The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2857: Sealed thunder

I am very grateful to the Confucius Classroom 2014 classmates (100) and Jiexiu classmates (100) for their rewards!



The spirit of Thundering suddenly burst into violent thunder and once again attacked the three-way monk. At the same time in his body, that Lei Jing once again smashed Xu Ziyan's super product fairy, this time Lei Jing violent, even Lei Jing became a Thunder giant, holding a hammer in his hand and bombarded the past with Xu Ziyan .

Thunder hammers thundered the world, pulling thousands of thunders like a thunderbolt swooping down to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan's body shape was bombarded in the Thunder world, crashing countless thunder, nose and nose sprayed blood, and the whole body suddenly appeared in the ceramics with small cracks.

"Ziyan, put him into a virtual sword." Taixu Jianling voiced to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan is a move in the heart. This is too simple. It is not just a super-genuine. It is a natural treasure. It is placed in a large array by the lord, and it is carved out with complete sword. It is Xu Ziyan who does not know that its limit is there, but Xu Ziyan knows that its firmness is far superior to that of the super-sword. I think that the Thunder giant sword was merged by it, and its solidity can be seen.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, and with one hand, he took out the sword. When the sky was empty, the Thunder in front of it was cut into a hole, and the figure walked through the mouth, rushing toward the thunder giant of Lei Jing.

That Lei Jing saw Xu Ziyan rushing over, lifting the hammer in his hand high, waiting for Xu Ziyan to approach. Then a hammer bombarded it.

Xu Ziyan greeted the Taixu sword in his hand, when the swords of the two sides came into contact with each other. Xu Ziyan thought of a move.


The entire Thunder Giant was taken into the virtual sword by Xu Ziyan.

Twelve Sword Spirit instantly rushed into the Taixu Sword, and Thunder Sword Spirit rushed to the forefront, forming a thunder net to wrap the Thunder Giant in it, and then the golden wood water and fire and the dark wind time space and Taixu eleven Each of the sword spirits formed a barrier to hold the Thunder giant tightly inside.

Xu Ziyan’s body and mind. The Yuanshen also entered the Taixu sword. Two small hands pulled out the blurred afterimages in the space, quickly sketched out a seal, and printed it on the Lei Ling. The seals passed through the barriers formed by twelve swordsmen. A layer of seal was quickly formed around the thunder.

The power of Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen was consumed quickly, and the power of the gods in the early stage of her holy nine was actually consumed by one-third. Only a strong seal was built to seal the seal, and the seal was also Joining the power of the twelve sword spirits finally sealed the sword spirit completely.

Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen returned to the body from the Taixu sword. He glanced at the too weak sword floating in front of him, and sighed in his heart. Before the sword spirit is solved, it is impossible to use the virtual sword. Otherwise, it is very likely that the lightning seal will be released in the battle.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan could not help but have some headaches. In this star-light continent, she did not have many cards at the moment, and now she has lost too much virtual sword, and her combat power has been further reduced.

The Taijian sword was collected and looked around. It was still a thunder around. Looking down at his own body, there were countless cracks, and there was a burst of pain. She has not been hurt like this for a long time. Take out the elixir swallowing, and then start to work in the world to quench the body to repair and quench the body. Thunderbolt in the world of Thundering is absorbed into the body by Xu Ziyan, and her body is transformed into energy to repair and quench her body. Without Lei Jing, the power of the Thunder here not only hurts her, but also has great benefits for her body.


That Thundering did not move again. But this time the three-party monk did not dare to stop, but madly continued to attack Lei Ling. A thunder was blasted and dissipated in space.

It’s just that the energy of Relem’s remnants is amazing, and the three-way monk violently bombarded it for two quarters of an hour. Then Rayling gradually became thin. There is a vague figure inside Xu Ziyan.

The monks looked like a glimpse, and immediately stopped to look at the vaguely visible Xu Ziyan.


"Xu Zongshi!"

The three-party monks called, but the purple smoke was sitting still on the knees. Cold and cold people can not help but anxious, the curtain of Dingxiang is two steps forward. Stretched his hand toward Xu Ziyan.


Suddenly, the power of Thunder left by Thundering was inward. Converging toward Xu Ziyan, wrapped Xu Ziyan inside, surrounded by the flow, making Xu Ziyan's body shape more invisible.

"Ziyan, is it you? Are you still alive?" Fuhuayu shouted loudly.

Xu Ziyan opened her eyes and there was a hint of excitement on her face. She had not refined her body strength for a long time. After experiencing this danger, she finally broke through to the early stage of the holy eight-eighth. After losing the virtual sword, it was an extra card.

I missed my heart and changed my clothes. Then the power of the Thunder spread to the surrounding, intertwined with the thunder in the space, revealing the shape of Xu Ziyan.


"Xu Zongshi!"

Black Dragon, Musen and Leng Han finally saw Xu Ziyan. A pair of binocular eyes looked at Xu Ziyan, and the cold and other people were excited to surround the past.

They are really excited, on the one hand because of the relationship with Xu Ziyan, and on the other hand because of the strength of Xu Ziyan. If Xu Ziyan falls here, the Star Adventure Group becomes extremely dangerous. Don't forget that there are Haizu and Musen around them. They can't guarantee in their hearts. If they lose Xu Ziyan, can they still survive.

Xu Ziyan looked around and saw that the power of thunder in this space was still strong at this time, but these thunders and the like no longer flowed into the ground, but only spread throughout the space. Xu Ziyan knows that this is because of the disappearance of Lei Ling, and now that the thunderbolt has been taken away, there will be no more Lei Ling here.

At this time, Black Dragon and Musen also came forward and looked at Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Zongshi, are you okay?"

Xu Ziyan’s face smiled and said: “I’m fine. Everyone lost a lot this time. After you take the things out, leave here.”

Musen nodded and immediately turned back to collect those lotus platforms. Xu Ziyan released a look of knowledge and did not find anything of value, and he withdrew from the monk of the Star Adventure Group. At this time, Lei Ling was extinguished, and the barrier naturally disappeared. Xu Ziyan quickly withdrew from the Thunder Cave House with the Star Adventures, and followed the Hais behind them. The Black Dragon has already got the thunderbolt, and naturally it will not stay outside.

As soon as he came outside, Xu Ziyan immediately let everyone start to adjust the interest rate. Although Xu Ziyan recovered his body and he was still advancing, the body's strength did not recover. He also sat on the ground and swallowed the drug to resume repair. The other side of the sea has lost more, and naturally it has begun to recover.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Musen with his men also withdrew from the Dongfu, and saw the Star Adventures and the seas are adjusting their interest rates, they began to heal the healing treatment, and adjust the interest rate.

The time for everyone to adjust the interest rate was very long, and there was a day when the monks of the Star Adventure Group woke up one after another. This is because they have high-quality drugs, otherwise it is impossible to fully recover in such a short period of time.

Xu Ziyan immediately began to check the casualties of the Star Adventures. Under this view, Xu Ziyan could not help but sink. The Star Adventures has high-quality medicinal herbs and Fuxi, and with the battle, it has also fallen by more than 300 people, leaving the Star Adventures with only 4,200 monks.

Looking towards Musen, I saw that Musen’s men’s casualties were even worse. Xu Ziyan’s heart understood that this was because everyone’s internal strength in the shield of the earth had already been consumed seven and eighty-eight, and then Leiling fights, so there will be such a big loss.

With a glimpse of his eyes, he found that there are only 7,000 in his hands. This is still the case with Mussen's men and women, although they have the Fuxi and Dan drug grades are not as good as the Star Adventures, but the situation is much stronger than the Hai people.

The sea people can be said to have suffered heavy losses. In the original shield of the earth, because the sea people did not have medicinal herbs, a large number of sea monks were very unconscious because of the force. By the time of the battle with Lei Ling, the stunned monks were smashed by the thunder that was released by Lei Ling. The original 20,000 maritime monks now have only 14,000.

Xu Ziyan took back his gaze and began to let Xiaomumu explore the barrier to the next space. The weakening of the strength of the Haizu and Musen made Xu Ziyan’s heart hanging down a little. Sometimes the most dangerous thing in an adventure is not the danger in the ruins, but the danger posed by the companions. Before the Star Adventure Group and the gap between Musen and Haizu were too big, this could not help but let Xu Ziyan worry. It is now that the Star Adventure Group is also a weak side, and Xu Ziyan just puts a little hanging heart.

In less than two quarters of an hour, Xiaomumu discovered a barrier that could be broken. Xu Ziyan did not leave with a star adventure group. With the cooperation of Hai and Musen, the risk is smaller. And if you don't take them both, as long as they keep on the exit, it is still a problem.

Musen opened his eyes and glanced at the star adventure group that had already revived. His face showed a hint of envy. The medicinal herbs he possessed in the Envy Star Adventures can recover so quickly, and must be high-grade medicinal herbs. Legend has it that Xu Ziyan is a Dandao master and has not seen it.

After another half day, the Haizu also woke up one after another. The Black Dragon looked at the Star Adventures and Musen’s eyes and showed more envy. He did not think about buying some medicinal herbs to Xu Ziyan and Musen, but he also knew that Musen and Xu Ziyan would not sell him in this case, no matter how high he was. Because here, a remedy may save a life.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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