The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2829: auctions

I am very grateful to the rest of the 123 classmates (100), the reward of the lively and chaotic peach sauce classmates (100)!


"I bet!" Zhou Peng condensed.

"What about you?" Zhang Xiaohua looked at the remaining four people with a smile.

The eyes of the four seas whispered awkwardly: "Is it limited to these people in the adventurer's paradise now? Otherwise, you will go to the Rizhaocheng Star to catch a monk from thousands of people. This is awkward for us. They are still only Our men are not our friends."

"Nature is the person in the adventurer's paradise today." Zhang Xiaohua nodded and smiled.

"Good! I bet!" The four seas also shouted.

"I bet!" Don didn't say anything.

"I bet!"

"I bet!" The flower is crisp.

"Well, I am waiting for the five heroes to leave the Star Adventures."


Xu Ziyan shook his head toward Qingxiong: "Qingdaoyou, I joined the Star Adventure Group. This is an interest. I am interested in staying there now. I will not let me leave any conditions. In my opinion, there is no condition for me. The interest is important. For example, now, I feel that I have no interest in talking to you, and I am leaving!"


Cold and cold slowly and firmly said: "The Star Adventures will not be disbanded, and I will not be the elder of the Adventurers League. The good intentions of the Huang predecessors."

Huang Quan’s eyes flashed a stern color: “Do you know what consequences this will definitely bring to the Star Adventures?”

Cold and cold stood up from the chair and said: "No matter what the consequences, my Star Adventures will follow. Dear!"

Huang Quan’s eyes sparkled with killing. But in the end, it didn't move, just looking at the cold back disappeared at the gate.


Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng, Mei Kuihan and Du Fu were under tremendous pressure at this time. The four people had already held Fuxi in their hands, but we were hesitant in our hearts. Obviously, Zhang Xiaohua, Qingxiong, Huang Quan and Yuquee joined forces to target the Star Adventure Group. Can the Star Adventures deal with it now?

Xu Ziyan has the identity of Dan Dao and Fu Dao Master. When she can choose a force to hide, no one dares to treat her. Zhou Peng, who swims in the sea, Tang does not have a curtain, and both Dingxiang and Fuhua have their own backgrounds. Naturally, I don’t care about my life. Only the four of them are not high, no background, the other party can squeeze themselves. Do you really want to stay in the Star Adventures?

Their hesitation was seen in the eyes of the bird, and there was a smile on his face.


In the minds of four people, there was an endless stream of means of Xu Ziyan in the thick earth palace. The hearts of the four people were certain, and they immediately felt that they had another basis. I lowered my eyes and sneaked a glimpse of the symbol in my hand. The heart is more stable, Shi Xiaotian raised his eyes. Said in a firm tone:

"We will not leave the Star Adventures."

The bird's gaze is a stern look: "Are you sure?"

The four men nodded at the same time and said firmly: "We will not leave the Star Adventures."

"Let's die!"

The scorpion stretched out a big hand and instantly shrouded the four people and slammed them toward the four people.

The four people were shaking in their hearts. Although they were prepared to use the minds of the characters, they did not expect that the other half-step purple-level monks would really do it to them, so they were under fear. The four people even inspired the symbol in their hands and threw them out to the cockroach.


Long Xiao Chongtian. The four chapters were transformed into four dragons in an instant, blocking the big palms that were photographed in the air, and then struck the past with the birds.

The super-character is equivalent to a sacred monk's blow. Is this a half-step purple level that can resist? What's more, it's more than just a symbol, but four?

The four dragons were crushed from the body of the bird, and the dragon body had not been crushed by one tenth of the past. The body of the bird had already turned into powder.


The entire restaurant collapsed. Although it has rune protection, it can't withstand the bombardment of super-features. However, most of the power of these four dragons converge in this room, but Yu Wei spread out. Even so, the restaurant has turned into a pile of ruins, and a figure has been smashed out of the ruins. One by one, looking up, they saw four dragons swimming in the air, and then they became scattered and scattered. space.

Xu Ziyan looked at the air silently, and even had some tears.

Just deal with a half-step purple level, as for throwing out four super-features? This is simply to treat the super product as a Chinese cabbage!

Zhou Peng and others opened their mouths. They didn't think that the Zifu that Xu Ziyan gave them would have such power. Looking down at the symbols in their hands, they became cautious. I am afraid that I will destroy the symbol in my hand.

Zhang Xiaohua, Huang Quan and Qingxiong's face muscles twitched, and they did not expect that a half-step purple-level monk would die. I heard that Xu Ziyan was a master of the Tao, but did not think that the realm of the road was so high. Looking at Zhou Peng and others, I was glanced at it. Fortunately, I didn’t have any hands on those people. Shi Xiaotian’s hands were full of people, and Xu Ziyan wouldn’t give Zhou Peng a few people?

Especially in the heart of Huang Quan, he was afraid of it. He just gave birth to a cold cold. If it was cold and cold at that time...

Huang Quan could not help but fight a chill!

Liao Li’s figure appeared in the air and looked down. He frowned slightly, his eyes flashed a hint of jealousy, but he was not afraid. He was behind Musen, although Shi Xiaotian and others used the scorpion to kill the cockroach. But the cockroach is only a half-step purple, after all, and Musen can't compare. So he looked at the cold and faintly said:

"Cold leader, this restaurant is your collapse, you will pay one million best fairy crystal!"

Xu Ziyan glanced at him faintly, turned and left, and the cold and cold eyes flashed, not to mention that Xu Ziyan could not see the past, that is, his coldness was very dissatisfied with Liao Li’s high and empty eyes in the air overlooking their gestures. However, Leng Han also knew that he was not Liao Li’s opponent. He slammed a bullet, and a storage ring spurred toward Liao Li. Then he turned and left. Zhou Peng and others also looked at Liao Li with a glance. And go.

Liao Li disdain, even if you have a master of the road? Still not overlooked by me?

Musen has never appeared, although Xu Ziyan and others feel strange, but they do not care. It doesn't appear to be good, so go to the auction and leave.

The auction has finally begun!

Xu Ziyan and others were arranged in the 18th box, and Xu Ziyan was holding a jade in his hand to check the items auctioned at the auction.

She looked very open, and there wasn't one of the items in front of him. It was Zhou Peng and others who were holding a jade on the other side and talking excitedly. Looking at their expressions, they knew that there were many things to attract. Their interest. Xu Ziyan shook his head and secretly said:

"These people are also rich at this time, even if Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng, Mei Huhan and Du Fu, each of them has nearly three billion yuan of fine crystals. As for cold and cold, Zhou Peng, travels all over the sea, Tang does not have a curtain. Dingxiang and Fuhua language are richer in six people, each of them has tens of billions of fine crystals. It is enough for them to squander. This is also the private money of these people, the cold and the hands of the adventure group Twenty trillion yuan of the best fairy crystal. The infinite star adventure group will stir up the event at the auction, and the reputation rises."

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth. Xu Ziyan continued to read the message in Yu Jian. She was not interested in the medicinal herbs, Fu Yi and Xian Yi, so they all swept away, but they had some expectations for those materials. But one by one looks at the past, but none of them attracts their own interests, and the heart is lazy. Suddenly in the heart, she saw two fruits, one called Shengyuanguo and one called Avenue Fruit.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and she had never heard of these two fruits, but she only felt the name of the two fruits. It is not good to ask Zhou Peng and others. Anyway, when there is an auction, there will be instructions. Xu Ziyan will continue to look down.

Then there is nothing that is of interest to her, and she will put down the jade. Looking at Zhou Peng, there are a few people who are eager to speculate on what the price of their favorite treasure will be.

With a bell ringing, the auction venue was silent for a moment, and an old man went to the auction floor and started the auction. The first auction is the medicinal herbs and the herbal medicines for refining medicinal herbs. Don't say that Xu Ziyan is not interested, that is, Zhou Peng and others are guarding Xu Ziyan, the master of Dan Dao, who is not at the same time. How many times the medicine is higher, so everyone is also lacking in interest. Only the curtain Ding Xiang stared at the old man and seemed to be waiting for something.

Xu Ziyan saw the appearance of the curtain Dingxiang. When she thought about it, she knew that she should value the ten Tianfeng grasses. The ten Tianfeng grasses are indeed the best herbal medicines. One alchemy teacher saw the best herbal medicine and even grabbed the heart. Yes, how could you not want to shoot it?

It’s just that this day, Fengcao is precious in the Upper Yuan Dynasty, but it has not yet reached the point of being rare. It can be found without much effort, but today the wind grass is used as the finale of the first round auction. It can be seen that the starlight continent should be a very rare herb.

Tianfengcao Xu Ziyan has it, but she did not think about giving it to Ding Dingxiang. The individual has a personal chance. Xu Ziyan does not want to break this law.

About three quarters of an hour, the old man finally put the ten Tianfeng grass up on the auction platform, gently opened the jade box, which revealed ten Tianfeng grass. However, he only showed the time of less than ten interest, so he put the jade box on it and condensed it:

"The value of Tianfengcao does not need me to say it, especially for the alchemists. It is a legendary treasure. There is no one in a hundred years. This time someone accidentally got ten strains. Now these ten plants are packaged together and auctioned low. The price of one million of the best, the price of 100,000 each time, and now start bidding."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome)


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