The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2706: Super Zongmen's Guardian

Xu Ziyan just released a war castle.

Xu Ziyan took the monks to the war castle and taught them how to fight the war castle. Xu Qingxue and the monks listened and excited in their hearts. Such a weapon of war was a monk's nightmare. Then Xu Ziyan personally drove the war castle to a ridiculous planet. In the face of the monks, they experienced the attack power of a war castle. They directly let Xu Qingxue and the monks look stunned. Said:

"If there are four such war castles, the purple smoke fairy country is worry-free!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "I have brought you thirty-six seats in total!"

"What... what... thirty... six!"

The muscles on all the monks' faces are twitching with excitement, and Xu Qingxue, who has always been calm, is no exception.

"Okay, let's go back. I will hand over these thirty-six war castles to you. I will give you a lot of fairy crystals. You have to remember that you don't have to start the war castle easily. It is too expensive."

Just now these monks have already seen the extent to which the war castles cost Xianjing, not only nodding. Back in the hall, Xu Ziyan handed over 36 war castles to Xu Qingxue, and gave her a lot of Xianjing, and then Xu Qingxue:

"I will stay with my parents here for a few days. You will start to fight back against the Nine Kingdoms!"

"Yes! Purple smoke sister!"

Xu Qingxue said with excitement, Xu Ziyan went to the outside of the hall and said:

"I don't care about the things here, everything is done by the snow!"

I let go of my own knowledge and soon found my parents. The figure disappeared instantly.

After the return of the ambassadors of the Nine Kingdoms, the Nine Kingdoms began to attack the Ziyanxian. But before they attacked a planet, there were thirty-six war castles appearing above them. Four of them appeared in the army of the immortal country and began massacres.

As soon as this war castle appeared, the Nine Kingdoms of the Immortals appeared as if they had come to an end, and there was no resistance at all. Do not say the attack power of the war castle. Just say its defense. Is it that the monks at the level of the lower galaxies can break through?

The result was a complete crush, only a few days, the Nine Kingdoms were soberly aware. If you fight again, it is not that the Ziyan Xianguo is destroyed, but that the nine great kingdoms are going to destroy the country.

The Nine Kingdoms immediately sent messengers again immediately, but this time it is no longer a forced palace. It is to sum. Xu Qingxue thought about it for a day and finally decided to negotiate. Because at this time, Ziyan Xianguo has captured thousands of planets. Digesting and re-integrating these planets requires a lot of energy, and the current strength of Ziyan Xianguo is not enough to control too many planets. Therefore, the negotiation was very smooth. After Xu Qingxue extracted a large amount of resources, the lower galaxies resumed peace.

Xu Ziyan saw that the purple smoke fairy country of the lower Yuan dynasty has been stable. In time, it will become a behemoth of the entire lower galaxies, and it will be put down, and after three days with the parents. Left a lot of parents to the elixir, leaving the lower galaxies. Broken the void and returned to the Taixu of the Yuan Dynasty.

At this time, the time has passed for more than a month. Xu Ziyan stood at the top of the Taixu Peak and shrouded the gods. He found that today’s Taixu is full of vigor and vitality. Every monk is actively practicing, and some monks are in Xu Ziyun. Under the command, the Southern Code is being prepared.

Retracted the gods and condensed: "Green, come out!"

A young bud was born at her feet, and the young bud quickly grew up and turned into a giant tree. The giant tree was lightly shaken, and the figure of the green child appeared.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze shines: “Green children, can you turn the whole Taixu into a giant tree with your current realm?”

"Of course!" Greener nodded happily. "And I found that after refining the heart of the tree, I like to appear in the form of a tree. I can turn it into a forest, and the forest is a big array. And the big tree in the middle of the maze is too imaginary."

"How is the defense?"

"It’s just that the holy monk is not so easy to break my defense. And the forest array I laid out will also cause trouble for the holy monk, and I want to break my big line with violence. It’s hard. It’s almost impossible.”

"What are you waiting for? I am going to call all the monks of Taixu and let them see what happened to this miracle."

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge immediately covered all the Taixu disciples and informed them to leave Taixu. Those who are too imaginary disciples do not know what happened. They flew outside the mountain gates of Taixu, and even the Yanshan soul was called out by Xu Ziyan. The reason why Xu Ziyan let them come out to witness this miracle, on the one hand It is to enhance the cohesiveness of the Taixu sect. On the other hand, let them know that the Zongmen has changed. Don't wait for them to make a fuss when they come in and out of the Taizong.

Hundreds of thousands of monks stand in the air, and they are surrounded by layers of imaginary sects. Their eyes are gathered on the body of Xu Ziyan. They are very curious about what Ziyin is doing.

Xu Ziyan waved his hand gently. In the eyes of everyone, the entire Taixu dynasty gradually disappeared except the mountain gate. The vast area occupied by the 10,000-seat mountain peak turned into an unfathomable space.

Then I saw that the space began to sway, and a piece of land gradually formed. It was just a bare earth, not a little green, and then it was like a piece of paper painted with color, a touch of green appeared on the bare earth. It was a green grass, but within a quarter of an hour, the whole earth became a grassland.

The monks looked at the endless prairie, but in a moment they felt that their hearts were open, and they could not help but look at everything in front of them.

The next piece of green added color, and it was a variety of flowers that vie for each other, and the green grassland was dyed beautifully.

"What a nice view!"

The monks who are too imaginary are not only blurted out, especially some young teenagers and men are more excited.

The young shoots emerged from the earth and then thrived rapidly, and soon grew into an unfathomable forest.


There was a rumbling voice in the forest. The monks were not clear, and they could not see what happened. One monk transmitted the gods into it, but found that his gods were close to the forest. It was bounced back. Even the knowledge of the thousands of miles can not be explored. The spirit of Yanshan's soul was also transmitted, and the look of his face changed slightly. He found that although his own gods could be transmitted in, they became stagnant and spread less than one hundredth of the usual.

Finally, they saw a giant tree growing out of that forest, beyond all the trees, growing in the air, with dozens of feet.

The monks were shocked to see what was happening in front of them, and finally the sand trembled and asked: "Our sect?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and pointed at the giant tree road: "Where!"

"What? That giant tree is our sect?"

"Not bad!"

"It... accommodates our 10,000 mountains?"

"Not bad!"

The monks looked at everything in front of them with horror. Half-sounding, Sha Qianli condensed: "This makes the Zongmen more mysterious. Just... How is the defense?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "You can try! Well, try it!"

The voice of Xu Ziyan was clearly transmitted into the ears of every monk. The eyes of these monks were bright, and the mind was floating. But they did not rush into the forest, but began to try to bombard the forest with Xian. At first, they only made a layer of force, and then gradually enhanced the strength of release, but when these hundreds of thousands of monks made full efforts, and when they joined forces to attack the forest, even a tree could not be beaten, even more Needless to say, it is shattered.

At this time, the hearts of the monks had already been shocked to the extreme, and then they rushed into the endless forest. Anyway, they know that there are purple smoke here, and there is no danger.

However, when they entered the forest, the scene in front of them was only the endless forest. Even if they had just stepped in, they were all endless forests, and they stepped back. They wanted to withdraw from the forest and found themselves still In this forest.

At this time, only Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan were standing in the air outside. Yanshan soul looked at the endless forest, and did not stop at the head:

"Taiwan sect can become a real super sect. This mountain gate is no worse than the lord's palace. I believe that there are still many ways for Green Children to not come out."

“Yes!” Xu Ziyan said with a smile: “In the future, only those who have too imaginary ancestral jade cards can enter and exit this forest and enter the Zongmen.”

Xu Ziyan screamed: "Green, do you remember what I said?"

"heard it!"

The voice of the green child passed into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, and then the Taixu monks who fell into the forest immediately saw the towering giant tree. They all knew that this was Xu Ziyan’s release of the ban, one by one. The ground swept away toward the old tree.

"Mountain Spirit, let's go too!"

Yanshan soul nodded, the figure of the two people swept away toward the old tree, and soon fell in front of the old tree, Xu Xing excitedly ran over:

"Aunt, how do we get in?"

At this time, countless monks were flying toward it, and looked at Xu Ziyan with excitement. Xu Ziyan said with a sigh, and the voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of every monk.


Ask for a red ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*To be continued)

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