The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2895: Against the palace of the palace

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In this world, only the Lord of the Holy Land is qualified to learn from him, but both of them have been playing for a lifetime. It is known to know the roots, and there is no sense of freshness at all. Naturally, the understanding of each other is not great. Nowadays, Xu Ziyan, a person who can qualify for him, is naturally excited.

It’s just that in his opinion, unless Xu Ziyan makes that style of silence, he still can’t bring him pressure. So when he stood opposite the Xu Ziyan, he still suppressed his cultivation in the early stage of the purple six. Although Xu Ziyan's cultivation at this time was the late stage of the purple grade six, he thought that with the height of his purple level eight, the early stage of the purple grade six was enough to defeat Xu Ziyan, as long as Xu Ziyan did not make that style dead. Of course, if Xu Ziyan makes a silence, he will not hesitate to improve his cultivation. Moreover, he wants to have a comprehensive discussion with Xu Ziyan. He believes that this comprehensive study will have some help for himself.

"Xu Zongshi, let's start a comprehensive study. When you make a silence, can I improve it?"

Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "The Lord of the Palace, I have no time to comprehend that type of silence, so if I am lucky, I will not be able to accept it."

"I will pay attention!" The Tiangong Palace Lord did not support the big, but said seriously.

On the side of the Lord of the Holy Land, the eyebrows rose, and he saw that the Heavenly Palace Lord paid so much attention to that type of silence, and he could not help but be curious. What kind of sword is it, will it be valued by the Emperor of Heaven? I can't help but concentrate.

The Lord of the Palace Palace took out the fairy sword, but was stopped by Xu Ziyan: "The Lord of the Palace, let me adjust the interest first."

Xu Ziyan passed the aides. Musen, Tang Zhu and Rune, although the consumption is not very large, but this time is facing the repair of the Temple of Heaven. She also wants to take out her own peak state battle. The main palace of Tiangong Palace heard a shyness on his face and was busy:

"Well, I am waiting for you, don't worry!"

Xu Ziyan nodded, sitting on the ground, taking out a fairy suit and entering the interest rate adjustment.

About half an hour later. Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and stood up. At this time, Rune, Tang Zhu, Mu Sen and the aides were also awake. They temporarily sealed the scene of the battle with Xu Ziyan in the sea of ​​knowledge. Xu Ziyan and the Tiangong Palace were unable to watch.

This time, Xu Ziyan first shot, out of respect. Her purple-level six-story monk is not likely to let a purple-level eight-layer monk first shot.

Xu Ziyan's hands were close together, and the sword of the handle floated between his hands, and then his hands were pulled. The sword of the handle was a humming sound, and the sword was overflowing. The magical sword was in front of Xu Ziyan, and his hands were swaying. In the sky, there was a word in the sky. In the air, the power of the heavenly road was spread out on the handle of a sword. The power of the heavenly palace was also serious.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan has a pair of sleeves. Thousands of handles of the sword screamed out. Leaving toward the opposite Tiangong Palace.

The main body of the Temple of Heaven is half-turned, and the sword walks with him. He crosses in the air and drags out a mountain with the sword. The mountains are undulating, and they are spreading toward the swords of more than a thousand.

Xu Ziyan sword is a gold.

The main sword of the Tiangong Palace belongs to the soil.

The endless mountains rise and fall toward Xu Ziyan. At the end, Xu Ziyan did not have the opportunity to set up a large Zhoutianjian array to surround the Tiangong Palace. The endless mountains were isolated between Xu Ziyan and Tiangong Palace.


There was no roaring, and a thousand swords were shot into the endless mountains. Jin met with the soil and completely restrained the metallicity of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed a sense of excitement, his fingers flipped and his body released a blue halo.

The endless mountain range was crushed towards Xu Ziyan, but the mountain suddenly became wet, followed by a halo.


There was a vast ocean, the endless mountains were like the islands in the ocean, and there were always a large fountain sprangling from the mountains above the island. The waves of the sky slammed the island and the island lost its momentum. , under the inside and outside of the pinch, began to collapse.

The eyes of the main palace of the Tiangong Palace lit up, and the large sleeves were smashed. The rolling hills turned into a giant wood, floating above the ocean, and rushing toward Xu Ziyan. The more turbulent the waves, the faster the impact of the giant wood was, and it was thrown up by the waves, and swooped down toward Xu Ziyan at a faster speed.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes also lit up, his hands in front of him, and the endless Wang Yang disappeared instantly. Then the two sleeves were raised.


There was an endless fire in the air, burning the giant wood, and instantly turned into ashes.

The main palace of the Tiangong Palace pushed forward, and launched the endless Wang Yang to spread to the sea of ​​fire...

The two sides came to me, and the five attributes of Jin Mushui and Huo were released from each other, constantly changing, stalemate, and letting the monks watching around be intoxicated. Moreover, the head of the palace palace has been upgraded to the late stage of the purple-grade six-products, which is exactly the same as the realm of Xu Ziyan. He can completely suppress Xu Ziyan with the repair of the purple-grade six products.

On the side of the Lord of the Holy Land, the eyes of the sacred eyes flashed. He originally thought that the cultivation of Xu Ziyan was too fast, and the understanding and control of the fairy tales would be much worse. The main palace of the Tiangong Palace would be easy to use in the early stage of the purple six. Defeat Xu Ziyan. However, as today, the palace palace master has been upgraded to the same as Xu Ziyan, but it still stagnates with Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan is like a monk who has just broken through to the purple grade six, and is simply a veteran who has been immersed for many years. Where did she know that Xu Ziyan’s understanding of Tiandao exceeded them.

At the moment, the Tiangong Palace owner also showed a hint of anxiety. Although he proposed to compete with Xu Ziyan, he did not expect this result. In his view, he will definitely suppress Xu Ziyan, under the conditions of this suppression, to absorb the advantages of Xu Ziyan. However, now that he has upgraded to the same level as Xu Ziyan, he still does not occupy the slightest advantage. In this case, he feels a little shameful.

At this time, Xu Ziyan suddenly swayed his finger, erected his index finger and pointed his finger at the sky.


A large Thunder bombarded the head of the Temple of Heaven, and shocked the Lord of Heaven Palace. He did not think that Xu Ziyan was also well versed in the properties of mine. On the side of Musen, his face showed a smile. He saw the power of the property of Xu Ziyan.

The Lord of the Palace has not moved. If you move in this situation, it will lose. With a raised left hand, a giant peak appeared. The Thunder bombarded the giant peak and was absorbed by the giant peak.

Xu Ziyan's eyes were condensed, and with one hand, the sword was turned back and returned, and Xu Ziyan was in his hand. Xu Ziyan’s body suddenly burst into a dazzling light. At this time, he could not see the shape of Xu Ziyan, only to see a dazzling light. The dazzling light came to the front of the Lord of Heaven Palace, and the sword in his hand stabbed it out.


In the sky, accompanied by a thick thunder, the main bombardment of the Temple of Heaven. Xu Ziyan is too fast at this time, that is a light.

The Tiangong Palace raised the sword in his hand and resisted the sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan.


The swords of the two sides kept fighting, and the old face of the Tiangong Palace was somewhat red, because his cultivation at this time has been upgraded to the peak of the purple stage, which has exceeded the repair of Xu Ziyan. That is to say, if he and Xu Ziyan are the same, he has already lost.

"Hey... banging..."

A circle of light has been formed around the main palace of Tiangong Palace. It is the shape of Xu Ziyan, and the two swords are intensively intersected. At the same time, the intensive Thunder is lowered above the sky, and the Lord of the Palace is poor.

Gradually, the Lord of Heaven Palace began to be at a disadvantage. He began to be unable to keep up with the speed of Xu Ziyan with the repair of the peak of the six-grade purple products. What's more, he also had to deal with the thunder in the air?

Now he has only two ways to go, one is to upgrade his cultivation to the purple grade seven, one is to take the initiative. The promotion of this road to the Tiangong Palace is really impossible to do. Now Xu Ziyan has not made a silence, he will improve and repair, where is the face?

He really didn't expect Xu Ziyan to come out with five attributes of Jinmushuihuo, but also mastered the light attributes and the Ray attributes. So there is only the last road left, that is, take the initiative.

At this time, let alone the Lord of the Palace, the Lord of the Holy Land is also bright. No one can think that Xu Ziyan is also proficient in the light attribute and the Ray attribute. It is that Musen is also in a daze there. He knows that Xu Ziyan is very good at mine, but he does not know that he is also proficient in light properties!


The Lord of the Palace Palace finally couldn't help but be at a disadvantage and took the initiative. This is the first time he and Xu Ziyan have played against each other. Before that, Xu Ziyan took the initiative to take the shot. He saw the move and the move. Now, when a sword is shot, it is a sword.

A world of swords rolled in and shattered the thunder in the air, shaking off the aperture of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan's body flutters and flies away. His body is in the air, and he takes the sword and leads it out to the main palace. It is also a sword.


The two swords world collided, and the world of Xu Ziyan began to collapse. After all, the repairs made by the Emperor of the Tiangong Palace were the peaks of the late six-grade purple, which was higher than the line of Xu Ziyan, and the sword of five attributes broke through the realm. The master of the Heavenly Palace Palace is not worse than Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan will receive the sword, and the seven attributes of Jinmushuihuoguangguanglei will be gathered and merged. Each kind of sword is full of perfection and merges into one place. The swords formed by the seven swords are completely broken.


The world of the sword of the Tiangong Palace was broken, and the world of swords released by Xu Ziyan was crushed toward the main palace of the Temple of Heaven.

"This..." The Lord of the Holy Land widened his eyes.

"This..." Rune, Tang Zhu, Musen and the aides are totally unbelievable.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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