The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2859: Flow space

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On one aspect, she found that these monsters could not be discovered with the knowledge of God. Just like using the gods to probe, then the monster is in front of you, and you open your thighs and bite you. In the knowledge, you also feel a gravel. On the other hand, she found that as long as she did not collect the wind-sand sand that was revealed after the smashing monster, the wind-sand sand would quickly gather to gather a new monster after it fell to the ground.

This situation continues, and only one result is that all the monks are dying. This is not only the sight of Xu Ziyan, but all the monks can see it. In the other two directions, Musen and Black Dragon can also be seen.

At this time, both the Mussen and the Black Dragon monks floated in the sky, bombarding the crocodile monster while rushing toward the front. Where is the time to collect the scattered Fenglingsha?

Black Dragon and Musen looked at the monks who were wounded and killed around themselves, and they could not help but feel a pain. At the same time, I also think of the weakest star adventure group, presumably their casualties are bigger?

Suddenly, two people jumped in the heart, feeling in this space is simply unable to kill these crocodile monsters, the only way to live is to leave this space. Only Xu Ziyan was able to break away from the space, and Musen and Black Dragon immediately let go of the gods, and soon captured the Star Mercenary.

Then the two great monks looked like they were staying. The two of them found that the Star Adventures had no casualties, even though they were as embarrassed as them. But there is really no one casualty.

Seeing this situation, the hearts of the two great monks could not help but show a trace of embarrassment. But then it was regretting that at this time they had already remembered that when they first entered this space, Xu Ziyan suggested that there was a problem here. The two of them dismissed, and they also had a slight sarcasm on Xu Ziyan. The reason why the Star Adventure Group did not have casualties, it must be that Xu Ziyan took defensive measures.

However, regrets at this time have no effect. The two big monks have to do this at the moment is to join Xu Ziyan as soon as possible. Don't wait for Xu Ziyan to break open the space and leave them. They are trapped, and there is only one dead road.

Black Dragon and Musen immediately led the men to rush toward the direction of Xu Ziyan. They did not mention that Ziyan had the ability to break open space, that is, the three-party monks together, and the strength of self-protection can be larger.

At this time, Xu Ziyan also thought of leaving here, so that Xiaomumu looked for the weak barrier of the space. Xiaomumu released the knowledge to explore, and Xu Ziyan and others were rotating the ten squares to kill a crocodile composed of gravel.

The whole sky is dim, as if it is in a sandy world.

Xu Ziyan looked at the endless sand crocodile around her heart, and her heart was more anxious. She could not help but urge Xiaomu:

"Little wood, hurry!"

"This grit world is very strange, its space is actually flowing. It is difficult to find a weak place." Xiaomumu's voice is also anxious.

The look of Xu Ziyan is a change: "Can that be found?"

"I don't know, I try to!"

Xu Ziyan was more and more nervous in his heart, and he thought about it quickly. Now only when he and Musen and Heilongjiang merge into one place, the ability to protect themselves will be enhanced, and the time for Xiaomumu will be explored.

So she immediately spread her own knowledge and found the black dragon and Musen gods:

"Black Dragon Patriarch, Mu League Lord. We meet."

"Just coming!"

Musen and Black Dragon heard the voice of Xu Ziyan. The nervous mood is a loose. They know that Xu Ziyan will not abandon them and leave alone, and I am grateful to Xu Ziyan for giving birth. Namusen even had a shame, and he was ashamed of his heartfelt thoughts on the Star Adventures.

Less than a quarter of an hour, from the left and right directions of the Star Adventures. Black Dragon and Musen led the monks to break through the storm.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze was first looked at Musen’s direction, and his heart was shocked. There were still more than 7,000 monks, but now there are only more than 5,000. Looking further to the sea, the casualties are leaving, and now there are only 10,000 monks left.

"How is the casualty so powerful?" Xu Ziyan asked.

Musen looked ashamed and said: "This is all without listening to Xu Zongshi. We have been walking on the ground. The sand crocodile suddenly rushed out and instantly swallowed up nearly two thousand monks."

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but stunned and turned his eyes to the black dragon. The black dragon’s face showed a bitter bitterness:

"The same is true of our sea people. And our sea people are not suitable for the environment here. When the air and sand crocodile are killed, there is also a fall."

Xu Ziyan was suddenly stunned. The sea was originally a water system. Now in this very dry desert environment, even its own strength will be discounted. And there is no battle and symbol, and the loss is huge.

At this time, Mussen and Black Dragon’s eyes were all looking at Xu Ziyan. Seeing their gaze, Xu Ziyan explained:

"We have been five meters from the ground."

Black Dragon and Musen listened, couldn't help but look at each other, then sighed, and the endless remorse in their hearts.

"Xu Zongshi, what do we do now? We all listen to you." Black Dragon is a more realistic monk. At this time, he is not convinced of Xu Ziyan, but he also believes in the ability of Xu Ziyan. There was no way for Musen at the moment, only nodding at the side.

Xu Ziyan shook his head seriously and said: "This space is flowing, just like quicksand. It is difficult to find a weak place. Even if it can be found, it will take time, and I don't know how long it will take."

The hearts of Black Dragon and Musen are a glimpse. They are all very clear about the consequences if they can't leave here.

"I don't know if you found out?" Xu Ziyan said with a sigh.

"What did you find?" The spirit of Black Dragon and Musen was a boost.

"If we just smashed the sand crocodile and did not collect the wind sand in the sand crocodile, then after entering the desert, Fenglingsha would evolve into a sand crocodile. So we couldn't kill it."

“Not bad!” Black Dragon and Musen all nodded: “We also have this discovery.”

"Now we only have one way, that is, we must collect those wind sands, which is the only way to reduce the number of sand crocodiles."

"But... is this killing?"

"If you can't kill it, you have to kill it. If you charge Fenglingsha, maybe we still have a chance to live. If we don't collect it, let them repeat it like this, we will eventually be killed."

"Let's get started!"

Black Dragon and Musen looked at each other and nodded. Then the three sides spread out, the Black Dragon side, the Musen side, no one and Xu Ziyan negotiated to buy some Fu and Dan medicine, because they also know that in today's environment, Fu Xi and Dan medicine are life-saving things, and stars There may not be much in the body of the adventure group.

In fact, the two of them think that there is nothing wrong with it. There is not much in the body of the Star Adventures, that is, there are not many people in Xu Ziyan. Not to mention that Black Dragon and Musen did not seek each other, that is, the request, Xu Ziyan will not sell.

"Cold cold!" Xu Ziyan snorted: "The eight teams smashed the sand crocodile, and the two teams charged Fenglingsha."

"Good!" Cold and cold: "Four seas, our two teams charge Fenglingsha."

"it is good!"

Ten teams were separated, eight teams dedicated to killing sand crocodiles, and two teams dedicated to the wind sands exposed by the smashed sand crocodile. On the other two sides, Black Dragon and Musen also divided a part of the monks to start collecting Feng Lingsha.

Time passed by in the fierce battle. Unconsciously, the time of day has passed, and Xu Ziyan’s heart is full of anxiety. Although the monks of the Star Adventures have not yet had a casualty, Xu Ziyan knows that if this continues, the speed of the Star Adventures will soon exceed that of the Haizu and Musen after the expedition of the Star Adventures and the medicinal herbs. Fang, after all, the strength of the Star Adventure Group is the weakest among the three parties, and now it is constantly supplementing Yuan Li and Fu Wei's defense with the medicinal herbs.

Musen’s face is more ugly than Xu Ziyan, and now their remedies have been used up. The realm of alchemy on the mainland of Starlight is not high. The medicinal products they purchased from Dan League are very poor in their ability to replenish their body. They are far less than the medicinal herbs used by the Star Adventures, so their medicinal herbs are consumed very quickly. . There are still some 箓 , , but now there is no remedy, once the power is exhausted, it is a dead end.

Compared with Musen, the seas are even more unbearable. They have long had no remedies and cockroaches, no battles, and the body is still not suitable for this environment. Their casualties are constantly appearing. On this day, the seas have died more than a thousand monks, and now only the rest Nine thousand in the early days.

In the sea, I suddenly heard the sound of Xiaomumu: "Master, I found a secret."

"What secret?"

"After you collect Feng Lingsha, it has an impact on this space. Now the flow speed of this space has slowed down. You can kill more and let the space flow slower. Maybe I can find the weakness of the space barrier. ""

Xu Ziyan's spirit is a vibration, immediately shouted: "You friends, try to collect Fenglingsha as much as possible. The more Fenglingsha received, the slower the flow of this space, if you can make it slower, maybe Can find a way to get out of here."

All the monks heard the spirit of the words, the release of the immortality can be immediately increased, and the speed of collecting the wind sands has also accelerated a grade.

Half a day has passed, and the number of monks in the sea has only been more than 7,000, and Musen’s plaques have been used up, and injuries have begun. From time to time, monks have been swallowed by sand crocodiles.

"Hsu Master, how is it?" Black Dragon and Musen asked anxiously from time to time.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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