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Seeing the other side so simple, Xu Ziyan was very satisfied, immediately left a ban on the Yuanshen's Yuanshen, and then left the gourd, opened the gourd cover to release the solitary lord, and collected the gourd.

The solitary guest came out of the gourd and looked at Xu Ziyan, then the look was a stay.

"You, you, you... are you green?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

Do you regret this singularly, can you follow a purple-level monk and follow a green-level monk? This is simply crying!

At this time, his heart decided that Xu Ziyan must have used a fairy to let him feel her cultivation in the gourd is a purple-level monk. He was cheated by Xu Ziyan.


Even if it is cheated, how?

Now that he has been banned by Xu Ziyan, he perceives it and knows that if Xu Ziyan wants to kill him, as long as his mind is moving, he will be lost.

Sitting in front of Xu Ziyan with a bitter face: "Fairy, ask."

Looking at the extremely depressed appearance of the solitary guest, Xu Ziyan felt funny in his heart, but his face was very serious:

"what's your name?"

"Done guest!"


The solitary guest looked at Xu Ziyan strangely. Do you still know his name on the starry mainland? But still nodded:


"Why kill me?"

"Of course someone hires me!"

Since the loneliness saw the cultivation of Xu Ziyan, the mood was very bad and the natural tone was not good. However, Xu Ziyan did not mind, only you can answer the questions honestly, as for the tone. Xu Ziyan does not care.


"Luo Yin."

"Who is Luo Yin?"

Lonely and turned a blank eye, the heart said: "Please, you are also an adventurer? Is the adventurer not aware of who is Luo Yin, the first deputy head of the Starlight Adventure Group?"

But since Xu Ziyan asked, he had to answer.

"He is the first deputy head of the Starlight Adventures."


Understand, this time Xu Ziyan fully understands that in the Great Wilderness is the Godsend Adventure Group wants to deal with the Star Adventure Group, now is the Starlight Adventure Group. It seems that you have to be careful.

"Where do they live?"

"Just live in the Great Wilderness!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded and thought for a while: "Where are you from?"

"Star City."

"Star City?"

Xu Ziyan jumped in the heart, she knew that Starlight City, there are two most famous fairy cities on the mainland, the southern starlight, the north sun. It is said that these two cities, the starlight refers to the Star City, and the Nikko refers to the nature of the Sunshine City.

"Who did you kill there?"

"Not killing, but poisoning!"

"Under poisoning?"

"Yes, the great son of the Starlight Holy Land hired me to poison the Rune ally."

Xu Ziyan is a hop in the heart. Zhou Gong, the great son of the Starlight Holy Land, is the eldest brother of Zhou Peng, and the rune of the Fumeng League is the father of Fuhua language. Isn’t Zhou Wei wanting to use the flower language? Why should you poison the runes?

Xu Ziyan stared at the solitary guest: "Why should Zhou Wei poison the runes, do you know the reason?"

"Of course I know." The solitary guest said proudly: "How can I not investigate as a killer? Otherwise I don't even know how to die."

“Is it?” Xu Ziyan asked with a smile: “Are you doing an investigation before killing me?”

Lonely guest face is red: "Nature is doing an investigation, you are the deputy head of the Star Adventure Group, but the repair is the lowest, only the green level. This is still just broke through in the Great Wilderness."

“Speaking well!” Xu Ziyan smiled and said: “Continue to take Starlight City.”

The solitary look of the solitary guest, he really wants to ask how Xu Ziyan grasped him, and what is the place that made him unable to distinguish the direction and suddenly changed the illusion? But in the end, it continued to be the thing of Star City.

"Zhou has always wanted to be the Holy Lord of the Holy Land, so he wants to pull up the League. The best way to pull the League is to marry the little princess of the League, the daughter of the Star Alliance.

The original pattern has been agreed, but no one has thought that the flower language has escaped. This escape is a few years of re-intelligence, and as time goes by, the pattern has begun to regret, regretting to force his daughter, so the rune will regret marriage. In fact, it is not regrettable to marry, because the two sides did not get engaged at the beginning, but the rune promised verbally, but did not wait until the announcement of the news, the engagement ceremony, the little Princess Fuhua language of Fumeng escaped.

The escape of the original Fuhua language made Zhou Xin very unhappy, felt that he had lost his face, and now he was remarried by Rune, thus losing the opportunity to pull the League. So he forced Coulee to promise to gamble with them. ”

"Gambling a game?"

"Good! It is a gamble." Lonely guest came to the spirit, in fact, all the killers are lonely, they have too many words can only be hidden in the stomach, can not say. Nowadays, I am too eager to say to Xu Ziyan. It can be said that it is a mouthful of addiction. The days of being a killer really ruined him.

"They are gambling, you know the two biggest forces in the mainland, one is the southern starlight sanctuary, and the other is the northern heavenly palace. The Tiangong fine refiner, the holy goblin development. So Zhou Wei proposed is the gambling If Zhou Wei loses, Zhou Wei will take out all the shops under his name and lose to Fumeng. If Zhou Wei wins, Fu Meng has two ways to go. One way is to retrieve Fuhua in the next three years. Come, marry him Zhou Wei, the other way is that he can give up the Huahua language, but half of the shops in the Star City will be given to him."

The solitary swallow swallowed a spit and continued: "Fu Wen’s heart felt that it was contrary to Zhou Wei in this matter, so he agreed to it. But after all, Rune is the ally of the League, which can be said to be the first actor of Starlight. Zhou Wei did not have the possibility of winning, so I was poisoned by Rune."

"Are you successful?" Xu Ziyan asked in a hurry.

Lonely guest said smugly: "Of course, I am lonely, how can I not succeed?"

Xu Ziyan’s face sank: “He is dead?”

"No! The kind of poison was given to me by Zhou Wei. The reason why it was successful in poisoning was because of the unique color shape, but like this poison is also doomed to be not a potent poison, so Rune I won’t die right away, but I won’t live for ten years.”

“No antidote?”

"According to Zhou Wei, there is no antidote."

Xu Ziyan looked down and thought that it was going to go to the League. See if you can save the rune.

"You will join the Star Adventures in the future." Xu Ziyan glanced at the solitary guest and frowned slightly:

"You wear a mask, I want to go to Star City, don't let Zhou Wei recognize it."

"No!" Lonely guest laughed: "I have been walking the mainland with this face. In fact, this is not my true face."

When the words fell, the muscles on the face of the lonely guest began to wriggle and change, and the white hair on the head began to turn black. In a while, it became a middle-aged person, and the appearance was also very different.

Xu Ziyan nodded, there was nothing strange in her heart, she would be illusory. Standing up from the ground, the waved flag was put up between the waves, and the lonely guest looked at Xu Ziyan’s move, and his eyes showed curiosity. He knew that he was trapped by the octagonal flag and asked carefully:

"Fairy, what is this?"

"Flag!" Xu Ziyan said faintly: "And, don't call me a fairy in the future, my name is Xu Ziyan, you call me purple smoke."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan walked outside and walked outside. When he walked outside, he was stunned by the outside situation. In this courtyard, there were people everywhere. Xu Ziyan walked toward the biggest room. The people in the yard saw Xu Ziyan, one by one. They were scorned because they all saw that Xu Ziyan was only a green-level monk, but when they saw the solitary behind the Xu Ziyan, they were all scared on their faces.

Xu Ziyan naturally would not pay attention to them. All the way to the outside of the room, went into the room, saw the cold, the four seas and Zhou Peng were sitting in the house, and there were four monks sitting in the room, cold. Han sees Xu Ziyan coming in and immediately stands up from the chair:

"Ziyan, are you out?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded as he nodded, and while his eyes swept over the four people, one of the four men was Du Fu, and the other three did not know.

Cold and hurriedly said: "Ziyan, let me introduce you."

The words fell, turning their eyes to the three monks: "You, this is the head of our Star Adventure Group Xu Ziyan. Purple smoke, this is Shi Xiaotian."

"I have seen the deputy head!" Shi Xiaotian respectfully Xu Shiyan, he is not like the outside monks do not understand Xu Ziyan, he has learned from the cold, Xu Ziyan is an alchemy master. Don't say that Xu Ziyan is now a green-level monk, even if it is a red-level monk, as long as she is an alchemy master, Shi Xiaotian will also respect Xu Ziyan.

"Shi brother." Xu Ziyan also politely returned. This made Shi Xiaotian excited, and an alchemy master was so polite to him, how could he not be excited?

At this time, the other two monks also excitedly looked at Xu Ziyan, waiting for the cold to introduce.

"Ziyan, this is Tian Heng."

"I have seen the deputy head."

"Tian Xiong."

"This is a bitter cold."

"I have seen the deputy head."

"Mei sister."

Xu Ziyan was very happy at this time. These three people were all good at repairing. They were all repairs of the blue-grade mid-six products. They were higher than the cold and cold, and they were slightly lower than the four seas and Zhou Peng.

When everyone was seated, Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "The head of the group, seeing a large number of people outside, recruiting a lot of monks?"

"Of course." Leng Han smiled: "Not only this courtyard, but also the left and right courtyards have been rented by me. In the past two months, we have recruited a total of 1,286 people."


Xu Ziyan is also very excited, so the Star Adventure Group has become a Class A adventure group. Pointing to the lonely guest:

"He is a lone guest, and later is the person of our adventure group, the blue peak of the late stage."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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