the subconscious.

Only 10,000 Tianzun!

How many people are there in this big four-beast?

Eight million! Eight thousand people deal with a god. It was everyone who spit and spit and drowned them. And this 10,000-day honor is not the peak of the late Tianzun!

Therefore, every monk in the big four beasts is full of confidence, and in their hearts they think that they will not use the back of the fairy and the celestial array. As long as they have a large array of four beasts, they can kill all these gods.


When they sent out the first round of attack with confidence, they were shocked. These gods are indeed heavenly respects in terms of attack power. But in terms of defense, it is absolutely terrifying. This round of attacks did not kill any Tianzun, but only injured a few, and although those days are very heavy, but as if they do not know the pain, they continue to attack the four gods.

The nine lords and the nine ancient celestial celestial sects of the four-beasted squad that have been paying attention have changed. When they first met these celestial celestial beings, they did not have to deal with these celestial ancestors. When they first met, they followed Xu Ziyan and ran away. Only in order to save them, Xu Ziyan had several hands with these gods, and at that time they were running away without a command, and they did not look at the power of these gods.

Now, at first glance, these people's faces have become very ugly. Not to mention the attacking power of these gods, it is that these anti-striking abilities are very strong, even the worst scorpion has the defensive power of the peak of the late Tianzun, and the more than one hundred Tianzun later peaks are faintly The defensive power of the holy level.

The most headache for them is that these cockroaches have no pain at all, and there is no fear. They only have a sense of killing, constantly attacking and killing.

Just an instant. The two sides entered a state of tragic state, no transition, no temptation. These crickets will not transition, they will not be tempted, like a beast.


The dream machine spit out a long breath, but fortunately, these gods don’t know how to cooperate. If these days, the gods will also be deployed, then the trouble will be big.

Three days and nights.

I kept killing for three days and three nights, and the four gods and beasts paid millions of lives. The monk’s power was almost exhausted, but it only really killed more than a hundred. These cockroaches must completely blast them. They count as real deaths, otherwise they will continue to attack.

The dream machine sullenly issued a command. The trapped fairy tales began to take over the four-beasts. This killed another three days and three nights. This time the Terran lost less than half a million monks, but it killed about one hundred and fifty Tianzun. Then it was the replacement of the fairy squad.

The three big arrays are constantly changing, and both sides are constantly falling.

A month's time passed quickly in the fierce slaughter. The Terran monks have already degraded nearly ten million monks, while Tianzun is only dead less than two thousand. The most important thing is that there are no more than one hundred Tianzun later peaks. Fallen one.

At this time, it is the turn of the four-beast beast to kill the gods. The nine masters and the nine great ancient gods have already adjusted their interest rates at this time, and they are looking at the face of the four-beast beast in action.

The peaks of the more than one hundred Tianzun later are too strong. Each of them has the defensive power of the holy level. The oppression of the big battle is too big. If the four-beast beast is only besieging one such awkwardness, I am afraid that it has already been killed, but in the face of more than a hundred, and there are thousands of less powerful cockroaches, which makes the entire array of operations a bit stagnation.


Behind him came the sound of prancing, and the gods and gods, such as the **** of dreams, turned back, and they saw that the sword had led the more than a thousand monks to prance, and the face was not happy. But after seeing the eyes and not seeing Xu Ziyan, their faces dimmed.

"There is no virtual younger brother!" The rhetoric immediately screamed when he saw the sword.

The sword did not sway, and Langyue and others stopped. The sword was indefinitely and fell to the side of the rhetoric. At this time, both the fairy tales and the celestial array were in the adjustment stage, so the dream machine and so on. People have also come over and greeted each other.

"How's it going?"

The sword asked without a false voice, and the dream machine told the side of the sword for more than a month, and then the sword was innocent:

"There is no imaginary friend, what is the arrangement of Xu Zongzhu?"

The sword shook his head and said: "The purple smoke is just for us to come to see the plane."

The dream **** machine and other people looked a little disappointed, and the sword’s gaze was swept over the three big arrays, and the voice said:

"We don't understand this fairy tales. Although I know some of the celestial arrays, most of the monks I brought do not understand. You practiced this way, and we suddenly joined, maybe it would affect the role of the big squad."

The nine masters and the nine great ancient gods have nodded.

"But, compared to everyone remembering that when the King of the Golden Dragon was killed, the secret sect suddenly appeared, and the real four-beast beast was laid out?"

Xuan Tian's eyes will light up. If the four-beast beasts that originally killed the golden armor will be laid out, the power of the four-beast beast will definitely become the most powerful array of the three big arrays. .

"Nothing is a friend, is it..."

The sword nodded and said: "Yes, the sect of the sect of the sects has been to the Wuthering Mountains, and this method has been passed to the Taixu. I will arrange some monks to enter the four-beasts!"

"Too good!" The dream machine is also very excited. At the beginning, he also saw the power of the real four-beast beasts: "Please also ask the no-brainers to arrange the monks to enter the four-beasts as soon as possible."

"Don't worry!" The sword looked at the four-beast beast that was killing. "I took a small array with the rest of the monks. When can you give me a chance to release a beggar, it is better. In the late days of Tianzun, I led the monks to kill them."

The eyes of the dream machine are bright.


The sword is worthy, but it is sanctified. It has a natural advantage here. If there is anyone here who can kill a single peak of the Tianzun period, then the non-sword is nothing.

"Good! Everything is based on a good friend."

"I will arrange it!"

The sword flew up and flew up, and fell to the side of Langyue and others, and called the twenty-eight of the four-beasted beasts to the side:

"Have you heard what I said?"

Langyue and others nodded, and the sword did not waste: "What are you waiting for? Go!"


Twenty-eight figures flew up and fell toward the four gods. Looking at the twenty-eight figure, the sword is full of brilliance and thinks:

"I heard these stinky boys like me bragging. I want to see how powerful this real four-beast beast is?"


Langyue, Hua Gu Ren, Jin Ge, Xuan Daozi, Sa Tiantian, Ma Jingying and Lan Bailing successively fell into the seven-seat position in the basaltic array. Both hands bear a sacred print.

The room in the Xuanwu seven-story room is lit, and all the monks in the basaltic array feel that the power of their own body can not help but converge toward the room. A great power can begin to be generated in the room.

Hua Guru's hands are surrounded by imaginary, Xuanwu seven sings are lit up, and the light of the room is flowing toward the virtual position. The imaginary position is like a piece of vain.

Jin Ge hands tow, Xuanwu seven places in the cattle position will be the room, the light of the virtual position is drawn, the moment is like the birth of a world, everything began to breed.

Xuan Daozi's body shape hovered in the wall of Xuanwu Qisu, his hands were like a knife, and the room, the virtual position, the cow position, opened up a line of anger.

Satan is standing on the vicissitudes of Xuanwu Qisu, guiding all the monks in the squad to gather the flowing forces, and go to the female position of the basaltic seven-seat in which Ma Jingying is located, and divide it into yin and yang, and return it to The bucket position of the basaltic seven in the place where Lan Bailing is located.


The entire Xuanwu dynasty was bright, and the thousands of monks gradually disappeared, shrouded in a huge basaltic virtual image, and the virtual image gradually became like a substance, a huge basaltic.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued)

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