The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2719: Wuzhen

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The skin and blood of eighty-nine blue-level monsters were also collected and given to Xu Ziyan and Fuhua language. Most of the purple smokes were given to Huahua, and the Huahua language was responsible for the system. Xu Ziyan could not waste too much time on the alchemy system. Now that she has stepped out of the forest, she will be put on the agenda for practice and cultivation.

In the past two months, Xu Ziyan did not shoot at one time, and the powers displayed by the six monks in the loneliness array did not require Xu Ziyan to shoot. As long as they don't touch the blue-level peaks of the monsters, or at the same time encounter a few blue-level late monsters, they can cope with the six-part killing.

And this situation is really not born, so Xu Ziyan is also happy to shoot. Leng Han and others have no idea about this. In their hearts, they have always thought that Xu Ziyan is very powerful. She does not shoot to give them opportunities to experience. No one doubts that Xu Ziyan will not practice at all, and will not release Xianyu.

"We first went to Wuzhen to sell these monsters, and the sale of Xianjing should allow us to recruit some monks."

"I have to buy some herbs for me!" Curtain Dingxiang said eagerly.

There is no language in Fuhua language and Tang dynasty. Fuhua language has the skin and blood of the eighty-nine blue-level monsters. It’s enough for her to use it for a while. At the time, Tang did not have a team member to let him refine the fairy, and he also got a lot of ore in the forest in the past two months.

Cold eyes swept over the crowd, and everyone saw no response. Not frowned by a slight wrinkle. Travel around the world and laugh:

"Cold and cold, letting you be the head of the team is not to let you just fight. When a leader is not simple, all aspects need to be considered, so from now on, everything in the Star Adventures needs you to think."

Coldly nodded, he knew that his friends were not simple, but now he let go and throw everything to himself. This is an opportunity to exercise for yourself. I hope he can really grow into a head of a large adventure group, not a killer who only knows revenge.

"Thank you!"

Cold and cold said sincerely. Everyone laughs and doesn't speak. Cold thoughts for a moment, said:

"Although we need strength, but not everyone can join our Star Adventures. Therefore, I think that in addition to cultivation. Morality is also very important. Because we will fight side by side."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“And we want to attract others to join our adventure group. Our heritage is very important, so I think that half of the crystals that sell the monsters can be used to buy herbs.”

The people nodded again and agreed, and the eyes of Miao Dingxiang laughed into crescents. The four seas sank a bit:

"There is no such thing as the remaining fairy crystals!"

Xu Ziyan said: "You didn't have a lot of fairy crystals on your body? You are all two ancestors!"

Six people looked at each other and then showed bitterness on their faces. Curtain Dingxiang said with a sad look:

"When we first started running out, there were still some net worth in the body, but in the past three years we need to cultivate, we need to improve and repair, and those fairy crystals have already used up. Even some of our treasures are sold out. It is."

Xu Zi looked at them with a sigh of relief, and finally sighed a sigh: "You are so miserable!"

The faces of the six people are black. Xu Ziyan puts his hand in the hand: "Don't worry, I also hunted some monsters on the ice field!"

Xu Ziyan has a large number of fairy crystals, not only a large number of fairy crystals, but also veins, but she is not prepared to take out, at least not necessary to take out when necessary. Since the establishment of an adventure group, it is necessary to create by the ability, so that the adventure group created will be strong, otherwise it will not withstand the storm.

Six people's eyes are bright, Zhou Peng excitedly looked at Xu Ziyan: "But there is a purple monster?"

Xu Ziyan turned a blank eye and stopped looking at him. Six people exchanged a look, and there was a touch of ease in the look. In fact, Zhou Peng is not concerned about the purple-level monster, but is concerned about the cultivation of Xu Ziyan. If Xu Ziyan can kill the purple-level monster, it proves that Xu Ziyan is a holy monk, so the pressure on them is really too great. It is now proved that Xu Ziyan is not a holy monk, and the hearts of these six people have finally relaxed.

In the end, I still had no choice but to ask Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, what is your repair?"

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and he sighed in his heart. After all, he still had to face this problem. However, in the past two months, she has already thought about the pretext, and her face shows a bitter bitterness:

"I have not cultivated!"

"You haven't practiced?" The six men stared at her with wide eyes and looked at her with incredulity.

"That... how are you so powerful?"

Xu Ziyan sighed a bit: "You didn't have anything when I killed the purple rock lion?"

Six people look at each other: "What?"

"I didn't go out like you when I killed the purple rock lion!"

Six people recalled it, and remembered that Xu Ziyan did not appear at the time, but killed the purple rock lion. In the eyes of Fuhua, I still asked without trust:

"Ziyan, you really didn't fix it?"

"I can't say no!" Xu Ziyan said thoughtfully: "My body is very strong!"

Six people’s eyes lit up and they couldn’t help but ask: “How strong is it?”

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan spread his hands.

Zhou Peng thought and said: "It is reasonable to say that only the body is cultivated, but not cultivated. It can only be counted as the day after tomorrow, but the situation of the purple smoke is obviously not able to be measured by the strength of the day after tomorrow. Right, purple smoke. I It's strange why you didn't practice?"

"My master said that there is no suitable method for me, let me come out and look for opportunities, so I left the ice field."

“Can I check it out?” Zhou Peng asked hesitantly.

"Yes!" At this point, Xu Ziyan had no concerns. Very happy to agree.

Zhou Peng sat in front of Xu Ziyan, put his finger on the wrist of Xu Ziyan, and then infiltrated Yuan Zhi into the body of Xu Ziyan, but he took back his finger in a moment, and some said with a sigh:

"Your body does not reach the concentration of the red level!"

Everyone heard the Xu Ziyan strangely, and the whole sea gradually frowned.

"Ziyan, you are very disadvantaged when you play against others! Even if you are physically strong, others will not let you close when fighting, and your strength will not be 10%. Our Tiangong's unique cultivation practice Although I can't pass it on to you, I have other exercises here. You can see if it suits you!"

When the words fell, they took out two secrets and handed them to Xu Ziyan.

"I have it here too!"

"I have that too!"

"My ice can be given to you!" Cold and solemnly took out a cheat and handed it to Xu Ziyan: "This is the ice hail that I have sorted out."

Except for the cold, they gave Xu Ziyan not their family's unique practice, but this also gave Xu Ziyan an opportunity to understand this world practice. Therefore, Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to take these exercises down.

"Let's go!" Leng Han stood up and said: "Hurry to Wuzhen. Ziyan also has time to pick a practice."


Seven people went to Wuzhen Fengchi.

"Big brother, the second son entered Wuzhen!" In a courtyard, a middle-aged monk said to the monk sitting on the first purple face.

"Let's go!" The big brother stood up.

"Big Brother, are we going to do this in Wuzhen?"

"Yes! This Wuzhen was originally a paradise for adventurers. It was a mess. We acted faster, killing the two sons and then evacuating. Where is the fourth brother, where is the second son?"

"They went to the Wanbao store. It should be to sell the monsters that plundered in the forest."

"We are waiting for them outside the Wanbao store."

Wanbao shop.

Xu Ziyan and a group of seven people walked in, and a man immediately greeted him.

"Guest. What do you need for a villain?"

"Arrange a quiet room, call your treasurer." Cold and faintly said.

Looking at the silver mask on the cold face and feeling the chill on his body, the guy quickly said:

"Please ask a few guest officers to come with the villain!"

The buddy led everyone into a quiet room on the second floor, and then hurried away. In a short while, a middle-aged monk walked in with a smile.

“What do a few guest officers have to take care of the store?”

"Some monsters are for sale!"

The shopkeeper nodded and handed a handcuff to the coffee table in the middle. The coffee table flashed a ray of light and turned into a tray. Xu Ziyan's eyes are condensed, and he knows that this is a low-order space fairy.

The cold hand was on the storage ring, and the ninety-eight red monsters fell into the tray-mounted space fairy. The look of the shopkeeper's original smile is a stiff. Want a quiet room, and call yourself, is to sell the red monster?

However, he still resisted the anger in his heart, but the look was already cold, and the gods swept the monsters and said faintly:

"In the early stage of the red age, the demon beast, the ten pieces of the next product, the crystal, the twenty-seven early demon of the red level, I will give you three pieces of the fairy crystal. The red middle-aged monsters are one piece of the next fairy, thirty-six red I am giving you thirty-six pieces of fairy tales, the late-stage demon beasts, one of the ten lower-class fairy crystals, and thirty-five red-level late-night monsters. I will give you three hundred and fifty pieces of fairy tales. A total of 389 pieces of the next product, Xianjing. I let the guys come to settle with you, I will not accompany you."


Cold and cold faintly called the shopkeeper, a storage ring, seventy-two orange monsters appeared in the tray. Xu Ziyan looked at the cold, and looked at the four seas and other people, and they all saw a smile in the eyes of these people. The heart can't help but cry, these two ancestors are really able to tease people, throwing all the monsters into it is not enough?

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued!


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