The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2769: Lu Rui

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Xu Ziyan just frowned slightly, took out a jade bottle, and handed it to Rune Wen:

"Put a half bottle of blood, let me study it."

"it is good!"

Rune took the jade bottle, and the right hand finger stroked the left wrist vein. A light black blood flowed out and dripped in the jade bottle. After half a bottle, the rune handed the jade bottle to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan covered the lid and closed it up:

"I need some time to study."

"Thank you Xu Zongshi!" Rune Gong handed Shi Lidao: "Xu Zongshi is not in a hurry. I estimate that I have at least five years of life, so Xu Zong can study slowly. Now I have one thing... no... two things Seek."

"You said!"

Rune did not immediately open, but stood up and made a courtesy to Xu Ziyan:

"I also asked Xu Zongshi to join the League, I am willing to give the position of the lord."

Xu Ziyan immediately shook his head and said: "This is impossible. I said to the ally of the curtain, the alchemy is just my interest, cultivation is my pursuit. Now it is the same for you, the metric is just my interest, so I can't add the character. Alliance."


Rune's look is very weird, my heart is dark, cultivation is your pursuit? Just pursue this? Is it a green level?

However, since Xu Ziyan is so simple and has refused the aides, Rune also knows that this is impossible. Then I will pray again:

"Then ask Xu Zongshi to accept my disciple, I am willing to worship you as a teacher."

Xu Ziyan's eyebrows are a pick, looking at the runes in front of the eyes, and the characters in the hall are also full of red. Because at this time everyone had sounded the original runes but wanted to accept the purple smoke as a disciple, but now they have adjusted one by one, and the runes are going to worship the purple smoke as a teacher.

This... I don’t know what to say.

At this time, the rune also saw the strange color of Xu Ziyan’s face, and a face slammed red, stuttering:

"Xu Zongshi...Before...the runes don't know the sky...the earth is thick..."

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile: “There is no such thing as the co-owner. It’s impossible to accept the apprentice. I don’t have time to stay in one place for too long...”

"I can follow Master's side. Where does Master go, I will go there. From today, I will pass the position of the lord to Yunqianli..."

The staff also jumped out of the chair and ran to the front of Xu Ziyan.

"Master, you also accept me, I follow you, where are you going, where do I go."

Xu Ziyan took the hand to help the road: "The curtain master, how come you join in the fun?"

"I am not joining in the fun, I am sincere."

Xu Ziyan puts his hand in the hand: "The curtain lord, the actor, I will not accept you two as disciples. But we can communicate with each other, purple smoke will not hide."

There was a trace of regret on the faces of the aides and runes, but Xu Ziyan was willing to point them, and their hearts were satisfied. Praying to Xu Ziyan together:

"Thank you for Master Xu."

"But..." Xu Ziyan looked at Rune Wen: "I want to watch the collection of Fumeng."

"No problem!" Rune immediately nodded and promised: "Xu Zongshi, you don't have to study detoxification methods first, go to the library."

"Alright!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "Talk about your second request."

"Xu Zongshi, I want you to play on behalf of Fumeng and Zhou Wei."

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly: "What if Fu Meng won?"

Rune immediately understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan's words. Xu Ziyan has only made a request since coming here, that is to read the cheats in the library of Fumeng. However, Xu Ziyan promised to point to the runes, and from this point on the top, Xu Ziyan did not take any advantage of the League.

Then Xu Ziyan still detoxification for Rune, representing Fu Meng to participate in the gambling match, this human condition will always return. Rune slightly thought about it:

"Xu Zongshi, the bet of our cousin and the holy land is the 500 shops in the city of Starlight. How about this thousand shops for Xu Zongshi?"

The rune's mind also understands that 500 shops are the rewards for Xu Ziyan's detoxification, and 500 shops are the rewards for the competition. Xu Ziyan heard a smile on his face:

"I have accepted 500 stores in Zhouyi, and the 500 stores in Fumeng are not necessary."

Seeing the runes want to talk, Xu Ziyan put his hand on the rune: "You listen to me, our Star Adventures have no energy to run the 500 shops, so these 500 shops will have trouble temporarily. For us to operate, we only charge 60% of the profits, 40% of the profits are in line with the alliance. Waiting for the day when our Star Adventures develop, and have the ability to operate these 500 shops, then we will return them to us."

"Well, everything is in accordance with Xu Zongshi." Rune as the ally of the Fumeng, 50% of the shop's 40% of the profits are not in the eyes, and the monks in this realm are simply people, doing things never dragging the water, Since Xu Ziyan asked for it, he simply agreed.

"So, the purple smoke will leave. I will think carefully in these few days. If there is a way to understand the poison, I will come again to meet the co-owners."

Rune also immediately agreed, he also knows that Xu Ziyan can not be disturbed when thinking about detoxification, and the thoughts of Xu Ziyan can only be put into detoxification.

"There is!" Xu Ziyan condensed the voice: "In these few days, the Fumeng master is well-adjusted, which is also convenient for detoxification."

"Understand!" Rune nodded happily.

"The purple smoke is leaving!"

"Ziyan, I am going with you, maybe I can help too." The aunt hurriedly stood up, and Xu Ziyan, the Dandao master, was much stronger than the Fumeng.

"Alright!" Xu Ziyan did not refuse.

Xu Ziyan, the master of the curtain and the curtain Dingxiang left the Fumeng. The original rune thought to send Xu Ziyan from the main entrance, but Xu Ziyan thought that maybe the cold and other people would wait for themselves at the north gate, so they insisted on leaving from the north gate. .

Sure enough, when Xu Ziyan walked out of the north gate, he saw cold and other people laughing and coming from the opposite side.

"Ziyan, it is really amazing! The Fudao contest won the championship, and the people of Fumeng were pressed down, long face, hahaha..." The four seas laughed and walked over, completely ignoring the rhymes and the standing behind Xu Ziyan. Yun Qianli and others.

Cold cold and Zhou Peng’s mouth passed a bitter smile, but they couldn’t immediately organize a tour of the world. They all said it in a swim, could they still swallow it back?

The two people did not apology to look at the runes, and they were a bit embarrassed. They didn't know whether the runes would blame the sins. After all, the runes far surpassed them both in terms of cultivation and in the position of the mainland. These people are in front of the runes, they are real small characters.


To their surprise, Rune and Yun Qianli and others did not have any trace of dissatisfaction. There was no trace of embarrassment. It was as if Xu Ziyan could win the first place in the contest.

Leng Han and Zhou Peng and others were in a confused mood and followed Xu Ziyan back to Zhou Peng’s house. Zhou Peng was busy arranging rooms for the staff and the curtain Dingxiang, and Xu Ziyan told them that they had to close their doors and then shut themselves down. The room. After Zhou Peng arranged the aides, these gathered around the curtain Dingxiang, listening to the curtain Dingxiang telling the story of Xu Ziyan's participation.

At this time, Zhou Shu’s study had been cleaned up. Zhou Wei’s face was sitting there gloomyly. A monk walked in from the open door and whispered:

"Da Gongzi, Xu Ziyan came out. Rune personally sent, the subordinates watched the rune's face, he still has no detoxification, and it seems that there is no way for the aides, he also left the Fumeng with Xu Ziyan today, live in The house of the second son."

Zhou Hao’s brows were tightly locked. After sinking for a while, he waved his hand and the monk left. Zhou Hao released his knowledge. When his gods were recovered, a figure entered the study.

It was a middle-aged monk who stayed in front of Zhou Peng and sat down in front of Zhou Peng:

"Da Gongzi, but what's the news?"


Zhou Hao nodded and informed the other party of the news he had just received, and then said: "Lu Rui, what do you think?"

Lu Rui thought for a while: "First we got a good news, that is, Rune's poison has not been solved. So we don't have to consider runes. It has been more than eight months since he was poisoned, and The aides have come, and if they can solve the problem, they will not be dragged to the present, and now the aides have left."

"Yes, I think so too." Zhou Hao nodded.

"But this is not certain that we will definitely win this gamble." Lu Rui said: "Now, in the group of 100,000 years old, because of the poisoning of Rune, we can say that we can win this game. Because the runes can't play, then the only ones that can play are the clouds, and the clouds are just the peaks of the blue-grade six products, and the seasons that we play here are the peaks of the blue-level seven products. So this One will definitely be able to win.

In the second game, we will face the disciple's disciple's language. If we can ask the great disciple of the Lord, we will be able to win. ”

Zhou Wei slightly frowned and said: "This gambling game is only a gambling match between me and Fumeng. It is not a gambling match between the Holy Land and Fumeng. Brother Guo will not shoot."

"Da Gongzi is worried that there is no order from the Lord, will Guo Qiang not take it?"

"Yes! I think even if I didn't shoot him, even if we lost this game, the third game will be taken by me personally. I will definitely take it down. So, there is no need to ask Guo brother."

Lu Rui shook his head: "Da Gongzi, now we don't understand the level of Xu Ziyan's system. The highest symbol she produced in the Fu Dao contest is a half-step blue level. But who knows if this is her highest level? So this Xu Ziyan is the biggest variable. So we must take the second game. Guo Qiang must say that he must move him. I believe that he will promise him if he gives him enough benefits or a gift.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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