The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2826: provocative

But no matter what the situation, it is impossible for the Star Adventures to let the courtyard out, otherwise it will not be mixed. It’s just the face of the adventure group, and it’s impossible to stick out the fan that makes people “squat”.

Since you want to fight, then you can fight!

A step before the cold and cold, Zhou Peng and others instantly moved to the position to set up a ten-party killing. An offensive situation has been generated, and then the other side is not prepared, and it has impacted the past. Here is the adventure world, not the Zongmen and the family's internal disciples to discuss, cold and cold people are not half-polite.

Just a few shocks, the dozens of monks in the Black Moon Tower were hit by seven or eight, and even five monks had been seriously injured and fell far away. Cold and other people once again changed position, the ten parties killed the rotation, and rushed to the other side again.

Xu Ziyan did not join the battlefield, but stood in front of the gate with a negative hand. The comprehensive strength of the dozens of monks in the Black Moon Tower is slightly stronger than those of the Star Adventures, and the number is slightly larger. However, Xu Ziyan knows that there is no comparability between this kind of war and the ten-party killing. The ten-party killing can completely crush the opponent. The personal cultivation of these people is limited to those who are colder than others. If it is not cold and cold, the five black moon monks are not as simple as injuries, but will be directly killed.

But Mo Yue doesn't think so. He thinks that if they are singled out, they can completely crush anyone in the Star Adventures. It's just that the Star Adventures is too shameless, not only to use the battlefield but also to attack. Seeing Xu Ziyan standing alone in front of the gate, his heart could not help. Big feet are on the ground.


The ground beneath the foot was cracked, and the shape of the ink moon rose from the sky, rushing toward Xu Ziyan like a lightning. Liao Li’s eyes showed a color of appreciation. As long as Xu Ziyan was hit hard and then grabbed it, the Star Adventure Group would have to yield. After all, the identity of a Dan Dao and Fu Dao Master will make the Star Adventures have scruples. In his view, the blue moon's late seven products of the ink month hit a blue-grade initial six products like Xu Ziyan, there is no suspense at all.

The spirit of the remaining monks in the Black Moon Tower is also a revival, and I admire the five bodies in my heart. Now they just insist on the attack of people such as cold and cold, waiting for the ink moon to catch the purple smoke.


They don't think they can't hold on. This is not because they think their strength is strong, but that people who are cold and cold will definitely go to the purple smoke. Where can they still care for them?


The reality made them shocked and unbelievable. People like cold and cold did not seem to see Xu Ziyan being attacked. They are still sending a second fierce attack to them.

Unexpectedly, I couldn’t prepare for it. What’s more, the ten-party killings were not something they could resist. Under this round of impact, the remaining monks were knocked down to the ground, and they couldn’t watch the cold. Waiting for everyone, they all looked up at Xu Ziyan. As long as Mo Yue can hold Xu Ziyan, the situation will immediately reverse.

But what made them puzzled was that cold people and others stopped. Did not rush to rescue Xu Ziyan, but looked at each other in a smile and looked at the ink in the air toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan looked at the ink moon that was swooping down toward him. At this time, the shape of the ink moon was like a giant eagle. The hands and feet like the eagle claws completely shrouded the shape of Xu Ziyan. The ten fingers spurred out. The eyes are dazzling, like the ten-handed sword stabbing the body of Xu Ziyan.

The hands behind Xu Ziyan suddenly slammed out, and two small fists bombarded the opponent's two claws. The ten swords of the sword were broken after they hit the double fists of Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan’s fist and the two claws of Mo Yue bombarded together. I heard the sound of "咔嚓嚓" broken bones in my ear. If someone is watching at this time, it will be very strange, because Liao Li. The Star Adventures and the Black Moon Tower are laughing.


The people in the Black Moon Tower did not smile, because in their vision, the shape of the Moon Moon flew out, and a blood was sprayed between the nose and mouth in midair.

"This... how is it possible?" The smile on the faces of Liao Li and Black Moon House froze.

But the smile on the face of cold and cold is even more glorious. One by one, the heart is dark: "Dare to fight melee with purple smoke, isn't that looking for abuse?"


The shape of the ink moon fell on the hillside, and then the bones rolled down the mountain. Xu Ziyan no longer went to see Liao Li, and turned back to the door. Leng Han and others no longer look at the Liao Li glance, walked into the door, and the "砰" sound shut the door. The look on Liao Li’s face is a stiff. He took a look at the black moon floor and waited for him to leave.

The monk of the Black Moon Tower climbed up from the ground, glanced at the door with hatred, and then walked down the hill, and helped the ink moon with broken arms in the middle of the mountain. Looking at the top of the mountain, Mo Moon shouted:

"Star Adventure Group! A newly germinated adventure group dared to treat me like this black moon tower. This must be reported."

"Yes!" A monk's eyes are filled with the color of grievances: "What are their qualifications for a newly established adventure group to be invited by the Wood League Lord?"

"Even if they were invited by the Wood League Lord, wouldn't they know how to respect their predecessors? What qualifications are they to enter the Class A courtyard? And dare to shoot us?"

The eyes of Mo Yue flashed with sternness: "This thing can't be counted. They are the new forces invited by the Mu League master. This feud is not just our family, but all the old forces. Let's find some forces. Together, you must learn the Star Adventures. I don’t think those people are willing to be riding on a new force."

"Yes! It is impossible to let the new forces ride on the head of our old forces."

The monks of the Black Moon Tower walked wildly down the hill to find the old forces invited by Mussen.

Xu Ziyan returned to his room, and the cold and other people followed him. They all felt a bit unusual from today's events. After everyone was seated, Xu Ziyan asked:

“Do you really allow random battles here?”

The monks shook their heads and said that they were not clear. Zhou Peng frowned slightly:

"My father was also invited by Mussen, but my father did not accept it. Wherever I want to go as my father, I don't have to be invited by someone, even Musen is not qualified. So my father is There have been several auctions here, all of which are inhabited outside, and they have never come here. So the rules here are really unknown."

People such as Sihai and others also nodded, saying that their father and the Holy Land Lord, although they have participated in the auction here, have never lived here.

Leng Han said two kinds of speculations that he had just made, and all the monks nodded. Looking at the cold and cold eyes, there was a slight appreciation, and the head of the team made him really wrong.

"No matter from that point of view, I think Musen seems to have no good intentions for us. We need to be more careful." Xu Ziyan said with a sigh.

"The big deal is that we will leave when we attend the auction."

Zhou Peng shook his head and said: "Since we have come, we must always figure out Musen's intentions, otherwise the total life in an unknown conspiracy will affect the state of our cultivation."

At this time, there was a loud noise outside the gate. Xu Ziyan saw the angry expression on the faces of the monks, and they all got up, and they waved their hands to signal them to sit down, and then spread the knowledge.

With the knowledge of the peak of the mid-ninth level of his holy level, nature will not be discovered by the monks outside. The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan enveloped the past and found that there were more than 200 people outside.

Outside the gate, the arms of Mo Yue have been bandaged, staring at the door with both eyes, and standing on his left and right sides, two monks who are similar to him, standing more than 200 behind them. A monk, everyone's body exudes a sigh of breath. On the side not far away, Liao Liqiu stood there, his eyes glanced back and forth between the monks and the gates.

"Cold cold, you give me out, today I will tear down your star adventure group. Xu Ziyan, you give me out, even dare to interrupt my arm, I will abolish your cultivation today, strip you Clothes that make you my slave girl."

At this time, the heart of Mo Yue’s heart is extremely poisonous. This kind of humiliation has never been experienced. If he can’t return this humiliation a thousand times to the Star Adventure Group today, he will be mad.

Within the courtyard, the face of cold and cold has been iron blue, they can not stand the embarrassment of the moon and the adventure group of the stars, but even more, the humiliation of the purple moon to Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan, let's go out and kill them!" The four-season "砰" stood up.

Xu Ziyan smiled lightly, but that smile was full of ice cold.

"Isn't Musen trying to test our foundation? Then show them a little bit."

The monks looked at the past and looked at Xu Ziyan in the past. I don’t know what Xu Ziyan is going to do. Then their face showed a dignity, and there was a joy in the dignity.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan was transmitted from the eyebrows, and the void paintings began. The patterns of the various lines were quickly generated in the air. Naturally, she will not outline the void paintings outlined in the Houtu Palace. At that time, she was dealing with her own nine-layered chaotic beast. What kind of goods were the monks outside?

It’s the best in the late blue level! That level is not needed at all.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan's sketch of the void is much simpler than that time, but the speed is too fast. About the time of five interest, a vain void character appears in the eyes of everyone.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan sighed softly, and the empty space character flew out with a bang, and flew outside the gate. The cold and other people quickly released the gods and followed them. They also wanted to see Xu Ziyan this time. How is the power of the void painter?


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome)


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