"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan is really not counted. Who knows how the rounds below him are going. Therefore, Xu Ziyan is not sure.

The three people screamed for more than two hours, and the Huahua language and the curtain Dingxiang left and left, and Xu Ziyan took out the enchanted map of Fuling’s rewards, but only a few hundred At the time, the jade was collected, and the world was much the same as the icy seal of the Upper Yuan, so Xu Ziyan only read it once and then fully understood, and then she began to cultivate.

In a garden in Fumeng, the Leiqi River hurried in and went straight to an independent building, where it was the residence of Yunmeng's deputy leader.


As soon as Lei Caihe entered the room, he saw Yun Qianli holding a pen in his forehand.


The plaque exploded, and the cloud sleeves formed a mask to cover the explosion. There was not much regret on the face. It was still as quiet as water, turning to look at the Lei Wash River:

"Washing the river, what?"

"Master, I found a genius."

“Well?” There was a hint of curiosity on the face of Yun Qianli: “Talk about it.”


When the Lei Xihe said things from beginning to end, Yun Qianli was slightly moved.

"She is Xu Ziyan?"


“What is her entry number?”

"One thousand and eighty."

"Is she a Chinese person?"


"She did not ask to join the League in these two days?"

"No!" Speaking of this, the Lei Wash River is also somewhat depressed.

Yun Qianli pondered and said: "I will pay attention to her tomorrow. If she can still make a half-step green level symbol tomorrow, you will bring her to see me."


The third day.

After Xu Ziyan entered the square, he found that there were fewer martial artists in this round of competitions, only 70,000 people, more than 50,000 people passed the second round of qualifiers, and more than 20,000 people came from A yellow-level clerk who has already registered in Fumeng.

This assessment is to produce a yellow-level peak symbol. When the game is over, people who pass the assessment will be given a green material.

Although the green material is not very precious, but it took out more than 70,000 copies at a time, the Fumeng is also considered a big deal.

Xu Ziyan is still the first to release the gods to cover every sect, and begin to watch their refining of the skin. In the VIP seat, Yun Qianli paid attention to Xu Ziyan, and when Xu Ziyan stood there, he did not move, he not only slightly frowned.

“Is this Xu Ziyan just an orange-level clerk, can't I make a yellow-level symbol?”

Yun Qianli was somewhat disappointed. This level is still not willing to join the League, it is proud. At this moment, Yun Qianli gave up Xu Ziyan in his heart. Slightly draped, I lost interest in this level of comparison.

Just the time of five interest, Xu Ziyan took back the gods, and then began to refine the animal skin, purify the animal blood, and make the symbol. Less than two quarters before and after, Xu Ziyan completed the system, then put down the pen and began to close his eyes and practice.

On the VIP table, Yun Qianli remembered the evaluation of Xu Ziyan by Lei Xihe. In the end, he couldn’t help but raise his eyes and look at Xu Ziyan. This look, the anger that rises in his heart.

This Xu Ziyan has not yet started to make Fuxi, but also closed his eyes and stood there. What is she doing? Did you give up completely?

I would not look at Xu Ziyan again, and completely died of Xu Ziyan.

The time of an hour is very good. When the bell rings at the end, the square has a sigh of sigh. Almost half of the monks here can't make the yellow grades. They are all orange-level clerk. Just take this round of trials as a trial. Failure is inevitable. There are many monks who are yellow. Fushu, but it has not yet reached the realm of the Huang-level peaks. Therefore, this round directly brushed down more than 60,000 people, and only less than 10,000 people passed the assessment.

No matter what other people are, Lei Wash River, when he entered the square, was the first to rush to Xu Ziyan, his eyes swept away on the table on the table in front of Xu Ziyan, and his face showed a hint of excitement.

Sure enough, it is a half-step green level symbol.

After Xu Ziyan received the green material, he returned to his room. Just ready to start practicing, I heard a knock on the door.

Get out of bed, come to the door and open the door, the look is a glimpse. She originally thought that it would be Fuhua language and curtain Dingxiang, but did not expect it would be Lei Xihe. At this time, she did not know the identity of the Lei Xihe, and she clashed:

"What is this friend, what is it?"

Lei Xihe smiled slightly: "Can I go in?"

Xu Ziyan Yan Yan smiled: "Please!"

Two people came to sit in the room, Xu Ziyan took the tea for him, and then looked at the opposite Leibu River. Lei Xihe smiled at the Xu Zi flue:

"Xu Daoyou, IMHO, why have you not joined us?"

This problem did not make Xu Ziyan an accident. Xu Ziyan knew that he had not joined the League of Nations so far. I am afraid that it will cause the attention of Fumeng. After all, the monks who entered this round, if they have not joined the League before, have already joined. In this world, Fumeng is the holy place of the servant. How can you not join this opportunity?

However, Xu Ziyan naturally would not join the League. At the beginning, she wanted to give her the position of the Dan League ally. She did not join, and she would join the League. So Xu Ziyan gently shook his head:

"I don't want to join the League."

For Xu Ziyan's answer, Lei Xihe also did not feel the slightest shock, and his body exudes strong confidence. In his mind, the reason why Xu Ziyan refused to join the Fumeng now is to wait for the price. She does not want to join the Fumeng in this way. She wants to choose a good master in Fumeng and get enough status. All of this, his master Yun Qianli can give her, and he believes that as long as he raises himself, Xu Ziyan will immediately agree without hesitation.

Lei Caihe’s face with a confident smile, his eyes fixed on Xu Ziyan, said slowly:

"Xu Daoyou, in the Xia Lei Xiahe, my master is the vice-president of the Fumeng League. My master intends to accept you as a disciple. If you want, we can go to see my master now."

Lei Xihe’s eyes were smiling. He wanted to see the reaction of Xu Ziyan’s ecstasy after hearing the news, but what surprised him was that Xu Ziyan’s look was still calm and said:

"Lei Dao, I said earlier, I intend to join the League."

The self-confident look of Lei Xihe was a stiff, and then there was a thin anger on his face. The people of Fumeng are all proud, let alone he washes the river? And Xu Ziyan is not rejecting the Lei Wash River, but is rejecting the clouds.

"Is she a disciple who is becoming a ally?"

A thought passed over the heart of the Lei Xia River, which made his heart more angry.

"Is this look down on my master?"

The sound of Lei Xihe is a bit blunt: "Xu Daoyou, what do you mean?"

Xu Ziyan glanced at him faintly: "My meaning is very clear, that is, I intend to join the League. I just want to communicate with the world of the teacher, nothing else."

The eyes of Lei Xihe became serious. At this moment, he could feel the truth of Xu Ziyan, not perfunctory, nor was he trying to become a disciple of the lord.

"What is going on here?"

Some people in Leibuhe didn't understand, and took a deep breath. Since Xu Ziyan didn't look down on his master, he couldn't say too much before he could figure out Xu Ziyan's mind, so he chatted with Xu Ziyan again. Then he left.

As soon as he left Xu Ziyan's room, Lei Wash River flew away to the place where Yun Qianli was living. Entering the room in the cloud, he screamed:


Yun Qianli lifted his head from a map and looked at the Lei Wash River and said lightly:

"Is that Xu Ziyan eliminated?"

The look of Lei Xihe is a sigh: "Master, how do you say that? Xu Ziyan made a half-step green-level symbol today."

"What?" In the eyes of Yun Qianli, there was a shocking color. In the heart, he said: "Is it a half-step green-level symbol when she did not pay attention to her for a short time?"

"Have you seen her before?"

"Go!" There was a bit of frustration on the face of Lei Xihe: "She refused."

“Refused?” Yun Qianli asked.

"Yes!" Lei Xihe nodded. "He refused to join the League. She said that she only wanted to exchange ideas with the world. It has no other meaning."

“Just exchange and discuss?”

Yun Qianli secretly thought about it. She didn't seriously observe her last time and lost her chance to understand her, but it doesn't matter. I will definitely observe you in the next round.

"You immediately went to investigate the background of Xu Ziyan."

"Yes!" Lei Wash River hurried away.

Outside the Fumeng, Leng Han and others sat in the teahouse and said with a smile:

"Today is the end of the third round. So, is it that the purple smoke is already a yellow-level peak?"

Zhou Peng squinted and glanced at the four seas: "You haven't seen the green-level symbol of purple smoke, and there is nothing remarkable about a yellow-level clerk. Purple smoke will definitely pass tomorrow."

"Yeah!" There was a hint of anxiety in the cold voice: "I don't know if the purple smoke can pass the fifth round."

"The fifth round? The green level teacher?" Zhou Peng touched his chin: "I think Ziyan should come to participate in the Fudao contest, should you have a grasp?"

Shi Xiaotian and others closed their mouths at this time. They didn't think that Xu Ziyan had reached the level of the yellow-level clerk. They thought that Xu Ziyan wanted to see the runes or the aides by this opportunity. I thought that Xu Ziyan really participated in the Fu Dao contest, and it has not been brushed down.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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