The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2771: Perfect detoxification

I am very grateful to the little rabbit children of Red Rabbit (1888, thirsty: -o classmates (500, nickname can use classmates (300, Jie Yi classmates (200, Die Lianjun classmates (200, Xiaocheng Feijian classmates (100 Reward!

Dark polar dan is not poisonous, but after living in the toxins, it is naturally poisonous. Xu Ziyan naturally does not leave this kind of thing around.

Then Xu Ziyan started alchemy again. Half an hour or so, Xu Ziyan refining a dark polar Dan. After putting it into the jade bottle, he collected the fire spirit and the Dan furnace and laughed at the curtain. :

"Let's clean up and go see the co-owner!"

"Alright, I go back to wash and change my clothes."

The aides left happily, and Xu Ziyan also washed a lot and changed clothes. This came out with great enthusiasm. As soon as I walked out of the room, I saw cold people and others standing outside. When I saw Xu Ziyan, I said:

"Ziyan, but can you get rid of the poison of the main enemy?"

"This is still not clear. I have to try it before I know it. Head, Zhou Peng, let's go see the co-owner and talk about it. Just on the way, I will tell you something."

Xu Ziyan, Leng Han, Zhou Peng, Muscle and Curtain Dingxiang left the house and went to Fumeng, while others stayed in the mansion.

This time they came to the main entrance of the Fumeng, and they were personally greeted by the children. Afterwards, Rune personally led the high-ranking Weimeng into the hall. For such a high-standard greet, there is nothing strange about the people of Fumeng. Is there any strangeness in the confession of the Dan League ally?

Of course, those who do not know that Rune led the high-level personally greeted the protagonist is Xu Ziyan, not the aides.

A group of people entered the hall, the door of the hall was rumbling, and the wall runes flashed, which separated the world outside. Xu Ziyan introduced to the rune and other people with a smile:

"Fu Meng, the elders, this is the head of our Star Adventure Group, this is our adventure group, Zhou Fei, of course, everyone knows that he is the second son of the Holy Land Zhou Peng. I am here this time. Detoxification for the Fumeng master is also requested by Zhou Peng."

Inside the hall is a quiet, in fact, everyone has long known Zhou Peng's identity, but when faced with Zhou Peng, the heart is somewhat complicated.

The great son of the Holy Land poisoned the runes, and the second son came to detoxify. What is this? Then do we play with Fumeng?

Zhou Peng’s face is also a bit embarrassing, and he goes to the rune for a courtesy: “The main character of Fumeng, this matter is from my side, it’s not my big brother’s. But my big brother only represents my big brother, not the holy place. And there is no evidence that this is what my big brother did. I urged Ziyan to detoxify the Fumeng master, just to make the gambling match between Fumeng and my big brother fair."

The curtain Dingxiang and Fuhua language did not tell Xu Ziyan about their work on the solitary singer, which was also asked by Xu Ziyan to do so. As long as Xu Ziyan promised to detoxify the runes, Fuhuayu agreed on what conditions, and the curtain will naturally not say anything. And this thing is also known as the flower language is still a little confused, things have not been exposed, everyone has room, and once the matter is completely exposed, then the rune must kill Zhou Wei, you are the coordinator is so good Concealed?

However, once Zhou Wei is killed, Fu Meng will have a full conflict with the Holy Land. Fu Meng does not have the ability to completely resist the Holy Land. However, Zhou Peng also promised that in the future, he would give an explanation to the flower language, and the flower flower language will be concealed at this time.

At this time, I heard Zhou Peng say that the rune's look is also a slow one. He knew in his heart whether this matter was done by Zhou Yi alone, whether there was the Lord's participation, but there was no relationship with Zhou Peng. Then he smiled and said:

"Second son, this thing is related to you. In order to thank the Star Adventures for doing everything to Fumeng, I have already said well with Xu Zongshi. In the future, the 500 shops that will win your big brother will be your Star Adventure Group."

Zhou Peng silently gave a gift and retreated to the side, and cold and step forward:

"Fu Meng, this matter has been told to me, after the purple smoke will lift your poison, we will establish a contract."

"it is good!"

Rune painfully agreed, and then looked forward to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan handed over a jade bottle and said:

"Fu Meng, you put this medicinal medicine in your mouth. The taste of this medicinal medicine is not very good. You must hold on, don't swallow it, don't spit it out."


Rune took over the jade bottle, opened the lid, and a faint smell of scent floated out. The face of the Fumeng monk in the hall is a change, and the clouds are looking at Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Zongshi, this..."

"Yundaoyou, you can rest assured that this is not a poison." Before the opening of the purple smoke, the aides said: "It is poisonous, but the taste is a little worse, huh, huh..."

The rune waved his hand and simply put the medicinal herb in his mouth. The taste made him slightly frown, and his face showed a strange color. He found that the entrance to the drug was not changed. Then the face showed a shocking color, and it was caught in the painful color.

He found that the toxins in the body really began to peel off and gathered toward the remedy in his mouth. It was only that the stripping caused him great pain. Although he tried to control it, the body still trembled in pain.

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kun Peng and paid attention to the physical changes of the runes. Yun Qianli and other teachers also looked at the runes nervously. Seeing the rune trembled painfully, one by one was the discoloration of the face, but I saw the glow of the rune in the eyes, and insisted on the Dan Dao, and the raised heart was slightly lowered.

After a full three hours or so, the black color of the rune face disappeared. It just turned pale and looked a little wilting.

Xu Ziyan immediately evoked Huo Linger, and the rune's look was a shock, and his eyes flashed. He did not think that Xu Ziyan actually had the treasure of fire spirit.


The rune vomited the medicinal herb to the fire spirit, but it was only a matter of time, and the dark dan was burned into a fly ash by Huo Linger. Xu Ziyan took out another jade bottle and handed it to the rune. The rune took the jade bottle and opened the lid. A pair of fragrances floated out, and everyone's spirit was a boost.

Rune swallowed the medicinal herb and began to refine the medicinal herb. Yun Qianli looked at Xu Ziyan, whispered:

"Xu Zongshi, that medicine?"

"That is to help the main players of the Fumeng to rehabilitate. It takes about an hour to fully recover with the repair of the Fumeng master."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan suddenly frowned slightly and said: "After the Fumeng Lord has recovered, I am afraid that it will be discovered by Zhou Wei. Should it be hidden?"

The heart of Yun Qianli is also a move: "Hou Zongshi has a way to cover up?"

"This is simple!"

Xu Ziyan took out the alchemy furnace. When the curtain and the curtain Dingxiang saw Xu Ziyan take out the alchemy furnace, they immediately stood up from the chair and got together.

Xu Ziyan called out the fire spirit, and took out a few herbs. It was only two quarters of an hour, Xu Ziyan took the fire Linger up, then took out a jade bottle and opened the lid. The awkward probe looked at it and surprised:

“Is this not an remedy?”

"This is a drug scatter!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "As long as these drugs are spread on the face and hands, all the exposed places are smeared, and then the Fumeng master will be repaired as a breath, no one will be Find."

As he said, he scattered the medicine into the jade bottle and handed the jade bottle to Yunqianli. Yun Qianli hurriedly thanked and took over the jade bottle. Xu Ziyan took the alchemy furnace and collected it. When I saw Xu Ziyan's alchemy, I saw that the spirit of the Fumeng master was becoming normal, and the body's breath was getting stronger. Yun Qianli and other teachers had put down their hearts. Hula will leave Xu Ziyan in the middle, and you will start to ask Xu Ziyan to perform the spell.

The aide shook his head and knew that there was no opportunity to ask Xu Ziyan to refine the alchemy. Then he and the curtain Dingxiang retreated and sat down. Leng Han and Zhou Peng looked at each other and both eyes showed a happy color.

It is doubtful that the Star Adventure Group has already formed a friendship with Fumeng and Dan League. With the support of two organizations, the development of the Star Adventure Group will embark on the road of rapid development. And they have enough confidence in Xu Ziyan, with Xu Ziyan joining the gambling match, Fu Meng will definitely win here. And after this gambling game, there was no loss to the reputation of the Holy Land.

When the monks of the Starlight continent learned that the 500 shops won by Fumeng eventually landed in the hands of the Star Adventure Group, they would think that this is the competition between the Dagongzi and the Ergongzi, and would not be regarded as the Holy Land and the Fumeng. The battle between. Therefore, only the reputation of Zhou Wei is lost, not the holy place. On the contrary, Zhou Wei will get great benefits.

One of the benefits is to get 500 shops. Although these 500 shops belong to the Star Adventure Group, they are not his Zhou. However, the development of the Star Adventures is his greatest help.

This is the growth of the heritage, and the increase in the reputation of Zhou Peng. The Star Adventures naturally know that these 500 shops belong to the Star Adventure Group, but others don’t know. They only think that his second son, Zhou Peng, defeated Dagongzi’s Zhou Yi and robbed him from the hands of Dagongzi’s Zhou Wei. To the 500 shops, this is definitely an increase in his reputation, and the reputation of Zhou Wei is definitely a blow.

The elders and disciples inside the Holy Land will review the Dagongzi and the Ergongzi. Zhou Peng has the possibility to recruit forces within the Holy Land and open a gap that has been run by the Dagongzi.

The most important benefit is to win the favor of the Lord. I have to say that the Dagongzi has done a stupid thing to poison the Rune. Now Zhou Peng asked Xu Ziyan to detoxify Rune, which allowed Fumeng and the Holy Land to maintain the original relationship at least, so there was no hatred for the Holy Land. This caused the Lord to get rid of a problem. Zhou Peng is in the heart of the Lord. The status will increase.

Therefore, Zhou Peng is the most happy in the hall.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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