The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2791: Luo Yin participated in the battle


I am very grateful to Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200 rewards!

The force in Xu Ziyan's body was madly extracted by this sword, and Xu Ziyan's heart could not help but show a bitter smile. Just a third of the sword that was pushed out by himself, the power of the body was almost completely extracted. Xu Ziyan was under Nai, only released this one-third sword.

A piece of swordsman was released, and the three monks showed extreme fear in their eyes, because the swordsman was not a sword in the ordinary sense. It had already become a sword and flew intensively toward them. The handle of the handle is as solid as the sword of the sword has not yet reached the front of the three of them, their heart feels a kind of life is not as good as the idea of ​​death, a feeling of silence quickly filled the heart.


Thousands of swordsmen annihilated the three monks, and the three monks had no residue left. They had been crushed into a powder by the sword. Moreover, after the sword-type kills the three people, they are not exhausted. They are spurting around. Wherever they pass, the thoughts of silence are spreading everywhere. Under the control of Xu Ziyan, a sword is shot to a masked person.

Although hundreds of masked people around him were not injured by the sword-style weak sword, they were obviously affected by the silence. The momentum of the body was not weak, and the offensive was not slow. When this weakness was slow, it was killed by the monks of the Star Adventures.

Xu Ziyan held a too weak sword in her hand, her face pale and weakly standing in the air, and her body was almost taken out, and her heart could not help but sigh:

"It's still too low!"

Those masked people naturally saw the weakness of Xu Ziyan. Immediately, three monks flew toward Xu Ziyan. From the weak look of Xu Ziyan, she could see that she could no longer release the sword-like style of the power. Her weakness is the best time to kill her.

Xu Ziyan looked slightly at the left side, where there was a fairy boat parked in the clouds thousands of meters away. The fairy boat Xu Ziyan was seen in the Great Wilderness and belongs to the Starlight Adventure Group. At this point it stopped there, and it was obviously not good.

In this case, if the final Starlight Adventure Group does not shoot, Xu Ziyan does not want to expose his own powerful things, so she took out a defensive fairy to release on her body, and then took out the fairy suit, and just At this time, the attacks of the three masked people also bombarded.

Xu Ziyan exhibited the method of flowing clouds, and quickly evaded the attack of three masked people in the air. Although he could not completely flash the opponent's attack because of the relationship between repairs, he also kicked off the main attack, but was only the other party. The edge of the attack was wiped out, and Xu Ziyan also caused the ordinary sword and the other side to kill.

Although these three monks are slightly stronger than the previous three monks, they are only slightly stronger, with Xu Ziyan’s understanding of Tiandao, and the six early Qing dynasties are similar to them, so they are entangled, and the three people are not only Did not hurt her, but was killed by Xu Ziyan.


Suddenly, the masked people of the nine blue-level late peaks abandoned their opponents and flew together toward Xu Ziyan. At this time, they also understood that they would not kill Xu Ziyan first. They are very difficult to kill the Stars and Adventures today. Nowadays, none of the monks in the Star Adventures have defensive symbols, and they can't break the defensive symbols in a short time. If Xu Ziyan releases the attack symbol, let alone kill the Star Adventures, I am afraid that most of them will fall here, and the rest will only be able to escape from this place. At this time, they realize the terribleness of a great master.

Therefore, they must first kill Xu Ziyan, and break the support of the Star Adventures, and they believe that they will be attacked by nine people, and they will attack Xu Ziyan. Even if Xu Ziyan has a defensive defense, they can also break the defense, but only bombardment. several times.

Nine attacks were smashed in and out, and behind the nine monks, there were a number of stars, adventure groups, monks, and wanted to block nine masked people, but there were many masked people to stop the Star Adventure Group. The monks, only the physique of the aides and the solitary lords are flying all over the hooded people, rushing to the rumble.

It’s just that the nine masked people’s actions are too unexpected. Although these are covered, the monks of the Star Adventures can also speculate that these masked people are from the Dagongzi Zhou, so they all think their goal Zhou Peng, who did not think that they would suddenly kill Xu Ziyan, for a moment, everyone was anxious, except for the cold, Zhou Peng and You Sihai and several other people who knew the true strength of Xu Ziyan, the remaining monks would regard Xu Ziyan as a The monk who just broke through the early six grades of the Qing Dynasty was filled with worries, and a pair of anxious eyes looked at Xu Ziyan.


The aides were really anxious. In the distance, a big tripod was sacrificed, and a masked man was bombarded, and the figure of the solitary lord suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, Already appearing next to another masked man, a pair of dark-colored short shackles in his hand have been cut to the throat of the masked man.

At this time, Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kun Peng. The magical trajectories released by the nine masked men were clearly displayed in her vision. The figure flicked in the air and walked between the holes of a fairy, facing a mask. The man is approaching.


One of the masked people had to go back to meet the Da Ding of the curtain ceremonies. The sacred scorpions of the two sides bombarded together, the space collapsed, and a huge crack occurred between the two of them, and the cracks flowed in time and space. Both sides were swayed, and then the aides took the first step to attack the masked man, just to entangle the opponent, not letting him pour out to attack Xu Ziyan. And his heart is full of shame, this person just suddenly smothered Xu Ziyan from his battle, which makes the old face of the aunt hangs, so it is also awkward, must be killed at this time under.

"Ha ha……"

A burst of air leaking from the trachea came, a masked man holding his throat in one hand and holding a fairy sword in his hand pointing at the solitary singer. His eyes were full of horror.

A blue-level late peak monk will naturally die without being cut off, and as long as he gives him a rest, he will return to his original condition. It was just that the solitary stalker cut the throat quietly, and the result was too scary.


The shape of the solitary lord turned into a blue smoke and rushed toward the masked man. The short shackles in his hands rose like a storm, falling, and a **** rain fell in the air. As a veteran killer, as long as he gives him a chance, he will turn his advantage into a victory, let alone a chance to have a chance.

Xu Ziyan's body shape circling in the air, escaped a series of attacks, appeared in front of a pair of horrified masked people, too weak swords swept past, seeing the face of the masked man.

However, the eyes of the masked man suddenly became steadfast by the horror, and the brilliance of the body flashed, and Xu Ziyan’s heart screamed badly. But now, with her cultivation, even if she knows that the other side is going to blew herself, she has not escaped the opportunity, and she has a bitter smile on her face.


The masked man blew himself up, and the self-destructive power of a blue-level late peak monk can be imagined, even if Xu Ziyan has the body strength of the peak of the seventh grade of the holy level, it is also bombarded as a general direction rolling toward the distance. Fly out.


The remaining six masked men sent a fierce blow to Xu Ziyan, and everyone’s eyes revealed the murder. Xu Ziyan tried to control his body, but after the monk blew himself, his body shape was difficult to control. The young monk was too low.

The six masked people's immortals have been bombarded on Xu Ziyan's body, making Xu Ziyan's body shape go...

In the direction of Xu Ziyan being bombarded, a fairy boat was parked, but it was the fairy boat of the Starlight Adventure Group. Within the fairy boat, Luo looked at Xu Ziyan, just like the meteor volley, and quickly made a decision in his eyes.

He saw Xu Ziyan's wolverine, but also noticed that Xu Ziyan did not die. It stands to reason that Xu Ziyan, a young monk, was spurred by a blue-level late monk, and was repeatedly bombarded by six blue-level monks. It should have been turned into a powder, but Xu Ziyan was only a wolverine, but it did not fall. Needless to say, it is turned into powder.

Therefore, Luo Yin immediately determined that Xu Ziyan had a defensive fairy, and it was a high-grade defensive fairy. It was able to withstand the self-destruction of the blue-level late peak monk, one capable of resisting the six blue-level late peak monks. Continuous attack, not a defensive fairy?

Is it the resistance of a young monk?

Such a defensive immortal makes him jealous, and Xu Ziyan is not the soul of the Star Adventures, but if Xu Ziyan is a great master, if the death of the great master, the Star Adventure Group will not have any attraction, it will not be far from the demise. . According to his analysis, the reason why people like Zhou Peng, You Sihai, Ding Dingxiang, Fuhuayu and Tang Buzhi can gather together to create an adventure group must be because of Xu Ziyan, and only one of the great masters can have it. Such centripetal force.

Therefore, Luo Yin made a decision in an instant, killing Xu Ziyan, this is the best chance. At this time, Xu Ziyan has been bombarded by the power of self-destruction and six blue-level monks, completely losing the ability to control himself. This may be the only chance to kill Xu Ziyan. If Xu Ziyan resumes self-control ability, he will sacrifice high grade. If you want to kill her again, it will become very difficult.


Xu Ziyan’s body came with a burst of color.


Luo Yin shouted, and the fairy boat split open from the top, forming a huge cloud platform. Luo Yin took five hundred monks and killed him.

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