The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2700: Fallen

If you want to survive in the dead, you must understand this way of using the heavens. When Xu Ziyan resists the attack of the light ball, he observes the way the light ball uses the heavenly way and comprehends the trajectory.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was not only bleeding from the nose and nose, but all the seven scorpions began to ooze blood to the outside. Yanshan was so anxious that he couldn’t help himself.

The four saints of the lord are also dignified at this time. If Xu Ziyan falls here, they basically can't get out of the city of Phoenix.


The former light ball was just a blurred light ball. Once she succeeded, she had the body of Xu Ziyan. They didn't even have a vibrating ball of light. If it occupies the body of Xu Ziyan, do they still have a way to live? ?

In fact, they really want more. The illuminating ball of light was only a virtual body, but it was able to mobilize the rich heavenly attributes gathered here. It is because of his illusion that he can blend into the heavens here. Once it has succeeded and become an entity, it will be stripped from this heavenly path, and it will no longer be able to bring heaven and earth as before.

At this time, Xu Ziyan’s heart was full of strength. She had already begun to understand the way the heavens were run, but it was still not the opponent of the light ball. This is her Xu Ziyan, which has merged the eleven heavens into a certain realm. Become a monk, even if it is a five-sacred, I am afraid that it has already been won at this time.

Xu Ziyan is weaker than Wusheng in the Yuanli repair and the strength of the body, but in the fusion of the power of the gods and the law of heaven, it is stronger than the five saints.

In the same way, the light group is stronger than the Xu Ziyan in the fusion of the Heavenly Law, so in the contest of this field, Xu Ziyan has been falling in the wind, and gradually forced into the corner.

Xu Ziyan thought and moved, and summoned the eleven attributes of the sword spirit into the sea of ​​knowledge. At this time, Xu Ziyan had to experiment with all the methods that could be thought of.

The eleventh attribute Sword Spirit also merged into a light ring over the light group, and together with Xu Ziyan launched an attack on the light group. This time the light group seemed to realize that there was some trouble, and the young mind immediately became angry.

It feels that someone has destroyed the playthings it wants. The whole light group appears in a boiling state in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, so that the halo of Xu Ziyan and the aura of the eleven attribute sword spirit are in an extremely abnormal state. Among them, the sound of "咔咔" is endless, and small cracks appear on the aura.

There was a sharp spike in the body of the light group, like a hedgehog, and then the root tip was lasing toward the two halos, causing the cracks of the two halos to begin to spread.

The face of Wusheng suddenly changed. They could feel that the law of heaven here was rushing toward Xu Ziyan, and then poured into the body of Xu Ziyan.

They don't think that this is the purple smoke that absorbs the rules of heaven. At first glance, it is the rule of heaven that the light group is absorbing. It only has one purpose to absorb the rules of heaven. It is to attack Xu Ziyan.

Within the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, a law of heaven and earth came in and was absorbed by the light group. After that, it broke out as a strong heavenly power. Xu Ziyan felt that his **** was almost suppressed and stiffened. The action has become extremely slow, even in my own knowledge of the sea.

Xu Ziyan re-inspired and moved Fu Shen into his own knowledge of the sea and shouted to Fushen:

"Fu Shen, what should I do?"

Fu Shen looked at Xu Ziyan and knew everything that happened in the sea. The look became dignified, and the light group also found the god, but after paying attention to it, he stopped paying attention to him and began to focus on the yuan of Xu Ziyan. God.

The law of heaven that looks at the influx of the outside world is constantly being absorbed by the light group, and then transformed into a power that will force the purple smoke to barely fight back, and instantly become anxious. Since he followed Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan has never been in such a dangerous situation.

Seeing from his natural vision, I am afraid that it will not take long for Xu Ziyan to truly disappear from the world, and that light group will occupy the body of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea has now become a magnificent world. It is the law of several days that flows into her sea of ​​knowledge and flows in her knowledge.


The aura of the attribute released by Xu Ziyan and the aura of the eleventh attribute sword spirit are broken. When the time of the purple smoke is clear, the storm is lifted. The eleven sword spirits hover in the sea and once again gather toward the middle, forming a halo, but the breath changes. It is a lot weaker.


Xu Ziyan, who has been stagnant and ignorant, blew blood between his mouth and nose, and his body fell to the rear. Yanshan soul stepped behind Xu Ziyan, holding Xu Ziyan in his arms and shouting:


Knowing the sea, Xu Ziyan’s **** once again released a halo, but this aura is much weaker than the previous aura. While blocking the bald head with the eleven sword spirits, he shouted at the gods:

"Fu Shen, think of a way."

Fushen has been observing Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea and the light group in the sea. Suddenly, the look is moving:

"Ziyan, this tower is the place where the light group was born. It can absorb the exhausted law of heaven from here. If you want to overcome it, you must separate it from this tower space and let it become roots. Ping."

"How to do it?" Xu Ziyan anxiously called.

"I'll try!"

The body of Fushen was scattered, and it became a complex and complicated symbol. In the sea of ​​reorganization, a whole world was wrapped up, and the whole sea was wrapped up, and the sea and the outside world were isolated.

Xu Ziyan immediately felt that the light group was a meal. Even if he saw the light group completely violently violently, the energy of the body was violently abused, and the **** of Xu Ziyan was abandoned. It suddenly became two big hands, one hand Living in a halo, the halo was held in the big hand, and immediately began to crack, and then was picked up by two big hands, thrown at the heavens that formed the god.


Shaking in the sky, giving people a sense of crumbling. At the same time, the two big hands were put together and inserted into the day.


The two big hands were inserted together into the heavens and then torn around. A tear was heard in the ear, and the piece of heaven was torn open with a big mouth. The rich law of heaven was used from the big mouth.

The palms of the two big hands each showed a huge mouth, sucking toward the inside, and the rich heavenly law was sucked into the two big palms, and the two big palms immediately became dazzling.


The two big palms became illusory, and when they were solidified, they turned into thousands of palms and grabbed them in the sky. It was only a moment, in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, they remembered the miserable cry of the gods, not At the time of the three interest, Xu Ziyan will no longer feel the breath of the gods.

"he died……"

Xu Ziyan had a pain in his heart. Although Fushen always gestured in front of her, the first look and tone of the old man in the world, but it did give Xu Ziyan a lot of help. I didn’t think that the real soul was gone.

Xu Ziyan felt a pain in his heart and looked up at the thousands of palms.


The thousands of palms gathered toward the middle, turning into a spear, and the spears flowed over it. The power of the heavens rose like a flame, and spurred toward the **** of Xu Ziyan.

The **** of Xu Ziyan extended two small hands to get bigger in the air and grabbed the spear.


The two big hands grabbed the spear. Under the impact of the spear, the two hands of the Xu Ziyan Yuanshen began to tremble sharply. The smooth back of the hand showed a crack.


Xu Ziyan’s heart was transferred to the words of God before his death. He wanted to isolate the light group from the space of the tower. So the group became the roots and the chance to overcome it.

"Isolated... how to isolate..."

The spear constantly absorbed the heavenly law that gathered in the high tower space and became more and more embarrassed. The spear point gradually approached the **** of Xu Ziyan. The two hands of Xu Ziyan were shaking violently, and the crack on the back of the hand. It started to crack like a spider.

Xu Ziyan suddenly felt a move. She remembered the purple smoke space. The purple smoke space and the external space are two completely different spaces. It is an independent space. As long as this light group is dragged into its purple smoke space, it can be combined. The outside world is completely isolated. And where the gods of their own can be turned into heavens, can the power increase more than a hundred times?

Xu Ziyan did not hesitate. In fact, she did not hesitate. This is her last resort. If this method does not work, she will have to fall into this tower.

The two hands clung to the spear and grasped the heart. When they knew the sea, they disappeared the purple **** and the spear.

The heart of Yanshan soul is a pumping, and the look of the four saints of the lord is also changed. They all felt that Xu Ziyan seemed to disappear consciousness in an instant, as if it had become a walking dead. But in an instant they reacted again. This should be Xu Ziyan dragging the light group into the body space, otherwise even if the purple smoke falls, her body should be able to feel the breath of the light group.

"The evil master..." The fairy's look is dignified.

Yanshan soul looks gloomy: "This should be the last step of the purple smoke. If the purple smoke is lost again, I am afraid..."

The look of Yanshan's soul has become awkward, and the faces of monks and other monks are not good-looking. They all know what it means if the purple smoke falls.

When Xu Ziyan dragged the spear and entered the purple smoke space, he immediately released his hands and turned into a heavenly path of purple smoke. The spear was clearly stunned and turned into a light group, and then the ray of thousands of thin lines spread out and spread around. Explore this space.

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Title: "Jumou"

Book number: 3393372

Brief introduction: The ancients said: Heaven must be painstaking.

Yu Jin mourned, in this intrigue, she only wanted to protect her parents.

Hard work... still sleep.

Thus, she became a born-again woman who was passively absent.

As for the big command...

He said: You will do it, but I will not come again.


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