The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2734: borrowed

H2> "I am here to inform you of one thing. Our Starlight Adventure Group is optimistic about this place. Besides, you don't need such a big place for this little adventure group. Give you three days, three days after our starlight adventure The group will move over, and you can go to our Starlight Adventures place, and we will change one place."

The cold cold eyes became more and more cold, and the body's breath became more and more cold. Instead of paying attention to Luo Band, he looked at his two guards and said faintly:

"Who hurts you?"

"It's two of them!"

The two guards pointed out the two monks standing on either side of the Luo belt. Luo Band heard the cold and cold, and his face showed a sneer. Even if they know who hurts you, can they still retaliate?

The reason why the cold cold did not take care of Luo belt, because he already knew that this thing can not be good. Since the Starlight Adventure Group has taken a fancy to this place, it will definitely not be a means of defeat, and if you want to keep this place, you will only have a hard way to go. His voice just fell, and the people who traveled around the world understood the cold heart, and they also had the same mind in their hearts. So when the two guards had just pointed out the moments of the two people in the Starlight Adventure Group, the four monks in the four-star adventure group of Sihai and Zhou Peng rushed out.


The two monks of the Starlight Adventures were blasted out and fell heavily on the ground, rolling over the mud. Luo took amazement and looked at everything that happened in front of him. A newly formed small adventure group dared to shoot them and dare to shoot for their Star Adventure Group? Are they not afraid to leave the Rizhao City and be killed by the Starlight Adventure Group?

"You, you, you... do you want to die?" Luo’s heart raised a trace of fear, because his deputy head is not strong, that is, it is similar to the four seas, just because his mind is flexible and will be starlight. The things of the adventure group are well organized, and this occupies a position as a deputy head. At this time, he can see it, and the five people on his own side are definitely not the opponents of the other 20 people. Before, he never thought that people like cold and cold would do it, and he never thought that cold people would dare to do it. The Starlight Adventure Group is a brother of the adventure group. Don't say that you still have to change your current resident and cold and cold, so you can't change it. How can you grab it?

Why can't he understand why he doesn't understand their weakness? Does the Star Adventures no longer leave the Japanese Yaocheng to go out to do the task? Don't they know that once they have offended the Starlight Adventures, there is no chance of survival in this area of ​​the adventure group?

"Good! So bold!"

Luo Band finally reacted from the shock, his eyes filled with shyness, but he also knew that this place should not stay for a long time, but he sneered at the cold and other people, and turned and strode away.

The cold eyes were slightly stunned, and turned to the Fuhua language and said: "Flower language, you immediately go to Dan League, tell the purple smoke and Dingxiang things here."

Fuhua nodded and hurried away.

Although everyone's face is dignified, but the heart is not too worried. Because they all know that as long as they are in the city of Rizhao, there is no danger of life. After all, the Japanese city of Yiyao is not allowed to fight, so if you don't leave the Sunshine City, you will not be in danger of life unless the Starlight Adventures assassinate them. But it is not so easy to assassinate them. She will find Xu Ziyan back, mainly to discuss how to deal with this matter, because they always leave the Japanese city to do the task.

Cold and cold with a tour of the four seas and other people directly to the hall of the parliament, where waiting for Xu Ziyan. However, they had not waited for a quarter of an hour in the hall of the proceedings, and they heard the noise coming from outside.

The cold and cold people looked slightly changed, and the body shape swept away from the hall of the deliberation. Then they saw more than a thousand people coming towards them. The two guards at the door were being restrained and wrapped up.

The look of cold and cold people is very unattractive, because the few people who walked in front of them all know each other. It is the head of the Godsend Adventure Group, Kong Zhi. Cold cold and other people's eyes swept away, and everyone who saw the Godsend Adventure Group came. Looking at their expressions, you don't have to ask and know that the Godsend Adventure Group is going to stay here.

Cold and cold fell on the ground and stabilized the body, faintly handing toward Kong Zhi:

"See the head of the hole!"

"Ha ha ha..." Kong Zhi smiled and walked toward the cold: "Cold hatred, you made a great contribution to the regiment! Go, let's go in and talk."

The cold and cold eyes are a cold road: "The head of the hole, we have left the Godsend Adventure Group..."

Kong Zhiyi waved: "Cold hatred, there are some things that you can't afford. We go ahead and talk. If you talk about it, you still keep your original opinion, and I will not ask for it."

Cold and cold, I couldn't check my brow, and then said faintly: "The head of the hole, please!"

"Ha ha ha..." Kong Zhi smiled and walked toward the hall of the deliberation, and then walked straight to the main seat of the main hall, and the cold eyes became cold and cold:

"Head of the hole, you are still coming down, you are sitting in the wrong position."

Kong Zhi didn't even look at the cold, but looked at it all around, his face was extremely satisfied, and finally his eyes fell on the cold body:

"Cold vengeance, do you know that you are in extreme danger now?" He continued without saying cold and cold, he continued:

"I know that you have left the Godsend Adventure Group, and I have not wanted to deny this. But this does not mean that it belongs to you here. Can you afford this place? Can't afford it? But why can you afford it now? Must you get a huge treasure in the forest?"

There is a trace of greed in Kong Zhi’s eyes: "Cold revenge, don't forget. When you haven't come out of the forest, you are still a godsend adventure group, so the treasures you get should belong to the godsend adventure group. Since you didn't hand over the treasure, but bought it here, then this is a godsend adventure group. Is there no problem?"

Cold and cold, I shook my head and said: "We didn't get the treasure in the forest."

"Oh..." Confucius smiled and said: "Cold vengeance, do you think that you believe in your words? This place was once seen by the forces in the city of Rizhao, and everyone just wants to suppress the price of the best." I didn't think you dared to buy it. Do you know the crime of the husband and the crime?

Who knows who you are? Even people who don't know will only know if they are willing to investigate. Are you a person who can afford it?

The reason why no one has come to you for nearly a month, is because everyone is investigating the details of several of you. To be honest, we are also investigating your star adventure group. It seems that only one person named Xu Ziyan is unclear. Twenty people have no origins.

You guys have no origins, no strength, no strength, and suddenly met a treasure, dare to squander. To be honest, I admire you very much and admire you for not even knowing what to write.

Don't say that you are taking advantage of the strength of all parties to seize the price of the extreme price, that is, for the treasure they get, it will also make the powers of the eyes. I am here to say to you with certainty that as soon as you leave the city of Rizhao, you will be rounded up by several strengths. ”

Several people, such as Leng Han, were silent, and they believed that Kong Zhi was right. After the family and others came out from the forest, they immediately registered the adventure group. Just after returning to the Nikko City, they immediately purchased the 9.5 billion best celestial crystals. This really caused a kind of excavation. When I got to the treasure, I made an impression of a windfall.

Once the influence of all parties is made, they will become the target of public criticism. Kong Zhi’s description of their situation is not wrong at all.

Seeing the cold and other people in the silence, Kong Zhi’s face showed a smug look:

"Cold revenge, as long as you surrender here and get the treasure, I will allow you to rejoin the godsend adventure group. Of course, the treasure you get will I will give you one tenth as a reward. Cold love, don't be lucky again. Read, only our God-given adventure group can stand the pressure from all sides!"

Cold and cold, and Zhou Peng and others exchanged their eyes, and their eyes showed bitterness. This situation was not expected by them. They only wanted to buy it here, and then developed it as a base. However, they did not expect that they suddenly became so big that other forces had doubts.

And this kind of suspicion now thinks very normal, that is, they will guess if they don't understand the inside story. Looking at Kong Zhidao:

"Head of the hole, are you convinced of the character of several of us?"

Kong Zhi touched his chin and said: "Cold hatred, your character is reasonable. I should believe it. After all, we have been together for many years. But if it is a huge treasure, I am afraid you will not be able to resist the temptation. I am good for you. Some things are not what you can have today."

Cold and cold have calmed down at this time. Although I know that I have to tell the truth, Kong Zhi will not believe it, but still shrugs and shrugs:

"The head of the hole, I repeat, we didn't get any treasure."

"Oh..." Kong Zhihe sighed twice, his eyes gradually became sharp: "Then you can tell me, where did you come from to buy the fairy crystal here?"

Cold and cold hands spread a word: "borrowed."

"Let's borrowed?" Kong Zhi's face instantly became very weird: "Oh... coldhearted! I didn't think you have such a big face, can you tell me who you borrowed from?"

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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