The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2625: Purple smoke shot

Congratulations to the book friend 140514215513111 to become the best elder!


Seven boundaries are one!

The strength of the seven positions is concentrated in the body of the dream machine. The law of the road formed by the celestial array is gathered on the sword of the dream machine at this moment. It is the way of killing.

The sword in the hands of the dream machine seems to carry a huge world, making his movements very slow.


The dream machine took a big bang and finally got the sword out.


A sword mang, filled with the power of destruction of the heavens and the earth, struck the black phoenix.


This burst of blow, the huge anti-shock force made the whole 戮仙阵 shaking.


Numerous seven major sects were killed for the low monk explosion.


The black phoenix collapsed and the gods were revealed. Hundreds of cockroaches collapsed and turned into powder.

"Seven circles reincarnation!"

The celestial array was once again running, the dream machine and others were desperate, and a huge reincarnation appeared on the head of the crowd.


The Great World Warfare is running again, and the black phoenix is ​​reborn...

Four gods / one / this / read / novel. The beast array is slowly running, watching the celestial array nervously. The trapped immortals immediately began to regroup, while the monks swallowed the elixir into the interest rate adjustment.

The sword was imaginary and immediately yelled at Liu Huaping: "Picture screen, immediately with the Taixu monk evacuated to the outside of the Emperor's Palace, and formed a battle with the outside monks. Try to seal the exit, and inform the major gates, immediately reinforce the lord Palace. I will take a step first. I will inform the purple smoke."


Liu Huaping, Liu Qingmeng, Xiao Buli and Sha Xiaofan with more than a thousand Taixu monks quickly ran outside the Emperor's Palace, while the sword was empty and leaped high, disappearing instantly.


Xu Ziyan rolled the Tiandao vows on the table and quietly looked at Liao Bufan’s four demons. She was waiting for Liao Bufan to propose conditions. She can't take the lead, or she will completely lose her chance.

Liao Bufan’s face showed bitterness, and his heart was absolutely unwilling to participate in the war. But now Xu Ziyan is sitting opposite him, looking at him faintly, if there is no power to give him a lot of pressure.

Today's Xu Ziyan is already a true holy level, and this kind of comprehensive sanctification is not at the end of Tian Zun's peak. No matter how old you are, the peak of the late Tianzun. Before the holy level, it was the ants, just like the original Xu Ziyan, who swept the Mozu all the way, but after encountering the demon Lord, he was almost killed by the slap of the demon.

To know that Xu Ziyan at that time was still sanctified, and could not be defeated in the face of the full-fledged Mozu, let alone Liao Bufan, four companies.

Do you refuse Xu Ziyan?

Liao Bufan’s eyelids jumped, although Xu Ziyan’s look was very light. But he has a cold feeling, and he has no doubt if he refuses Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan will immediately shoot them.

After Xu Ziyan entered the hall, he immediately put out a vow of Tiandao, and told them. Conditions can be mentioned, but you can't refuse.

There is some entanglement in my heart, this is the gap in strength.

Fairy world!

Respect for strength, Xu Ziyan has this strength, you can give the demon pressure. Liao Bufan sighed in the heart:

"Xu Zongzhu, you know that our Yaozu is now inferior..."

Suddenly, a figure fell on the entrance of the main hall, and the body shape just slammed and screamed:


Xu Ziyan was shocked and looked back. When he saw it, it was really a sword, and a heart was raised. It must have been an accident in the Palace of the Immortals, otherwise the sword could not leave the Palace of the Immortals.

"Master, but what happened to the Palace of the Immortals?"

The sword went to the main hall without a big step, but nodded with Liao Bufan’s four demon statues, and he hurriedly said to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, there is a Tianzun late peak, suddenly possessed the wisdom, and then he said that Tianzunzhen formed a battle, breaking through the big array."

Xu Ziyan’s look was tight, and her most worrying thing happened.

"Only one?"

"At present, there is only one cockroach who possesses the wisdom. But..." The sword laughed without a bitterness: "This situation is equally terrible. If these lords rush out of the lord's palace, the sacred shackles no longer constrain those celestial gods." Let the Tianzun rush to all directions, the situation will be even worse.

These gangsters will have no purpose, killing them without direction, and they are all repaired by Heavenly Masters. They can shuttle space, and we can’t catch up. This will form a real catastrophe. ”

"let's go!"

Xu Ziyan took away the Tiandao vows, and there is no need to negotiate with the Yaozu at this time. Even if the demon family is willing to participate, it is too late for them to form a demon army to rush to the Palace of the Immortals.

Outside the Palace of the Immortals, the hundreds of thousands of monks heard the words of the sword rushed, and the message was passed back to their respective sects through the jade, and then the hundreds of millions of monks laid a large array at the entrance to the Palace of the Immortals. .

In the sky, there were Xu Ziyan and Jian Wu’s figure. The hundreds of thousands of monks saw Xu Ziyan, and the spirit could not help but the Xu Ziyan did not stop at all. The figure disappeared instantly at the entrance of the Xianzhu Palace, and the sword disappeared and then entered. Go leaping.

"Xu Zongzhu is here!"

The monks outside the Emperor's Palace exclaimed excitedly, and the tight look was a loose one, and one by one came out to tell the jade...

The shape of Xu Ziyan flew in the Palace of the Immortals.

After half a day.

Xu Ziyan saw Liu Jianping them, Xu Ziyan swiftly passed over their heads, Liu Qingmeng looked up and looked at Xu Ziyan’s disappearing figure:

"The purple smoke is coming, let's go! It's going to make a big burst outside."


More than a thousand monks rushed to the outside of the Palace of the Immortals.

Another time passed, Xu Ziyan’s eyes were condensed. She saw a figure that was fiercely bombarding one by one, and one by one, the gods were crushed by the figure.


A Tianzun later peak and the man slammed into a circle, and his body shape flew back a dozen steps. Then he slammed again and rushed up again.

"Tuzhuzhu!" Xu Ziyan was shocked.


Thousands of days of dignity flew over the sides of the earth, and behind the gods, the Terran is closely chasing after him. As for the monks below Tianzun, they have been left behind.

These days, Zun Zun eventually rushed out of the three big arrays. At their speed, what are the monks below Tianzun who can catch up? It is the dream machine that is the peak of the late Tianzun. They can't catch up with them, because these heavenly monks are more suitable for the gravity of the Emperor's Palace. I am afraid that only after leaving the Xianzhu Palace, the speed of the gods and other people can catch up with these days.

Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and shouted out of the virtual sword. Communicate the thirteen bridges of the heavens and the earth, the power of the world is sprayed out, and the heaven and earth Yuanli gather toward Xu Ziyan. Eleven kinds of attributes have been successfully poured into the Taixu sword, and the Jinmu water, fire and earth, dark light, thunder and time, and eleven sword spirits.

Xu Ziyan is standing in the air, holding up a virtual sword and hunting for clothing. Thousands of days opposite the rushing toward her...


A burst of humming in the beginning of the world. As if a world is being built, the sword of the virtual sword is straight into the sky, and the silk cracks are generated around the space of the sword mang...

The soil was turned to the first place.


The dream machine and other people who are rushing to catch up, Huo Erneng lived in the footsteps, and his face showed a happy color.

"Xu Zongzhu!"

The tribes who fell behind looked at the swordsmanship that was inserted into the sky. The scent of destruction was suffocating and could not help but scream:

"what is that?"

Outside the Emperor's Palace, I clearly saw the swordsman who was straight into the sky, feeling the power of the face, and I was ashamed. There is only one voice in my heart crying:

"what is that?"

Devil world.

The glass in the hands of Mellon fell to the ground. Looking at the sword in the sky in the distance, the horror:

"Who is this?"

Demon world.

Liao Bufan muttered to himself: "Xu Ziyan shot!"

The Palace of the Immortals.

Xu Ziyan's slender figure holds a giant sword. The sword that the giant sword inserted into the sky formed a halo that spread in the sky.

Thousands of days of esteemed and fearlessly rushed toward Xu Ziyan, only the fear of the gods flashed fear, and quickly fled out to the side.

Xu Ziyan’s hand was drawn down to the bottom, and the faint glow of the sky was like a world leaning toward Tianzun, dumping and crushing it down.


The broken sound of the world, even the fairy island in the Palace of the Immortals, has cracked, and the cracks spread like a spider web, and a scorpio was thrown in the middle.

This sword directly smashed hundreds of days of monarchy into powder, and hundreds of days of dignity were smashed.

The god-in-law Tianzun’s body shape swiftly flew toward the outside of the Emperor’s Palace, and he screamed a few times. The hundreds of Zun Zun, who had been robbed by the purple smoke, shocked her, while the other Tianzun was Followed by the sacred Tian Zun, and swiftly swept away.


Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to take out the second sword, and rushed to his own hundreds of disabled Tian Zun to be bombarded into powder, and then chased away to the escaping Tian Zun.


Xu Ziyan pursued all the way, and frequently exerted the power of the world all the way. A sword broke through the law and constantly smashed Tian Zun into a powder. Behind her, Tu Yishui and Mengshen and others saw Xu Ziyan appearing, and each face showed joy and desperately chased Xu Ziyan.


There was a high drink on the opposite side, and a sword mangling was like a practising squatting to the celestial god. On that day, he shrugged his shoulders, turned his arms back, and then slammed it out.


The sword's imaginary figure was blasted out, and Tian Zunqi also rolled back a few heads and fell to the ground, looking down at his right hand, the ring finger and the little finger had been cut off by the sword.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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