The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2743: High-order fusion beast

H2> I am very grateful to the creamy stupid classmates (1000, Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200, Jie Yi classmates (200, Lu Wenjing classmates (100, dull little American classmates (100 rewards!


The number of fusion beasts flew out in all directions, and the body collapsed and collapsed in midair. Xu Ziyan opened a **** road like a tornado and killed himself in front of the fusion beast.


The one-of-a-kind beast stood up and roared, how long it had been, no one dared to challenge its majesty, and humble humans dared to rush to it.


It lifted a front paw and smacked it to Xu Ziyan. He hadn't photographed Xu Ziyan. The front paws broke through a few small space cracks, and slammed down with Xu Ziyan with great power.

Xu Ziyan raised his hand and the sword was smashing toward the fore paw. One claw and one sword slammed together.


Just as two huge metal collided, only the sound of this claw colliding with a sword caused the surrounding beast to be dizzy and slanted and fell to the ground.

Xu Ziyan's figure is a short one, his feet are stuck in the hard ground, and the ground has not passed the ankle.


The self-incorporated beast screamed, and one of its front paws was opened from the middle, and even the entire forearm was opened from the middle.


Xu Ziyan jumped and jumped into the air, and picked up the Taixu sword in his hand and smashed toward the head of the purple-level fusion beast.


The body shape of the self-integrating beast suddenly jumped toward the back, and the sword of the virtual sword was hollowed out.


There is a gap between the ground between Xu Ziyan and the purple-level fusion beast. The purple-level fusion beast turned around and ran very cleanly, making Xu Ziyan one of them.


Xu Ziyan's feet lingered on the ground, his body leaped high in the air, crossed a huge arc and landed on the ground, then leaped high, chasing the past toward the purple-level fusion beast.


The purple-level fusion beast fled while screaming, Xu Ziyan chased about an hour or so, and a scream came from her front.


This snoring should be accompanied by the snoring of the beast that is running away. It is just a scream, and the mighty power will come to the surface, letting Xu Ziyan’s heart glimpse.

The fusion beast in front should be stronger than the one that is running away, but this did not stop Xu Ziyan. A stroke of the purple-level layer of the fusion beast makes Xu Ziyan's self-confidence increase, she is like watching a high-level fusion beast.

In the Yuanyuan mainland, Xu Ziyan had no opponents to let her try, and it was precisely because there was no opponent that her breakthrough had a bottleneck, and she never broke through the fourth level. It was only by chance that it came to the starry continent.

Therefore, after the Upper Yuan Dynasty became a holy class, every holy monk has a depression without an opponent. Let’s take Xu Ziyan, and it’s just a kind of discussion with Yanshan’s soul. It’s not life and death, it’s not really The effect of the experience, and the lord, the devil, the demon and the Kui Tian fight...

Xu Ziyan is looking for abuse, and even has the possibility of degeneration. Xu Ziyan is too different from their strength.

Nowadays, in this star-light continent, there is a holy monster, how can Xu Ziyan let go of this opportunity? Nature does not hesitate to pursue it.


A fusion beast has appeared in the field of Xu Ziyan. It is a purple-level two-layered fusion beast. The power of the explosion is equivalent to the ordinary three-level holy level.


Xu Ziyan's figure leaped high, and both hands held the magnified too weak sword and smashed toward the fusion beast of his own two layers.

The purple-level two-layered fusion beast looked at the petite Xu Ziyan in the air, and the eyes showed a thick contempt, and the two retreats suddenly slammed on the ground.


The ground collapsed, and the body of the beast jumped up, rushing to the volley of Xu Ziyan, two huge front paws probing out, a too thin sword of the purple smoke, to open the Taixu, one straight Explore before and grab the heart of the fusion beast.

Xu Ziyan simply regarded the giant claws that were caught in his own heart. Both hands added all strength to the sword, and opened up a space.


One of the front paws of the fusion beast was shot on the blade of the Taixu sword, but it did not change the direction of the virtual sword, and did not fly the virtual sword. The sword is too low, and a sword is on the head of the fusion beast.


At this time, the other front paw of the fusion beast also caught the front chest of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan flew out. One person and one beast fell to the ground. Only Xu Ziyan was not injured, but the blood in the body rushed, and the head of the purple-level two-layered beast was opened by Xu Ziyan. This is because its claw will fly out of the purple smoke, otherwise it Has been killed by Xu Ziyan and a sword.


At this time, the purple-level layer of the fusion beast rushed toward the Xu Ziyan, which was falling into the air, and opened the **** mouth and bite into the head of Xu Ziyan.

At this time, Xu Ziyan picked up the too weak sword and couldn’t afford it. He raised his right fist and slammed it out against the chin of the fusion beast.


Although the fist is small, it is the strength of the seven levels of the Holy Level, and it contains tremendous power. The whole facial muscles of the fusion beast are twisted, and the sharp teeth in the mouth collapse and fly out, and the huge body flips in the air.


Xu Ziyan in the air smashed the big sword in his hand and shot it to the fusion beast that was rolling in the air.


The huge Taixu sword was inserted into the head of the fusion beast.


Xu Ziyan and the purple-level two-layered beast fell on the ground. Xu Ziyan even shot like a sharp arrow to the purple-level fusion beast that was still rolling in the air.


The purple-level two-layered beast saw Xu Ziyan’s move, and screamed and chased the past toward Xu Ziyan. At that time, the purple-level layer of the fusion beast that was tumbling in the air was already in a semi-dead state. There was a giant sword on his head, and the breath of life was losing.


Xu Ziyan stepped on the giant sword and let the whole giant sword be inserted into its head. The fusion beast screamed and the figure slowly descended toward the ground. And Xu Ziyan, with a slap in the face, slammed the purple-level two-layered beast that flew behind him, facing the front paws of two strangles, and Xu Ziyan’s figure turned to the right in the air. It flashed its right front paw and grabbed a finger from its left front paw. Then it fell into a shape and the body shape accelerated toward the ground. At the same time, the body shape turned, bent, and lifted. The purple-level two-layered beast was smashed from the top of the head, and then fell to the ground.


The ground was smashed by the fusion beast. Before it leaped from the pit, Xu Ziyan’s feet had been smashed from the air to his head.

The fusion beast clenched a front paw and slammed it into the feet of Xu Ziyan.


The bones of the front claws of the fusion beasts shattered, flesh and blood splashed, and the body of Xu Ziyan was also bombarded and flew out in the air, falling to the ground.


The purple-level two-layered beast jumped out of the big pit and fled to the depths of the wilderness without returning. The shape of Xu Ziyan flew to the purple layer of the fusion beast that had already died. Living in a virtual sword is pulling out, and there is also a fusion of purple and purple.

At this time, Xu Ziyan couldn’t afford to collect it. When Zhang mouth sucked, he sucked the 缕 fusion gas into the body and chased the past toward the escaped beast.


Xu Ziyan’s feet were smashing, and the hard earth was cracked. The shape of Xu Ziyan leaped high, flew nearly a kilometer, and then landed on the ground.


Xu Ziyan’s figure once again leaped and chased toward the fusion beast that fled in front. Suddenly the purple light of the purple light changed slightly, showing a happy color. She felt that the fusion of the purple-colored fusion beast that was inhaled by herself was rushing in the body, turning into a powerful force to wash her body and pushing her cultivation up.

However, Xu Ziyan did not stop, but continued to pursue the fusion beast. What I thought was that only a purple-level fusion beast could push up its own cultivation, if it absorbed the fusion of the purple-level two-layer. How far will the beast break through?

Three hours have passed.

The energy of the fusion gas was finally consumed, and the cultivation of Xu Ziyan was upgraded to the middle of the yellow stage, which is equivalent to the human fairy period. Xu Ziyan is also a bit strange in his heart. After chasing for so long, how can he not encounter a holy monster?


At this time, there was a giant cymbal in the distance, but this screaming stunned Xu Zi’s footsteps. Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed a trace of gloom, and the monster in front might be very strong.

"Let me kill this fusion beast first!"


Xu Ziyan's figure leaped high and chased toward the fusion beast in front.


Xu Ziyan’s figure fell on the ground, but he did not jump again, but his feet were nailed to the ground. The look became very dignified, and the too weak sword in the hand slanted on the side of the body, staring at the stars. The muscles of the whole body are tightened, and the strength of the body is reached to the extreme.

Just doing all this, a huge fusion beast has already appeared in her vision.


When the cymbal was just issued, it was only a small black spot. The snoring had not yet fallen. The huge fusion beast had already reached her. A huge claw smashed the space and slammed it against Xu Ziyan’s head. Come down.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are a tight one.

Purple six-layer.

This level plus it is a five-in-one fusion beast, and the explosive power has surpassed the seven levels of the holy level in the ordinary sense. Although Xu Ziyan's body strength reached the seventh level of the Holy Level, and it is still eleven attributes, but the power of her eleven attributes is now sealed in Dantian, now only the body strength is left, and her body strength is only equivalent to On the seventh floor of the Holy Land of the Continent, the monks and fusion beasts here do not practice Dantian, and they specialize in cultivating **. Their sacred seven-layer ** power is much stronger than Xu Ziyan.

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