The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2711: Rescue

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"No, swim big brother, die together!" The man who made the sledgehammer screamed and slammed toward the bear of the earth, but was shot by the bear of the earth on the sledgehammer. The man felt his arm. Hemp, the sledgehammer almost came out, and his body receded.

The bear of the earth was rumbling at the foot, striding toward the man who used the sledgehammer. The other five people hurriedly blocked the bear of the earth. The situation became precarious. Six people were injured at this time, but no one was there. Leave the companion to escape. This makes Xu Ziyan's heart secretly admire.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze suddenly shrank. Her gaze fell on the weapons in the hands of six people. The weapons in the hands of these six people turned out to be the inferior celestial treasures.

"This is the world's refining level is so high? Six young people actually make the inferior Xianbao, is the innate Xianbao in this world is a bad street thing? It seems that he chose a late nine product The Fengxian fairy is somewhat cautious!"

One of the six men made a medicine that was not known to be made of any material. A woman’s right hand made a long sword, and the left hand occasionally released a Zhang Fu. The lowest of the four men was a sledgehammer, a large sword made by a man, two of the strongest monks, one that made a long knife, and one that made a gun.

Just when Xu Ziyan was ready to help, he saw that the woman who had made the sword threw a symbol, and the Zhang Fu released a huge power. The other five monks saw the woman from the time. Immediately retreat to the rear at the highest speed.


The huge power was tumbling, the body of the bear of the earth was bombarded, flipped in the air, and finally fell to the ground, and his eyes were broken. Xu Ziyan’s heart is a glimpse. Why does this kind of Fuxi not come out early, but it is only when the injury is thrown out?

But seeing the eyes of the other five people, Xu Ziyan’s heart was a move. The five people’s eyes all showed a trace of heartache, and the face of the woman who thrown the symbol was a bitter pain.

"It seems that the power of this power is very rare for them!"


At this time, a group of beasts came from afar, and the man who made the sword changed his face:

"Two-headed eagle!"

The faces of the six men changed, and the man who made the gun jumped from the ground and shouted:


Six men jumped up from the ground and flew away in the distance.


Just for a moment, the two-headed eagle swarmed like a cloud over the heads of six people, hovering, and watching it swoop down to the six people on the ground.

The woman who made the sword suddenly shouted at five people: "All come to me."

The five people did not hesitate, and immediately gathered around the woman, and saw that the woman took out a symbol, and then opened the symbol.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze is a shrink, it is a space symbol. Xu Ziyan immediately opened the eyes of the space, and the double-headed eagle in the air has begun to dive downward.

The Fuhua became a light that shrouded six people in it, and then the light disappeared, and the six people disappeared. The two-headed eagle swooped down.

Xu Ziyan showed a smile in his eyes, and his body flew away on the big tree. The two-headed eagle saw the figure of Xu Ziyan, and screamed and chased toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan looked back at more than a hundred double-headed eagle in the sky. The strongest one was only the late stage of the basket. He took out the virtual sword and threw it into the air.

"go with!"

Thunder Sword Spirit sent a message: "Look at me to clean them up."


That is too much in the virtual sword to explode the thunder of the sky, more than twenty double-headed eagle screamed and fell to the ground, the other two-headed eagle scared and shattered, and instantly disappeared.

Xu Ziyan reached out and recalled the Taixu sword. He found the trajectory with the eyes of the space and flew away in the distance. After a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile.

The six people were really bitter, and they managed to escape from the encirclement of the double-headed eagle with a space symbol. At this time, they were stared at by a purple rock lion. The strength of the purple rock lion is not strong, that is, the blue mid-term, and the two are the strongest repairs for general strength, but on the one hand, this purple rock lion is attacking the magical power only in the middle of the blue, but its defense. However, the force reached the late stage of the blue level. On the other hand, the six people had to be close to the end of the strong, and they could not exert their due strength. The six people were forced by a purple rock lion to be dangerous. They were killed here. .

Xu Ziyan turned over in the storage ring and saw that the six people used the inferior Xianbao, and she also dispelled a lot of scruples. A middle-aged fairy sword was pulled out of the storage ring, and the body swooped down toward the purple rock lion.

The purple rock lion suddenly raised his head, and the power of Xu Ziyan’s body shocked it. It instinctively thought that he was not the opponent of Xu Ziyan. The more the body of Xu Ziyan is approaching it, the more he feels that he has no courage to fight with Xu Ziyan. He just wants to transfer his body and escape. The shape of Xu Ziyan has already reached it. A sword was inserted into its head and nailed to the ground.

The brows of the six people jumped involuntarily twice: "Who is this person? One shot kills the purple rock lion, even if they are six people in their heyday, they may not be able to kill this purple rock lion so easily."

There are more than one alert in the eyes of six people. There are a number of adventurers in this forest. Sometimes adventurers are more terrible than monsters and dangerous. There are times when murders and looting in the forests. Every year, several adventurers do not die in the mouth of the beast, but die in the hands of the same adventurer.

The purple sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan was twisted, and the purple rock lion fell to the ground, and the breath of life rushed. The sword was collected and jumped from the purple rock lion and walked toward six people.

The color of the alert in the eyes of the six people is thick, and the weapons in their hands are involuntarily gripped. When Xu Ziyan walked less than three meters away from them, he stopped and his eyes showed an inexplicable smile.

Six people looked at the inexplicable smile in Xu Ziyan's eyes, and they could not help but feel depressed. At this point, they already understood that they could not even beat a purple rock lion with the current state of their six people, but Xu Ziyan easily killed the purple rock lion. If Xu Ziyan had any thoughts on his six people, they Does the individual have the ability to resist?

The appearance of the six-person-old God’s alert is nothing more than a joke in the eyes of Xu Ziyan.

Six people looked at each other and their eyes were bitter. The man who made the knife folded the long knife and bowed to Xu Ziyan:

"Thank you for your friend's help."

Xu Ziyan puts his hand in the hand: "You still have to heal the wounds, I can protect the law for you."

The look of the six people's faces relaxed. They knew that the words of Xu Ziyan's current strength were such that there was no negative thought for them. Although I couldn't understand what Xu Ziyan was thinking about, the six people once again bowed to Xu Ziyan and then collected the weapons. The woman who took the medicine took out some medicinal herbs and distributed them to everyone. Some of them were taken orally, some were crushed and mixed into a cream.

Xu Ziyan sniffed and said to the woman: "Can the two kinds of remedies show me?"

The woman looked a glimpse, and then her face showed a faint pride. She walked to the front of Xu Ziyan and handed Xu Ziyan two medicinal herbs.

Xu Ziyan took two medicinal herbs in his hand and looked at it, sniffed it, then crushed it and carefully measured it. The woman saw Xu Ziyan crushing the medicinal herbs in this way, and there was a pity in her eyes. At the same time, there was a hint of anger. These medicinal herbs are all that she has come from Master, and now there are not many left.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, the grades of these two medicinal herbs are very low, only the level of the eight peaks of the late peaks of Xiandan, now in the body of Xu Ziyan really does not have this grade of medicinal herbs, the worst remedy on her body is also the best innate Immortal.

"It seems that the level of alchemy in this world is very low. It is totally inconsistent with their level of refining! Thunder is good. The level of refining and tune here should be very high, but this alchemy and the formation are much worse. It’s okay to think of six people in a battlefield."

Xu Ziyan thought about throwing the medicinal powder in his hand to the ground. This move made the woman's face angry, not only saying:


However, when I thought of the cultivation of Xu Ziyan, I swallowed back the words of reprimand in my mouth, but the look on my face was very ugly. Even the eyes of the five monks over there showed a sigh of anger.

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, and then suddenly lost. They are blaming themselves for destroying two remedies. There is something in my heart that I can’t help but laugh. Is there any pity for this kind of remedy?

However, Xu Ziyan also knows that she needs these people to familiarize and integrate into the world, and her face has a gentle smile:

"Your injury is a bit serious, still use my remedy!"

The look of the six faces was awkward, the woman was a little unbelievable, and there was a hint of sarcasm mixed with:

"Do you have an remedy?"

"No!" Xu Ziyan shook his head.

The look on the woman's face was an anger, but because Xu Ziyan's repair was placed there, she resisted the anger:

"what do you mean?"

When the five men saw that the woman was on the verge of the runaway, they came together in front of Xu Ziyan, the man who made the gun to the Xu Ziyan:

"Friend, Danxiang sister has a bad temper, please don't mind."

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