The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2784: The secret of the ninth floor


Time passed without knowing it, and after more than 20 days in a hurry, Xu Ziyan finally opened his eyes and his face showed the color of joy. At this moment, after she merged the two worlds, her character has been promoted to her own eight products.

"You can start!"

The purple **** of Xu Ziyan went out, the knowledge spread, and began to crack the symbol of this layer.

After a lapse of a month and a half, Xu Ziyan's face became paler and paler, and her power of the gods was consumed, but it still did not break the symbol of this layer.

Outside the Star Tower.

The number of people has already dropped by 60%. Many monks who think that even if Xu Ziyan came out and did not have the opportunity to speak, they have already left. After all, the waiting time is too long. The remaining 40% of the people who stayed were not the original monks, but the masters of the various sects and the family owners. These people are carrying precious gifts and waiting for Xu Ziyan to come out of the Star Tower.

There are worries in the eyes of Rune and the Lord. In their view, Xu Ziyan’s power of the gods should have been exhausted. After all, she is only a green-level monk. How could she persist in it for so long?

At this moment, Xu Ziyan became mysterious in their hearts.

Inside the seventh floor of the Star Tower.

Xu Ziyan's body shape has been faltering, his face paled like paper, his mouth has oozing blood, and the gods hanging above her head have become dim.

"No! I can't give up like this. This star tower is likely to hide the secrets of the two worlds. I must see it!"


Xu Ziyan spurted a blood out of his mouth, and his gods were confused and had a tendency to stun. I am afraid that after a while, she will be transported out by the Star Tower.

"No! I can't be transported out. As long as I crack this symbol, my realm can reach the purple grade nine! But the power of the gods... the power of the gods..."

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s heart moved, and the twelve sword spirits of the Taixu sword were collected into the sea. Other swords and spirits did not know, but she knew that the power of the gods of the virtual sword could be delivered to her. That too, the virtual sword spirit was originally the result of her power of the gods.

Under her command, the power of the gods of the virtual sword spirit was transmitted and entered into the **** of Xu Ziyan. The dim **** once again released the light, and the spirit of Xu Ziyan rose and continued to be deduced. .

"Ziyan, we can also help you!" Thunder Sword Ling sent a message to Xu Ziyan.

"Good!" Xu Ziyan said in his heart: "When the Taixu Jianling consumes half of it, you take turns to send me the knowledge."

The symbols of this layer are too much, and nearly 100 million symbols are combined with each other, so that Xu Ziyan's power of knowledge is consumed in the enclave, but it is continuously cracked step by step.

All of this came out of the light column outside the tower, and the beam of light continued to rise steadily, albeit slowly, but unwaveringly.

Every lift on the pillar of light caused the Rune and the Lord to be excited, and the secret of the Star Tower was to be uncovered.

The faces of other monks are also full of excitement, which means that the purple zodiac's realm is getting higher and higher, which means more and more benefits.


The symbols in the seventh layer have been cracked, and the small world generated by the fusion has also begun to collapse. Xu Ziyan sat quietly on the knees, and the breath was constantly improving. The Yuanshen also returned to its peak state in an instant, and it is still in the ascension. But within her knowledge of the sea, five sword spirits have become weak.

After one day and one night.

The power of Xu Ziyan's Yuanshen is close to the peak of the 9th grade of the Holy Grade. It has been upgraded to the late four grades of the Green Age, which is equivalent to the mid-term realm of Da Luo Jinxian. Only she still did not open her eyes, but in the fusion of the two worlds, perfecting the general outline.

Outside the Star Tower.

"The eighth floor! Actually entered the eighth floor!" Rune and the Lord's body were a little trembling with excitement. The surrounding lords and patriarchs exchanged their views one by one. Some of the lords and patriarchs felt that the gifts they brought were not enough. .

This time, Xu Ziyan spent a long time, and after a full three months or so, she finally perfected the general outline of the road, and the realm of the road has reached the peak of her late nine products, which is equivalent to the peak of the late product. Only she felt that this was not the limit of the road. She felt that the general outline of the road did not reach the perfect state.

Slowly opened his eyes and looked around. Her look is a stay.


In her vision, here is almost a real world, mountains and rivers, hilly plains, and a variety of plants, although there are no animals, but there are signs of life.

Looking up, the sky on the eighth floor did not appear again in the imagination of a huge symbol, but a blue sky and white clouds.

This... is simply a real world!

Xu Ziyan closed his eyes again and used his heart to perceive the world. Gradually her mind perceives a symbol, a symbol, and a symbol...

Exhausted symbol...

This world is derived from exhaustive symbols.


Not only does it have the inheritance of the star-studded continent, but also the inheritance of the Shangyuan on the Yuan Dynasty, which is more profound than the inheritance that she obtained from Dan Fuzong and Fengzu.

Xu Ziyan has been completely immersed in, do not know where he is, do not know the passage of time, only know that one of the inherited inheritance becomes more and more clear in her soul, more and more transparent...

Half a year!

The whole small world disappeared and became a beam of light. Xu Ziyan looked up at the top, a gray vortex isolated her sight and knowledge.

A trace of energy hangs from the gray vortex and enters her body. Gradually, the power of the **** of the purple smoke reached the peak of the mid-ninth grade of the holy grade, and it was upgraded to the peak of the late nine grades of the green grade, which is equivalent to the peak of the late Luo Jinxian. The general outline of the road is perfect, and the realm of the road has surpassed the purple level, but she does not know what the realm should be.

At this time, the silk energy disappeared, and suddenly a huge gravity dragged her toward the gray vortex, but in an instant she appeared in an ashes of space.

"The ninth floor!"

The runes and the Holy Lord outside the Star Tower have already gone crazy. Even if their imagination is richer, they have not thought that Xu Ziyan will break through to the ninth floor, the last layer of the Star Tower.

All the monks are sluggish and a few doubts are dreaming.

"How can this be?"

Only in an instant, every monk’s eyes revealed light, and they all remembered an ancient rumor on the starry continent. That is the ninth floor in the Star Tower has a secret, a secret about the entire starry continent.

And this secret will be revealed to the world!

At this time, Xu Ziyan stood on the ninth floor, but like an outsider, she showed a picture in her vision. The environment on this picture is somewhat familiar and somewhat strange...

"Here... it seems to be on the mainland... and it doesn't seem to be...


It seems to be a starry continent...and it doesn't seem to be..."

The heart of Xu Ziyan jumped suddenly, and a thought emerged from the bottom of her heart.

"Here... Is it the Upper Yuan Dynasty and the Starlight continent in ancient times?"

"Not bad! It must be like this!"

A picture was swept in front of her eyes, and the speed was extremely high. Sure enough, Xu Ziyan saw a barrier that separated the two continents from the barriers of the mainland and the starry continent.


There are huge cracks in the sky, one, two, three...

From the cracks in the space, a group of chaotic beasts rushed out, and the catastrophe fell on two continents. The barriers separating the two continents were broken, and the two continents connected.

The monks of the two continents regarded each other as a kind of chaotic behemoth that appeared in the crack of space and began to conquer each other. The fall of the monks is everywhere, and the monks on both continents have to deal with the invading chaos beasts while fighting each other. Consumption is increasing.

Finally, the monks on the two continents felt different. After negotiations and exchanges, they discovered that they were only monks on two different continents. Their common enemy was the chaotic behemoth.

The two sides began to join forces and chaotic beasts, but the chaos behemoths are more and more, the monks of the two continents are constantly degrading, gradually at a disadvantage, then an absolute disadvantage, and finally have reached the edge of genocide, at any time. Can collapse.

The creatures of both continents are in deep despair.

The special plane appeared on an ordinary day. There were no more chaotic beasts in the cracks in the sky, and then the cracks began to gradually close. The closing time was extremely long and lasted for a thousand years. During this millennium, the two continents cooperated with each other and spent thousands of years killing the chaotic beasts on the two continents.

And just after the millennium, all the cracks in the sky were closed, and then a barrier was re-generated, separating the Upper Continent and the Starlight continent again.

At this point, Xu Ziyan felt that there was a rush of anger and the figure came outside the Star Tower. Looking back at the star tower, the figure gently landed on the ground.


"Deputy Head!"

"Xu Zongshi!"


Not only the monks of the Fumeng and Star Adventures came to Xu Ziyan, but also those patriarchs or patriarchs who had a gift waiting for Xu Ziyan for a long time.

Xu Ziyan was a little bit mad, but she reacted very much. These monks of the Fumeng and Star Adventures are happy, and those who do not know should be coming to make friends with themselves. After all, they rushed to the ninth floor and broke the record of the mainland.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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