The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2636: Twelve swords


The guardian squad broke up...

One of the monks in the Upper Yuanmeng stood up vigorously, holding the fairy one by one, and his eyes were firm.

Above the clouds.

On the face of the Great Lord, a sly smile appeared, and one hand slowly lifted up. Above the clouds behind him, three million ice-age monks showed up the fairy and set off.


A sword fell from the sky, but a sword exudes boundless power, transmitting through the killing and sharp.


The sword screamed in the air and turned into twelve swords.

The virtual sword is in it. Around it is a circle of eleven swords, which are the golden wood, the fire, the earth, the light, the light, the thunder, the time and the space, the eleven swordsmanship.


The twelve swords are magnified in the air, and each sword is turned into a giant peak.


The twelve swords were separated in the air and inserted around the upper Yuanmeng. The giant sword is smashing, the majestic sword is arrogant, and the twelve giant swords are like the twelve giant gods standing around the upper Yuanmeng.

The hand of the Great Lord is standing in the air, wanting to wave, but feels that the hand is as heavy as the mountain, looking at the sky, but can not see any traces...


The twelve giant swords are really scary. One. read. The power of the novel xstxt, the power of the face of the Lord, is full of fear.

"This... the Yuanmeng League has such a fairy treasure... It really is not the ancient Tianzun!"

The Great Lord was stunned for a while, and there was a greedy color in his eyes, if the eleven sacred treasures fell into their hands. The brilliant family is really brilliant!

He took a deep breath and he was confident to get these fairy treasures. After all, Xianbao is even more powerful, and there must be equal monks to drive. If the monk's cultivation is insufficient, he will not be able to fully exploit the power of Xianbao, and naturally he will be able to **** Xianbao.

Who is he?

He is the great saint of the brilliant family!

What is he doing?

He is the peak of the late Tianzun, the most powerful under the holy level. Today, the Shangyuan League did not even have an early Tianzun. Isn’t the 12-story Xianbao not prepared for himself?

"The ancient gods! You are too confident, even dare to leave this fairy treasure here, without you personally driving. Isn't this cheaper for me? Today, I have received these twelve Xianbao."

Although the heart is greedy, and has already regarded these twelve swords as their treasures. But he is still very cautious, and did not immediately shoot, he needs to figure out the power of these twelve swords.

I looked at Tian Zun around me and looked at the three million icefield monks behind me. These monks are his ties. Nature can't let them take risks. To the side of the order, the monk whispered a few words, and saw that the monk took out a flag and shook it three times. The face of a group of monks standing in front of the time sword spirit showed a nervous color.

The long sword that timed the swordsmanship made them feel terrified, and their pressure was enormous. At this time, the power in their bodies has already consumed seven or eighty-eight, and it is inevitable that fear will arise in the heart.

Looking towards the opposite side, at this time the guardian squad has completely collapsed. After that time, the giant sword is a human monk. At this time, the human race monks are also pale. Struggling to stand up and staggering, the monks in the array will not let them fear. They are afraid of the great sword.

At this time, the northern monks were also uneasy in their hearts. They did not know that the twelve swords that fell from the sky were fierce, but the look on the face of the fallen family should not be released by the fallen family.


It should be to help the human race monks...


What about people?

What about the masters of these twelve giant swords?

Xu Ziyan is hidden in the cracks in the space. With her sanctification, it is very simple to prevent these monks from knowing their existence. At this time, she also frowned slightly. She didn't want to shoot. She hoped that the twelve swords would deter the fallen, and that the Terran reinforcements are coming soon.

Besides, as long as you persist for a while, the following Terran monks can recover some of the cultivation and have the opportunity to fight against the fallen family.

Shangyuan League.

The Terran monks were slightly settled. At this time they believed that the twelve great swords were to help them, so they immediately began to take the elixir and seized the time to restore it.


On the opposite side of the gigantic platform, the Great Lord has issued an order, and a monk has begun to approach the Yuanmeng. However, these so-called brilliant families also had fears in their hearts. They did not approach the whole team, but only sent ten monks to approach the Yuanmeng.


Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart, and she knew in her heart that the fallen family could not be so scared by the twelve swords. They would eventually go to temptation and go to work, and her Xu Ziyan would eventually shoot.


The time of the sword spirit swords, a circle of visible ripples rippled toward the ten fallen people, in the eyes of the monks, the ten monks quickly aging, that is, the time of the break, the ten monks The original body became aging, then died, and then turned into ashes and sprinkled on the ground.

All the monks have changed their minds, not only the fallen color of the fallen family, but also the monks of the Upper Yuanmeng. The power of this giant sword is so strange that even ten monks are instantly old, and then death is annihilated...

The big lord above the gimbal also changed his face, and then his eyes appeared.

"Good baby! This baby must be mine!"

The look of a condensate, raised his hand and waved, and walked out of the three million icefield monks behind him a hundred-person squad, rushing toward the time giant sword.


It was another humming sound. The hundred monks had not yet rushed to the front of the giant sword. They were covered in a circle of ripples, then they were old, dead, and annihilated...

The look of the Great Lord became dignified, his eyes fixed on the great sword of time, and then he looked away from the time sword and looked at the giant sword next to him.

"The big sword seems to have a time attribute, so what about this sword? Not all time attributes!"

Stretching his finger at the sword pointed at him, and behind him a squad rushed out of the squad and rushed toward the second sword.


A sword screamed, when the hundred monks rushed to the front of the giant sword, the surrounding of the giant sword suddenly became a turbulent time, the space inside was broken, and each other was cut and cut, and one hundred monks were only instantly Cut into pieces of minced meat.


Absolute silence!

Tens of millions of monks inside and outside the Yuanmeng have held their breath and looked at the giant sword incredulously. At this time, every monk knew that the giant sword was a space attribute.

The Great Lord above the Yuntai took a deep breath and looked ugly. His eyes fell on the third sword. This time he was cautious and thought about it. He eventually sent a person to respect. The monk flew to the Di Sanbing sword.

The monk was very cautious, and there was fear in his slightly raised eyes. But the Great Lord asked him to go, he couldn't go, he had already taken out a fairy sword in his hand, stopped at a position five hundred meters away from the third sword, and then shrouded the past and wanted to use it first. God knows the sword.

The sword is a dark attribute of the fairy sword. When the **** of the monk's respected monk has just touched the dark attribute of the fairy sword, the fairy sword suddenly rushes out of a fascinating god. The dark attribute of the sword spirit follows the person. The spirit of the sword spirit rushed into his knowledge of the sea, but in an instant, he knew that the **** of the sea seemed to fall into the darkness, and then his **** was quickly eroded and decomposed...

His body fell from the sky...

The face of the Great Lord changed really, and there was a hint of fear. The monk who died suddenly died without any warnings. It was more terrible than the aging of the sword before the death of the sword and the smashing of the body before the space sword.

"This is what some swords!"

However, witnessing the greed of the Lord's heart, the strong greed quickly suppressed fear. There is a voice in my heart crying:

"Did these swords have a property? This is a horror, they are mine, they must be mine. I want to see what other attributes they have?"

This time he sent a monk of the dignity period to fly toward the fourth sword. The monk of this place slowly flew toward the fourth flying sword, frowning and wondering how the monk died silently.

Suddenly his heart jumped.

"Is it a **** attack? This is this... these swords have sword spirit?"

As a result, he became more careful, released the defensive shield, and took out a defensive fairy, which slowly approached the fourth sword.

The sword that he is close to is not another sword spirit, it is the Thunder sword spirit. In the place where the monk was about three hundred meters away from the Thunder Sword Spirit, a thunder thick thunder was thrown from the Thunder Sword Spirit, and he was bombarded on his body, directly smashing him into pieces.


All the monks changed their faces and took a breath. The Great Lord has no idea at this time, and there is no need to try again. From these four swords, it can be seen that no monk is their opponent. I am afraid that the Great Lord may not be able to surrender these swords when he personally goes forward. .

Take the Thunder just to make the Lord's heart horrified. Thunder, but with Xu Ziyan crossing the holy heaven, and Xu Ziyan's holy heavenly robbery is comparable to the general holy masters?

Now the thunder's power is not up to the holy level, but all the peaks of the late Tianzun are not his opponent. This is his own power. If combined with Xu Ziyan, the power is even more terrifying.


The horror in my heart is a horror. The Great Lord thinks about it carefully. But he is the peak of Tianzun's later stage. Maybe he can conquer these swords when he personally goes forward.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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