The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2777: Star tower

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Each layer will have a symbol to stop the channel, all you have to do is to crack the symbol, open the channel and enter the upper layer. There is no time limit, but if your power is exhausted, it will be sent out.

You can't supplement the power of the gods in the cracking channel. As long as you take out the medicinal herbs that supplement the power of the gods, they will be taken away by the passage. But when you crack the symbol, the channel will instantly add the power of the **** you consume to the peak state. ”

Xu Ziyan nodded and asked: "The Fumeng master, so you and the Lord have only boarded the sixth floor. What does the seventh floor and above look like?"

"Yes!" Rune nodded. "But it is estimated that there is no difference between the previous layers."

"That... the road is divided into seven levels, why is there a nine-story tower?"

"I don't know, this is where we have always been confused."

Xu Ziyan thought for a while, and stood up from the ground: "Fu Meng, I will leave now, go back and adjust the state, and I will come to the League on the day of the gambling."

"Okay, I will send you."

Xu Ziyan returned to Zou Peng's house and asked about what happened during the day. The result was told by cold cold that this period of time was very calm. Zhou Wei never appeared in front of them and did not send people to harass them. Xu Ziyan understands in his heart that he must think about putting everything behind the gambling game. The monks in the Star Adventures team have been immersed in crazy cultivation after they have the uninterrupted support of the medicinal herbs. Although no one is making a breakthrough, the improvement of the cultivation is real.

After Xu Ziyan understood it, he returned to his room and entered the cultivation. Although she did not deliberately practice in the past few months, her daily breathing and breathing allowed her to improve slowly. On the third day of her retreat, she broke through the green mid-term. Later, with the help of Ju Yuan and the super-discipline, especially after having five spirits, on the day before the gambling, her cultivation finally reached the peak of the middle of the green mid-level four products.

this day.

The entire Star Adventure Group came to Fumeng and then came to the Star Tower with Fumeng. At this time, the entire Star City was full of people. This gambling game attracted a few stars of the Stars and continents. It was a great event in the Starlight continent. Several monks came from all sides of the Starlight continent, surrounded by layers of Star Towers. Bet racing.

Before the Star Tower, Zhou Wei and Fu Meng were divided into two camps. There were also many monks in the Starlight Holy Land to cheer, but the Lord did not come. The news came that he had been retreating and did not go out.

"Fu Meng!" Zhou Xiao smiled and said to the rune: "I heard that you are poisoned, do not know if there is detoxification? If there is no detoxification, this gambling can be postponed, wait until your poison is lifted before starting. ”

In the eyes of Rune, there was a fierce flash in the eye, and he said in his heart: "After delaying the postponement? If it wasn’t for Xu Zongshi who had solved the poison for me, after a few years in the post, I fell down and gambled with you?"

"Oh..." Rune went to the eyes of Li Mang and smiled: "Although the poison has not been lifted, it does not delay the gambling. Dagongzi prepared the deeds of 500 shops."

"Oh?" Zhou Wei’s face was not shocked: "I don’t know who played the first game? But the cloud is the main player? We are playing the season."

At this time, the old man stepped forward and bowed to the rune: "I have seen the Lord of the Union."

"Ji Daoyou." Rune also handed a courtesy: "Today we two have to learn a lot."

Zhou Wei and Ji Lao’s look changed at the same time. Zhou Wei was unwilling to ask: “Is the Fu Meng master wanting to go in person?”

"Of course!" Rune said with a smile: "Ji Lao personally went into battle, how can I sit aside, this is an opportunity to learn from the season, hehe..."

Zhou Wei looked up and down the rune, feeling that the rune's temperament is not like the detoxification, and the mind is a little erratic.

"Don't he be poisoned and still can't compete? But if Fumeng let the cloud go into battle, this first match will be in doubt. Since it is a must, how can Fumen let Yun Qianli play? What does this rune have? The secret law can make him possess the power in a short time, and he wants to put it together. But in this case, I am afraid that the runes could have lived for ten years, and now I can't live for three years. Since you want to die, then Just die. I don't believe that you can win the next game with your poisoned body."

Thinking of this, Zhou Xin’s mind was calmed down, and there was a trace of irony in his eyes:

"The younger generation is waiting outside for the co-owner."

"Oh, it will not disappoint the big son." The words fell, turn to the old road: "June old please."

"Fu Mengzhu please!"

The gate of the Star Tower opened and the runes and the old man's figure entered the gate, and the door closed again. Zhou Wei’s eyes fell on Zhou Peng’s body, with a smile:

"Second brother! Come to the big brother to sit down, our two brothers are close and close."

"As long as the big brother still has a mood after the gambling match, the younger brother must go to visit."

Zhou Wei smiled faintly and set his sights on Xu Ziyan's body. He said, "This is Xu Ziyan who won the first place in the race."

"I have seen the big son!" Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "It’s just lucky to win the first place, not worth mentioning."

"Oh... Xu Daoyou joined Fu Meng?"

“No!” Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: “Our Star Adventures and Fumeng are only cooperative.”

“Oh?” Zhou Wei’s face showed a curious color: “What kind of cooperation does the Star Adventures and Fumeng cooperate?”

"This will wait until after the gambling match, the Dagongzi will know."

"Oh, huh..." Zhou Wei smiled twice, and a pair of robe sleeves walked toward his camp. Zhou Peng and Xu Ziyan and others also returned to their camp. Xu Ziyan sat cross-legged and immediately closed his eyes and entered the cultivation. Among them. She knows that this kind of game doesn't know how much time it takes, sitting here, it's better to take time to practice. And now her cultivation has reached the peak of the green mid-term four products, it will reach the green mid-term five products.

The audience around the Star Tower is interested in the Star Tower and talks to each other. This event is also a rare opportunity for these monks to communicate, so the whole scene is very lively.

Time is not as slow as Xu Ziyan imagined. In less than a quarter of an hour, the second layer will light up, and the first layer will also darken. This proves that Rune and Ji Lao both cracked the first time almost simultaneously. Layer layer 箓, enter the second layer. In the half-day time, the two people entered the sixth floor almost without getting worse, so that the surrounding monks could not help but sigh.

These two people can almost be called the highest level of the starlight continent. The only regret of these is that they can't see the two people's crucial process. Watching the two people crack the tactics, they can only wait for the two people to win outside. negative.

At this point, the speed of the two people has obviously become slower. Time passed without knowing it, and two days passed in the waiting of everyone. The entire square has become a monk assembly, where friends and friends are called, and there is something to exchange ideas.

Of course, all the monks look at the Star Tower from time to time. On the Star Tower, there are two water curtains. Each water curtain has a rune and a portrait of the old man. Each water curtain has a light column. There is a scale above the light column, which is divided into nine sections. At this time, the two beams are illuminated by three scales, indicating that the two masters have cracked one third.

At this time, Zhou Wei was like a water. He didn't think that Rune would stick to it now. Now he hasn't figured out that Rune has lost his cultivation. How can he crack the symbol?

Is it necessary to use the power to outline the cracks? Even if different strengths are outlined, you must use the power of the gods to outline it?

Even if the rune has been used to outline the power of the gods, his physical condition can't be supported for so long. If the runes are not detoxified, it will be a long time, and his weak body should have collapsed.

Zhou Hao’s eyebrows suddenly picked up, and his heart raised a bad idea.

“Is the rune already detoxified? Has he been confusing himself?”

Zhou Wei’s gaze could not be seen in the direction of Fumeng. Seeing that the monks of the Fumeng did not have a worried color on their faces, they all exchanged there, and there were also monks who were not from the Union to go to exchange with the Fumeng monks. This made his heart uneasy. Now, if his heart is not unwilling to admit it, he has already determined that the rune's poison is lifted. His eyes fell on the face of the aides, and he could not help but sigh.

"Sure enough, it is the Dan League ally, can actually lift this toxin! However, this also can not negate the game that Fu Meng must lose. Guo Qiang can certainly win the second game, and the youth generation of Fumeng is no one is my opponent. ""

Compared with Zhou Wei’s mood, Fumeng’s side is a joyful laughter. The monks of the Cold Adventure and other Star Adventures also take this opportunity to make good appointments with the Fumeng monks, and the elders of Fumeng’s relationship with Xu Ziyan are cold and so on. The top leaders of the Star Adventures are also very friendly. The elders of the Fumeng have such an attitude. The disciples of the Fumeng are naturally not stupid. Although they are still very deep in the bottom of their hearts, they still look down on the rough monks of the adventure group, but still keep on the surface. With enough courtesy, this made the stars of the Star Adventures full of pride after the big heart.

The status of the adventure group is very low in the starry continent and is considered a rough coward. In particular, the monks in the forces like Fumeng, Dan League and the League of Nations are very disliked. But today's Star Adventures got an extra attitude.

Which adventure group in this world can get the polite attitude of the League?

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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