The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2846: Prohibition

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly, but in his heart, he was alert. It seems that this adventure is really a crisis. In the ruins, the Haizu will definitely be black-handed against the Star Adventures. At this time, Musen also said:

"Xu Zongshi, when you come, we will be able to take our sea boat. But when you return, if you want to take our sea boat, you have to collect 30% of the treasure."

"No need!" Xu Ziyan said coldly: "When you go back, you probably won't be calm. You don't want me to help when you get there. Even if you give me five treasures, I won't help."

At this time, the three parties have understood the current situation. The three parties cannot cooperate sincerely. If there is a danger that one party cannot be able to compete, the three parties will cooperate for a short time. Once the danger has passed, they will definitely count each other. However, Xu Ziyan does not care about this, as long as the Haizu let go of the blockade and let her go in. With the strength of the current Stars adventure group monk, plus the equipment and symbols of the body, and the ten parties to kill, may not be in a weak position.

"Good! We take a rest for three days and then enter the ruins!"

The sea people naturally need to rest, and they are continuously in casualties these days. Although they have a large number of seas, he also knows that the exploration of the remains of those who have been repaired as low seas is not enough. Even the qualifications of cannon fodder are not enough. The minimum requirements for entering the remains are also blue level and above.

The three monks immediately separated and each returned to their own camp. Xu Ziyan considered it for a moment, and gave it to the cold, Zhou Peng, the four seas, the Tang dynasty, the curtain Dingxiang, and the flower language. Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng, Mei Hu Han and Du Fu each have a purple-level symbol. Then, more than 4,000 monks were divided into ten brigades. Each group had cold and cold, and they led them separately. At that time, they maintained the formation of the ten-party killing.

After everything was arranged, Xu Ziyan just wanted to start practicing, and she saw her under the sea and asked her:

"Ziyan, what are you doing now?"

"The late blue nine products."

The eyes of the four seas are bright: "With your cultivation speed, you will soon break through to the purple level? If that is the case, our Star Adventure Group will have a purple monk. The status in the starry continent will be completely different. It will be able to rank among the top forces, and become the seventh power after the Heavenly Palace, the Holy Land, the Dan League, the League, the League and the Adventurers."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and smiled: "It will be so easy to break through the purple level. Although I am practicing very fast now, I can't guarantee to break through to the purple level. It needs a chance. Besides, even if I break through to the purple level, It means that the Star Adventure Group will become the seventh largest force, and the comprehensive strength of our Star Adventure Group is still very weak. This requires everyone's efforts."

"Yeah, our cultivation is still too low!" said the four seas and said, "We have to work hard."

"Not just you. Your influence on the Star Adventures is not so important. You will leave the Star Adventures sooner or later."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan looked at the cold road: "Cold cold, you have to work hard to cultivate, as the head of a risky group can not be reduced. There are other monks who need to cultivate the adventure group, let them grow up as soon as possible. Otherwise, once we leave, the strength of the adventure group will drop too much. It will make other forces stunned."

Cold and bitter smile: "I feel that the monks in my adventure group have entered the country fast enough, but it is too slow compared to your enchanting."

Xu Ziyan shook his head. Close your eyes and practice. Xu Ziyan’s words around the Star Adventures monks were heard clearly, and each one immediately cultivated.

Three days passed quickly.

At the entrance to the Xuanwu ruins, the Haizu, the Adventurers Alliance, and the Star Adventures are divided into three camps. Black Dragon looked at the Star Adventures, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. He did not think that the strength of the Star Adventures was not low. He thought that the strength of a newly established adventure group would not be low, and it would not be high. But now it’s not the case at all.

The more than 4,000 monks in front of him are actually more than the blue level, and the celestial instruments worn in their hands are not low.

Taking back the eyes, Black Dragon condensed: "We are advanced."

The Haizu also has a big capital. This time Black Dragon has selected 20,000 sea monks, all of which are above the blue level. It’s just that the equipment on them is much worse than the Star Adventures. Of course, the equipment on the Star Adventures is not as good as the Mussen Adventurers. After all, the equipment of the Star Adventures monk is not refining the Tang, and the realm of the refiner of Tang is not very high.

The 20,000 sea-mon monks sneaked into the sea and slowly disappeared under the leadership of Black Dragon. Then Musen looked at Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan made a gesture of asking, and Musen took the lead to divide the water, about behind him. About 12,000 monks also entered the underwater hole. When these monks disappeared, Xu Ziyan took the star of the Star Adventure Group into the water.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has replaced the cold and cold as the leader of this adventure group. Xu Ziyan explored countless relics in this life. She believes that no one can compare with her in the exploration of the relics. The monks of the Star Adventures were also convinced of Xu Ziyan.

After entering the hole, Xu Ziyan was shocked. He did not think that the space inside would be so huge. The three parties added up to nearly 40,000 monks to enter here, and they still felt very spacious.

Xu Ziyan looked around and said in his heart: "This should be the space inside the neck of Xuanwu. I didn't think that it would be a mustard space. It is so huge, it is a basaltic beast."

According to the previous agreement, the alliance of sea and adventurers walked side by side, and Xu Ziyan led the Star Adventures behind. Xu Ziyan wants to preserve the strength of the Star Adventure Group. As for the previous treasure, Xu Ziyan is not worried. Treasures are not so good, not with a ban, you should be in danger of being a beast. Don't watch the Star Adventures walk behind at this time, when the chances are no less than the alliance of the sea and adventurers.

Moreover, Xu Ziyan cares more about the lives of these monks in the Star Adventure Group. In fact, it is not in the eyes of the general treasure Xu Ziyan. Even without these treasures, the Star Adventures will eventually develop, with the end of the four-character ancestor of the Zi Ziyan, and the lack of the Star Adventures is just the time to grow up. As long as you keep the lives of these monks, it is the biggest treasure of the Star Adventures.

Xu Ziyan believes that this Xuanwu ruins has a treasure that attracts her, but there are not many, and there are not a few pieces, and these treasures must be full of danger, so Xu Ziyan is not in a hurry. With the Star Adventures, slowly swaying behind.

The road is undulating, the entire passage is full of quaint atmosphere, surrounded by some darkness, and the walls have countless complex patterns. Exudes a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere.

Xu Ziyan knows that these patterns are immersed in the body of Xuanwu's life. These patterns are actually a kind of way, and they are the precipitation of heaven.

Xu Ziyan released the knowledge of the gods, shrouded the walls, and slowly walked and realized these signs. These traces have no trace of man-made, and are completely precipitation of natural heaven. With the realm of Xu Ziyan's understanding of Tiandao, he has a deep understanding of these symbols.

All the monks walked very slowly, even if they had been a black dragon. There is an obsession with the heavenly pattern on the wall. Xu Ziyan can't help but sigh the opportunity of the sea. After this ruin is explored by them, it will become a spiritual sanctuary for the sea. With this sacred place of cultivation, it is foreseeable that the strength of the seas will have a leap-forward growth.

Going slower will reach the end, and the team finally stopped. Xu Ziyan knew that this should have gone to the place where the Haizu had encountered a ban, and he walked toward the front. Fuhua language hesitated for a moment, and finally followed by Xu Ziyan, she wanted to follow Xu Ziyan to learn how to break the ban. The cold and other people stopped their steps, and they didn’t understand it. They simply waited for orders.

Came to the front and saw that Black Dragon and Musen were standing in front of a ban, and there were five monks who seemed to be studying before the ban. Xu Ziyan’s heart was moving. It seems that Musen is not unprepared. I don’t know where to come from five teachers.

"Xu Zongshi, you come to see the prohibition in front!" Black Dragon saw Xu Ziyan coming, and said quickly.

Xu Ziyan looked at the five teachers and said faintly: "No hurry, let them try it first. You can also look at the flower language. But don't feel free to do it."

"Good!" Frangipani's face jumped with excitement, stepped forward and looked carefully to study.

"Xu Zongshi, you..."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and stopped the anxious black dragon road: "Always give others opportunities."

Musen stood next to laugh and said nothing. There are two of these five victories, the elders who have been raised by the Adventurers Alliance, and the three are the two invited teachers, and they are also famous in the mainland. If these five victories can crack the ban, Musen does not need to continue to gather with the Haizu, the Star Adventures, and can completely part ways. Therefore, he naturally wants to let the five teachers shoot, and the heart gives great expectations.

Xu Ziyan looked at the front at this time. The space in front of it seemed to be no different from the space here. Looking at the forbidden situation, I felt that there were a lot of graffiti in the space, especially the fringes on the walls of the upper and lower walls. It flashes faintly, giving a feeling of spatial instability. However, this kind of instability is not strong. It can be said to be very meager. If it is not for Xu Ziyan who has a deep understanding of space, he will not feel it at all.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome)


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