The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2727: Dan Meng

Curtain Dingxiang sighed and said: "In fact, we can't blame us for looking down on the adventure group. We joined the adventure group with just their experience. The adventure group is somewhat rough and barbaric, but this is not the main thing, the main one is the adventure group's monk. The monks who are higher are not willing to do the loose training, but also join the various forces. The cultivation environment is much better than the adventure group. So the monks who join the adventure group are not good, but they have one thing in common. Repair is low.

Just like us, our cultivation is not high now, but we just came here to experience it. It is not the road to the adventure group from now on. When we return to our respective forces after we have completed our experience, we will have a cultivation environment that they do not have, and they will soon surpass them. After all, we and the adventure group are two world people. ”

Xu Ziyan nodded: "Who is the highest monk in the adventure group now? What realm?"

"The highest is the Liege of the Alliance of Adventurers, according to his holy level."

"Holy level?" Xu Ziyan was shocked.

"Yeah!" Curtain Dingxiang nodded: "As a veteran of the adventure group, at least there will be no lack of fusion beasts. So he has become a five-line body very early, but the power of the gods has not reached the holy level, according to him too Just broke through to the holy level."

"Are you not a monk in the adventure group that is low?"

"My is comprehensive strength, and the hot sun is an accident. The adventure group has no masters except him. Take the Starlight Adventure Group, except Wu Siyue is now the blue stage late seven products. The whole adventure group also There aren't many blue-level monks in the blue level, and even more blue peaks."

Xu Ziyan thought about it, and the repair of the seven items in the late blue stage is equivalent to the early stage of respect. This is still the strength of the head of the first adventure group, the strength of this adventure group is really not very good.

Xu Ziyan suddenly made a move: "Since the sun is sacred, your father should be sanctified as a Dan League ally?"

Curtain Dingxiang shook his head and said: "My father is the peak of the blue stage, but he formed the body of the five elements, but the power of the gods has not yet entered the holy."

Xu Ziyan thought a little and then understood that the father of Miao Dingxiang, as the Dan League ally, naturally would not lack resources. Although the fusion of the beast is precious, it is the same thing for the Dan League ally, so it is the easiest goal to become the body of the Five Elements. But the power of the gods has no shortcuts. With his current Dandao realm, it is impossible to cultivate the power of the gods to the holy level. Being able to cultivate the blue peak of the late stage is a miracle, and it is uncertain how many treasures are used.

“How many holy monks are there in the mainland today?”

"Five!" Curtain Dingxiang glared at the finger: "One is the main palace of the palace, Xiao Xiao. It is the cultivation of the peak of the eighth level of the holy level. One is the light of the Holy Land of the Holy Land, and it is also the eighth level of the Holy Level. The third is the legend of the Alliance of the Teacher's League. It is based on the fourth level of the Holy Level. The fourth is the Tang Ao, the ally of the Teacher's League. It is based on the three levels of the Holy Level. The fifth is the hot sun. ""

"Your father is in the city of Rizhao?"

“Well, the headquarters of the Danshi League is located in Rizhao City, and the headquarters of the Masters Union is also located in Rizhao City. The headquarters of the Fu Shi Alliance and the Adventurers Alliance are located in the Moonlight City of the Starlight Holy Land. Of course, the four alliances are Starlight has branches all over the mainland."

Mouth Dingxiang has some helplessness: "My father stayed in the late blue age for too long, and his character became irritable. I left home."

Xu Ziyan whispered: "Your father should be the realm of the Yuanshen not sanctified! His body of the five elements should have been sanctified?"

Ding Dingxiang nodded: "Yes, although Daniel's strength is not very strong, but the financial strength is very strong. There is no problem in acquiring the fusion beast. It is only the power of the gods but there is no such shortcut. My father also acquired. The countless material treasures that enhance the power of the gods are cultivated to the peak of the blue stage.

However, my father could not make the power of the gods sanctified by the coffin and the treasure. In the end, he still relied on comprehension. The best way to be a Dan teacher is to enter Dan. ”

Xu Ziyan nodded: "Your father's choice is not wrong."

"But... Starlight mainland has no real inheritance of Dan Dao. It is almost impossible to achieve the goal by relying entirely on my father's own propaganda."

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly. If she does not have the inheritance of Dan Dao, she will not be able to reach the realm of today. I rely on myself to explore, I am afraid that the current state of Xu Ziyan may not be stronger than the father of Mu Dingxiang.

But the alliance can be derived from nothing, step by step to such a realm, do not know how many generations of Dan teacher's energy exhausted. And not the energy of one person, is the efforts of all Danshi of the entire Starlight continent.

It is not only the efforts of all Danshi, but also the care of the various forces in the entire Starlight continent. The monks of the Danshi League are not high. If the various forces want to control the Dan Division, Dan Shi has no resistance. But that will also make the alchemy world stagnant.

The glory of Dan Dao is definitely not a Dan Shi can be cast, it is countless Dan Shi, countless generations but the concerted efforts will reach that realm.

So bringing together all the Dan teachers is a very necessary move. This grand event is not something that a certain force can do. Even the palace and the star-light sanctuary do not work, and the organization of the Danshi League is the most appropriate. They do not participate in the struggles on the mainland. Their purpose is to constantly push Dandao to a height.

And once they continue to push Dandao to a height, they directly benefit every monk in the entire Starlight continent. Therefore, Dan League has its current status. All parties have enough respect for Dan, not because they are already very strong at this time, but they are looking forward to the future of Dan Dao to those high-level Monks, especially the Holy Masters, are effective.

This is the real reason for the various forces to maintain Dan League.

The curtain Dingxiang suddenly remembered that Xu Ziyan had refining the Qing Dynasty Dan, and the body could not help but see the Xu Zi flue:

"Ziyan, can you really pass on the method of refining the green dan to my father?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "There is nothing wrong with it, as long as he is willing to lend me Xianjing."

"Hey!" Curtain Dingxiang excitedly shot his hands: "This is no problem, Dan Meng has nothing else, that is, Xianjing."

Some of the curtains of Dingxiang couldn't sit still, and they rushed to urge the driver, but the Japanese city was too big, and it took almost two hours to pass, and the flying carriage stopped in front of a building.

Xu Ziyan looked up at the building in front of him. This is a mountain peak. The buildings spread from the foot of the mountain to the mountain peak, which is very prosperous.

Xu Ziyan looked at the terrain and could not help but secretly nod. There should be a good fire pulse under this mountain. In front of a huge gatehouse with four characters:

"Dan Shi Alliance"

Walking into the huge gatehouse is a wide street with shops on both sides of the street. There are some things related to the Dan teacher.

Dan medicine, herbal medicine, alchemy furnace...

Xu Ziyan also went into several shops and looked at the refining medicinal herbs. The color was really normal, and the grade was very low in Xu Ziyan.

When Xu Ziyan looked at the road and no one greeted the curtain Dingxiang, he asked strangely:

"Dingxiang, people here don't know you?"

This seems to be somewhat abnormal in Xu Ziyan. No matter what, Miao Dingxiang is also the daughter of the Danshi Alliance ally. How could anyone know? But the curtain Dingxiang nodded:

"I didn't come out once in a few years before I left home. They didn't know me."

Xu Ziyan secretly nodded in the heart, no wonder that the curtain Dingxiang can have such a Dandao realm at a young age, which is inseparable from her own efforts.

Two people came to the center of the Danshi League with a smile, and it is no longer accessible to ordinary people. Far away, I saw a wall separating the inside and outside, and there were monk guards at the gate.

Seeing Xu Ziyan and Curtain Dingxiang are far away, and there is no stopping. The look of several guards is serious, and the eyes are sharply staring at Xu Ziyan and Mu Dingxiang.

Suddenly one of the monks changed his face and the color of the surprise appeared on his face: "Sister!"

Before the curtain Dingxiang walked to the gate, he nodded to the monk in a hurry and asked softly:

"My father is okay?"

"The lord has been retreating for more than a year, and I want to break through to the green-grade Jiu Pindan division."

Curtain Dingxiang slightly frowned, and sighed softly, then walked toward the door. Xu Ziyan walked side by side with her.

Curtain Dingxiang took Xu Ziyan directly to a road and headed for the back mountain. About half an hour walked around and came to a manor. There are still a few monks guarding the gate.

Don't ask, Xu Ziyan knows that this should be the father's cultivation and alchemy. The guards also recognized the curtain Dingxiang, and the color of surprise appeared in the eyes. When the curtain Dingxiang went to the door, a monk pressed down the voice:

"Sister, the lord is retreating, you..."

"I know, I will pay attention!"

The curtain was faintly pleasing, and then walked towards the gate. Xu Ziyan also stepped forward, but was stopped by one arm, the monk who just said the words. Xu Ziyan stopped and looked at each other faintly.

The face of the curtain Dingxiang is a sinking, cold channel: "Let it open."

The monk looked solemnly: "No, you are the daughter of the lord, you can go in. Others have no orders from the lord, and no one is allowed to enter."

Here, my eyes looked at Xu Ziyan with some disdain, and my heart said: "A red monk, I don't know how to climb the sister. It is ridiculous to want to enter this garden. Do you think anyone here can enter? Don't be you, that is, the sister has to be honest in entering the garden. The temper of the lord is not good."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*To be continued...



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