The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2708: travel

In the process of continuous medicine, Xu Ziyun is not physically damaged, or his eyes are red.

Xu Ziyun was very active. Even if the suffering suffered was unbearable for her, she was actively involved in the trial. This has been another twenty years. Xu Ziyan finally succeeded in refining the elixir that can change Xu Ziyun's qualifications. Xu Ziyun's body began to change, and there was a tendency to enter the holy. Holding the elixir of Xu Ziyan refining, he hurriedly closed.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is both excited and lost. Excited is that she finally got out of this step, and exceeded the Fengzu on Dandao, so that Xu Ziyun had the possibility of entering the holy. What is lost is that this immortal is only useful to Xu Ziyun, it is useless to other monks, and it will make other monks fall.

This is because Xu Ziyun's physique is special. She did not belong to the human race, nor belonged to the Yaozu, nor belonged to the Mozu. It is a combination of the three demons of the demon demon, and after the fusion, it has mutated, and it has the physique beyond the tribe of the demon, so that it can endure the elixir of Xu Ziyan and get a physical improvement. Let her body get a second variation and possess five spiritual roots.

It is impossible to do this kind of variation for any group of monks in the three tribes. She is a special kind of life. In theory, it is similar to Kui Tian, ​​but it is not strong. Xu Xian, who refines Xu Ziyan, let Xu Ziyun slowly catch up with Kui Tian in terms of qualifications. Maybe one day, Xu Ziyun will become the second Kui Tian.

It is only used by Xu Ziyun, but it is useless to the rest of the monks. From this perspective. The understanding of Xu Ziyan's 20 years can be said to be a failure.

It’s a little bit gray, a bit cold. Suddenly Xu Ziyan left Taixufeng and came to the Dantang of Taixu to teach Dandao to the monks of Dantang.

The monks in Dantang originally thought that Dan Yi was the most powerful alchemy teacher, but when they saw Xu Ziyan and alchemy, they taught Dan Dao, they only know that their sovereign is the most powerful alchemy, one by one excited. The face is red. The heart is filled with pride and pride.

Dandao taught for a year. The depressed gas in Xu Ziyan’s heart gradually disappeared. At this time, the stepping of the light dance building had already promised Ziyan’s command to find Zhang Luo of the photo studio, and he exchanged the phoenix tail from his hand with him. As for the dragon scales of Tiandan Commercial Bank, it has already reached the hands of Xu Ziyan. After all, Situ Ming is now a monk of Taixu. Moreover, the dragon scales did not help much for Xu Ziyan. With the inheritance of Dragon Ball, the help of Dragon Scale was minimal.

Xu Ziyan took the phoenix tail and returned to the practice room to retreat again. This time she retreats not only to understand the traits from this phoenix, but also to reorganize the traits that she has learned over the years. Expect to be able to reach a new level.

Hurry for thirty years.

In terms of Fu Dao, Xu Ziyan does not have the complete inheritance of Dragon Ball, so it takes a long time, even if it is. Thirty years of time has only allowed her to reach the peak of the best in the late stage. I can't take the last step, and I will reach the supernatural congenital teacher.

This can not help but make Xu Ziyan somewhat depressed, so she went out again. The verse that ran to the Taixu class began to teach the way. At this time, Yanshan soul was also a little tired, and he stopped the refiner to find Xu Ziyan. When he learned that Xu Ziyan passed the teaching in Futang, his heart was also a move, and he ran to the instrument hall to teach the way. When Xu Ziyan taught a year of grace, after the refreshment, it was discovered that Yanshan soul ran again. When I arrived at the church, I was teaching the circuit.

This sway is more than seventy years old, and for more than 70 years, it is just a blink of an eye for Xu Ziyan and others. However, Xu Haoguang, who has a very low monk, is different. Xu Ziyan knows this too, so she is going to look at her parents. If her parents’ training is promoted to the foundation period, she is ready to send her parents to the colorful island of the Zhongyuan Galaxy. .

With the repair of the base period, it will be able to adapt to the concentration of the Sun Yat-Sen Galaxy. When Xu Ziyan came to the Ziyuan Xianguo of the lower Yuan dynasty again, Xu Haoguang and his wife broke through to the base period, and there were a lot of elixir left by Xian Yuanli and Xu Ziyan of the lower galaxies. If it was not Xu Haoguang’s qualifications, how? May it be just a base period?

Even so, Xu Ziyan was very excited. After reaching the base period, Shouyuan has increased, and the family is a step closer to the true reunion.

At this time, Ziyan Xianguo has become a behemoth of the lower yuan galaxies, constantly transporting Xu family monks to the Xu family of the Zhongyuan galaxies. All this makes Xu Ziyan very reassured. Xu Ziyan left a large number of Danfu dynasty in Ziyanxian, and took Xu Haoguang to the colorful island of Zhongyuan Galaxy. The parents were placed in Colorful Island, and they were left to parents and colorful islands. After the Danfu Array, Xu Ziyan returned to the Taixu of the Yuanyuan.

Xu Ziyan decided to go out to travel, she could not break through to the fourth level of the holy level, so that she was somewhat depressed, and did not tell anyone, even Yanshan soul did not tell, because Yanshan soul has been shutting down the refiner, one person left Too imaginary.

After traveling for five years in the Upper Yuan Dynasty, my heart became more and more boring, and it was difficult to encounter any dangers with her current cultivation. The effect of traveling was almost no. It’s no wonder that Yanshan’s soul once told her that at this level, it needs to be slowly grounded, and it will take a million years to understand the heavens.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was sitting in a tea house boring, holding a cup of tea in his hand and looking bored at the scenery outside the window. Slightly locked with a brow thinking:

"Where should I go? Forget it, it will be too illusory to see it. It has been gone for five years, and I should go back and see it."

Entering the South, the familiar environment is coming. Xu Ziyan's mood gradually improved, and his footsteps had already stepped into the Wuthering Mountains, suddenly moving in his heart.

The land of the Far East has a city of phoenix, and the land of the north has a splendid sacred place. What will the land of the West and the land of the South have?

I looked at the demon world and showed a firm color in my eyes. The figure flew over the Wuthering Mountains and entered the demon world and flew away toward the far south.

The demon main palace.

The demon Lord opened his eyes and glanced at the air, and lowered his eyelids. He just felt the breath of Xu Ziyan from the air, but he did not care, Xu Ziyan is willing to go wherever he goes, as long as he does not find the trouble of the Yaozu.

Xu Ziyan flew for a year, and gradually felt a little intolerant. He thought that such a flight could comprehend a trace of heaven, but there was no understanding. So Xu Ziyan began to tear the space and went to teach the South. Constantly tearing the space to walk through, so that it took about two months to walk through, and I don’t know where to go deep into the south, but Xu Ziyan still keeps tearing the space, and the life of the holy monk is unlimited, so Xu Ziyan just wants to see how this will continue to tear the space.


Suddenly, the purple smoke was bounced out and stood in the air. She found that she had not torn the space, but was bounced out.

Looking around, it was very hot, the trees on the ground were very tall, looking up, there was nothing special, her face was still blue sky and white clouds. In the direction of memory, both hands were inserted into the air, and they wanted to tear the space. But with a bang, her hands were bounced back, and her figure in the air also drifted back a dozen steps.

"Well? What is it here? The space can't be shredded?"

Xu Ziyan’s heart showed a hint of excitement, and finally found a trace of difference. Stretching out his hands and tearing in the other direction, he found that the other directions could be torn, and only the direction space opposite him could not be torn.

"What is going on here?"

Xu Ziyan slowly leaned forward until the body touched the space gently, then reached out and touched it. The gods passed out and turned out. They opened the head of Peng Peng and immediately found that it was dense. Eleven attributes, the heart is a shock, put away the eyes of Peng Peng, thoughtful on his face.

Mindful action, summoned Xiaomumu.

"Small wood, can you cross here?"

Xiaomumu took a serious look at it for a while and nodded. "It should be. It should be a natural barrier."

“Natural barrier?” Xu Ziyan’s heart is a joy: “So, there should be a space behind this barrier?”

"It should be!" Xiaomumu is somewhat uncertain.

"Take me a look!"

These years, Zi Zi finally found a place where he knew nothing about himself, and his heart was excited.

"it is good!"

Xiaomumu nodded and opened his mouth. Xu Ziyan turned into a streamer and entered the mouth of Xiaomumu. Xiaomumu slammed into the invisible and colorless barrier.

Xu Ziyan came out of Xiaomumu's mouth and his body fell to the bottom.


Xu Ziyan fell heavily on the ground and pulled the ground out of a deep pit. Xu Ziyan was lying in the pit, and some were smashed.

How can this be?

A holy monk can fall from the air! After mobilizing the body, Xianyuanli wanted to fly out of the deep pit, and then Xu Ziyan stayed there. She found that her own Dantian was closed, and she could not move the fairy power, let alone fly.

Climbing up from the deep pit, it was not the cause of gravity. The gravity here is no different from the outside. It is impossible to fly because its own Dantian is closed, and it can't be fully mobilized.


Ask for a red ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*To be continued)

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